Relation between true self-knowledge and knowledge of the world

Relation between true self-knowledge and knowledge of the world





One can never reach true self-knowledge without having come to a knowledge of the world.
We cannot come to a knowledge of the world without self-knowledge.
Neither can we attain self-knowledge without a knowledge of the world.
It is like the beating of a pendulum which must swing back and forth.
So must man constantly search for the pendulum that beats
, now between self-experience and world experience,
and now between world experience and self-experience.

~ Rudolf Steiner – GA 192 – Geisteswissenschaft- liche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen – Stuttgart, 1 May 1919 (page 71)



Everyone for himself

Everyone for himself

In 1906 Rudolf Steiner wrote

Nearly everyone lives entirely for himself today, without perceiving anything of the real and all-penetrating common design. That of course is the cause of the dreadful dissatisfaction everywhere.

Today nothing seems to be changed in the better way. People have become even more selfish. Dissatisfaction has grown stronger and people got less patience then some years ago. Everything now has togo as fast as possible. And many people also want to be served first. Often they even have no eye for an other person.

Can a person be too Christian to lead a modern political party

Cambridge-educated former accountant, now 32, Kate Forbes could change perceptions of the SNP party, if her Christian faith doesn’t prove a bar to the top job does find

Kate Forbes, sometimes dubbed the “Tartan Thatcher”, has been on maternity leave since last summer, missing out on the gender self-ID madness. She recently married a widower with three children and has begun a new phase of life which, her friends say, she’s very much enjoying. There has been talk of her not returning to politics at all. But then again, there has been talk of her succeeding Sturgeon ever since she was made Scottish finance minister, age 29, delivering a budget with just four hours’ notice.

“I believe in the person of Jesus Christ,”

she once told the BBC.

“I believe that he died for me, he saved me and that my calling is to serve and to love him and to serve and love my neighbours. With all my heart and soul and mind and strength.”

She’s a convert to the Free Church of Scotland, an evangelical, Calvinist denomination in Scotland, with a Presbyterian policy, considering Jesus Christ as sole Lord and Saviour. The church said a conscience clause, similar to that included for medical staff when abortion was legalised, would also shield teachers who do not want to include gay marriage in lessons.

The church said it was “unacceptable” that parents will have no legal right to remove their children from all lessons where gay marriage is mentioned and not just sex education classes.

Although Scottish ministers have said choirmasters and organists in marriage ceremonies will receive similar protections to clergy, the church said it was “inconsistent” not to extend this to teachers, registrars and other public sector staff.

With the knowledge that Kate Forbes belongs to a church that topposes gay marriage and has likened abortion to the evil of slavery, one could pose the big question:

is she simply too Christian to lead a modern political party?.

Nothing she has said suggested she demurs.


Have our equality laws now taken on a quasi-religious dynamic, complete with blasphemy (in the form of “hate speech” legislation) and the likes of Ms Forbes seen as “problematic” heretics?

Does her faith and her refusal to renounce any elements of it effectively debar her from public office?

In recent years, Christians in politics have been accommodated through a policy of don’t-ask, don’t-tell. They learn how to disguise their faith and dodge tricky questions, believing no good can come of being seen to be religious. But it’s getting harder now, in an era where people can lose their jobs for expressing the wrong sort of opinions. Scotland has been leading the charge, with Sturgeon’s recent hate crime law announced by posters that seem to regard churches as a target.

“Dear bigots,”

ran the text on the bus stops,

“you can’t spread your religious hate here. End of sermon.”

A Police Scotland logo was published underneath, to hammer home the fate that awaited transgressors. Was this message aimed at the famously unwoke Free Church of Scotland?

One of its ministers suspected so, and reported the poster to the police – for hate crime. He got nowhere, but made a point. It’s dangerous, now, to hold old-fashioned views on marriage, gender or abortion. Harder still to hold such views and go any distance in public life.

The Equality Network, a charity that promotes homosexual rights, said the Free Church’s plan amounts to a “free pass for discrimination”.

Tom French, the organisation’s policy coordinator, said:

“We wouldn’t want to create a situation where your local registrar, GP or teacher could pick-and-choose whether to serve you on the basis of your race, religion, or sexual orientation.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said:

“We are striving to create a Scotland that is fairer and more tolerant, and that is why we believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.

“At the same time, we also want to protect freedom of speech and religion, and that’s what the Bill does.”

In which way shall the members of the Free Church of Scotland when in politics, strive for the freedom of all, when it could go in against their church teachings?

Just ask Tim Farron, who faced a secular inquisition when leading the Liberal Democrats during the 2017 election. He’d try to say he believed in freedom for everyone, but one question kept coming back: did he regard gay sex as a sin? He couldn’t answer – and this bizarre question ended up dominating his campaign. He resigned, saying that he was unable to reconcile faith and politics.

The first non-white and first Muslim cabinet minister in the Scottish Government, Scotland’s health minister, Humza Yousaf, is also a likely contender to succeed Sturgeon, but it’s harder to imagine a Muslim being grilled about sin and sex. There are, quite rightly, concerns about Islamophobia, but no similar concerns about Christianophobia. The word, even the concept, seems daft. But if Forbes runs for leader and her faith is used against her, it would raise an important question.

Are we really saying a devout Hindu can end up in No 10 but a similarly devout Free Church of Scotland member should not end up in Bute House?

Of course, most Scots could not care less about all this thought policing and will judge her – and Mr Yousaf – on what they do in office. They’d likely agree with her about the risk (as she once said) that

“we deem some people as beyond the pale, that we just can’t tolerate people with particular views anywhere near the decision-making table”.

This is the kind of message that could broaden the SNP’s appeal, dialling down its exhausting culture war. With Forbes as leader, old perceptions would change. The SNP really would be worth a second look.

