Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #6 Summary


Being aware that the Greek word psuche/psyche means “a living, breathing creature,” referring to man, animal or plant, we as human beings should not consider “Soul” meaning something immortal inside of man or animal. Those plants and animals, like human beings or souls shall die and deteriorate. For all of them it shall be the same, having decay coming over them.

Faroe stamp 430 The First Human Beings

Faroe stamp 430 The First Human Beings (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Holy Scriptures remind everybody that they shall wither or like animal and plants become nothing again, like they were nothing before they were born. We as human beings, be it father, mother, daughter or son, we all have a sinful nature and like all those that sin, we shall die.

The Creator provided a universe with living beings. Man was created by God to inhabit the earth. The Divine Creator, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, took care that there became an animated existence. He created things which received life because He allowed it to be it, in that being.

Immortality or the non death of the soul and or the spirit is a non-Biblical teaching which we do have to put aside as Platonism, not belonging in true Christianity, though it may be the cornerstone of many Christian Churches.

There is the breath of life (nesh-aw-maw) which (figuratively) returns to God when a person, the living fleshy soul (nephesh) dies. There is not at all a separation to take place and as such real Christians should not follow the teachings of ancient Greek writers that man is soul (immortal) and body (mortal), and the two can be separated.



Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #1 Intro

Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #2 Psyche, the word

Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #3 Historical background

Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #4 Psyche, According to the Holy Scriptures

Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #5 Mortality of man and mortality of the spirit

People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life

Autumn traditions for 2014 – 4 Blasphemy and ridiculing faith in God


Additional reading

  1. Genesis – Story of creation 4 Genesis 2:16-25 Warning for Adam and Eve
  2. Genesis – Story of creation 5 Genesis 3:1-12 Eating of the fruit-tree of knowledge
  3. Dying or not
  4. What happens when we die?
  5. Immortality, eternality – onsterfelijkheid, eeuwigheid
  6. Decomposition, decay – vergaan, afsterven, ontbinding
  7. Grave, tomb, sepulchre – graf, begraafplaats, rustplaats, sepulcrum
  8. A philosophical error which rejects the body as part of the human person
  9. Building up the spirit of the soul
  10. We will all be changed
  11. We all are changed into the same image from glory to glory
  12. A Mundane Existance
  13. Material gain to honour God
  14. The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around
  15. God loving people justified


The Question is this…

Many may be saying there is no god or gods at all and that it is all a fabrication of the human mind.


Those who find that somehow something has to be behind this universe and all the things that can be found around us. but how many know Who is the Mastermind behind it all?


How many are really knowing the Divine Creator and how many are willing to open their mind to this Eternal Spirit Who cannot be seen by man or they would fall death?


The unseen, the untouchable, is so difficult to comprehend.


The God of order Who created everything, has done it with and out of love. It is His goodness which transcends our understanding we think it is impossible that there can be such a Goodness existing.
Absolute completeness is so difficult to understand for our little human mind. Our brain is so incomplete, it seems, that the idea of such Perfect Being looks impossible.


Though there was a time man had no fear and no problems and everything seemed all right. But it was too nice to be true and man doubted its Creator.


Man came to separate and to see separation between the Creator, man, animal and plant and wanted more than he had received. This greed made him blind.


After the first Adam failed god had to create a second Adam. That sent one from God came unto the earth to show the world the true hand of the Master-worker. God gave his only begotten son as a good shepherd to guide us and to show us the only one Way to God. In his way we should come to walk.


When willing to go that Way we shall notice that God shall be the first one to go with us. when we are willing to open our eyes and ears, we shall see and hear God, who shall receive us as His children.


There are plentiful reasons to get to know God and not to hesitate longer.

  • rich? or poor? > matters not your station in life
  • matters > certain about your future destiny
  • fail to listen and heed, destiny = same as fools whose shepherd is death +  separation from the Almighty God
  • if you listen, heed and accept the Living Word > destiny in eternal space of the Kingdom of God
  • + will be guided on your journey by the Good Shepherd

Are you Jew? Are you Gentile? Are you male? Are you female? Are you slave or free? In this present world we make distinctions but “there is no partiality with God.” [Romans 2:11] Those who hear his voice and follow, to them the promise is this:

Rom 8:14 MKJV  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.


Find additional reading:

  1. Others that hinder the message
  2. This is an amazing thing


Supplementary readings:


SonShine's Journal -

Psalm 48 God is2Let me ask you; Do you know God? Let me tell you about my God because He can be your God too! He is “great and certainly worthy of praise,” He is the defender of both the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the young and the old. You may have heard about his mighty deeds, but have you seen them? Observe His fingerprint of lovingkindness upon the lives of those he calls his own. It is because of this that we are to “go and tell” that the next generation may also know and be known as children of the Almighty God.

Are you rich? Are you poor? It matters not your station in life. What matters is that you are certain about your future destiny. If you fail to listen and heed, your destiny will be the same as fools whose shepherd is death and…

View original post 150 more words

Why God permits evil

On September 16, 2010 was published “Why God permits evil ” on Bijbelvorsers, vereniging voor Bijbelstudie, the Bible scholars, Association for Biblestudy. It got 128 views from its day of apparition until 2014, December 23.
Because of the ending of the association it is published here before dis-abandoning the website.

In the beginning, when the World was created man was not made perfect but was given the free will to make his own choices and either to follow God’s path and do good or to get to know good and bad by going against God’s Law.

All About Evil

All About Evil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Though God does not love any bad thing or evil He permitted men to have a temporarily experience with evil so that people could learn to live with the knowledge and the contrast between living in obedience or in selfishness. But we should always be aware that God takes no pleasure in wrong doing and that there is no evil with Him.

“For you are not a God taking delight in wickedness; No one bad may reside for any time with you.” Psalm 5:4.

Man’s distressed mind affected his physical health. Because he wanted more than that was given to him he brought a burden onto him. Men lost his dominion over himself. Nature would become stronger than men. The calamities in nature are the result of disobedience. God told Adam that because he gave ear to the voice of his wife and took of the fruit of the tree which He said they were not to take, the earth would be cursed on their account and in pain they and those after them will get their food from it all their life.

“17 And to Adam he said: “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. 18 And thorns and thistles it will grow for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” “ (Ge 3:17)

Get to know more in your personal study: “The Permission of Evil”

How can a God of love allow evil to exist?  Is He not concerned with the welfare of His creation?  What is the purpose of evil?  How does the plan of God allow man to choose for himself what is good and proper?  Please click below to watch a 13.5 minute video on why God permits evil.

Click here to view


Additional reading:

  1. The professor, God, Faith and the student
  2. Why Think There Is a God? (3): Why Is It Wrong?
  3. Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality
  4. This month’s survey question: Does God Exist?
  5. Christendom Astray The Devil Not A Personal Super-Natural Being
  6. Men as God
  7. Facing disaster fatigue
  8. Is God behind all suffering here on earth
  9. Suffering redemptive because Jesus redeemed us from sin
  10. What IF you’re only driven by stress?
  11. When discouraged facing opposition
  12. Cancerous Black Holes
  13. Cancer and Life Lessons
  14. It is a free will choice
  15. Bad things no punishment from God
  16. God’s measure not our measure
  17. How we think shows through in how we act
  18. Angry but not sinning
  19. A love not exempting us from trials
  20. Positive – Negative being positive, negative or positive
  21. The World framed by the Word of God
  22. Be holy
  23. 112314 – A Peculiar People
  24. Wishing to do the will of God
  25. Golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters obedience
  26. A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
  27. Let us become nothing, and Christ everything
  28. Love the Whole Person
  29. Love envieth not
  30. The Greatest of These is Love
  31. Challenging claim
  32. Challenging claim 1 Whose word
  33. Missional hermeneutics 5/5
  34. Not to speak is to speak
  35. Silencing Women – Of God or Men ?
  36. Getting fate in your change to positiveness
  37. Looking at three “I am” s
  38. Cleanliness and worrying or not about purity
  39. Relapse plan
  40. Run for the Everlasting Cure
  41. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  42. Count your blessings
  43. Thanksgiving wisdom: Why gratitude is good for your health
  44. Looking forward to the return of Jesus
  45. Psalm 66 OJB
  46. God’s promises to us in our suffering


  • Advent Midweek 2 – Psalm 8 – The Humility and Exaltation of the Son of Man (
    The angels are not subject to man.  Even the creation is no longer subject to man.  Nor has God crowned fallen man with glory and honor.  These verses show that the psalm has in mind a specific man—the one who would tread on the head of the serpent and would be crowned with glory and honor forever.
  • Thought for Today (
    You rescued me. / You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.
  • Vales and Valleys (a poem by Virginia) (
    Oh heart, my Heart, / why are you so downcast within me?
  • Angels and healing (
    because God loved me – and everyone – we were all included in that safe refuge, a place of shelter or protection from danger or trouble. And “evil” applied to anything challenging, frightening, or erroneous – large or small. This psalm reminds us of our perpetual refuge from evil of any kind, our safety as we turn to God for guidance and protection.
  • Jesus – The Wonderful (
    Because of man’s willful disobedience against God, as the sons of the first Adam, the Psalmist reiterates that in sin we are conceived (Psalm 51:5), which means that from our very birth we are marred and imperfect, needing a Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) Savior (Matthew 1:21), The last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45-49) to make us perfect and admirable i.e., wonderful. When we believe in Jesus Christ, we are remade into the image of God, a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17) – wonderful just as he is, for by our rebirth (being born again), we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
  • Azmon recites Psalms 20, 35 (
    False witnesses come forward; they question me on things I know nothing about. They repay me evil for good; and leave me like one bereaved.
  • Open Hevens Daily Devotional Monday 15 December 2014 Fear, Not A Christian Virtue (
    You have nothing to fear if you have given your life to Jesus. Those of us who have surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ can say with all boldness that we shall not be afraid.

Beminnen en respecteren van man en vrouw

33 Laat niettemin ook een ieder van U afzonderlijk zijn vrouw zo liefhebben+ als zichzelf; de vrouw daarentegen moet diepe achting+ voor haar man hebben.


(Kolozensen 3:19): 19 GIJ mannen, blijft [UW] vrouw liefhebben+ en weest niet bitter toornig op haar.+

(Efeziërs 5:25): 25 Mannen, blijft UW vrouw liefhebben,+ evenals ook de Christus de gemeente heeft liefgehad en zich voor haar heeft overgeleverd+

(1 Petrus 3:7): 7 GIJ mannen, blijft insgelijks+ bij haar wonen overeenkomstig kennis,+ door haar eer toe te kennen+ als aan een zwakker vat, het vrouwelijke, daar ook GIJ met hen erfgenamen zijt+ van de onverdiende gunst des levens, opdat UW gebeden niet worden verhinderd.+

diepe achting:

(1 Petrus 3:5,6): 6 zoals Sa̱ra A̱braham placht te gehoorzamen en hem „heer” noemde.+ En GIJ zijt haar kinderen geworden, mits GIJ het goede blijft doen en geen enkele oorzaak van verschrikking vreest.+

of eer toekennen: (Efeziërs 5:25)


Laat een ieder van u afzonderlijk zijn vrouw zo liefhebben als zichzelf; de vrouw daarentegen moet diepe achting voor haar man hebben.  —  Efeziërs. 5:33.

Nederlands: Foto. Portret van Idzert Jacobus J...

Gezin onderdeel van de gemeenschap. – Portret van Idzert Jacobus Johan met zijn vrouw Margot Döderlein de Win en Tonny Launo met haar dochter

De Bijbel vergelijkt de relatie tussen Christus en de gemeente (of congregatie) met die tussen een man en zijn vrouw. Christus’ voorbeeld helpt de man te begrijpen dat hij zijn vrouw leiding moet geven, van haar moet houden en voor haar moet zorgen. En het helpt de vrouw te begrijpen dat ze onderworpen moet zijn aan haar man (Efeziërs 5:22-32). Wat bedoelde Paulus toen hij schreef:

„Aldus behoren mannen hun vrouw lief te hebben als hun eigen lichaam”? (Efeziërs 5:28)

Met „aldus” verwees hij naar wat hij even daarvoor had gezegd over de manier waarop „Christus de gemeente heeft liefgehad en zich voor haar heeft overgeleverd ( … ), haar reinigend met het bad des waters door middel van het woord.” Een man heeft dus de verantwoordelijkheid zijn gezin geestelijk te voeden. Dan werkt hij mee aan Jehovah’s voornemen om alle dingen weer bijeen te vergaderen in de Christus. w12 15/7 4:15

Nederlands: Negatief. Vrouw met haar kinderen,...

Vrouw met haar kinderen, zittend op de bale voor haar woning (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Een vrouw die zich door Jehovah’s Woord en zijn heilige geest laat leiden, kan veel doen om haar huis vredig en gelukkig te maken. Een godvrezende man houdt natuurlijk van zijn vrouw en wil haar fysiek en geestelijk beschermen. Zij wil dat haar man van haar houdt, en daarom toont ze eigenschappen waardoor hij haar nog meer gaat liefhebben.

„De waarlijk wijze vrouw heeft haar huis opgebouwd,”

zegt (Spreuken 14:1),

„maar de dwaze haalt het met haar eigen handen omver.”

