Was it a year not to step on the toes?

Was it a year not to step on the toes?

Not a silent but (perhaps) less irritating year

Three years of Corona pandemic came along and except for China not many countries seem still to worry.

In Europe, something very different from a Coronavirus has caught our attention. The danger is that this virus could spread and kill many more people than Corona did.
It is about the Putin virus or Russian disease as Trump might start calling it.

Just as a lot of fake news came our way during the Trump era, a lot of work had to be done in recent years to ‘debunk’ those misleading or deceptive reports.
You might think that here on this site with the name “Stepping toes” would be the ideal place to strip such disseminated falsehoods or lie talk of credibility. People like to sell talking points, and in recent years it seemed to have become a sport to send as many falsehoods into the world as possible. But to counter the many false messages posted on social media, this site was actually not originally planned.

Last year may have reached the pinnacle of fake message spreading. It could not go on any longer. Something had to be done to restore honour to journalism and bring correct messages to the world.

Young people were increasingly reaching for their smartphones with all kinds of apps to follow Facebook and Instagram posts, as if they could get the very best news there. But correct messaging was far from there. Social media won out over the daily and weekly newspapers that lost out, raising the question of whether there was still a possibility of life for serious journalism.
While newspapers were under pressure and many wondered how to survive this resort to social media, blogs also came under fire. Google and WordPress thought no better of changing their systems. At Blogger, it made a lot of bloggers tired of the difficulties in the system and took refuge elsewhere. Thus, I too decided to take refuge in the WordPress that was familiar to me with the old editor, hoping that WordPress would not force everyone to have to use the hideous block editor (introduced in 2018) (because it is really totally impractical for free writing and design).

Converting all the Google sites to the new system took a lot of time, so there have been somewhat fewer articles on my WordPress sites over the last two years, except for this year at my newcomer.

It is for that newcomer that I would like to draw your attention today.

The format of that new WordPress site is not really new, as the newcomer is actually a continuation of the former Blogspot sites “Christadelphian World” and “Our World“. The only difference now is actually a result of an easier form of writing and shaping for publishing or publishing articles. Because this is now much easier than Blogspot, I can now provide more articles at the same time.

As the title for the site, I chose “Some View on the World” or “Enige Kijk op de Wereld” because the site wants to give a view of what is happening in the world, while also giving more clarity on certain facts.
In the first year of its new form, it has been a bit of a search to find a way to leave enough time for my other Christian websites, while still being able to provide a balanced news overview that can be relied upon to be verified reporting and thus present accurate facts to the reader.

I believe I now know roughly how to tackle it for 2023 and hope that with my outline I can attract enough readers to further follow the links provided in the articles as well.

I do hope still to provide a day-to-day events review, and do hope people will find it useful.
I shall continue to try to offer ideas and context and depth, as well as information: a combination of clarity (the facts to help you understand the world) and imagination (the ideas you need to build a better one).

This better world that needs to be worked on is extremely important. We must realise that it is not ‘five to twelve’, but that the hands have long been moving in the wrong direction and that the earth is crying out loudly for support. For far too long, we have neglected the earth and been careless with its resources. Now we have to bear the consequences. Global warming is a fact, although many still do not want to acknowledge it. On “Some View on the World” we do want to pay attention to that earth which we have been given on loan by the Creator. Indeed, it is high time we took our responsibility and took steps to address that climate change.

We don’t particularly want to tread on toes on that “new site”, but we do want to regularly draw attention to those issues that really should get our attention.

In a way, I also hope to have caught your attention and made you warm to go and take a look at that news site (or online newspaper) and (who knows) subscribe there too to be kept informed of new articles.

Be welcome to “Some View on the World”.


Additional reading

  1. Lots of news demanding attention
  2. Texts, writers, accesibility and willingness
  3. Thoughts tinged with triviality
  4. For those who call the Brussels Airport attacks a fake or a conspiracy of the government
  5. At the closing hours of 2016 #2 Low but also highlights
  6. International Women’s Day 2019
  7. 2021 in review #1 the most startling point
  8. Conspiracy theories in plenty-fold
  9. Entering 2022 still Aiming for a society without exploitation or oppression
  10. Putin speaks plainly – and the West is speechless
  11. Written-down thoughts
  12. Eyes on pages and messages on social media
  13. Gossip and fake news, opposite fact checking and facts presenting
  14. Study Guide: Definition of Journalism
  15. Safeguarding freedom of expression
  16. Identifying Journalism
  17. News that’s fit to print
  18. Newspapers: Dying or Changing
  19. The End of Journalism
  20. Why social media presence matters in journalism
  21. Traditional News Turns into The Journalism We Know Now
  22. The First Great Information War 
  23. Lies for Likes
  24. The Ever-Evolving Industry of Journalism: its Quest to Survive in a Digital World
  25. How to save Journalism in 2022
  26. Mississippi journalists discuss the evolution of daily newspapers
  27. Newspapers: Dying or Changing
  28. Journalism under attack
  29. What do we know about the future of journalism?
  30. Looking for Free Blogs and blogging
  31. WordPress appears to have fallen off its best horse
  32. A Classic Editor versus Block Editor
  33. From old times and sites to new linkings
  34. Joseph Pulitzer’s Retirement Speech & The Traits of Journalism
  35. Change of name
  36. New Name a fact
  37. Newly added pages to Our World
  38. Our World on Blogger coming to its end
  39. My faith and hope
  40. Presenting views from different sources
  41. Weekly World Watch (WWW) looking at a few key developments that have happened during the past week
  42. Invitation to renew connection
  43. Invitation to the news platform that brings a view of the world