> Read the article The SNP has a rising star even more dangerous for the Union than Sturgeon


Find also to read:

Free Church calls for ‘conscience’ clause in gay marriage laws

Gender-confused Nicola Sturgeon stages a masterclass in alternative reality

Sturgeon’s political crisis deepens as she undermines her own gender laws

Nicola Sturgeon’s downfall came as she failed to recognise madness of her trans law

Nicola Sturgeon’s gender ‘nonsense’ has set Scottish independence back years, says Alex Salmond

SNP minister who led revolt over Sturgeon’s gender reforms emerges as shock candidate



Added commentary to the posting A Progressive Call to Arms


Additional reading

  1. People are turning their back on Christianity
  2. Youngsters, parents and the search to root in life
  3. Hiding or opening attitude for same sex relationships
  4. Jehovah’s Witnesses Shunning ex-members adverse effects on family relationships
  5. Two synods and life in the church community
  6. A synod not leading to doctrinal changes because it is about pastoral attention
  7. The Catholic synod on the family and abortion
  8. Different assessment criteria and a new language to be found for communicating the faith
  9. Same sex relationships and Open attitude mirroring Jesus
  10. The focus of multiculturalism in Europe on Muslims and Jews
  11. Living and Loving Faithfully
  12. Synod of Bishops concerning minors
  13. Gay people in the Church of England
  14. Archbishop of Canterbury threatened over gay marriage by MPs
  15. Controversial Pope
  16. Discouraged from asking questions


Further related articles

  1. Combating the Devaluation of Transgender Experience
  2. Kate Forbes: A Hope For The Future.
  3. Who will replace Nicola Sturgeon? Front runners, also rans and a guess at the odds
  4. Transgender ideology and the rise of the thought police – CT
  5. Who will replace Nicola Sturgeon? The candidates for next SNP leader, from Angus Robertson to Kate Forbes
  6. Where the candidates to replace Nicola Sturgeon stand on Indy Ref 2, LGTBQ+ rights and more
  7. On A Wing And A Prayer
  8. Presbyterians Who Don’t Want to Be
  9. Beware Medical Missions
  10. American Greatness
  11. Scottish Identity- A Christian View
  12. Confessions of a Free Church Minister
  13. The Disruption, Parliament and Conservative division: Alexander Campbell (1811-1869)
  14. Thomas Chalmers on the Covenanters, later Scottish evangelicals, and the admission of Romanists to parliament
  15. George Smeaton on the establishment principle, the rights of God, and national covenanting
  16. Andy’s Tour of the Highlands.
  17. Who cares? A plea for reformed parish missions
  18. Report from the road – events in Kiltarlity
  19. The Respect for Marriage Act…. Is it for everyone? And other thoughts it spun.
  20. The Church of England is now officially stating its own hypocrisy
  21. Church of England Issues Proposal to Affirm Biblical Marriage While Still ‘Blessing’ Gay Marriage
  22. Sandi Toksvig to meet Archbishop of Canterbury after Church of England’s rejection of same-sex marriage
  23. Archbishop of Canterbury accused of ‘failing to show leadership on LGBT marriage’
  24. Same Sex Marriage
  25. General Synod and Gay Marriage Blessing: Time for God’s Accommodation
  26. Trans Awareness : Importance
  27. Gendervague: At the Intersection of Autistic and Trans Experiences
  28. Transgenders
  29. Stupidest people in politics
  30. Obama’s Mother’s Day proclamation: Gender identity?
  31. Verse 86 of the Obama Impeachment song. Gender denial.
  32. Are LGBT Rights Civil Rights?
  33. Being Trans is Not a Mental Illness, Hating Them Is
  34. New words for gender confusion. A Limerick.
  35. Gay and Transgender Hate
  36. Leave Gays and Trans People Alone
  37. Transgender Numbers
  38. Spain becomes one of first countries in Europe to pass trans law allowing people to change gender from age 16
  39. On same-sex marriage, ‘the country has caught up with California’
  40. ‘They will come after me,’ Joni Ernst says after Iowa GOP groups punished her for marriage vote
  41. Joe Biden signs gay marriage law, calls it ‘a blow against hate’ 
  42. US President Joe Biden Signs Historic Bill To Protect Same-Sex And Inter-Racial Marriages
  43. What countries have legalized gay marriage?
  44. Indian gay couples begin legal battle for same-sex marriage
  45. ‘We don’t want to leave’: If Obergefell is overturned, LGBTQ people in the South will bear the brunt
  46. California will try to enshrine right to same-sex marriage
  47. The abundance in scarcity – the call center years part 1
  48. A Very Good Place to Start
  49. Beyond Evil
  50. Accountability for “Trans” Children’s Medicine
  51. Accessibility and the Future of HRT
  52. Brianna Ghey
  53. “Transgender Bill of Rights” Attacks Religious Freedom, Speech & More – Sign the Petition – The Published Reporter®
  54. Kentucky Senate lets teachers decide on transgender pronouns
  55. Bumping into an old friend as a new trans woman
  56. Open Letter in Support of Kellie-Jay Keen, ‘Oppresively Pursued’ by Sussex Police and the CPS
  57. Gabrielle Union Writes Powerful Letter Calling for Better Coverage of Transgender People in Media
  58. Democracy or Dictatorship
  59. Combating the Devaluation of Transgender Experience

Was it a year not to step on the toes?

Was it a year not to step on the toes?

Not a silent but (perhaps) less irritating year

Three years of Corona pandemic came along and except for China not many countries seem still to worry.

In Europe, something very different from a Coronavirus has caught our attention. The danger is that this virus could spread and kill many more people than Corona did.
It is about the Putin virus or Russian disease as Trump might start calling it.

Just as a lot of fake news came our way during the Trump era, a lot of work had to be done in recent years to ‘debunk’ those misleading or deceptive reports.
You might think that here on this site with the name “Stepping toes” would be the ideal place to strip such disseminated falsehoods or lie talk of credibility. People like to sell talking points, and in recent years it seemed to have become a sport to send as many falsehoods into the world as possible. But to counter the many false messages posted on social media, this site was actually not originally planned.