Een wijze en liefdevolle vrouw draagt in grote mate bij aan het geluk van haar gezin. Ze laat ook zien dat ze het huwelijk echt waardeert als een geschenk van God. Man en vrouw tonen respect voor het huwelijk als ze de manier waarop Jezus met zijn gemeente omging, navolgen (Efeziërs 5:22-25). Wat een zegeningen zullen echtparen ervaren als ze echt van elkaar houden en hun huwelijk nooit laten ontsieren door trots, het kinderachtige stommetje spelen of andere onchristelijke eigenschappen! w12 15/5 1:12, 14, 15

21 Weest aan elkaar onderworpen+ in de vrees van Christus. 22 Laten vrouwen onderworpen zijn+ aan hun man als aan de Heer, 23 want de man is het hoofd van zijn vrouw,+ evenals ook de Christus het hoofd van de gemeente is,+ hij als redder van [dit] lichaam. 24 Ja, evenals de gemeente onderworpen is aan de Christus, zo moeten ook vrouwen het zijn aan hun man, in alles.+ 25 Mannen, blijft UW vrouw liefhebben,+ evenals ook de Christus de gemeente heeft liefgehad en zich voor haar heeft overgeleverd+ 26 om haar te heiligen,+ haar reinigend met het bad des waters door middel van het woord,+ 27 opdat hij de gemeente in haar luister aan zich zou kunnen aanbieden,+ zonder vlek of rimpel of iets dergelijks, maar dat ze heilig zou zijn en zonder smet.+

28 Aldus behoren mannen hun vrouw lief te hebben als hun eigen lichaam. Wie zijn vrouw liefheeft, heeft zichzelf lief, 29 want niemand heeft ooit zijn eigen vlees gehaat, maar hij voedt en koestert het,+ zoals ook de Christus dit doet ten aanzien van de gemeente, 30 want wij zijn leden van zijn lichaam.+31 „Daarom zal een man [zijn] vader en [zijn] moeder verlaten en hij zal zich hechten aan zijn vrouw, en de twee zullen één vlees worden.”+32 Dit heilige geheim+ is groot. Nu spreek ik met betrekking tot Christus en de gemeente.+33 Laat niettemin ook een ieder van U afzonderlijk zijn vrouw zo liefhebben+ als zichzelf; de vrouw daarentegen moet diepe achting+ voor haar man hebben. (Efeziërs 5:21-33)

Laat ons niet ontbinden datgene wat God samen gevoegd heeft. (Eén van de zeven sacramenten) – “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Gospel of Matthew 19:6) Matrimony, The Seven Sacraments, Rogier van der Weyden, ca. 1445. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Vader tegenhanger van de moeder

Vaderschap ingesteld verbondschap door de Schepper

Vaderschap complex en uniek verschijnsel 1/2

Vaderschap complex en uniek verschijnsel 2/2

Engelse versie:/ English version: Loving and having respect for the woman


Bijkomend leesmateriaal:

  1. Relatie tot God
  2. Relatie tot Christus
  3. Relatie tot medemens
  4. Verzamelen, bijeenkomen, samenkomen, vergaderen
  5. Congregatie
  6. Een samenkomst of meeting
  7. Vergadering – Meeting
  8. Openbare Samenkomsten
  9. Bezieling gemeente
  10. Dagelijks helpen in het geloof
  11. De verdwijnende heerlijkheid
  12. Structuur -structuren
  13. Leiderschap gevonden in dienen van anderen
  14. Het eerste op de lijst van de zorgen van de heilige
  15. De Wet van de Liefde, basis van alle instructies
  16. Wie niet liefheeft, kent God niet, want God is liefde
  17. Doe het passende voor een vriend
  18. Opdracht om anderen lief te hebben
  19. Liegen omtrent liefdeszaken doodzonde
  20. Liefde maakt een persoon tot twee en twee in een
  21. Eenheid in Jezus en Jezus in ons en God in hem
  22. Liefhebben en winnen
  23. Wees druk bezig met het belangrijke teken van geloof
  24. Op zoek naar spiritualiteit 1 Inleiding
  25. De nacht is ver gevorderd 24 Studie 4 Zorg voor de naaste
  26. Redding, vertrouwen en actie in Jezus #9 Omgang met anderen
  27. De geboden observerend, uitvoerders wordend van het Woord


  • Matrimony-dom At The Met: Hubby Hov “Puts A Ring” On BeyBey Again!!! (
    We’ve loved watching this couple grow together over the years, but hubby Hov may have topped himself this time! The rapper showed his romantic side after wife Beyoncé accidentally dropped the ring she was sporting on her right hand. Jay Z retrieved the ring, and staged a mock proposal all in front of the cameras as his wife smiled and playfully accepted his offering. Cute right? The whole world really is their stage.
  • 25th Wedding Anniversary / 25 Aniversario de Bodas (

    As teenagers it comes to mind thoughts and desires of wanting to win the heart of someone and it is in that moment where begins our journey in search of love.

    The journey is not always easy, on occasion we have our high and other our low. Is as if we walk in search of a hidden treasure, but when we discovered we feel great satisfaction and joy that we want to shout it from the rooftops and share our happiness with the rest of the world.

  • Importance matrimonial websites in India are quite famous and authenticate (
    There is many matrimonial website in the world, but matrimonial websites in India are quite famous and authenticated. There are many free matrimonial websites which offer interested couple to know each other through website and find the best life partner for them. Indian matrimonial websites are good advisor and advice you to choose the best matchmaker for your life. Normally match making is done in India by parents or close relatives and child get ready to get married to the person which they find for them. While searching a guy or girl takes the lot of time and research but now a day’s youngsters prefer to choose their life partner by their own choice. They prefer to take their own decision to choose soul mate.
  • Loving – Amor Para (
    I recorded a 13 part series on Marriage Prep early on and recorded various of their spots called Faith Matters for TV.
    Son muchas las respuestas que he dado en ambos idiomas de inglés y español.  Les grabé una serie de 13 partes sobre el tema de preparación pre-matrimonial y otros temas variados de la fe.  Pero mi gran alegría es el poder ayudarles en el forum de preguntas en español que provienen de Sur y Centroamérica, Méjico, Caribe y las partes sures de USA.  Los temas son muy variadas y diría yo que tienen que ver con todos los temas de la Iglesia.
  • Establishing Healthy Husband-Wife Relationships (
    I used to not like the scripture found in Colossians 3:18 which reads,
    Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.Ephesians 5:22-23 also teaches, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
    Women who are in abusive marriages and relationships lack self-esteem and often feel void of the love and compassion that God offers them. As a result, many do not seek a Godly life, but rather, they turn to the things of the world to fill a chaotic void in their life. They live under the delusion that the man they are in a relationship with “loves” them, and so they often find themselves hopelessly trapped and unable to escape an explosive situation. Too often, many lose touch with reality, believing that they are worthless, and as a result, they never live their lives as the special daughters that God intended for them to be.
  • Husbands and wives summarized (
    Husbands incorrectly believe that if they treat their wives “as themselves” that they will lose respect for him and run roughshod all over him. They fear their wives. Wives incorrectly believe that if they treat their husbands as their “head” or “lord” that the husband will abuse this authority or get an ego trip. They fear their husbands. They do not know God because God is love and perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:7-21).Thus, instead of believing what God says, they believe the lies told to them by themselves, society, and churchianity. Rather than turning to God and obeying His Scriptures they double down on the fact that the other spouse may or will treat them poorly. Rather than admit fault they continue in their own sin.
  • Wives: Love Your Husbands and He Will Move the World for You (
    There is nothing like a husband who is committed and secured in his relationship with his wife for the cause of Christ. He is sold out for doing everything he can to make sure that his wife, family and purpose in life is fulfilled when he is following the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s rewarding, and it brings so much joy and completeness to his marriage relationship. Knowing that if he totally concentrates on serving God and his wife, God will make provision and a way where it seems impossible. That’s called allowing God to order and establish our steps in life. But sometimes it can become difficult if both the husband and wife aren’t in agreement with the covenant perspective, and then direction is misunderstood. There has to be understanding and agreement between the husband and the wife so that the spiritual leader of the home, the husband, can flourish in the guidance of the marriage and the wife supporting her husband with prayer and encouragement.
  • The Two Shall Be One Flesh (
    marriage is a huge commitment that takes a lot of love, work and forgiveness. 
    most marriages go through seasons where there is great unity and harmony, and then seasons where there is disharmony and discord.  That covenant before a Holy God helps us to keep the bonds of holy matrimony intact during times of difficulty.
    It is extremely sad that so many do not take seriously the covenant they have made before our Holy God with their spouse.  There are other passages in the Scriptures which give God’s truth about marriage and divorce.
  • Love, Honor,Respect and Submission Are Gifts (
    God commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her.  He also commands husbands not to be harsh with their wives, but to be tender with them.  He commands husbands to honor their wives as the weaker vessel and co-heirs with them in Christ.  There is no qualifier that the wife must do something in order for her husband to obey God or that the wife must earn her husband’s love.The way a husband treats his wife is an indicator of the depth of his love, respect and reverence for God. A husband’s love for his wife is gift to her that springs from his love, obedience and reverence for Christ. A wife cannot force her husband to obey God and to love her as Christ loves her.  It is a gift he gives willingly because He loves and honors Jesus, so he loves and honors his wife.
  • A Respectable Man (
    The subject of a wife respecting her husband immediately begs the question: whyWhy do I deserve her respect?  And it was this question that I was failing to ask, so it was this answer that I was failing to see:A wife should respect her husband, as the husband should be a respectable man.I began to realize that respect is a two-way street.  As much as you give respect, you give respect as respect is earned.  And often, the balance of this transaction can fluctuate, in the act of giving undue respect to people who don’t deserve it, or not receiving the respect that your actions and integrity do in fact qualify you for – and this is actually ok, especially in a marriage.  But the point is, there’s a great deal of humility in this transaction that I was, up to this point, missing.
  • Husbands and wives summarized (
    Predictably, wives who desire and achieve equality are unhappy and unfulfilled. Husbands who lord over their wives show no love and are unfulfilled.
    However, those that follow that which the Scriptures affirm represent Him as One in marriage.
  • Establishing Healthy Husband-Wife Relationships (
    In my personal life, I always felt that it was a continual power struggle to see which of us could be the most domineering in the relationship. After some time, I soon discovered that I had missed the mark completely.
  • 3 Things Men Want (Part 1): Respect (
    We just completed the 7 part series titled “7 Things Women Want”. These include: Acknowledgment, Affirmation, Attention, Affection, Security, Communication and Care (click to read).
    In that series, we ascertained that men are totally different from women in terms of attitude, reactions, thought pattern and behavior. Men are logical beings while women are emotional beings. Men are very easy to understand but the problem women have is that they act and think like women when relating with men. To successfully relate with a man, you have to act like a woman and think like a man. I’ll repeat, men are very easy to understand, most women are just too lazy to make that effort in understanding men. To buttress this point, you can see that men only want 3 things while women want 7 things. 7 compared to 3. Comon! Get this and you will never have problems with the men all your life again.
  • If You’re Not a Good Husband, Can You Be a Good Pastor? (
    Marriage for every Christian man is a call to die for the salvation and sanctification of our wives.
    You too may have a wife that has an occasional “wicked face” (to use Wesley’s words), but never pretend that her wicked face somehow changes your responsibility to God and her. Just as Christ died to cleanse His wicked bride, you do the same. Point her to Christ through your own self-sacrificial death. May Christ be the source of your love for your bride.
  • Wives: Love Your Husbands and He Will Move the World for You (
    There is nothing like a husband who is committed and secured in his relationship with his wife for the cause of Christ. He is sold out for doing everything he can to make sure that his wife, family and purpose in life is fulfilled when he is following the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s rewarding, and it brings so much joy and completeness to his marriage relationship. Knowing that if he totally concentrates on serving God and his wife, God will make provision and a way where it seems impossible. That’s called allowing God to order and establish our steps in life. But sometimes it can become difficult if both the husband and wife aren’t in agreement with the covenant perspective, and then direction is misunderstood. There has to be understanding and agreement between the husband and the wife so that the spiritual leader of the home, the husband, can flourish in the guidance of the marriage and the wife supporting her husband with prayer and encouragement.
  • Love, Honor,Respect and Submission Are Gifts (
    The way a husband treats his wife is an indicator of the depth of his love, respect and reverence for God. A husband’s love for his wife is gift to her that springs from his love, obedience and reverence for Christ. A wife cannot force her husband to obey God and to love her as Christ loves her.  It is a gift he gives willingly because He loves and honors Jesus, so he loves and honors his wife.A wife’s respect and biblical submission towards her husband are gifts that a wife gives freely to her husband out of her love, obedience and reverence for Christ, as well.   There is no qualifier that a husband must do something first before the wife obeys God or that the husband must earn his wife’s respect.  A husband cannot force his wife to respect him and submit to him. 
  • Do It When You’re Old (
    There is something to be said about Confidence in your spouse-Why? When you have confidence in your partner then there isn’t room for you to think about anything else negative. Your partner doesn’t need to “complete you”, you need to be complete in who you re before you ever think about getting married or being in any opposite sex relationship for that matter!  Be Confident.
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Vaderschap ingesteld verbondschap door de Schepper


Enkele maanden geleden hebben wij hier in de Engelse artikelen het moederschap en vaderschap onder de loep gehouden.

Doorheen de geschiedenis is de rol en het begrip van “vaderschap” erg veranderd.  zelfs in de patriarchale culturen is men op een bepaald ogenblik gekomen tot het aanschouwen van het vaderschap als een minimale rol en als de zwakste persoon van het gezin en degene die niet echt nodig is.

Op 28 juni 1993 , stelde TIME magazine in een artikel over Vaderschap de vraag: “Waar zijn al de Vaders ? ” tot op vandaag zijn er massa’s kinderen die die vraag nog steeds stellen in hun leven.

Oorsprong van het Vaderschap

In het aller begin van de mensheid, na dat God een man (Adam) en en vrouw (Eva) had geschapen, verzocht de Schepper hen zich te vermenigvuldigen, wat betekende dat zij kinderen moesten krijgen. Zoals zij voor de natuur en de gehele Schepping van God zorg moesten dragen zouden zij ook zorg moeten gaan dragen over hun kinderen of hun nageslacht. Ook al zouden al die zorgen voor hen zelf en het nageslacht niet altijd makkelijk zijn, want de zwangerschap op zich zou al niet altijd zo makkelijk verlopen. Man en vrouw zouden inspanningen moet leveren om alles goed te doen verlopen.

16 Tot de vrouw zei hij: „Ik zal de smart van uw zwangerschap+ zeer doen toenemen;* met barensweeën zult gij kinderen voortbrengen,+ en uw sterke begeerte zal naar uw man uitgaan, en hij zal over u heersen.”+

17 En tot A̱dam zei hij: „Omdat gij naar de stem van uw vrouw hebt geluisterd en van de boom zijt gaan eten waaromtrent ik u geboden had:+ ’Gij moogt daarvan niet eten’, is de aardbodem om uwentwil vervloekt.+ Met smart zult gij de opbrengst ervan eten al de dagen van uw leven.+ 18 En doorns en distels zal hij u voortbrengen,+ en gij moet de plantengroei van het veld eten. 19 In het zweet van uw aangezicht zult gij brood eten, totdat gij tot de aardbodem terugkeert, want daaruit werdt gij genomen.+ Want stof zijt gij en tot stof zult gij terugkeren.”+

20 Hierna gaf A̱dam zijn vrouw de naam E̱va,*+ omdat zij de moeder moest worden van een ieder die leeft.+ (Genesis 3:16-20)

This is Eva

De Vrouw – This is Eva (Photo credit: Stuck in Customs)

Aldus kunnen wij Eva als onze aartsmoeder aanschouwen. De eerste Adam (want later zou God een nieuwe of tweede Adam voorzien) werd de eerste vader op deze aarde.