We Are The Children Of God

In this world we can see a lot of people who shed their own blood. We can find lots of people who misuse the name of God and use their so called faith, to fight against others. Several people can be found in this world who oppose those who formed them, those who fostered them, those who gave them a mind to think and a voice to speak. Lots may be found who transgress against their own kin and their neighbours.
It is a shame but in this world we can find parents who misuse their children and treat them badly. Many may have turned their hearts and got a cold soul because the struggles they have encountered in their life.


But in this world we may also see a lot of good and be sure there are more people who take care of their own family and who want to stand ready to help their neighbours and even people who they do not know and do live far away.


There may be found lots of people who try to do good in this world. They may believe in a Supreme Being, but also may not believe in any God. They all should know that behind everything they see around them there is a Master Hand, a Creator Who allows everything to happen. In His son all living in this world received the possibility to come close again with the Father of fathers. In Him we should trust and Him we should be made known to others, to bring more people to the awareness of the Father of it all.

  • Taming an Irascible Nature (saintlysages.wordpress.com)
    “When you are surprised by anger on account of some misfortune, some injury, some wrong or affront, suppress it as soon as you discover it. You should not be angry about these things, which God permits for your good, to keep you detached from the world, confident in Him alone, and above all things humble. I say ‘as soon as you are aware of it,’ because so long as it is unintentional, however bad it may be, it is nevertheless not a sin. Then when it comes on you because you see offences offered to God, duties transgressed, virtue vilified, and you feel still more angry because these things have been done by those who are placed under your authority, be content to bridle it, that it may not in an unruly manner overpass the limits of what is just and right. . . . A just anger is a fire that is necessary to give warmth and life to our zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of our neighbour.”
  • Proverbs 31 Challenge ~ Chapter 28 (tapestrytreasures.wordpress.com)
    The wicked flee when no man pursues them, but the [uncompromisingly] righteous are bold as a lion.
  • How to Deal With Workplace Enemies (unwalled.wordpress.com)
    You will come under the fire of a person or persons who for some reason or the other do not like you, hold a grudge against you, or even hate you, and who will not hesitate to demonstrate this to you in some tangible way.
  • Hug a neighbour today (jamaica-gleaner.com)
    A fact of life is that people who always expect the worst are seldom disappointed – they get what they expect. The converse is also true. Ever wonder why most positive persons are mostly happy? The behavioural scientists will explain.
  • Neighbours across cultures and beliefs (samlaidman.wordpress.com)
    “Our neighbours become extended families,” she said of her homeland. “The community gets together and they help each other… Everybody gets together to get to know each other and enjoy each others company.”
    In the “mosaic society” we live in, we are supposed to touch but do not blend, maintaining cultural identity. This can lead some to feel isolated. Bain hopes “Visiting Neighbours” will bring faith communities together each taking turns to host dinner for the public, as a part of the Celebration of Faith in Diversity.
    “In all of the diversity, there is a very fundamental unity, which is the discovery of – Call it god, the spirits, the creator – Whatever word you use… The language may be different, but our realities are mostly the same,” said Father Don Savoie of the STU ministry. “Maybe I’m an agnostic, Maybe I’m an atheist, maybe I’m a believer, but we all have a bedrock in our experience that allows us to continue.”
  • Heavenly Patrol (dodaughters.wordpress.com)
    For us not to witness evil in our nation, we need to rise up yet again and begin to intercede for our nation. We pray that the evil principality of bloodshed and war will not prosper in our country
    We pray that the Winds of Heaven patrol and uproot violence and kidnapping from the east and may God’s Spirit patrol the west and bring an end to bloodshed, ritual murders and political upheavals in Jesus name. By divine patrol let militancy be wiped out in the south of Nigeria in Jesus name. We decree an end to corruption and political unrest in Nigeria in Jesus name.
  • The Divine Conspiracy – Our Constant Pursuit To Be Whole (withoutrebuttal.wordpress.com)
    “The Divine Conspiracy” is a manual on how we’re supposed to read and interpret the Bible and especially Jesus’s own words and teachings. Dallas Willard’s only focus is to unmask all of the theological nonsense used to read and interpret Jesus’s teachings so that the reader can, for the first time, get to know and understand who Jesus really was and what His intent was behind every word He said; the essence of His teachings and how they were received by His followers and listeners. And the essence of Jesus’s teachings are to live with wholeness in everything we do; to focus on our hearts while we always strive to live kingdom-minded.
  • What does the Bible say about lying? (writsofanusha.wordpress.com)
    Isaiah 63:8, ”For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie: so he was their Saviour.”
  • The Essential Role of the Father (catholicgentleman.net)
    Divorce rates skyrocketing; adultery rampant; non-married cohabitating couples; children abandoned by their fathers or mothers; “same-sex unions” adopting children and calling this the “modern family”; pornography invading homes, leading to powerful addictions and total alienation from other members of the family: all of this is a bird’s eye view of the family situation in the modern world.Nonetheless, followers of Jesus Christ lift up the banner with the word Hope. Hope is one of the three theological virtues that are infused in the soul in the moment of Baptism: Faith, Hope and Charity.
    if the earthly father has encountered God the Father in an intimate, personal, filial, and convincing way then he will be able to transmit this fatherhood to those whom God will place under his care.
  • Cleansing of the Soul (cherishingeverymoment1021.wordpress.com)
    Christ came to redeem His people by bridging the chasm that lied between the Father and His beloved children.
    The Son will clothe His people in His blood-stained garments of grace so that His people may appear holy and blameless before the throne room of the Father.  Jesus is the Intercessor of our faith; when the holy God looks upon His rebellious people who put their faith in Christ, He sees the righteousness of Christ dwelling in their souls.
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Poem De Terre