Last year may have reached the pinnacle of fake message spreading. It could not go on any longer. Something had to be done to restore honour to journalism and bring correct messages to the world.

Young people were increasingly reaching for their smartphones with all kinds of apps to follow Facebook and Instagram posts, as if they could get the very best news there. But correct messaging was far from there. Social media won out over the daily and weekly newspapers that lost out, raising the question of whether there was still a possibility of life for serious journalism.
While newspapers were under pressure and many wondered how to survive this resort to social media, blogs also came under fire. Google and WordPress thought no better of changing their systems. At Blogger, it made a lot of bloggers tired of the difficulties in the system and took refuge elsewhere. Thus, I too decided to take refuge in the WordPress that was familiar to me with the old editor, hoping that WordPress would not force everyone to have to use the hideous block editor (introduced in 2018) (because it is really totally impractical for free writing and design).

Converting all the Google sites to the new system took a lot of time, so there have been somewhat fewer articles on my WordPress sites over the last two years, except for this year at my newcomer.

It is for that newcomer that I would like to draw your attention today.

The format of that new WordPress site is not really new, as the newcomer is actually a continuation of the former Blogspot sites “Christadelphian World” and “Our World“. The only difference now is actually a result of an easier form of writing and shaping for publishing or publishing articles. Because this is now much easier than Blogspot, I can now provide more articles at the same time.

As the title for the site, I chose “Some View on the World” or “Enige Kijk op de Wereld” because the site wants to give a view of what is happening in the world, while also giving more clarity on certain facts.
In the first year of its new form, it has been a bit of a search to find a way to leave enough time for my other Christian websites, while still being able to provide a balanced news overview that can be relied upon to be verified reporting and thus present accurate facts to the reader.

I believe I now know roughly how to tackle it for 2023 and hope that with my outline I can attract enough readers to further follow the links provided in the articles as well.

I do hope still to provide a day-to-day events review, and do hope people will find it useful.
I shall continue to try to offer ideas and context and depth, as well as information: a combination of clarity (the facts to help you understand the world) and imagination (the ideas you need to build a better one).

This better world that needs to be worked on is extremely important. We must realise that it is not ‘five to twelve’, but that the hands have long been moving in the wrong direction and that the earth is crying out loudly for support. For far too long, we have neglected the earth and been careless with its resources. Now we have to bear the consequences. Global warming is a fact, although many still do not want to acknowledge it. On “Some View on the World” we do want to pay attention to that earth which we have been given on loan by the Creator. Indeed, it is high time we took our responsibility and took steps to address that climate change.

We don’t particularly want to tread on toes on that “new site”, but we do want to regularly draw attention to those issues that really should get our attention.

In a way, I also hope to have caught your attention and made you warm to go and take a look at that news site (or online newspaper) and (who knows) subscribe there too to be kept informed of new articles.

Be welcome to “Some View on the World”.


Additional reading

  1. Lots of news demanding attention
  2. Texts, writers, accesibility and willingness
  3. Thoughts tinged with triviality
  4. For those who call the Brussels Airport attacks a fake or a conspiracy of the government
  5. At the closing hours of 2016 #2 Low but also highlights
  6. International Women’s Day 2019
  7. 2021 in review #1 the most startling point
  8. Conspiracy theories in plenty-fold
  9. Entering 2022 still Aiming for a society without exploitation or oppression
  10. Putin speaks plainly – and the West is speechless
  11. Written-down thoughts
  12. Eyes on pages and messages on social media
  13. Gossip and fake news, opposite fact checking and facts presenting
  14. Study Guide: Definition of Journalism
  15. Safeguarding freedom of expression
  16. Identifying Journalism
  17. News that’s fit to print
  18. Newspapers: Dying or Changing
  19. The End of Journalism
  20. Why social media presence matters in journalism
  21. Traditional News Turns into The Journalism We Know Now
  22. The First Great Information War 
  23. Lies for Likes
  24. The Ever-Evolving Industry of Journalism: its Quest to Survive in a Digital World
  25. How to save Journalism in 2022
  26. Mississippi journalists discuss the evolution of daily newspapers
  27. Newspapers: Dying or Changing
  28. Journalism under attack
  29. What do we know about the future of journalism?
  30. Looking for Free Blogs and blogging
  31. WordPress appears to have fallen off its best horse
  32. A Classic Editor versus Block Editor
  33. From old times and sites to new linkings
  34. Joseph Pulitzer’s Retirement Speech & The Traits of Journalism
  35. Change of name
  36. New Name a fact
  37. Newly added pages to Our World
  38. Our World on Blogger coming to its end
  39. My faith and hope
  40. Presenting views from different sources
  41. Weekly World Watch (WWW) looking at a few key developments that have happened during the past week
  42. Invitation to renew connection
  43. Invitation to the news platform that brings a view of the world

Anti-Semitism: Dramatic rise in 2021, Israeli report says

Anti-Semitism: Dramatic rise in 2021, Israeli report says

BBC, April 22 + Audit of antisemitic incidents


The number of anti-Semitic incidents around the world dramatically increased last year, a study by Tel Aviv University has found. The report identifies the US, Canada, the UK, Germany and Australia as among countries where there was a sharp rise. This was fueled by radical left- and right-wing political movements and incitement on social media, it says. The report’s release coincides with Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day, which begins on Wednesday night. Known in Israel as Yom HaShoah, the day commemorates the six million Jews murdered by Nazi Germany across Europe during World War Two. The Anti-Semitism Worldwide Report 2021, by the Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Humanities, is based on the analysis of dozens of studies from around the world, as well as information from law enforcement bodies, media and and Jewish organisations.


In these very last days we can expect anti-Semitism to increase. The Jews are often blamed for world crises. They are blamed for financial collapse, for conflict, for making the Covid19 virus etc etc. Social networks spread conspiracy theories about the Jews and this spreading of lies incites hatred. In the kingdom though it will be the exact opposite. We are told in Zechariah that 10 men will take hold of the skirt of one Jew and say

“We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.”