4 A̱dam nu had gemeenschap met E̱va, zijn vrouw, en zij werd zwanger.+ Mettertijd baarde zij Ka̱ïn*+ en zei: „Ik heb met de hulp van Jehovah een man voortgebracht.”*+Later baarde zij wederom, [namelijk] zijn broer A̱bel.+ (Genesis 4:1-2)

Daarop volgden nog ander kinderen en die kinderen kregen op hun beurt ook weer kinderen.

17 Naderhand had Ka̱ïn gemeenschap met zijn vrouw+ en zij werd zwanger en baarde He̱noch. Daarna ging hij een stad bouwen en noemde de naam van de stad naar de naam van zijn zoon He̱noch.+18 Later werd aan He̱noch I̱rad geboren. En I̱rad werd de vader van Mehu̱jaël, en Mehu̱jaël werd de vader van Methu̱saël, en Methu̱saël werd de vader van La̱mech. (Genesis 4:17-18)

De Schepper volgde het gebeuren en hielp hier en daar voor het voorzien van kinderen.

10 Toen zei Jehovah’s engel tot haar: „Ik zal uw zaad zeer vermenigvuldigen,+ zodat het wegens het grote aantal niet geteld zal worden.”+ (Genesis 16:10)

17 Toen A̱bram nu negenennegentig jaar oud was, verscheen Jehovah aan A̱bram en zei tot hem:+ „Ik ben God de Almachtige.*+ Wandel voor mijn aangezicht en betoon u onberispelijk.+En ik wil mijn verbond geven tussen mij en u,+ opdat ik u zeer, zeer moge vermenigvuldigen.”+ (Genesis 17:1-2)

20 Maar wat I̱smaël betreft, ik heb u gehoord. Zie! Ik wil hem zegenen en wil hem vruchtbaar maken en wil hem zeer, zeer vermenigvuldigen.+ Hij zal stellig twaalf oversten* voortbrengen, en ik wil hem tot een grote natie doen worden.+ (Genesis 17:20)

13 En wat de zoon van de slavin+ betreft, ik zal ook hem tot een natie maken, omdat hij uw nakomeling is.”+ (Genesis 21:13)

’En ik wil uw zaad vermenigvuldigen als de sterren aan de hemel en ik wil aan uw zaad al deze landen geven;+ en door bemiddeling van uw zaad zullen alle natiën der aarde zich stellig zegenen’,*+ten gevolge van het feit dat A̱braham naar mijn stem heeft geluisterd* en zijn plichten jegens mij, mijn geboden, mijn inzettingen en mijn wetten steeds in acht heeft genomen.” (Genesis 26:4-5)

17 ik u voorzeker zal zegenen en uw zaad voorzeker zal vermenigvuldigen als de sterren aan de hemel en als de zandkorrels die aan de zeeoever zijn;+ en uw zaad zal de poort* van zijn vijanden in bezit nemen.+ (Genesis 22:17)

10 Jehovah, UW God, heeft U vermenigvuldigd en ziet, GIJ zijt heden zo talrijk als de sterren aan de hemel.+ (Deuteronomium 1:10)

Maker ook Vader

Als Maker van de eerste mensen, Adam en Eva, was God hun Schepper maar ook de Vader van de gehele schepping. Hierdoor konden Adam en Eva hun maker ook Vader noemen. Zij hadden alles is hun bereik, gekregen van God de Vader.

Belangrijk ingestelde overeenkomst

Uit meerdere Bijbelteksten kunnen wij opmaken dat het vaderschap eigenlijk iets bijzonders is dat ook door God ingesteld is geworden. In verscheidene gevallen was het de Schepper Jehovah God die ook zei dat Hij deze of gene (zoals Abraham ) had gekozen. Vaderschap is een roeping, niet zomaar een baan . Het is een roeping, omdat Jehovah zei dat Hij Abraham had gekozen zodat de uitgezochte of uitverkorene zijn kinderen zou afdwingen. Het vaderschap kan aldus aanschouwd worden als een roeping die komt van de Aller Hoogste van alle werkgevers. Het is vastgesteld door God om Zijn goddelijke doeleinden te bereiken. de aarde zou bevolkt worden door mens en dier in een omgeving van aarde met begroeiing en met watervlakten. Deze roeping die ook aan Abraham werd toegekend, wordt genoemd in de Schrift een “convenant” of “Verbond” genoemd.

Meestal wordt een formele, plechtige en bindende overeenkomst of belangrijke afspraak, een “Convenant” genoemd. Hieruit zouden wij mogen besluiten dat de overeenkomst met Abraham ook door God als een belangrijke overeenkomst werd aanschouwd. Voor Hem was het een Verbond met een waarde die de verdere gemeenschap zou moeten herkennen. In het 17de hoofdstuk van Genesis is dit convenant vastgelegd in de eerste 4 verzen waarbij ons ook de gezegende leeftijd van de Aartsvader kenbaar wordt gemaakt. Op 99 jarige leeftijd verscheen God Abraham en gaf hem te kennen dat Hij God de Almachtige was die voor alles kon zorgen en met hem bereid was een verbond aan te gaan. Tussen Jehovah, de Almachtige God en Abraham stelde Hij dat Abraham “zeer zal vermenigvuldigen”. Hierop toonde Abraham zich dankbaar en getuigde dat wat hem betrof, zijn verbond ook met God was en dat Deze de Vader van vele volken zou worden.

17 Toen A̱bram nu negenennegentig jaar oud was, verscheen Jehovah aan A̱bram en zei tot hem:+ „Ik ben God de Almachtige.*+ Wandel voor mijn aangezicht en betoon u onberispelijk.+ En ik wil mijn verbond geven tussen mij en u,+ opdat ik u zeer, zeer moge vermenigvuldigen.”+

Hierop viel A̱bram op zijn aangezicht,+ en God* sprak verder met hem en zei: „Wat mij betreft, zie! mijn verbond is met u,+ en gij zult stellig een vader van een menigte natiën worden.+ En uw naam zal niet meer A̱bram* worden genoemd, en uw naam moet A̱braham* worden, want tot een vader van een menigte natiën wil ik u maken. En ik wil u zeer, zeer vruchtbaar maken en wil u tot natiën doen worden, en koningen zullen uit u voortkomen.+

En ik wil mijn verbond gestand doen tussen mij en u+ en uw zaad na u overeenkomstig hun geslachten, als een verbond tot onbepaalde tijd,+ om mij aan u en aan uw zaad na u als God* te doen kennen.+ En ik wil aan u en aan uw zaad na u het land van uw inwonende vreemdelingschap geven,+ ja, het gehele land Ka̱naän, als een bezit tot onbepaalde tijd; en ik zal mij stellig aan hen als God doen kennen.”+

En God zei verder tot A̱braham: „Wat u aangaat, gij dient mijn verbond te houden, gij en uw zaad na u, overeenkomstig hun geslachten.+ (Genesis 17:1-9)

Nederlands: Minister President Beel in huiseli...

Vaderschap en gezin. – Minister President Beel in huiselijke kring, met vrouw en kinderen in huiskamer. 2 juli 1946. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

God riep vaderschap tot een verbond en maakte het daardoor ook tot een bindende overeenkomst. Toch is vaderschap meer dan alleen dat. Vele vaders kijken soms alsof het gewoon dat is: ‘Een bindende overeenkomst’, en dat daarmee de kous af is. Maar velen vergeten dat vaderschap meer inhoud dan enkel en alleen de tittel. De bindende overeenkomst is meer dan een wettelijke bepaling. Het is een benaming voor iets dat een zeer grote lading dekt en veel verantwoordelijkheid eist.

De laatste jaren zijn ouders wel meer geconfronteerd met het legale van dat vaderschap en moederschap. doordat het ouderschap zeer lichtzinnig is opgenomen, de laatste jaren, heeft men veel ouders die elkaar de rug hebben toegekeerd en de kinderen de dupe lieten worden van hun echtscheidingsverhaal.  In vele gevallen was de eerste hoofdbekommernis van die mensen niet het wel en wee van hun kinderen, maar was hun eigen vrijheid de voornaamste bekommernis. als eerste vraag bij het uit elkaar gaan, kwam meestal de gedachte eerst op “Wat zal de rechter me aan doen?” Later komt bij velen de vraag op “Wat is mijn juridische verantwoordelijkheid?” en vervolgens “Wie zal de kinderen krijgen?” of “Wie zal er voor de kinderen zorgen?” ” Hoeveel moet ik betalen?”

Veel te laat, worden zij dan wakker geschud om ernstig over de verantwoordelijkheid betreft de kinderen na te denken. Maar toch ontgaat velen dan nog de ‘conventuele’ verantwoordelijkheid.

Vaderschap gaat over de generationele overdracht van de mandaten (eis, bepalingen, rechten) ingesteld door het Allerhoogste orgaan in het Universum, namelijk de Maker van dit alles, Jehovah God.

In een convenant wordt er vooropgesteld dat er partijen zijn die over gaan om met elkaar een verbond te sluiten in wederzijdse overeenstemming. In dat ‘Verbond’ wil men dingen vaststellen of bestatigen.  Men wil er dingen in bevestigen die duurzaam zijn en voor meerdere generaties kunnen duurzaam zijn. Dus in vaderschap, is het een beslissing voor de man om niet enkel een vader te zijn en is het niet alleen een besluit met betrekking tot zijn kinderen. Vaderschap kan trouwens enkel maar ontstaan bij een overeenkomst met een ander die voor de komst van kinderen kan zorgen. Dat kan een moeder zijn, maar ook tot adoptie overgaande ouders, of tegenwoordig meer en meer opnemende ouderrollen inhouden, als voedstervader. In alle gevallen van het kind tot zich nemen en erkennen als kind van zich, kan men het zich vader(papa)  laten noemen en geeft men het kind iets mee dat van generatie op generatie zal over gaan.

Het ‘Vaderschap’ is een roeping waarbij men de verantwoordelijkheid draagt over het desbetreffende kind, maar ook over de generatie waarin het zal leven. Want datgene wat men het kind zal mee geven zal het verder mee dragen in haar cultuur en mee geven aan haar volgende generaties.

Father and son

Father and son (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Velen zijn vergeten dat vaderschap eigenlijk een opdracht is van God. Mogen wij daarom nog even herinneren aan het begin van dit artikel en aan het begin van de mensheid. In de tuin van Eden vertelde God Adam en Eva vruchtbaar te zijn en zich te vermenigvuldigen. De reden was om het beeld van God te repliceren door de geschiedenis heen, zodat de vader een dergelijk beeld van God in hun kinderen kon zien, waarbij die kinderen het huis van hun eigen ouders zouden uitgaan om weer een nieuw thuis te creëren, een microwereld in het grote geheel, waarop God zou kunnen besluiten of het goed was of in het slechte geval, dat het niet goed was.

In het scheppingsverhaal zien wij telkens dat God het geschapene bekeek en dan Zijn mening er over uitsprak. Hij zag dat het goed was, vooraleer over te gaan tot iets nieuws te scheppen. Wij mogen er van overtuigd zijn dat Zijn Scheppingsverhaal nog niet ten einde is gekomen. Uit de geschiedenis leren wij wel dat God er voor gezorgd heeft dat er een Nieuwe Schepping verwezenlijkt werd, met de komst van de 2° Adam. Met die man heeft God een Nieuw Verbond gemaakt, en vallen wij onder deze nieuwe regeling die wij al of niet ter harte kunnen nemen.

Wij zouden er daarom beter aan doen ook mee te helpen om het beeld van God over heel de wereld te verspreiden en er voor te zorgen dat ons nageslacht kennis heeft van de Aller Hoogste en Allergrootste Maker van alle dingen, de Almachtige God aan wie alle eer en glorie toe behoort. Hiij is het die iedereen glorie geeft maar ook glorie terug verlangt. Kinderen, als deel van hun ouders, en de ouders zullen steeds moeten beseffen aan wie zij zich moeten onderwerpen en er getuigen.

 Ja, de stem van Jehovah doet de hinden ineenkrimpen van weeën+ En ontbloot de wouden.*+ En in zijn tempel zegt een ieder: „Glorie!”+ (Psalmen 29:9)

Daarom bestaat er een dwingende reden voor* dat GIJ in onderworpenheid zijt, niet alleen vanwege die gramschap, maar ook vanwege [UW] geweten.+ Want daarom betaalt GIJ ook belastingen; want zij zijn Gods openbare dienaren,*+ die juist dit doel voortdurend dienen.* Geeft* aan allen wat hun toekomt: aan hem die [vraagt om] de belasting, de belasting;+ aan hem die [vraagt om] de schatting, de schatting; aan hem die [vraagt om] vrees, die vrees;+ aan hem die [vraagt om] eer, die eer.+ (Romeinen13: 5-7)

20 Voorts sprak God al deze woorden* en zei:+

„Ik ben Jehovah, uw God,*+ die u uit het land Egy̱pte heb geleid, uit het slavenhuis.+ Gij moogt geen andere goden*+ tegen mijn persoon in* hebben.

Gij moogt u geen gesneden beeld maken, noch enige gedaante gelijkend op iets wat in de hemel boven of wat op de aarde beneden of wat in de wateren onder de aarde is.+ Gij moogt u voor die niet buigen, noch u ertoe laten bewegen ze te dienen,*+ want ik, Jehovah, uw God, ben een God die exclusieve toewijding eist,*+ die straf voor de dwaling van vaders brengt over zonen,* over het derde geslacht en over het vierde geslacht,* wanneer het hen betreft die mij haten,+ maar die liefderijke goedheid* betracht jegens het duizendste geslacht* wanneer het hen betreft die mij liefhebben en mijn geboden onderhouden.*+

Gij moogt de naam van Jehovah, uw God, niet op onwaardige wijze* opnemen,*+ want Jehovah zal niet ongestraft laten wie zijn naam op onwaardige wijze opneemt.+ (Exodus 20:1-7)

God hoort de Allerhoogste Vader en Koning te zijn van al de kinderen en al de ouders (Psalm 47:7) en Hij hoort de sterkste Vader te zijn voor allen (Jesaja 9:6)

In het beeld van God zijn wij geschapen en hebben wij de mogelijkheid gekregen om kinderen voort te brengen. Hiertoe heeft God ons het ‘Vaderschap’ gegeven. De Schepper heeft hiervoor voor begeleiding gezorgd door Zijn Woord ter beschikking te stellen van iedereen. Hij heeft ook kenbaar gemaakt dat wij zelf onze eigen verantwoordelijkheid moeten dragen en voor onze gezinnen moeten zorgen. Wij zelf moeten ook onze kinderen begeleiding en kennis doen vergaren. Wij moeten er op toe zien dat ook onze kinderen voldoende kansen krijgen om te slagen.