Would you shed your own blood?
Then why do you shed other’s blood?
We are all the children of god.

Would you transgress against your kin?
Then why do you transgress against your neighbour?
We are all the children of god.

Would you rape your own daughter?
Then why do you rape another’s daughter?
We are all the children of god.
Why have your hearts turned cold?
Why have your souls filled with malice?
Don’t you remember our saviour’s sacrifice?
He died on the cross to free us of our sins.
Would you let him be crucified again?
Turn away from your sins brother,
Cast not an evil eye sister,
Our father in heaven awaits your repentance,
He will forgive you even at your last breath,
Because you are his child…

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Looking from different perspectives

On Stepping Toes you may find all sorts of articles about religious and spiritual aspects, but also on what is moving in the world or what keeps people busy or interested.

christadelphia Feb. 15 19.36In the past, specific religious news was placed on Christadelphian World. On that blog you could also find activities of several Christadelphian communities all over the world. The last few months several Christadelphians asked me to take away several articles announcing one or an other Bible Class, Bible Week-end,Bible Week or Bible Camp. Because the many articles taken away, there was or is not much left over to see of that Christadelphian World, so a better title could best be chosen. Therefore once again the older Multiply Christadelphian Journal, requested a name change.

After the closing of the MSN Groups we transferred a lot to Multiply and in 2010 we went over to WordPress. Friday, October 26, 2012, brought the then thought “transfer site Christadelphian World” in the stall of Blogger. changing all the links would take a lot of time. The amount of visitors grew fast, though not spectacular, with a dip in January 2014 and March 2014. (On March 21, 2014 the counter reaches 37.232 pageviews.)

Christadelphian World Name dropping in March 2014From now on, by taking away the word “Christadelphian” from the title, I will not feel restricted any-more to only present Christadelphian news and only news which could interest our Christian community. Today it can become an other platform to look at what is happening in general in the world. Now it does not have to be restricted only by Christadelphian ideas, but can be an open platform again to bring all sorts of new facts which can be interesting fro believing and active Christians, no matter from which denomination. Naturally I still shall write from my Christadelphian viewpoint and comment on the world events from my point of view.

The big difference with this (Stepping Toes) site is that here you shall be able to find many different voices. I shall not mind nor object other Christians to have a voice on this platform. As such here on Stepping Toes in the future you shall, like it happened previously, find reblogs of articles, the contributors to this lifestyle magazine find interesting for others to read. They may come from non-trinitarian but also (probably more) from trinitarian and even occasionally from non-religious or from other religious people, though the comments or introduction given to the article shall always be from a Christadelphian viewpoint.

In case you would like to find also non-religion related and more political and cultural articles I do invite you to my other site Marcus’s Space. And I would like to invite you also to the renewed site “Our World”, where in the future you will be able to find other up-to-date news, related and unrelated to religious and spiritual aspects.

Our World New Name for Christadelphian World 20140314


Please do find the news-sites looking at the world from different perspectives
Stepping Toes
Our World
Marcus’s Space


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