Mankind will finally realise in the kingdom that the words of Jesus himself were true – that

“salvation is of the Jews.”

Through baptism we become adopted Jews as we are ”covered” in Christ who was a Jew and also God’s son. We are then related to the promises to Abraham….

23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you. (Zechariah 8:23)

Andy Walton

Weekly World Watch



Objective views and not closing eyes for certain sayings


Additional reading

  1. January 27 – 70 years ago Not an end yet to genocide
  2. What is Fascism and who are today’s Fascists?
  3. Is it really true that Anti-Semitism will never be tolerated?
  4. The fight against anti-Semitism is also a fight for a democratic, value-based Europe
  5. Hamas the modern Philistines
  6. ….a powerful way to put the universe on notice….
  7. Seeds from the world creating division and separation from God
  8. By the commemoration of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp #2 Holocaust deniers and twisters of the truth (Our World) = By the commemoration of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp #2 Holocaust deniers and twisters of the truth (View on the World)
  9. Auschwitz survivors providing a warning of rising anti-Semitism and exclusion of free thinking
  10. A Secret of our Enemy :Inter-Ethnic Fault Lines Among the Jews (Full Article)
  11. Growing anti-Semitism possible sign of certain times
  12. Signs of the times – “An object of scorn and ridicule”
  13. Signs of the Times – War and anti-Semitism
  14. Signs of the times – “Anti-Semitism on the increase”
  15. Protest against Tzahal concert in Antwerp
  16. Jews the next scapegoat for Donald Trump
  17. The American clouds of Anti-Semitism (Our World) = The American clouds of Anti-Semitism (View on the World)
  18. Donald Trump after declining numbers of people victimised for their religion managed to increase the numbers again
  19. Incidents of hate have become commonplace in the U.S.A. anno 2017
  20. What to do in the Face of Global Anti-semitism
  21. Apocalyptic Extremism: No Longer a Laughing Matter
  22. The Rise of Anti-Seminism
  23. Dr. Miller looking at Jews in France
  24. Anti-Semitic pressure driving Jews out of Europe
  25. Jews In France Ponder Whether To Stay Or To Leave
  26. Quiz questions, views, left- and right-wing anti-Semitism
  27. Many members of Jewish community wondering if they are still welcome in Poland
  28. French rabbis of the suburbs confront anti-Semitism
  29. a Call to stop the growing anti-Semitism
  30. Numbers 10:10 Make Your Rejoicing Heard
  31. Trusting present youngsters who are not necessary evil
  32. The danger of having less than 25 000 Jews in Belgium
  33. Historian Deborah Lipstadt Assesses the New Anti-Semitism
  34. Anti-Semitism in Austria 2018 study results
  35. Trump’s rhetoric is infusing a culture of Anti-Semitism
  36. A new decade, To open the eyes to get a right view
  37. Month of freedom and liberty with Independence Day or Deceived day
  38. the Soup will not be eaten as hot as it is served
  39. Perhaps Anti-Semitism for lots of people isn’t always easy to see
  40. Aalst Carnaval 2020 a further anti-Jewish demonstration
  41. Aalst Carnival and Unia analyses reports
  42. Anti-Semitism in the United States
  43. Passover 7 days of meditation opening a way to conversion
  44. Looking at 2021 in a nutshell
  45. Is it time for UK Jews to pack the bags?
  46. This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #6
  47. A convinced voice to debunk false allegationsIn Every Generation: The Return of Anti-Semitism – Pesah Day 1, 5779Intermarriage and Protecting the state of the Jewish and/or Jeshuaist familyPublic reaction demanded against increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes
  48. A vibrant and inclusive movement within the American Jewish community



  1. Jewish Liberal Newspaper, June 10, 1921
  2. Issue 27, June 10, 1921 Highlights
  3. Uneasy with John’s bias against ‘the Jews’ in an age of religious pluralism? Here are a couple of ways to deal with it
  4. Why Putin’s ‘denazification’ claim is a ‘total distortion of Ukraine’s reality’
  5. It’s Anti-Semitism Stupid!
  6. (ADL) Anti-Semitism Algorithm
  7. Don’t Let Me Downplay
  8. Hawkins County Sen. Frank Niceley responds to anti-Semitism claims
  9. ‘This Is Not … Danville.’ East Bay Community Responds to Anti-Semitic Flyers
  10. Group reports record tally of antisemitic incidents in 2021
  11. Report: Illinois Ranks Among Midwestern States With Highest Total Number of Anti-Semitic Incidents in 2021
  12. ADL: Reports of Antisemitic Incidents in US Hit Record High in 2021
  13. The Gilad Atzmon and David Rovics Antisemitism Controversy, Explained
  14. Colorado ranks 8th in antisemitic incidents audit
  15. Anti-Semitic incidents rise 27% in California in 2021 and are nearly triple what they were in 2015
  16. Antisemitic incidents rose dramatically in 2021, alarming new report shows
  17. Tel Aviv University – Antisemitism Peaked Globally in 2021
  18. Thoughts on Yom HaShoah in 2022
  19. Yom Hashoah 5782- 2022
  20. Yom Hashoah 2022 (by the News that matter)
  21. Yom HaShoah When the IDF fought the Nazi war machine.
  22. Yom HaShoah 2022
  23. Heroism and Hope: How Israelis Honor Those Who Perished While Also Celebrating Heroes…Inspiring!
  24. Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day 4/28/22
  25. Yom HaShoah 5782 – In Memory of
  26. Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day At Fort Ontario May 1
  27. Parashat Kedoshim 5782: Judaism and the Golden Rule
  28. Will There Be Another Holocaust? | Amir Tsarfati • Behold Israel
  29. Antisemitic flyers found in Corte Madera
  30. Immigration and the Free-Floating Morality of the Philosophers
  31. Looking back and looking into the future: Holocaust Remembrance Day
  32. Increase in Anti-Semitism Worldwide
  33. Over 160 state municipal leaders join fight against antisemitism at Lappin forum
  34. Lavrov compares Ukraine’s Zelensky to Hitler with antisemitic ‘Jewish blood’ trope
  35. Russia’s FM Sergei Lavrov Claims Hitler Was A Jew, Sparking Sharp Criticism From Israel
  36. Hedges: Stand with Alice Walker — Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism (Video)
  37. Liberation Is Jewish History. Let’s Make It Our Future, Too.
  38. Labour councillor suspended from party after ‘sharing Holocaust denial article’

The Difference Between Reading the Bible and Meditating on God’s Word

The Difference Between Reading the Bible and Meditating on God’s Word

There always has to be a good reason to read the Bible. Even

“simply wanting to know what all the hoopla was about and why people were so hyped up on it”

could already be a good reason to start reading the Bible. From that point of view, it could give some good idea of what others are saying, what would or would not be in Scripture.