We kunnen niet kiezen voor onze kinderen, we kunnen het niet verbergen voor negatieve ervaringen of de pijn die dit tijdperk tot hen en anderen kan brengen. Wij kunnen er wel voor zorgen ervoor dat, wij net als onze hemelse Vader, we toegewijd zijn om hen te instrueren, te begeleiden en hen te beschermen.

De meeste mannen denken dat de rol van een vader of moeder gewoon is voor het creëren van een kind met een vrouw. Het maken van kinderen is eenvoudig. Vandaag doen er zelfs velen dat zonder zich een man of een vrouw in de echt genomen te hebben.  er zijn er zelfs bij die kinderen maken zonder uit te gaan van enig liefdes aspect, maar gewoon voor het genot van de seks. Vele mensen vandaag hebben zich verlaagd tot de zelfde voortplantingsfuncties van andere zoogdieren.

Wij moeten er op toe zien dat de mens zijn edele positie mag behouden en waardig is. een kind moet meer zijn dan het gevolg van een seksuele handeling. Ook moet dat wezen dat ter aarde komt ook zelf verhoogd worden. Juist het verhogen van een kind, is het lastige deel .

In feite, heeft vaderschap veel meer te maken met banden van het hart, dan met de biologische banden. Banden die zijn gemaakt van die onbreekbare verbinding gevormd door de liefde .

Vaderschap is liefdevol toezien op een kind, biologisch of niet, met een liefde die hen het gevoel geeft dat ze altijd worden gehoord en nooit genegeerd. De vader moet een toeverlaat en mentor zijn. Hij moet het kind het gevoel mee geven dat het belangrijk is. Ook moet hij er voor zorgen dat oren altijd klaar staan om te horen wat het kind te zeggen heeft. Maar ook moet hij er voor zorgen dat het kind zal leren luisteren naar de ouders maar ook naar hen die mede instaan voor de opvoeding, zoals leerkrachten en leermeesters. De ouder moet de belangrijkste schakel zijn in het leerproces van het kind.

Estafette loop

In het volgende hoofdstuk: “Vaderschap complex en uniek verschijnsel”  gaan wij verder kijken hoe veel mensen niet meer geïnteresseerd zijn in het hebben van kinderen en neer kijken op degenen die de tijd nemen om een ​​aantal kinderen te hebben. Hierbij willen wij op het belang wijzen van kinderen die de toekomstige generatie vertegenwoordigen maar ook mee zullen moeten helpen om de voorgaande te dragen. Als wij naar het snel industrieel en financieel opkomende China kijken, zien wij dat de vroegere één kind politiek ernstige gevolgen heeft op de last van de huidige populatie.  Zonder kinderen is er geen voortzetting van het volk. Met te weinig kinderen zullen er niet genoeg werkende mensen in staat zijn om te zorgen voor de mensen die niet meer kunnen werken.

Ook zullen wij kijken hoe belangrijk respect, eer, en ondersteuning wel zijn voor degenen die willen zorgen voor de volgende generatie. Vaderschap en moederschap mogen nu erg onder druk staan, maar wij moeten er voor zorgen dat deze spoedig een opwaardering zullen krijgen.

Deze generatie moet inzien dat indien ouderschap niet naar waarde wordt geschat er weldegelijk problemen kunnen rijzen. De convenanten moeten worden doorgegeven ! Het woord dat wordt gebruikt vandaag is erfenis. Het atletische woord voor dat covenant is het passeren van het stokje voor de estafette loop. wij moeten allemaal onze loop kunnen beëindigen op een goede wijze. Iedereen die ter wereld komt zal zijn of haar doel moeten bereiken.

In deze race die elke mens moet lopen, maakt het niet uit hoe snel je bent, maar hoe nauwkeurig je het stokje kan door geven! In het verbond, wordt het stokje doorgegeven naar beneden.

Het convenant kan een belofte van goede dingen inhouden of het kan een vloek van slechte dingen over brengen. Dit naargelang de keuze van de ouders. In het vaderschap is er geen grijs gebied. U zult iets doorgeven aan je kinderen of je wilt of niet .

Misschien moeten meer mensen eens denken over de waarschuwing die de eerste Vader heeft mee gegeven aan de mensheid. die maker waarschuwde om op te letten aan wie wij eer wensen te geven.  Wij moeten niet zo maar gaan buigen voor iedereen, ook niet onze kinderen. Ook moeten wij onze kinderen niet meer gaan dienen dan nodig. Wij moeten hen tot voorbeeld zijn en wij moeten er voor zorgen dat zij de juiste dingen leren. De verkeerde dingen die wij hen aanleren, zullen hun gevolgen ook bij hen hebben. De Allereerste Vader zal steeds blijven toekijken op Zijn Schepping en zal steeds een ijverige god zijn. Wij mogen er zelfs van overtuigd zijn dat de God der goden er op toe zal zien dat eenieder zijn portie zal krijgen.  daarbij hoort ook het straffen van de kinderen voor de zonden van de vaderen, de derde en vierde generatie van hen die Hem haten. Voor hen die God liefhebben en getrouw zijn heeft de Maker ook de belofte dat Hij hen zal naderen en helpen. Hen die Hem zoeken zal Hij tegemoet komen.En de getrouwen zal Hij ook trouw tonen tot in duizend geslachten van hen die Hem en Zijn geboden liefhebben.

Van bijzonder belang in onze tijd is uitleg van de term ” Vader “, dat is onder de loep genomen door feministische theologen als een schadelijke metafoor die het gevolg is van een patriarchale kerk structuur en cultuur Gregory’s .

De naam ” Vader ” , zei Gregory , leidt ons tot nadenken ( 1 ) een Wezen dat de bron en oorzaak van al en ( 2 ) het feit dat dit Wezen heeft een relatie met een ander -een kan alleen maar ” Vader ” als er is een kind betrokken . Zo is de menselijke term ” Vader ” leidt tot een natuurlijk te denken aan een ander lid van de Drie-eenheid , meer dan wordt gesuggereerd door een term als ” Schepper ” of ” Maker” overwegen . Door te bellen naar God ” Vader ” , Gregory notities , begrijpt men dat er bij God een kind van alle eeuwigheid , een tweede persoon die regeert met hem , gelijk en eeuwig met hem.

” Vader ” impliceert ook de initiatiefnemer van een generatie , degene die het leven verwekt in plaats van het bedenken het. en brengt het tot bloei in de geboorte . Dit is de wijze van bestaan ​​, de weg van de oorsprong en wezen , van de Eerste Persoon van de Drie-eenheid . Hij handelt in trinitarische leven in een modus van het bestaan ​​verwant aan dat van een vader in het aardse rijk. Voor de tijd , binnen het mysterie van de Heilige Drievuldigheid , God gegenereerd een andere persoon, de Zoon , als menselijke vaders genereren zaad.

Nergens Gregory , suggereren dat dit ” Vader ” is een mannelijk wezen : ” Het is duidelijk dat deze metafoor bevat een diepere betekenis dan voor de hand liggende ” , merkt hij op . De diepere betekenis , is te vinden in een passage van Paulus aan de Efeziërs :

We vaak voor lief nemen dat een persoon met een eigen identiteit heeft van nature een overeenkomstige specifieke rol en verantwoordelijkheid uit te voeren . Er is echter vaak weinig in beide rol of verantwoordelijkheid zijn natuurlijke … beiden iets meer dan sociale constructies .

In de negentiende eeuw , vaderschap aangetrokken tot het leveren van religieuze kader van het gezin , de leiding van de familie en toonaangevende gebeden. De vader was ook de familie kostwinner en eventueel beroepsonderwijs leraar van zijn zoon , alleen voor met zijn kinderen zichzelf nadat ze waren niet meer peuters . De moeder was de belangrijkste ouder vooral omdat de taak van de vader in de industriële revolutie bracht hem vaak te reizen .

Tijdens het begin van de twintigste eeuw , vaderschap werd nog meer betrokken bij kinderen met vaders verwacht steeds meer thuis te zijn en weg van de pub of cafe dat niet enige zoon zijn over- bemoederd in steeds gay! Vaders werden verwacht om hun kinderen te leren , neem ze uit en de band met hen van zelfs jonge leeftijd . Interessant is dat de ‘natuurlijke’ wens van vaders dicht bij hun kinderen te zijn maar eigenlijk ontstaan ​​in de twintigste eeuw . Voor die tijd was het ‘natuurlijk’ voor vaders op armlengte te blijven van hun jonge , pre – volwassen kinderen .

Tegen het einde van de twintigste eeuw , vaderschap gemuteerd nog maar eens. De ‘ verzorgende vader nu co – ouders zijn kinderen ongeacht het geslacht . Niet elke vader keurt deze betekenis van het vaderschap . Sommige vaders graag zien dat hun kinderen alleen in het weekend – als dat . Toch heeft vaderschap veranderd met vaders meestal besteedt veel meer tijd met hun kinderen dan ze deden in de negentiende eeuw . Vaderschap Vandaag leunt nog steeds op haar economische rol , maar omvat inmiddels traditionele moederschap verantwoordelijkheden met betrekking tot de kinderen . Dit is natuurlijk deels een reactie op de groei van het verkeer en de werkgelegenheid van vrouwen de vrouwen .

Kortom , de vroegmoderne vader was er nauwelijks .

Daarentegen moet de laatmoderne vader worden betrokken . Dat is nogal een dramatische ommekeer voor een belangrijke identiteit in een beperkt geografisch en historisch kader.


Aanvullende lectuur:

  1. Schepper en Blogger God 2 Beeld en gelijkenis
  2. Schepper en Blogger God 3 Les en oplossing
  3. Schepper en Blogger God 5 Te Vertellen zaken
  4. Geschapen om te leven in relatie met God
  5. Het begin van Jezus #2 Aller Begin
  6. Het begin van Jezus #3 Voorgaande Tijden
  7. Eva’s zeven dochters
  8. Broeders en Zusters in Christus door de eeuwen heen #1 Abraham de aartsvader
  9. Materialisme, “would be” leven en aspiraties #2
  10. Materialisme, “would be” leven en aspiraties #5
  11. Fragiliteit en actie #8 Eerste Wetsvoorziening
  12. God trekt ons voortdurend naar zichzelf
  13. Aanvoelen en kennis
  14. De fout is diegene van welke wij niets leren


  • Fatherhood (
    Fatherhood is about yielding to our Creator for guidance for our families to position our children to succeed.
  • What Is Fatherhood? (
    Have you ever just stopped and wondered “What is fatherhood?” In today’s media the father has become the joke of most television shows, the weakest person of the family and the one who is not really needed. Back on June 28, 1993, TIME magazine published an article on Fatherhood. It asked the question “Where are all the Fathers?” That question still rings today in the life of many kids.
  • The Art of Fatherhood (
    Most men think that being a father or dad is simply about creating a child with a woman.Creating children is easy. Raising them correctly, is the tricky part.In fact, fatherhood has nothing to do with biological ties and everything to do with ties of the heart. Ties that are created from that unbreakable connection formed by love.
  • Divine Fatherhood (
    Of particular interest in our own day is Gregory’s explanation of the term “Father”, which is under scrutiny by feminist theologians as a harmful metaphor that resulted from a patriarchal church structure and culture.The name “Father”, said Gregory, leads us to contemplate (1) a Being who is the source and cause of all and (2) the fact that this Being has a relationship with another person–one can only be “Father” if there is a child involved. Thus, the human term “Father” leads one naturally to think of another member of the Trinity, to contemplate more than is suggested by a term such as “Creator” or “Maker”. By calling God “Father”, Gregory notes, one understands that there exists with God a Child from all eternity, a second Person who rules with him, is equal and eternal with him.”Father” also connotes the initiator of a generation, the one who begets life rather than conceiving it. and bringing it to fruition in birth. This is the mode of existence, the way of origin and being, of the First Person of the Trinity. He acts in trinitarian life in a mode of existence akin to that of a father in the earthly realm. Before time, within the mystery of the Holy Trinity, God generated another Person, the Son, as human fathers generate seed.
  • Mutating Fatherhood (
    We often take for granted that a person with a specific identity has a naturally corresponding specific role and responsibility to perform. There is though often very little in either role or responsibility being natural… both being little more than social constructs.In the nineteenth century, fatherhood gravitated to delivering the family’s religious framework, directing the family and leading prayers.
    +During the early twentieth century, fatherhood became even more involved with children with fathers expected increasingly to be at home
    Fathers were expected to teach their kids, take them out and bond with them from even a young age.
    +By the end of the twentieth century, fatherhood mutated yet again. The ‘nurturing father’ now co-parents his kids irrespective of gender.
    Today’s fatherhood still leans on its economic role but now includes traditional motherhood responsibilities with respect to children.
  • Fatherhood ~ What Are You Passing? (
    What Are You Passing? Now there is a question to ask on the day after Halloween! But what I am asking goes deeper. What are you passing to your kids? What are you passing to your grandkids?
  • Do Men Need More Rights on ‘Forced Fatherhood’? (
    With Father’s Day near comes a debate about “forced fatherhood.” The phrase refers to guys who get turned into fathers against their will through unplanned pregnancies, explains Laurie Shrage in the New York Times. Men in this situation “have few choices,” she writes. It’s ultimately the woman’s call on whether to have the baby, but her decision could saddle the man with years of child support even though he had no intention of becoming a dad. It’s time we gave men more “reproductive autonomy” by providing them with more options, writes Shrage. For example, maybe he contributes only to the medical expenses related to the pregnancy and birth, and the couple goes their separate ways.
  • Fatherhood is… (
    Photographer Sabrina Thompson‘s “Social Series: Fatherhood is…” project promotes positive images of black fathers. The campaign reached some 28 thousand people in its first six days.
  • fatherhood (
    Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.
  • Fatherhood (
    Two men and three women.  It is said that a woman cannot raise a man.

Being Religious and Spiritual 2 Religiosity and spiritual life

Eurobarometer Poll 2005 Percentage of those wh...Religion, religiosity and spirituality are not the same. Many people use the three words as synonyms and see no difference between them. Religiosity has to do with the quality of being ‘religiose‘ or being extremely, obtrusively, pious, sanctimoniously or even sentimentally religious, but in its broadest sense it also used to indicate the sort of activity a person is willing to take on for that what he believes.  It is about the numerous aspects of religious activity a person is willing to undertake, his dedication for that belief or religious doctrine. Another term that would work equally well, though less often used, is religiousness for the person’s belief in a god, the God of gods or in gods and their observance of associated activities.

With the choice of a religion comes the preparedness to follow certain teachings of that religion and to follow a sociocultural program for developing spiritually and for bringing spiritual realizations into everyday life according to the teachings or doctrines of that religion. In that movement about certain teachings concerning the individual and his environment the person shall want to become part of that religion and as such would want to take certain attitudes and do certain exercises in that faith. doing those readings, meditations and exercises for the mind, the person shall use ‘‘spirituality’’ to refer to his or her inner experiences that arise from trying to put such programs into practice.

Folk religiosity and faith

Folk religiosity and faith (Photo credit: AlmaGamil_Philippines)

Through the ages lots of people tried to find ways to come to a higher ecstasy or to get into raptures. Their actions in their faith should bring them “Spirituality” bringing them in exaltation a sense of transcendence, sacrality, and ultimacy, making them ready to bring praise, tribute, worship, acclaimglory, blessing, homage, reverence, magnification, apotheosis, glorification, acclamation, panegyric, idolization, extolment, lionization, laudation, in elation, delight, joy, excitement, inspiration, ecstasy, stimulation, with exhilaration, jubilation, exultation, joyousness. Their religious actions want to trigger the ‘becoming more’ going beyond or exceeding the Self. To do this, encoded signs and symbols may be the means by which experiences not only are generated but are described, even recognized and labelled, as religious. The many religions, the world is rich, have always relied upon several symbolic forms for breaking outside of the profane world. In most religions the believers try to come into an other stadium of life and of feeling. They even try to come in an other or alternative reality known only through its ecstatic qualities and interpretive frames.

Even within contemporary, more secular social settings, research suggests that those persons most involved in their religious traditions are more likely to report having strong religious experiences (Yamane and Polzer 1994, pp. 1–25).

To come to full or real spirituality the person has to give himself or herself to the faith which she want to follow and take on its traditions, demanding not only the will to come to an interior life or religious discipline but also to undertake social action, making ethical choices, family commitments, friendship, to live and work according that faith and to make choices for the way to live and in politics.

Whilst ‘Religion’ is a human invention that centers on specific rituals and a set of stories that outline a basic moral code and belief system, ‘spirituality’ is a natural reaction on feeling and the way people do behave. Spirituality relates to the spirit or essential essence of humanity. People who say they are spiritual are working to grow and better this inner force. Religious people are generally spiritual people as well, but spiritual people do not necessarily have to be religious. They may work to attain a heightened spirituality through alternative methods. Religions often, but not necessarily, have a hierarchy of initiates, bringing those further into the inner circle, leading the rituals for the general populace. Their rituals may look or seem spiritual but often can be performed on automatic pilot leaving the spiritual out.
English: Graph of timelines for major religions

Graph of timelines for major religions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Some people may be very religious but not exactly spiritual, not interested to dig deep in themselves. Some religious people are not so much interested in doing the things themselves, but just want to follow set regulations and handlings done in the religious community. They for example just want to sit down in church and be passive, looking and hearing what is going on, with sometimes even having the mind strolling of to somewhere else. Whilst the religion may be brought on by their parents or their environment where they grew up to get spiritual they have to undertake themselves the action to be willing to enter the spirituality which stems from their inner soul, and not from the hierarchy of their religion, their pastors or priests, but is dependent on their will to search in themselves, to look for the very essence of their own being. The spirited approach or spirituality like the religion may come form influences of different sources, where the parents, in first instance or the most important one, and from driving forces in the life of the person, like a God Almighty.

Some think spirituality can be achieved only through the use of every moral quality in its proper place and on its proper occasion. Moral shall influence the way of thinking and the background of material shall give possibilities to think about those theories, values and attitudes. Because being bounded to the natural state of our being in the universe, our ‘natural state of man’ has a very strong relationship with his moral and spiritual states, so much so that even a person’s manner of eating and drinking affects his moral and spiritual states. If the natural state of a person is subjected to the control of the directions of divine law it becomes his moral state and deeply affects his spirituality, as is said that whatever falls into a salt mine is converted into salt. That is why several Holy Scriptures like the Torah, the Bible and the Qur’an have laid stress on physical and psychical cleanliness and postures, and their regulation in relation to all worship and inner purity and spiritual humility.
According to the Bible the first essential quality of a spiritually perfect man is that his relationship should be correct and right both with his Creator God and man, his fellow-creatures. Both relationships should be right and correct which can only retrieved by having righteous conduct, seeking good influences, safeguarding oneself against conduct which is likely to harm the relationships.
The division of ‘morals’ is to be found also in religious faith and in religious life. It is important, therefore, to be clear about religious faith and religious life. There are people who equate religious life with moral life and think they are the same. To them to be religious is to be moral and to be moral is to be religious. This is incorrect and confusing.In religious life ‘morality’ and ‘spirituality’ may be the cornerstones. A man of good moral character may be just moral and be not necessarily religious. He may be a good man but not a perfect man. His moral part is all right, but not his spiritual part. We as human beings should come into ‘a being’ or ‘a creation’ where moral, spirituality and religion are in balance in a correct relationship with the other creatures and with the Creator.

Religious views generally have a great impact on a person’s lifestyle and differing views can cause conflict in relationships. In history we have seen enough examples where the religion was used to come in conflict with other members of the creation. An atheist may be incredibly uncomfortable if their significant other wanted to attend religious services and continue prayers every day. Likewise, a person who is used to being involved in religious practices may feel like something is wrong with them if their boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t want to come with them to their Holy books study or other religious gatherings.

Many religions cause difficulties in a family or in a community. – Icon-religion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The religion may become a stumbling block in a family whilst the spirituality may have the family grow, because it can be independent from the religion. In a family religion can really become a hot mess of opinions, beliefs and arguments. Whereas, spirituality is life affirming. Even atheist can be a spiritual human being. Spirituality is a way of life. It is the only way to conquer ignorance. the spirituality is looking to get out of spiritual blindness which may cause enough foolishness, benightedness, unenlightenment. Spirituality may take the person beyond his first thought limits and bring him or her out of mental darkness. It is understanding that we all are part of a whole. The realm of spirituality is mystical and mysterious. When we look at the world with an attitude of wonder and awe, we become aware that the world is filled with spiritual life. Part of spirituality is being willing to admit that something is beyond our comprehension. With our materialistic attitude and ego-tripping of today, many having a high quality ore it is difficult for them to come to the science in understanding the world, trying to find answers they may never find. When we look at the universe and into our own hearts and see that which we don’t understand, we know that we have touched that which is unknowable and holy. To come to the acceptance of nullity is the most difficult part of spirituality. Only by willing to see  the futility of our self, accepting that insignificance we shall be able to become really spiritual. though we may be religious it can well be that we are not at all spiritual.


Preceding article: Being Religious and Spiritual 1 Immateriality and Spiritual experience

Next: Being Religious and Spiritual 3 Philosophers, Avicennism and the spiritual

Read also:

  1. Faith
  2. Living in faith
  3. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  4. Religion and spirituality
  5. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #6 Prayer #4 Attitude
  6. Our relationship with God, Jesus and each other
  7. The truth is very plain to see and God can be clearly seen
  8. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  9. Theology without spirituality sterile academic exercise
  10. How should we react against the world
  11. Our relationship with God, Jesus and each other
  12. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  13. A philosophical error which rejects the body as part of the human person
  14. Childish or reasonable ways
  15. Words to push and pull
  16. To mean, to think, outing your opinion, conviction, belief – Menen, mening, overtuiging, opinie, geloof
  17. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  18. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  19. Can we not do what Jesus did?
  20. Making church
  21. Church sent into the world
  22. Your life the sum total of all your choices
  23. A Living Faith #2 State of your faith
  24. True riches
  25. If you have integrity
  26. Happiness is like manna
  27. Happiness an inner state
  28. Poetry of Peace


Additional reading:

  1. A Soul Wrapped in Vanity
  2. Identify With Your Soul by Ram Dass
  3. Relationship with God



religiosity-cover-test-2 (Photo credit: jeffmikels)

  • The Rise of Religion Might Be All About Sex (
    A study suggests religion might have arisen to protect certain reproductive strategies, like long-term partnership.
  • Is There Still a Place for Religion? (
    Sociologists juxtapose the low religiosity of countries in Northern Europe with their low rates of crime and poverty. Unbelievers in America remark that religious people are over-represented in US prisons—and under-represented among its scientists and thinkers. In the opinion of many researchers, the statistical landscape of religion is bleak.
    the US states with the lowest incarceration rates have the lowest levels of religiosity. But when controlling for race, income and other social factors by way of regression methods, Stark finds that religion is actually negatively correlated with violent crime.
    To the extent that social scientists have neglected rigorous analysis in favor of more agreeable correlations, they must re-evaluate their assumptions, and paint their portrait of religious society in finer strokes, and from a wider palette. They will likely find that faith does not cast a shadow on modernity, but rather lights its way.
  • Texas A&M professor blends neuroscience, religion in new course (
    In the apparent conflict between science and religion, many are turning to the field of neuroscience to weigh in on debates like whether the Book of Revelation was based on an inspired dream, like Paul said it was, or a simple neurological process.
    With more than 50 years of research and teaching experience across the entire spectrum of neuroscience, Klemm admits that his emphasis is on neuroscience, because, as he says it, “I’m not a preacher,” but he wants the students to take their own religious beliefs and try to make the connection with what he teaches them about neuroscience.
    Religionists hold that humans have free will and are accountable for their beliefs and choices, while scientific experiments have led scientists to believe that free will is an illusion.
  • Supplementary Materials on Spirituality and Religion (
    For those who want to expand their understanding of the topic and Spirituality and Religion, you may refer to the following links below. I’ve provided some points of reflection that should help you re-think things though you may not necessarily agree with them.
    Some Thoughts about the Integration of Spirituality and Religion
    The tendency of people who claim to be Spiritual but not religious is to treat faith as if it were a buffet: cherry-picking only the good parts and leaving the rest behind (as explained by the meme above). It’s convenient and satisfying but it doesn’t capture the essence of real faith.
    Faith is a matter of reciprocity because it is a two-way street.
    In summary, if your aim is to develop a personal but life-giving spirituality, it needs a check-in balance system to make sure it does just that. This check-in balance is easily provided by organized religion.
    The Value of Community in Christian Spirituality
    To relate with the Church, then, is to concretely relate with Jesus, who is God afterall. If you find yourself having a difficult time dealing with the Church’s imperfection, that’s insight in itself into how it might be like for God to be dealing with each and everyone of us. To relate with others (the Church), then, is to get to know more how God relates with us and how He has to deal with our petty problems and imperfections.
  • Religion Vs. Spiritual (
    Many people religious background comes from what their parents instill in them but once they reach a certain age is where they find their true calling as to what they think and feel is right. Realistically most people just conform into whatever is most common to them.
    Religion is organized; it’s more of a physical thing. Like something imaginable as far as seeing or feeling. Religion is instituted by man. In a religion there are many gods, although they are serving the same purpose. Just like there are many beliefs in religion. Where a spiritual person does not have an organized way about being spiritual, it is all within yourself. It’s more of being spiritual than something being physical.
  • Religiosity Raises Risk Among Sex Offenders, Clergy More Dangerous Than Other Groups (
    Male clergy accused of sex crimes were found to be more dangerous in some important ways than matched non-clergy offenders (Langevin, Curnoe, & Bain, 2000). And religiosity was positively associated with the number of convictions for sex crimes and the number of victims among convicted male sex offenders (Eshuys & Smallbone, 2006). It was also inversely related to the age of the victims (i.e., more religious offenders tended to victimize younger children).Parents place clergy on pedestals due to their presumed connection to some sort of “god,” and they teach their children to do the same. They lower their guard because the pastor wouldn’t possibly do things like that. Clergy are often viewed as morally superior to the rest of us, and the same goes for highly religious non-clergy. They are given the benefit of the doubt again and again. We couldn’t possibly question behavior that would never be tolerated in other contexts. And this continues despite evidence that clergy and highly religious persons may actually be more dangerous to our children.
  • Who is religious? (
    Common man understands religion by belonging to certain religion or belief system, he follows the pattern followed by crowd, mob by going to temple on certain dates, enjoys the entertainment involved in it.But religiosity is an inner science, “doing” is relevent to outer but “non-doing” is the key to inner exploration which does not mean laziness but it demands heightened awareness. With heightened awareness you touch a point from which you witness the seemingly opposite things are complimentary both in the outer and the inner.

    First when you are not doing bodily or mentally which include thinking, concentration, contemplation, when all activity caeses “you simply are”, “just be”.
    develop the skill of watching self activity which is nothing but self-inquiry.As you go on watching self activity from your center of being, thought process slows down, there is radical change in self-activity and one fine day self stops functioning when it is not required. Mind is not enemy but because of lack of awareness in functining of daily activities at present it is dictating our way of life. Mind means past plus future. But life is in the present.

    The whole education makes the human mind conditioned to trust only in objects which he can dissect their basic constituents.

    The problem arises when when one tries to analyze the subject in the same way. An average mans thinks of Self in an objective way.

    But the nature of subjectivity is that it cannot be observed. That which is observable is not your subject.

    Meditation, watchfulness is the key to explore the inner. With watchfulness a distance is created between the watcher and the mind.

    As watchfulness crystallizes the distance becomes longer and longer. Soon the mind is so far away you can hardly feel that it exists.