Best is to read the Bible to study it and to gain more knowledge of what is written inside it. Then it will give also a good idea of what others, like clergy, are insinuating what would be standing there in those 66 books of the Book of books, the Bible, and coming to see what is really written in it.


“in no way shape or form, did reading the Bible had anything to do with God.”

then it would be a very difficult start, already closing some gates to receiving knowledge or to coming into conversation with God. Reading the Bible is namely like being present by someone, listening to what He has to say. Reading the Bible also gives an opportunity to come into conversation with the Divine Creator of heaven and earth, the God of gods. When starting to read what He has to say, there has to be a willingness to listen to Him.

For sure, several people coming to read the Bible,

“some of their reasons aren’t particularly holy.”

Several people want to find reasons and words to attack those lovers of God, who find those words in the Bible sacred.

Sometimes, as the article writer mentions, coming to read the Bible is

“done out of curiosity”

as her friends in school did for religious studies

“and other times it’s for understanding the religion better.”

And that is a very good reason, more people should consider why reading that book is as important as reading other basic scriptures of certain religious groups.

All people should learn about the different religions and have to go through their basic scriptures. When the reason to read the Bible is to debunk the Bible, like some atheists and other (religious) people do they would often be surprised where they end up. More than once, an atheist or even a Christian or other religious person came to see the truth and came to look for a church that is living according to those Words of God.

“they use part of the bible to show why other Christian religions are wrong”

is not such a bad idea, when they do it with the right intention and lovingly, to bring people closer to the One and Only Real God, the God of Israel, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Who is One and not two or three.

Too often, people who call themselves Christian, do not dare to open their ears fully to those words of God, but prefer to be chained to the doctrinal teachings of their church, be it a Catholic or Trinitarian Protestant Church, instead of trying to read and understand the words like they are written black on white.

When there is a willingness to listen carefully to God’s Word as presented in the Bible, the reader shall be surprised how a whole new world might open up before him or her. But then it becomes most important also to accept those Words from God and to act to the received new insight. And that last bit is one of the very difficult parts when one has lived for several years in a certain Christian denomination. Often it is easier for an atheist to become a true Christian than for a Christian to become a real follower and believer in the son of God, Jeshua or Jesus Christ. Most people coming from a certain denomination have difficulties changing their lives and changing church, after they discovered that there are differences in the teachings of their familiar church and the contents of the Bible.

The difficulty for reading the Bible is that it has to be done with an open mind geared toward spiritual growth and with a willingness to change.
The writer of this article still has to go a long way, because she writes

“After all, the time He walked the earth stone was the paper of choice”

giving an indication that she still considers Jesus to be God instead of him being the son of God. God never walked this earth. God is an eternal Spirit Being (meaning having no beginning or birth and no end = no death) no man can see. Clearly, the writer of this article is still confusing and mixing two different Biblical characters. This comes perhaps because she is so clinched or stuck by her Catholic upbringing, where they worship a Trinity and other gods and saints.

We can only hope that those who read the Bible also one moment come to listen more carefully to the Words of God and start meditating on them as well, giving a two-way communication platform to the Author of the Book of books, so that more insight and wisdom will come to them.

The writer of this article (Marita) ends very nicely but also hits the nail when she writes

“Basically, meditating on God’s word is supposed to bring about change. Change in you and the world around you.”

And changing direction and adapting their belief unto what is really written in the Scriptures is one of the most difficult tasks for people who grew up in a Christian church tradition and who have come to read the Bible more thoroughly.
And the Bible deserves a thorough reading and study to be moulded by God and filled with biblical clarity rather than church indoctrination.




People Seeking for God 1 Looking for answers

People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations

God of gods

The Almighty Lord God of gods King above all gods

Is reading the Bible necessary?

Being in tune with God

How Social Media is Shrinking the Bible

Ways to Approach Difficult Bible Passages

Followers, protestors and reformers


Additional reading

  1. Bible
  2. Unread bestseller
  3. What Is: The Bible as Originally Written
  4. Bible Word from God
  5. Word of God
  6. Bible Inspired Word of God
  7. Today’s thought “Word of the Only One God – To be read and listened at” (November 21)
  8. Bible Word of God inspired and infallible
  9. Moshe Rabbenu and Torat Moshe
  10. Bible in the first place #2/3
  11. Appointed to be read (Our World) = Appointed to be read (Some View on the World)
  12. Best to read and study the Bible
  13. Not studying an abstract and arcane text of the ancient world
  14. Best intimate relation to look for
  15. No other god besides Jehovah who gives all explanation
  16. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #8 Some more attributes of God
  17. Today’s thought “Jehovah God makes us dwell in safety and confident trust” (January 02)
  18. Fill your hands with the Lord’s work
  19. A living Word giving confidence
  20. Praying and acts of meditation without ceasing
  21. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #6 Words to feed and communicate
  22. Pray that we will make the time to listen: listen to God and listen to each other
  23. Today’s thought “On the eternity of God” (December 17)
  24. Today’s thought “Ability to circumcise your heart” (May 13)
  25. Conversations that Matter
  26. Necessity of a revelation of creation 10 Instructions for insight and wisdom
  27. Necessity of a revelation of creation 12 Words assembled for wisdom and instruction
  28. Fear of God reason to return to Holy Scriptures
  29. From nothingness to a growing group of followers of Jeshua 3 Korban for God or gods
  30. Making time for God is crucial
  31. 500 years of a provision of the Word in the language of the peoples
  32. A special anniversary for the Church where Catholics and Protestants find common ground
  33. Accuracy, Word-for-Word Translation Preferred by most Bible Readers
  34. A Bible Falling Apart Belongs to Someone who isn’t