  • Spirituality is the world around us (
    God and spirituality are pretty controversial subjects in this day and age.  I myself have run the full circle of beliefs, not really wandering, but falling into the next one based of experiences and changes of perception.  I have never been the biggest fan of organized religion, but I have recognized the good it does for those who participate with good intention in their hearts.
  • Religious vs. Spiritual (
    Many people study different types of religions. It says “ the fact that many of the negative things which people attribute to religions are features of some forms of some religions(usually Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), but not of other religions (like Taoism or Buddhism).” We are stating that being spiritual is expressing our religion. By worshiping our spirit it shows that our religion is more than that. It is a way of getting deeper with him(God). It bring a deeper meaning to us when we believe.
  • Relying on Religion (
    Many conversations concerning the topic of religion get quite personal, emotional and out of hand fairly fast. This is the case so often that common etiquette generally recommends that one avoids the subject all together (especially at the dinner table).


Created in the image of the Originator each human being has the same value and the same rights for God. Only Jesus, who was lower than the angels has been placed higher to become a mediator between man and God. All other creations are under Jesus Christ and should become part of the Body of Christ, fully respecting each other and giving each other equal chances.


Find also related articles:

  1. Image of God
  2. We all are changed into the same image from glory to glory
  3. Cosmos creator and human destiny
  4. Human Nature: What does the Bible teach?
  5. The Conditionality of Citizenship
  6. Jesus and his God
  7. Parts of the body of Christ
  8. What part of the Body am I?



  • Equal Partnership Between Men & Women (
    Equality doesn’t mean that we are all the same robotic like humans. We each have different personalities, divine natures, but we are equal in nature. No one gender is better than the other. Our Heavenly Father has the same amount of love for all people.
    faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost are requirements for all of God’s children, regardless of gender. The same is true of temple covenants and blessings. Our Father’s work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children (see Moses 1:39). He loves us all equally, and His greatest gift, the gift of eternal life, is available to all.
    In our marriages and relationships, having an equal partnership is essential. Both members of the couple will bring together their strengths and weaknesses. It is in an equal partnership that will make this relationship work!
  • Thomas Boston on the Law and the Christian (
    To be delivered from the law as it is the covenant of works, is no more but to be delivered from the covenant of works.  And the asserting, that believers are delivered from the law as it is a covenant of works, doth necessarily import, that they are under the law, in some other respects thereto contradistinguished.
  • Mormon Church Back in Marriage Equality Fight in Hawaii – (
    Mormon Church Back in Marriage Equality Fight in Hawaii After backing away from fighting marriage equality for a while, the Mormon Church is once again active on this issue, coming out in opposition to the equal marriage bill pending…
  • IL Bishop: Praying for Marriage Equality Is Blasphemy (
    Thomas Paprocki, the infamously homophobic Catholic bishop of Springfield, Illinois, got his cassock in a bunch earlier this week when he heard that a group of pro-LGBT Catholics planned to pray the rosary for marriage equality inside the city’s cathedral after rallying at the state capitol.As soon as Paprocki got wind of plans by members of the Rainbow Sash Movement to pray for marriage equality before the 5:15 p.m. mass on Tuesday, he issued a statement calling such prayers “blasphemous” and warning that anyone who attempted to enter the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception while wearing a rainbow sash or otherwise identified themselves as a pro-equality Catholic would be blocked from entering and turned away. Anyone who prayed for same-sex marriage inside the cathedral would be asked to leave.
  • With celebrations, NJ has 1st gay marriages (
    Gov. Chris Christie dropped his fight against gay marriage in New Jersey on Monday, framing the decision in a pragmatic way: No point in fighting a losing battle.Just hours after gay couples began exchanging vows with the blessing of New Jersey’s Supreme Court, Christie announced he was withdrawing his appeal to the high court.
  • Monday Moments- Thank You (
    I was reminded of the true freedom that comes from the Lord, and the many ways we have become accustomed with living in bondage rather than true freedom.  Bondage is anything that hinders us from living up to the potential that God has invested in us.
  • Stand Up (
    Discrimination has been prevalent throughout the world since the genesis of society. In fact, discrimination is a deterrent; that is, people are unable to confidently be themselves due to the prejudiced opinions of others. Jews cowered in claustrophobic confinements because of the genocide that had catalyzed from Hitler and the Nazi Party’s disgust of the Jews. Concentration camps were built where the unluckiest of the Jewish victims were detained, forced to provide manual labor and await their execution. Discrimination brought about fear, suffering, bitterness, and the death of approximately six million Jews.                 Racism was one of the biggest, most long-lasting types of discrimination in America. African Americans were treated as inferiors, with the majority of society against the idea of African Americans exercising their rights. The Jim Crow laws included an unjust set of rules that enforced racial segregation. The colored were considered, “separate, but equal,” (Plessy V. Fergeuson) but what’s equal about that?


This is a big, controversial issue, which really isn’t all that hard to sort out, but it seems to be a breaking point way too often in the modern church.

Are men and women a) equal in the full definition of the word, or b) are they equal with different roles, or c) are they not equal?  (okay, it’s definitely not c.) If you think it is, you really need to re-read the Bible.)

The simple answer is a).

We are all created equal, in God’s image, no one person is greater than another (Genesis 1 & 2).  When Eve is created from Adam’s rib in Genesis 2:18-25, she is called his helper.  In Hebrew, this word is ezer, which is a far more complex word than our modern English concept of helper- rather than being a sidekick or servant, when it is used, ezer usually refers to God…

View original post 1,074 more words

Importance of parents 1

Jehovah, the perfect Father, greatly esteems godly parents who try hard to educate their children spiritually. When the children respond, they find great joy in pursuing true worship together with their parents. As such children mature, they store up pleasant memories of such experiences.

When we look at the children in the world and question their feelings with their parents, we may notice that many have a real connection with their parents which is unforgettable. About the importance of the role of the mother and the father we notice also that those children who lost one of their parents in early childhood may have to face many problems in their future life.

Even when they may consider themselves devoted husbands or wives, having the blessing of children they can suffer with depression and being constantly struggling with issues of faith and spirituality. when the child get mothered it takes it for granted to have its mother close by, nurturing, and able to catch it when it falls or help it when something goes wrong. for the child the mother often is  the shell of their identity. When the mother dies early the safe-haven goes away, the shell collapses and all the pieces become shattered to lay fragmented in a heap. This may bring the child in despair and though things may go not so bad in life make it still to  faced a constant battle with depression.

Cover of "Questions of Life"

Cover of Questions of Life

Often the questions of life are shouted at the one several of the world consider the Creator. Most people when something goes wrong in their life give God the creator the fault of it. They forget what happened in the Garden of Eden and why man has to figure it out on his own. Many do not see the origin nor the reason why this world is so often in the struggle for life. They also question the matter of Grace. They question themselves about conditions on grace such as “you must do… or “this must happen”. Some try to put themselves at ease by thinking we receive Grace for nothing, so we should do nothing for it now. But they are mistaken. The Grace is really given for nothing, but when we do not live up to it, have no faith, do not believe nor want to worship a God we shall not receive the entrance to the Kingdom of God, though the grace was also given to us. faith without works shall be dead and result in death.

But in our life we are already able to receive the blessings of the Grace given unto us, because unto us a child is born. In our life we shall have to face the world in which we do have to live. We can’t escape this world-system. As long as Jesus did not return we are bounded to this system with all its problems.

It would be wrong to despair because the things not always evolve like we want. We must be conscious that often it is often our own minds which trick us and want to concentrate on our own self. Not out of despair but rather, out of self awareness we often go into a battle we cannot win on our own. Instead of focussing on depression we much better would focus on living life.

Those who encountered something bad in their childhood or in their parenthood may have their mind broken. But they should know that the next generation, their kids will still need a father or a mother. The wife shall need a husband the same as the husband shall need his wife. And both their lives need to be lived.

Though our world may be offering us lots of battle we may not let us be carried away and get depressed because we can not manage.  Perhaps we even manage much better than we ever would think of ourselves. Often we do forget that we can give our worries to the Father in heaven, who would do much more than any father on earth. Would it not sometimes be better to trust that Creator God, and accept Him as our Best Father? Would it not be better that those who can fight, do it but for the rest of us, and that we all join hands to stand in God’s grace and enjoy our moments letting God handle our shortfall?


Preceding articles:

Father and motherhood

Gender Roles, What?

Poverty and conservative role patterns

Dignified role for the woman

Having children interferes with work

Surviving Motherhood: things to get excited about, right now

Next: Importance of parents 2


  1. Giving up on depression.
  2. the detrimental cycle I call life….
  3. Seven essential checks to see if you are ready for children
  4. It is not over! – Other tests to check you are ready for children.
  5. a state of naiveté
  6. Empty Nest Syndrome: 10 Plusses To Make It All Better~by glenn kinyon
  7. Hard Lessons
  8. Parenthood made more difficult
  9. mummahood on mondays
  10. Light and Momentary Troubles
  11. Ending the cycle of judgment
  12. The Bitter and the Sweet
  13. Depression’s Antidote
  14. The Stuff My Kids Teach Me…
  15. Stuff My Kids Say
  16. The Dawning of a New Day
  17. Don’t be afraid to fall
  18. Aligned
  19. Seeking Trying To Find
  20. His Grace in Hardship


Please do find also to read:

  1. Greatest single cause of atheism
  2. We are ourselve responsible
  3. Self-preservation is the highest law of nature
  4. Joy: Foundation for a Positive Life
  5. Memories are important
  6. Suffering
  7. Suffering-through the apparent silence of God
  8. End of the Bottom Line
  9. Give your worries to God
  10. Ask Grace to go forward
  11. God wants to be gracious to you
  12. Cosmos creator and human destiny
  13. The redemption of man by Christ Jesus
  14. Believing in God the rewarder
  15. Count your blessings


  • Growing up in Ireland report raises issue of stress and depression in parenting (
    Greater supports for parents with depression or stress and more help for women at risk of giving birth to premature or low birth-weight babies are recommended in the latest Growing Up in Ireland report published today.The report, based on the study since 2006 of 11,000 children from the age of nine months, highlights the role of parenting and family contexts in child development.“Even from a very young age, the sensitivity that parents show when interacting with their babies is important for their development,” says co-author, Dr Elizabeth Nixon from Trinity College Dublin.

    “Both mothers’ and fathers’ parenting behaviours can be negatively affected by stress and depression, but babies can be protected from these potentially negative influences if sensitive parent-child interactions can be maintained.”

    For both parents, a significant association was noted between higher levels of depression and higher levels of stress. Maternal stress was strongly associated with difficult temperament in a child, though this was less pronounced in the case of fathers.

  • An Example of How the Conflict Between Parents Can Seriously Children (
    The family court heard how the conflict between parents can seriously affect their child. The Court did not find that it would be in the best interest of the child for his parents to have equal shared parental responsibility due to the high level of conflict between them. Thus, the mother was awarded sole parental responsibility and the father was allowed to spend time with the child during specified dates.
  • The Psychology of Neurotic Romantic Attraction (
    One of the most common problems psychotherapists see today is a chronic pattern of dysfunctional love relationships. The person’s chosen partners typically share consistent similarities, such as physical and/or emotional abuse, unavailability, substance abuse, instability, lying, cheating, narcissism, etc. And each relationship eventually and inevitably ends badly because of these repetitive dynamics. After a while, such destructive relationship patterns–totally obvious to everyone else–start to become more apparent even to the patient. And then the glaring therapeutic question becomes: Why would anyone in his or her right mind persist in pursuing relationships that are clearly doomed to frustration, humiliation and failure?
    The repetition compulsion is a neurotic attempt to rewrite or undo one’s personal history. The history we try to rewrite is typically the troubled or unsatisfactory relationship with our parents, particularly, but not always, the opposite sex parent. When the early parental relationship is fraught with frustration, disappointment, rejection, abandonment, neglect or abuse, the child is in a precarious spot. As young children we mistakenly conclude that the problem with the parent(s) resides with us, and that, therefore, we possess the power to rectify it by changing ourselves into someone more acceptable to our parents. This illusory cognitive core belief not only nurtures our magical hope, but provides a much-needed sense of power and control over our environment, of which, in reality, children have very little. Children are, for the most part, victims of circumstance, possessing minimal control over their lives. No matter how cleverly they try desperately to change the distressing situation, it is typically to no avail.
    unconscious choices in life which we are unaware of making but nevertheless still do, are potentially the most dangerous and destructive decisions. Because they are basically “blind” choices, driven not by the present and what is best for us, but by the past and what traumatized us, by that from which we are running. This is the nature of a neurosis.
  • 3 Ways To Ensure Your Parenting is an Epic Fail (
    First off, there are far more than three ways to blow it as parents. Secondly, I know all of these through experience. Third, God’s grace is not dependent on our success or failure as parents.  But we are responsible for how we steward the children he entrusts to us.
    We have no control over whether or not God regenerates our kids hearts. We do however,  have all kinds of control over whether or not we are communicating the gospel to our kids.  Don’t just assume your kids are  ”picking it up” from being around a church, but intentionally speak and show the gospel to them.
  • Devotional 04.11.2013 (
    The “grace of faith” is an effective remedy against fainting in times of trouble. Jesus Christ is our hope of glory, and because of that hope we have in Him, that hope we have is enough to encourage us during our times of distress. And that distress is that advantage, that leverage we need for the glory of God to be even more visible in our lives.
  • The blessing to me, that was blessing my daughter. (
    I do think there are equality issues within the Church and culture that need to be addressed, and I think that this movement is shining a light on areas of inequality.  However, my own personal opinion is to have patience with the Lord’s revelatory process and look at the way the system now works and search for the good that exists because of the current sex-segregated priesthood system while not putting blinders on to any gross inequalities and injustices.
  • Holding Them Closer – Carl Desportes Bowman (
    Nearly 30 years ago, sociologist Robert Bellah and his team of co-authors in Habits of the Heart (1985) described the American parenting ideal as the production of independent children who “leave home,” both figuratively and literally. To never leave home, they wrote, violated the cardinal American virtue of self-reliance, contradicting self-understandings that individuals should “earn everything we get, accept no handouts or gifts, and free ourselves from our families of origin.” The essence of parenting was preparing children for just such a separation, reflecting the American belief that a meaningful life could be had only by breaking free from family and giving birth, in a sense, to oneself.
    Parents still hope, of course, that their adult children will attain financial independence, but this aspiration is no stronger than the hope that children will retain “close ties with parents and family”—both are considered “essential” by about half of American parents. The quest for long-term connection with children has taken central stage. Parenting is still about formation, but its overriding concern has pivoted from formation to connection.
  • Incarcerating Parents and Family Members – Why Our Jail-Happy Judges Are An Embarrassment (
    The very real problem of non disclosure and other concerns the family courts must deal with on a daily basis should not be trivialised, but whilst the problems are serious, and it may seem as if intense punishments are the order of the day, they neither deter desperate parents nor improve the outcomes for children.