  1. Are you making time or making excuses?
  2. Practical Christianity: Give Your Time
  3. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
  4. Seeking God’s manna
  5. The Book
  6. Our Amazing Bible
  7. The Original Biblical Writings
  8. Scriptures
  9. Purpose of Scripture
  10. God breathed
  11. Bible Reading Discovery
  12. Conversation between God and Me
  13. How to Begin Conversations with God
  14. Conversations with God part 2
  15. Talkative God
  16. Confirms the Word
  17. The Word, Faith, and Testing
  18. The Word – Good News and Bad News
  19. Believing God
  20. A way to look for Christ, the Bible, Word of God
  21. Light Unto My Feet
  22. Practical Christianity: Don’t Be A Jerk
  23. When My Mental Health is Suffering
  24. Bad News and Good News
  25. How Do I Read the Bible?
  26. How to Interpret Scripture
  27. Book: How (Not) to Read the Bible
  28. Read the Bible in a Year
  29. The Bible Tells Me SoFall in Love With Reading the Bible: 10 Tips to Keep You Motivated & Passionate
  30. The Not-So-Quiet Time

Seeking Redemption

To those now deep into biblical scripture you are probably aware of the difference between reading the bible and meditating on the world. Naturally, like many young Christians, I had assumed that once you read the bible, and you knew God’s words and it was enough. But I kept hearing about ‘meditating on the word’ and never understood what it meant. Until over a decade later when I began meditating on God’s word.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and, training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Reading the Bible

I’ve read the bible twice, decades ago and still could quote a single lick of scripture. I read it just like I did with any storybook. Enough to know all the main characters and get a clear…

View original post 1,410 more words

A broken spirit

What do you think of this?

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” (Psalm 51:17)

This verse is so familiar to us that we may not really think about it very much any more. But let’s take a minute and actually think.

Is a “broken spirit” a good thing or a bad thing?

David seems to think it’s a good thing, in fact necessary if we are to come to God. What does our culture think? Being “spirited” is a good thing: it means we’re ambitious, we’re achievers, we stick up for ourselves and don’t let anyone put us down. Being broken in spirit is the opposite: in our culture it means we’re passive, we won’t stick up for ourselves, in fact it may mean we’re damaged emotionally.

Yet another way in which God’s ideals and standards are at odds with the world’s.

It’s clear which side Jesus comes down on.

““Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)

The word Jesus chooses to use for “poor” means abjectly poor, a pauper with no recourse but begging. So, broken indeed.

Our culture simply reflects our nature. We humans really can’t stand to be broken in spirit. To us, that equals being totally defeated, stripped of respect including self-respect. Depending on the circumstances, we view it as contemptible, or pitiable, or outrageous. We strenuously object to being broken in spirit!

We should recognize that we might be dealing with “broken” in two different senses of the word. One refers to being damaged so as not to work properly. The other is to be subdued, tamed, to have wildness trained out. I think in these scriptures we are seeing both.

To arrive at the point David says we must, in order to approach God, we must have our pride and our willfulness subdued. That will never happen while we still proclaim,

“I am whole, I am capable, I am my own master.”

That attitude is the wildness, part of our nature, that has to be trained out of us. And if we don’t get there until we come to a key realization: we are indeed broken— damaged, non-functional, infirm, in need of healing.

It’s sin that has broken us. And the solution to sin, David teaches, is entirely dependent of us realizing how broken we are. Then we can come to God, to His mercy, and seek to be repaired, healed. Then, Jesus teaches us, we’re on the path to the Kingdom.

The world despises the broken, looking down on us in either pity or contempt. They cannot see that they themselves are the ones truly broken, that their claims to be whole are lies. We, on the other hand, who confess ourselves to be broken, are the ones—now healed—who have been made whole at last.



Having opinions, judging or being judgmental

In the Christian world, there are people who say we may not judge nor vote.

John 7:24 says

Stop judging by mere appearances, and make it right judgement”

Many people forget that we may not judge according to appearance, but it does not say we may not judge at all. We should investigate everything before we express our opinion. By giving our idea we should have judged righteous before we express ourselves.

“’You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but you are to judge your neighbor fairly.” (Le 19:15 NAS)

“”Thus has the LORD of hosts said, ’Dispense true justice, and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother;” (Zec 7:9 NAS)

Often we make a judgement already by only seeing a person, without having spoken enough with him or her to get some real idea of that person. We should try to do like God does, not judging on their ‘outside’, but getting to know their inner thoughts and compare it to their action and judge then their attitude.

“”You people judge according to the flesh; I am not judging anyone.” (Joh 8:15 NAS)

Every day of the week or of the year, we do have to face matters and have to judge them to take the right action. Some think or say that Jesus said we may not judge at all.

“”Do not judge lest you be judged.” (Mt 7:1 NAS)

Here Jesus warns us not to pick on people and to jump on their failures, criticize their faults unless, of course, we want the same treatment. Jesus lets us know that the attitude we take or critical spirit to look at others has a way of boomeranging.

It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbour’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Often we find people who say they are Christian and want to be ‘holier than the pope’, living with a whole travelling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living their part.

“1  “Do not judge so that you will not be judged. 2 “For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. 3 “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 “Or how can you say to your brother, ’Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye? 5 “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” (Mt 7:1-5 NAS95)

Jesus is telling us to remove the plank from our own eye so that we may help the other person. As such we have to check our own attitude and thinking and doing away with the faults of ourselves.

Just as we are commanded to not condemn others, we are also commanded to not ignore sin. This requires the act of judging others in a biblical way.

It is important to be able to discern the difference between the judging.  There is judging that is mentioned in Matthew 7:1-5 and the biblical kind of judgement mentioned in John 7:24:

“”Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”” (Joh 7:24 NAS95)

Jesus is indicating we may not just show discernment because we do not like something from a person, but allows as to examine a person and gives us permission to tell right from wrong. We may go into confrontation with someone else, but have to be very careful how (and why) we do it.

The ultimate goal in confronting someone is to bring that person to repentance. We are called to judge sin with the goal of bringing repentance and reconciliation.

God commands us to point out the truth with hope, love, and Christ-like compassion. 

“but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,” (Eph 4:15 NAS95)

So before we give some remarks to someone, we should consider if our opinion is right and how we are going to say it would be right. At all times we should really be sure that we are right in what we are remarking and that we give our opinion in the right way.

We are told to correct, rebuke, and encourage, which means that we would have made a judgement or formed an opinion, otherwise, we would not be able to give a correction or rebuke something. At all times we should be ready to give a Christian opinion, making it that we can teach people and correct them in the things we think are wrong. As being taught in the word we should try always to use the right way to communicate, giving an example in all good things, have become imitators of the apostles and their master teacher, Jesus Christ, having received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit;

“preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.” (2Ti 4:2 NAS95)

“You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit,” (1Th 1:6 NAS95)


Find also to read

  1. Matthew 7:1-11 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Neighbor Love Continued 7: Matthew 7:1-5 Judgment and neighbor love
  2. Being prudent – zorgvuldig zijn
  3. How we think shows through in how we act
  4. How us to behave
  5. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  6. Do we have to be an anarchist to react
  7. Judgement
  8. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  9. A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
  10. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  11. Believe and speak and act in ways which show we have life in Christ’s name
  12. Raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair
  13. Who are the honest ones?
  14. Followers with deepening


Further related

  1. When someone criticizes your appearance
  2. Reflections on Flourish Part 11Things you shouldn’t do.Working out our own salvation (Philippians 2)
  3. To Judge
  4. Go Ahead, Judge Me! I know you are!
  5. The Self Righteous Person Is The Most Dangerous Person In The Room (Bible Study Matthew 7 Part 1)
  6. Does ‘judge not’ mean make no judgements about sin?
  7. Do you think its ever ok to judge?
  8. Do Not Judge Others
  9. Feeling better by condemning
  10. Do to others…
  11. Do you find it easy to criticize bad behavior to very close friends?
  12. When I was deemed a liar…
  13. Unwillingness to “bother people”
  14. Making Mistakes, Dealing With Judgement And Shining On.
  15. Dirty Hands
  16. Remember who you ARE!
  17. God’s Report Cards
  18. God’s Righteousness and Justice. VIII: Clothed in Christ’s Righteousness
  19. Be the Lighthouse
  20. Different Kinds of Values
  21. The Judge Stands at the Door
  22. Justice
  23. God Loves All!

Decolonising our minds

Every generation has to undergo some turnovers on one or the other factor.

What is to considered to be normal at one time in another generation can be “not done”.

The last few years it seems like we are living in a society which wants to overcorrect itself. It wants to break with previous passages in history. In several countries suddenly a lot of words may not be used any more because they are considered wrong or unjust to certain groups of the population. Often then there are created new words to substitute the older word, but then they forget that happened in the past already with several words as well.

With the “Black Lives Mattermovement this seems to have arrived in a roller-coaster or rapids. It looks like when you do away with all monuments and all related words that part of history shall be made away with and forgotten. Instead of thinking about the value of keeping also the wrong things in memory.

Even the prestigious London university got caught in a row with some of its students who have repeatedly demanded leading philosophers, whose ideas have underpinned civilised society across the Western world. It might well be that a lot of philosophers their writings students may have to cover, come from Europe and as such from white people. Instead of studying the European Enlightenment figures, the students have insisted the majority of philosophers should be from Africa and Asia, and white thinkers only to be studied “if required”.

People often forget that they when being part of a certain culture should learn about their own culture first. If one wants to learn the other culture(s) it should also be possible but in another curriculum. It is wrong to exclude European thinkers, because they are part of our world mindset and provided the patrons with our wisdom, morals and ethics.

What we can see today is that lots of youngsters are trying to desacralise European thinkers, stopping them from being treated as unquestionable. We should not stop studying them, but should be able to look at them critically.

For sure, we may question what should be the place of European philosophy, and European philosophers, in an age of globalisation and of a shifting power balance from West to East, but we should recognise that they are essential to our insight in the construction of our society throughout the ages.

The argument for a more diverse curriculum seems reasonable, indeed unquestionable. After all, philosophers and thinkers come not just from Europe. There are great non-European intellectual traditions, a myriad philosophical schools from China, India, Africa and the Muslim world, many of which have shaped European philosophy as well. It would be good to see that there is made more place to look at the works of Mo Tzu, Zhu Xi, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sina, Anton Wilhelm Amo, Frantz Fanon, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Feng Youlan, just to call a few.

It is wrong to think that all European philosophy would be tainted by racism and colonialism. Several people are now falling in the same trap as racists, suggesting that because one possesses a particular identity, so one’s ideas are necessarily distinct, and linked to that identity.

A philosopher is white so his or her ideas are contaminated.

John Locke is widely regarded as having provided the philosophical foundations of modern liberal conceptions of tolerance. Yet he was a shareholder in a slaving company.
Immanuel Kant, often seen as the greatest of Enlightenment philosophers, clung to a belief in a racial hierarchy, insisting that

‘Humanity is at its greatest perfection in the race of the whites’

and that

‘the African and the Hindu appear to be incapable of moral maturity’.