Accommodation of the Void

When the darkness was in the eternal past something happened which many human brains can not cope with. It goes beyond their human capacity to understand.


There is only one major doctrine for humankind and that is the believe that there is a Supernatural Divine Being that is the Originator of everything.


We loathe a void because we detest that what we can not or do not know and/or understand. the emptiness of the void seems so unreal and untouchable. That a void is considered something bad is strange, because the nothingness can also be pleasant or something very intriguing. The being without something is creating a possibility to get something which shall be filled or made un-empty or full, and fullness looks something great.


When there is nothing there can not be energy, so those thinking there would have been nothing before the Big Bang should wonder how the mass could get moving and energy created out from nothing.


You may say nothing in existence did not first come from a void. When the void is really only an empty space it also could become a vacant space. Void should not always be equal to ‘without force’ or to be ‘invalid’. When the ‘void’ has nothing it can also not have volition or the act or power of using its own will or choosing to make a decision or going into action. This interferes with the idea of the big Bang being the beginning of the universe.


To say that the reason that there is a void created is because that which was there to begin with no longer fits is too easy to give way.


It is our egotistical culture and our proud which makes that we want to be able to unravel the things in front of our eyes. We all think we can explain everything and have difficulty to believe the unbelievable or that what seems to be impossible to grasp. It is very easy to become upset by the ’emptiness’ that would be controlled by Something Higher than a human being. Most man consider man the most high and superior being. They think they can use freely all plants and animals and do whatever they want with them.


Having to accept that there would be something before that Big Bang, which controlled already the things leading up to that Big Bang makes it very difficult for many people. should they then understand that there would be an other Ego that was capable to do what they only can dream of? The Something which is incomprehensible for man which has been there and is still there to fill the space of emptiness within, is the Something we get to know to be the All Being or Allah, the Only One God, Divine Creator.


that divine Creator is the “I am that I am” the “Being that is”: “I am”. Opposite being “there to be”, we can find the human beings there not to present themselves for the other, but preferring having the others for his or her own being.  Ours is a culture that glorifies “having” instead of Being. It is true that when we are ‘Being’, we are not in need of ‘having’. this is what the “I Am” of the Scriptures tells us. He wants us to see how we should become void for the other. We do not have to empty us for ourselves but we do have to empty ourselves by giving to others and having the others and the Supreme Being filling us.


The world may have come into being by a positive energy and now we have the counterpart where humankind creates lots of negative energy. Negative energy creating within us a feeling of lack, and when we have a feeling of lack. This shortcomings can get us back down in the well of darkness, back into the void of the world.


But God does not want to see us in the darkness. He wants to see us in the light.


Light was created to be mightier than the void. It should be the rays which can open our eyes and get us further on the path of experience and challenge to go forwards to better pastures in a realm which shall be better than this world.


We may feel the things that we desire the most that we are still not yet ready for, we may look to others and think they do have it better than us. But we should look into our own hearts and find the light shining in there. When we are trying to fill the void with energy that is not the correct energy we are doing ourselves no big favours, so we better go looking for the right energy. The good force, which is provided in the universe for all to find and to grasp. We are not meant to fret over the void.


We may not let us be blinded by those who would like to tell us that  there is nothing in the void (thereby making it a negative thing). We should look further than our nose, further than most people believe.

We may carry our past but should only take the best out of it and carry on going into the future, being aware that once the energy got flowing it shall not stop until the Person who started it going calls it to stop.


Though that Being Who started all the energy going is not willing to have it stopping; He promised that whatever turbulence there would come, once in the time there shall come a moment when there would be another Big Bang, namely the Third World War or Armageddon, and then the end would come for this world system. Then the promised Saviour will take over and shall take care that the right persons with the right energy shall be able to continue their path to the Kingdom of God, the World of the First and Foremost Divine Creator.

Then we shall be able to speak of the First World and the New World. Let us be ready to be there in the right place on the right time to enter that New World.



Preceding articles:


Blackness, nothingness, something, void


Read also:

  1. The Origin of Life on Earth: Creation or Evolution?
  2. Two states of existence before God
  3. A viewpoint on creation
  4. The World framed by the Word of God
  5. Creator and Blogger God 1 Emptiness and mouvement
  6. The Divine name of the Creator
  7. Cosmos creator and human destiny
  8. Creation of the earth out of something
  9. Creation gift of God
  10. Creation and the Bible
  11. God, Creation and the Bible Hope
  12. A viewpoint on creation
  13. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  14. Heed of the Saviour
  15. Darkness, light, burning fire, Truth and people in it
  16. Kingdom of God what will it be like


  • Creation Myth Flash Fiction (
    While, the splitting of the molecule caused a white flash of pure spectral light to echo across the once barren cosmos. Over time, this sonic texture has deepened in tone as the acoustics sent concussive waves across the once silent void in all directions. Sending the message of life from the initial source of, The Big Bang.
  • Luminous Pathogenesis (
    They say matter was developed, that matter is a slow mode of energy and there is spoken a presence of cooresponding voids and forms.
    The Creationist expounds to say the initial phase is not described and I will say it iS in fact in Genesis 1, if you will bear with me, I will exclude religiousity to focus on physics only but I will mention spirit as well as God. They say, whether they Claim or not what modern science confirms. The Earth (or the idea of it was not formed and void and the spirit was over the waters.
    Having a spirit who does not interfere, only play things about, would be helpful. I’d say essential to make life, which, small as biological things are require written DNA instructions and order they cannot write onto themselves.
  • God is One, Void is None (
    The theists tell me that behind and within everything is Divine Light. The Buddhists tell me that behind and within everything is void. They both claim this is the only side of the coin. They both tell me that their cosmology of an incomplete Tao is valid. Could it be possible that both views are true?There can be no light without dark. There can be no dark without light. Each highlights the other, provides a contrast in which the other can be experienced and perceived. Each provides balance to the other.
  • Bible Studies – Let Us Start From the Beginning (
    Over the millennium, numerous religious, philosophical, theoretical, metaphysical and mystic explanations have been fronted to explain creation. Creation stories abound in all cultures, including, but not limited to the Hopi Indians, ancient Babylonia, Mesopotamia, the Norse and the ancient Hebrews, to name a few. (For more detail regarding these stories, I suggest the web site of the University of Georgia and look for an article titled Creation Stories). As a few examples, I offer the Norse belief and one pre-Christian era belief.
  • Emptiness – Neither Existence Nor Voidness (
    “Emptiness” was not created by the Lord Buddha, as it simply reflects the “true reality” of all worldly phenomena. Even if the Lord Buddha did not appear in this world, this phenomenon of “Emptiness” still continues to exists; just like the fact that, even though there might not have scientific proofs from scientists before, the salt element continues to exist in sea water all the time.
  • Life Expectations (
    Isn’t it funny how when we’re younger all we dream about is being older? Or the fact that once we aren’t allowed something, we automatically want it? I don’t understand the human brain, hell I don’t think I’ve met someone who does… However, what i’m trying to say is that maybe we need to stop looking at things from our point of view and step out of the shell into somebody else’s.
    Everything you do all adds up to the path you’re supposed to be on, whether or not you know it at the time. So be that crazy bitch that everyone hates for a week or two, or even a year… Do whatever you have to do to get rid of that feeling, and to finally come to a realization a year down the road. As cheesy as it is to say, it’ll be worth in the end.
  • How Close Are We To Building A Full-Fledged Cyborg? (
    The dream of the cyborg is coming true at an exhilarating rate. As humans gets better and better at making machines, we keep attaching those machines to our bodies to make ourselves better humans. It seems at times that the only question left is if we can put a human brain in a robotic frame. Actually, it’s not a matter of if. It’s a matter of when.
  • Theorums (
    At any rate when you read articles that begin with “during the big bang” or “the KT extinction event caused” never forget they are theories only.
  • What Caused the Big Bang? A Master Mason and Knight Templar Offers a Unique New Approach to Multiverse Cosmology (
    If you have no use for the creation story in the Bible and likewise find the claim that the Big Bang just ‘spontaneously happened’ to be unconvincing, then you may indeed like what my book has to offer.
    “My book makes the case that Disunification explains E=MC², why energy and matter are convertible. Likewise, Disunification explains why Consciousness and Identity are convertible in our universe,” Augustine said. “I introduce Disunification Cosmology in my book and discuss it on my cosmology blog.”When you understand that Consciousness and Identity are convertible, your spiritual understanding explodes. You no longer need any form of religion, belief, doctrine, or even a conventional identity,” Augustine stated. “My work can expand a person beyond their boundaries and into a new and higher level of Consciousness and spiritual understanding. This is why my subtitle of my book is ‘Consciousness and Enlightenment in the Internet Age and Beyond.'”
  • Trying to Fill a Void (
    The whole nature of the Conditioned Mind Patterns is to satisfy an I Self that feels a sense of lack; a lack that it will try to fill, one way or another. This lack is the energy that causes the Conditioned Mind Pattern to be formed. It was this sense of lack that was controlling my reactions. I have come to understand that flare ups occur because our ego, operating through our Conditioned Mind Patterns, doesn’t allow us to flow with the energy of life. So it either erupts in the present or is stored, waiting for a future trigger and flare up to occur.

The Mana'o Blog


The Void. Ugh!

Even thinking about it in terms that can be thought as even being semi-friendly makes a lot of our brains itch. We loathe a void. A void means that we are empty of something and that the void demands to be filled. What we are not realizing is that there is a reason for the void and once it is that we understand the reason, there will be no more void. Too many of us are not accepting this. Too many people believe that a void is a bad thing when in reality it is only a neutral thing and doesn’t carry any negative energy until we choose to believe that it is something other than what it truly is, which is merely and only a void.

Nothing in existence did not first come from a void. A void is really only an empty space…

View original post 1,348 more words

Father and motherhood

Necessary population


Fatherhood/Motherhood (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today many people may not be interested in having children and look down at those who take the time to have some children. Many forget that children represent the future generation. Without any children there will be no continuation of the people. With not enough children there will be not enough working people able to take care of the ones who can not work any more.

Respect, honour, and support for those who want to take care for the next generation is long gone. Although the modern world sends mixed messages about motherhood, the Bible affirms that children are a blessing from God and can be a source of happiness for parents.

 3 Look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah;+ The fruitage of the belly is a reward.+ 4 Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man,*+So are the sons of youth.+ 5 Happy is the able-bodied man* that has filled+ his quiver with them. They will not be ashamed,+For they will speak with enemies in the gate. (Psalm 127:3-5)

Yet, the Scriptures are not blind to the realities of motherhood. The Bible records many of its challenges.

Choices to encounter challenges

Depiction of Adam and Eve being cast out from ...

Depiction of Adam and Eve being cast out from the Garden of Eden

Throughout history men and women had to make their own choices. They could go their own way. The Divine Creator Jehovah God, has given humankind the right to prove that they themselves can manage this world. To make the best out of their life they have to make the right choices.

At the beginning of times the Creator gave the task to the first human beings (Adam and Eve) to multiply themselves. They had to take on the role of father and mother and to bring up children. Their children in turn had to make the choice to follow the commandments of God and creating new life, or to stay on their own and continue their life like they choose themselves.

Whatever choice the human being made, it would have implementations on their own free time and on what they could do in the future. Nothing has changed.  As in the early times of men, today those who would like to have children, have to make decisions which shall change their life for ever.

The choice of being with child will be a irreversible choice in life. Choosing for parenting and motherhood have a deep and lasting influence on the life and character of themselves and their children. These decisions can bring large changes in the parents’ life-style, so they need to be made carefully. They include such questions as: Should a mother work outside the home? If yes, how much? Who is to care for the children while the mother is away working? In the end, parents must do what they believe is best for their children and also what is right before God.

Equal in the eyes of God

Man and woman are both created in the image of God and are both equal in the eyes of the Creator. Not one is better than the other. Both have to prove themselves and make themselves worthy to enter the Kingdom of God.

Our society does not like men nor women to be unproductive, and caring for children seems for them something which does not generate money for the society. the pressure from outside can make it very difficult for men and women to choose to have children and to stay at home to take care of them.

Not alone

However, mothers need not feel alone in the struggle to make wise decisions. They can take great comfort in the words of Isaiah 40:11, which indicates that God takes special interest in the needs of mothers with young babies, whom he “will conduct with care.” God manifests such keen interest by providing in the Bible a number of guidelines that can make motherhood enjoyable and successful.

11 Like a shepherd he will shepherd his own drove.+ With his arm he will collect together the lambs;+ and in his bosom he will carry [them].+ Those giving suck he will conduct [with care].+ (Isaiah 40:11)

10 They will not go hungry,+ neither will they go thirsty,+ nor will parching heat or sun strike them.+ For the One who is having pity* upon them will lead them,+ and by the springs of water he will conduct them.+ (Isaiah 49:10)

Someone to trust

Even those people who did at first did not want to know about God and His family, may trust the Creator that when they change direction and do want to leave this materialist world to foster a more spiritual world, God shall be willing to come to their help.

16 “The lost* one I shall search for,+ and the dispersed one I shall bring back, and the broken one I shall bandage and the ailing one I shall strengthen, but the fat one+ and the strong one I shall annihilate. I shall feed that one* with judgment.”*+ (Ezekiel 34:16)

Loving incoming money

Today we can see lots of people who love the incoming money and who spend their time not on family matters but pure on leisure. Many grown fat, have become thick, have become gorged. Today we can see that many are defrauding the lowly ones and crushing the poor ones. The Bible warns us for those who wanted to go the path of money and material gain instead of spiritual gain.  Those who forsook God, who made them and despised the Rock of their salvation shall have to face, in the near future, the sword of God.