Sian HawthorneSian Hawthorne, convenor of the undergraduate course in ‘World Philosophies’, the only philosophy degree that SOAS provides, observes:

‘Enlightenment philosophers make arguments about knowledge and reason setting us free, and laud the values of liberty, at the very moment that colonial enterprises and the slave trade are expanding. Those very same arguments are summoned to justify Europe’s so-called civilizing mission and make claims about European superiority.’

Jonathan Israel, now Professor Emeritus of History at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, lauds the Enlightenment as that transformative period when Europe shifted from being a culture

‘based on a largely shared core of faith, tradition and authority’

to one in which

‘everything, no matter how fundamental or deeply rooted, was questioned in the light of philosophical reason’.

Yet, Israel is also deeply critical. At the heart of his argument is the insistence that there were actually two Enlightenments. The mainstream Enlightenment of Locke, Voltaire, Kant and Hume is the one of which we know, and of which most historians have written. But it was the Radical Enlightenment, shaped by lesser-known figures such as d’Holbach, Diderot, Condorcet and, in particular, the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza, that provided the Enlightenment’s heart and soul.

The two Enlightenments, Israel suggests, divided on the question of whether reason reigned supreme in human affairs, as the Radicals insisted, or whether reason had to be limited by faith and tradition – the view of the mainstream. The mainstream’s intellectual timidity constrained its critique of old social forms and beliefs. By contrast, the Radical Enlightenment

‘rejected all compromise with the past and sought to sweep away existing structures entirely’.

Israel finds the argument that the ‘Enlightenment is racist’, coming from a one-eyed view, the selective picking and choosing of certain individuals and quotes.

Such critics see only the more conservative mainstream figures, such as Locke, Kant and Hume, and ignore the thinkers of the Radical Enlightenment,

an approach that Israel calls

‘seriously obtuse’.

The Radical Enlightenment, he observes,

‘was condemned by all European governments and by all churches, because in principle it insisted on the universal and equal rights of men and the full emancipation of the black population.’

Israel is sympathetic to the demand that university curricula be diversified.

‘There is a strong case for studying non-European traditions as an essential part of any philosophy teaching course.’

But, he points out, such a global view began in the Radical Enlightenment itself.

‘Many radical enlighteners believed their anti-Christian naturalism had powerful roots in medieval Islamic philosophy. They also had strong affinities with Chinese Confucianism. They were free of the Eurocentrism that marked the mainstream Enlightenment of Voltaire, Montesquieu, Hume and Smith.’



Visual and aural impacts – contacts and concepts

Added commentary to the posting A Progressive Call to Arms


Additional reading

  1. The twist of politics and expression
  2. Institutional Racism
  3. Mass Media’s Deception Causing Division

Dividing walls of “race”

Dividing walls of “race”

All human beings are created in the image of God. This makes that we are or should be, all accepting the other as being allowed to be here by God and to be co-images of God and ourselves.

The Divine Creator, Jehovah, the God above all gods, did not create more than one race. Of the kind that now usually walks on two legs, God created only one kind: a man taken from the red earth, hence his name “A·dham“.

Dr. George Gallant says

Racism, implies that our Creator made more then one race of people. There is but one race the human race. Get use to it people and stop using the word Racism. One Blood, One People, One set of Parents, Adam and Eve.

He has good reason to call for stopping to divide people in races or a sort of brands. We all come from the same original human beings, who probably were not white at all. The first man and mannin Adam and Eve (Chavah or Isha) got children and their children got again children and in the end we come from those children their children.

William D Tillman says

the majority of people have bought into the false construct of color/ethnicity equals – species (sic race). This is really a question of supremacywhite supremacy in particular. The dividing walls of “race” were erected to not only keep “the races pure” but to subjugate all to so-called white people. My real concern is how silent the church is on this.

“let no man think more highly of himself than he ought to think…”

is a principle that is espoused but today’s rhetoric indicates it’s one that rather needs to be lived. The statement,

“I don’t see race”

is another method to dismiss the systematic denigration and disenfranchisement of a whole sector of the population because it places the blame of perception of the suffering and relieves the “race-blind” of the guilt of apathy.

We always should remember we could be born in another region, another culture, or we could have been born with either lighter or darker skin, God chose what we are on the outside but the inside is the same. The inside is the most important factor of our being.

In the life and teaching of Jesus we nowhere can find that he had a particular predilection for a sort human being. The places he went to had Hebrew, Palestinian, Arab and other Eastern people walking around and also listening to him. Never gave he a sign to have a certain preference for or over one or the other person. In Jesus’ teaching is no such thing as racial preference. He teaches that all people are the same. Also for God everybody is equal and shall be equally judged.

As followers of Christ or Christians, we all should be like brothers and sisters and share that brotherly love with each other.


Find also to read:

  1. How did the original readers understand Gen 1:1?
  2. A dark skinned Jesus
  3. Why I’m Angry
  4. What is Racism??
  5. A last note concerning civil rights
  6. Even in the so-called freeworld countries racism exist
  7. Where It All Needs to Start
  8. Need to reject an archaic, racist inspired interpretation of the Bible and animosity against other believers
  9. Speciesism and racism
  10. Martin Luther King’s Dream Today
  11. Apartheid or Apartness #1 Suppression and Apartness
  12. Institutional Racism
  13. Immigration consternation
  14. Migrants to the West #1
  15. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  16. Forms of slavery, human trafficking and disrespectful attitude to creation to be changed
  17. Walls,colours, multiculturalism, money to flow, Carson, Trump and consorts
  18. Looking at an American nightmare
  19. At the closing hours of 2016 #2 Low but also highlights
  20. Rome mobilisation to say no to fascism and racism
  21. American social perception, classes and fear mongering
  22. A president daring to use the Bible for underlining his hate speech
  23. Trump going over the top bringing a blasphemous act
  24. Apocalyptic Extremism: No Longer a Laughing Matter
  25. It’s Time real lovers of God to Stand and Speak Out!
  26. My Multi-Cultural Childhood Could be the Answer to Racism & Xenophobia