15 When Jesh′u·run*+ began to grow fat, then he kicked.*+ You have grown fat, you have become thick, you have become gorged.+ So he forsook God,* who made him,+ And despised the Rock*+ of his salvation. (Deuteronomy 32:15)

16 Therefore the [true] Lord,* Jehovah of armies, will keep sending upon his fat ones a wasting disease,+ and under his glory a burning will keep burning away like the burning of a fire.+ (Isaiah 10:16)

26 And I will make those maltreating you eat their own flesh; and as with the sweet wine they will become drunk with their own blood. And all flesh will have to know that I, Jehovah,+ am your Savior+ and your Repurchaser,+ the Powerful One of Jacob.”+ (Isaiah 49:26)

Needing care, love and ingenuity

Jehovah, the Only One God, knows that children are small, delicate and tender, and that they need the necessary care. Those who want to give that care, not for their own gain or lust, God is willing to help.

2 Shepherd+ the flock of God+ in YOUR care, not under compulsion,* but willingly;*+ neither for love of dishonest gain,+ but eagerly; (1 Peter 5:2)

God’s Word says that the person who “is guarding discernment is going to find good.”

8 He that is acquiring heart*+ is loving his own soul. He that is guarding discernment is going to find good.+ (Proverbs 19:8)

English: Children dancing, International Peace...

Children dancing, International Peace Day 2009, Geneva. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Discernment is needed to sort through the unending range of leisure activities, gadgets, and trends that overwhelm mothers and children. Everywhere we are confronted with commercials. Constantly we are being bombarded with new products, better technology, and more services! Economic pressures takes a toll. Modern conveniences come at a cost, so more parents are working. Being part of a mobile society has led many family members to live and work far away from the support system of their extended family and in some cases even far away from their spouse. In many lands popular culture is not helping either, as it often focuses on tearing down institutions that provide a sense of stability, such as marriage and family.

We as Christians can take on the right attitude so that we can cope with those challenges. As a person we do have to determine what is essential and useful to ourself and to those we love. As parents we also should help our children to do the same thing.

Making the changes that are possible

When we are going to have children we should use common sense and sound judgement.

19 Jehovah himself in wisdom founded the earth.+ He solidly fixed the heavens in discernment.+ 20 By his knowledge the watery deeps* themselves were split apart,+ and the cloudy skies keep dripping down light rain.+ 21 My son, may they not get away from your eyes.+ Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability,+ 22 and they will prove to be life to your soul+ and charm to your throat.+ 23 In that case you will walk in security+ on your way, and even your foot will not strike against anything.+ 24 Whenever you lie down you will feel no dread;+ and you will certainly lie down, and your sleep must be pleasurable.+ 25 You will not need to be afraid of any sudden dreadful thing,+ nor of the storm upon the wicked ones, because it is coming.+ 26 For Jehovah himself will prove to be, in effect, your confidence,*+ and he will certainly keep your foot against capture.+ (Proverbs 3: 19-21-26)

If you are currently working outside the home, can your family live on just your husband’s income? To help answer this question, determine how much your actual take-home pay is after subtracting taxes, child care, commuting costs, wardrobe, meals out, and extras. Also, your husband’s income may be taxed at a higher rate if your combined income puts you in a higher income bracket. You may be surprised how little is left over.

Some work fewer hours or closer to home, which may mean less money but more time with the children. If you decide to stop working and if your job has been important to you for your self-worth and sense of accomplishment, think about how you can maintain these important elements while staying home.

Juggling act

Balancing work and home is not easy, but can be done. There are millions of working mothers and a few thousands of fathers who embraced the idea that ‘quality time’ with the children could partly make up for frequent absences — and who have found the idea wanting. Many mothers today say that juggling the stresses of work with the responsibilities of home leaves them overworked, overstrained, and underpaid.

Full-time mothers or full time fathers who stay at home to look after their children say that they have to endure being patronized and downgraded by a society geared to glorifying paid work. In some societies being a housewife is no longer considered an honourable position, so women are pressured to have their own career, even if the extra income is not necessary. To be a houseman is considered even more grave than a housewife by many.

Men escaping their duties

While a growing number of mothers work longer hours, fathers do not always compensate. The Sunday Times of London wrote:

“Britain is a nation of absent fathers, according to new research showing that men spend as little as 15 minutes a day with their children. . . . Many men do not take much pleasure in spending time with their families. . . . By comparison, the British professional mother will spend 90 minutes a day with her children.”

Some husbands complain that their wife finds it difficult to delegate tasks because she insists that everything be done exactly the way she is used to doing it. “Otherwise, you do it wrong,” the husbands say. Obviously, in order to benefit from the cooperation of her husband, a tired housewife may have to be willing to make some concessions as to the way certain household tasks are done. On the other hand, the husband should not use that argument as an excuse to do nothing.

Taking up fatherhood

David Blankenhorn, one of the founders of the National Fatherhood Initiative, which promotes responsible, committed fatherhood, noted that in a 1994 survey of 1,600 U.S. men, 50 percent said that their fathers were emotionally absent during their childhood. Many of today’s fathers do not want to see this pattern repeated.

Fathers who are actively involved with their children can be a wholesome influence. Referring to research published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Toronto Star said that when fathers eat meals with their children, go on outings with them, and help with homework, there are “fewer behaviour problems, higher levels of sociability and a higher level of school performance among children and adolescents.”

The foregoing highlights an arrangement for raising children that is as practical today as when first penned over three thousand years ago. The Originator of the family specifically instructed fathers to be actively involved in raising their children.

 14 On account of this I bend my knees+ to the Father,+ 15 to whom every family+ in heaven and on earth owes its name,+ 16 to the end that he may grant YOU according to the riches+ of his glory to be made mighty in the man YOU are inside+ with power through his spirit,+ 17 to have the Christ dwell through [YOUR] faith in YOUR hearts with* love;+ that YOU may be rooted+ and established on the foundation,+ 18 in order that YOU may be thoroughly able to grasp mentally+ with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth,+ 19 and to know the love of the Christ+ which surpasses knowledge, that YOU may be filled with all* the fullness+ that God gives. (Ephesians 3:14-19)

4 And YOU, fathers, do not be irritating* YOUR children,+ but go on bringing them up+ in the discipline+ and mental-regulating*+ of Jehovah.* (Ephesians 6:4)

Fathers were counselled to inculcate a love for God in the hearts of their children and to speak to them of God’s regulations and commandments. God told them to do this ‘when they sat in their house and when they walked on the road and when they lay down and when they got up.’ (Deuteronomy 6:7).

Shared responsibility

Parenting is a shared responsibility. The Bible admonishes children: “Listen . . . to the discipline of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother.” (Proverbs 1:8) The role of the father is vital. It includes supporting and respecting the mother and sharing in child-rearing tasks. It also requires spending time reading to and talking with the children. This fills a vital emotional need of children.

Unquestionably, the Bible is the most reliable source of counsel and sound principles for a well-adjusted family. A father who actively provides for the spiritual, emotional, and material needs of his family is fulfilling his God-assigned responsibility.


Find also to read:

  1. Parenthood made more difficult
  2. Having children interferes with work
  3. Connection between women and environmental sustainability
  4. Poverty and conservative role patterns
  5. Gender Roles, What?
  6. Dignified role for the woman
  7. Gender roles and Multitasking parents
  8. Surviving Motherhood: things to get excited about, right now
  9. Avoiding the big questions
  10. I started off with the little things….
  11. I want to get paid for changing diapers, but i don’t want to run a day care
  12. Gender equality and women’s rights in the post-2015 agenda
  13. Women Delivering Development: Reproductive Health, Environment and the Post-2015 Agenda
  14. European Parliament stands for human dignity
  15. Women, conservative evangelicals and their counter-offensive
  16. Don’t be the weakest link
  17. It Takes a Village
  18. Choices
  19. Each choice we make causes a ripple effect in our lives
  20. For those who make other choices
  21. Bible Guidelines for a happy marriage
  22. Joy: Foundation for a Positive Life
  23. Thirst for happiness and meaning
  24. Remember there’s a light in the next day
  25. Happy is the person who knows what to remember of the past
  26. The truest greatness lies in being kind
  27. Be happy that the thorn bush has roses
  28. Partakers of the sufferings
  29. Life and attitude of a Christian
  30. Commit your self to the trustworthy creator
  31. God helper and deliverer


  • Letters To A Natalist World: Motherhood Is Not The Highest Paid Job In The World (
    I know you want parenting to look as appealing as possible, but come on, who do you you think you’re fooling here?If being a parent is so great, then you shouldn’t have to lie about what it is to brag about it. These cutesy-wootsey, natalism-worshipping FaceBook share-fodder pictures with ridiculous captions have got to stop.
    Rebecca Meyer wrote:
    It’s funny that people try to say we have kids so that we have something that will “love us unconditionally.” It’s not even accurate. Psychologically, children love Conditionally because they depend on the parent for food, water, shelter, and any other basic survival needs. Infants do not love a parent unconditionally (meaning even if the basic survival needs weren’t met). Unconditional love actually to me comes from relationships mostly not within the family because you don’t feel obligated to love the person like you feel when family members are concerned.
  • Motherhood!….Part 5 {Whither Womanhood} (
    At every turn, motherhood praises are deafening! In songs, poetry and prose, motherhood is cast in gold and eulogized in every culture, race and creed! Little wonder the whole earth is referred to as “Mother Earth”!
    As things stand, motherhood seems to be rated above womanhood or regarded as the defining factor and crown of womanhood!
    In not-so-liberal cultures, barrenness or, not bearing the ‘right gender’ of children is considered the fault of the woman and enough grounds for dissolving a marriage or desecrating it with impunity!
    Many acclaimed preachers and religious teachers tell us that we are here to multiply, increase and fill the earth and where a middle-aged woman is not part of this multiplication equation, she is not fulfilling a Divine ordinance.
  • Motherhood!…….Part 4 {Children, Honor Fathers and Mothers} (
    Generally, mothers are accorded a great deal of love and respect, even above fathers! Maybe because they are one of the first voices and faces the child recognizes; the first teachers; the caring hands that rock the cradle and, as a reward, the hand that rocks the cradle gets the larger dose of love!
    Conventionally, daddy provides the comfort and balm but, it is mommy who solicitously applies them and gets noticed more! Cherishing dear mommy is usually the nurturing ground for love and other virtues!
    In religion, parent-honor is almost a form of worship! Virtually every religion carves a special top-notch niche for fathers and mothers. The Christian Scriptures encapsulates it all with the Commandment “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother”!
    However, the wrong interpretation of this Commandment has inadvertently worked untold hardship on many a child who struggles to obey it! How is a child to honor a father who has degenerated to a drunkard and drug addict; or a mother who through hot temper, loose tongue and lack of self-discipline torments the household?
    How can a child honor and revere parents who roundly abuse themselves and are frequently embroiled in violent quarrels?
    Unless the child is also contaminated, he/she can only pay lip-service and empty habitual respect to such parents. The impetus for pure love and heart-felt honor which streams from the soul is lacking! The child simply tags along in make-believe obedience!
  • God is Jehovah Shammah-God is There! (
    Gods wants us to trust him with everything; hear that Everything. Sometimes we can get ahead of a God and think we have the answers. As new covenant believers God lives on the inside of us through the Holy Spirit. God is always with us. He does not turn his back on us to fend for ourselves . God wants to heal msny of us from a false view that he is a God ready to beat you down.
  • Motherhood (
    What makes a mother?This is a question I find myself asking much too often, practically on a daily basis.  Mostly because I wonder if I qualify.  If I am a mother.  When people ask how many children I have, when I have to fill out a form, when I watch friends struggling with their children or to create children at all…I ask myself.  Because I want to be a mother.  Because I was a mother.
  • Is there a “shortage” of single fathers? (
    Captain Capitalism found an article on eHarmony titled 15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom. The fifteen reasons boil down to various ways of stating that single moms are easy, they will mother you, and you get to have fun with kids.
    there can be good reasons why a woman might find herself without the father of her children in the household, but the fact that he’s not around isn’t proof of her loyalty;  statistically speaking it is more likely than not an indication that she ejected the father from the home.  Aside from widows, it is at the very least a red flag which needs to be thoroughly vetted.
  • Motherhood In The Workplace: I Was Asked to Tone-Down the ‘Mommy Thing’ (
    I decided to return to work after being home with AD for 20 months. My oldest AL was 8-years-old and my daughter B was only four-months-old. I was still nursing, yet I accepted a job in the corporate office of a franchise company to manage their communications. I wanted to give my “career” a chance. Looking back, I realize I was overwhelmed at home and suffering from a major case of the grass is always greener.
    After our departmental meeting, my new boss pulled me aside and “suggested” that I don’t lead with the “mommy thing.” I was stunned and insulted and embarrassed. I figured she knew what she was talking about. I hadn’t worked in the private sector before. My experience was with not-for-profit organizations, trade associations, or at a newspaper. Again, I ignored my instincts.
  • Optional Parenthood (
    One of my mother friends finds it strange that out of my handful of closest friends in the world (and she is included on the list) two of them are childless. She thinks it’s strange because a) I’m so devoted to my own parenting; b) my life is seemingly arranged to facilitate parenthood; c) most of the friendships she’s made or maintained have come through her kids and the parents of her kids’ friends. It bears mentioning that this friend is someone I met years and years ago, before either of us had children. It’s not as if we became friends because we are both parents. We were already friends and then we became parents.
  • The Juggle of Modern Motherhood (
    My mum first became a mother in the early 1960s. She was 20 when she got married, and a month over 21 when my eldest brother arrived. By her 24th birthday she had three sons, all under three.
    Modern motherhood (and modern parenthood) is so far removed from five decades ago, it really is like comparing chalk and cheese. I can’t imagine how women (and it was almost exclusively women) in the 1960s juggled childcare and housework, let alone adding paid work into the mix.I was a decade older than my mother had been when I had my first child, and had a degree and a career (of sorts) behind me. I was made redundant when I was three months pregnant with our first child, and I applied for work after she was born. I therefore became the default primary carer.

    I ‘returned to work’ when my baby was five months old and, as I didn’t breastfeed, this was easy. I had three days a week paid work, leaving four days to concentrate on motherhood, and pretended that it was just perfect that I had the benefits of both work and home. How jolly!

    How untrue! Working part-time (or full-time) and being a full-time parent (because if you’re a parent, you are a full-time parent, especially when you’re the primary carer) doesn’t give you the benefits of both; it gives you the downsides of both. Multiplied.

  • Motherhood= Amazing (
    Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a mommy. I had many baby dolls and would take care of them as if they were my own.  I would pay attention to my mother and what she did for me, so I could be a better mommy to my “babies.” I would read to them, take them on car trips, and put them to bed right next to me. My babies were my everything.