Why think that (4) … God would reveal himself in words

Have you ever wondered why God created the universe? What his purpose is? We’ve already explored some reasons for thinking that God cares about us but does that actually mean? What purpose did God have in creating us? And what part do we have in God’s plan? One big clue is our ability to form relationships, not only with other people but also, in principle, with God. So if God intended there to be creatures like us, capable of forming relationships with him, then it seems a fair bet that this was his purpose in creating us (or at least part of it).

But relationships don’t just happen. They require communication. Imagine trying to form a relationship with someone without any communication. How would you know what they like or dislike? How would you know which things make them happy and which things really get on their nerves? How would you get to know them and share things with them without some form of communication? And the same is true of a relationship with God. If God wants us to have a relationship with him then he needs to reveal information about himself. He needs to tell us what he is like and what his expectations are and what sort of relationship he is interested in. Without this information it is simply not going to happen.

So God needs to reveal information about himself. How’s he going to do it? One possibility would be to reveal himself directly to everyone. Now perhaps the sheer immensity of his glory prevents mortals perceiving God directly, perhaps mortal minds would simply go kaput if faced with the true reality of God. But there are other ways God could have revealed himself, say, sending an angel to visit everyone personally and explaining that God exists, explaining that God wants a relationship and performing whatever miracles that would be needed to convince each person. That, we must presume, is something God could do but it is obvious that he hasn’t.

Here’s the problem: if the existence of God is obvious then it would severely limit our free choice as to whether to enter into a relationship with him or not. If we were faced with an angel who proved to us irrefutably that there was a God of unlimited and unquestionable power it is likely that we would feel compelled by fear to serve God. And that won’t do. Because what God wants is a loving relationship, for people to choose freely whether to enter into that relationship or not. And therefore God needs to be subtle so that people have a real choice: to trust in God, if they choose, or to deny God and go their own way, if they prefer. So we would expect God to reveal himself to mankind, so they can form relationships with him, but we would not necessarily expect to reveal himself directly to each person individually.

So whilst we might reasonably expect God to reveal information about himself, we should not expect God to do this in a coercive way. More likely God would reveal himself through an intermediary – someone or something that could speak on God’s behalf without forcing people to enter into a relationship with God. One option would be a spokesperson – like a prophet or religious teacher – but their impact is going to be limited. They can only speak to a limited number of people at one time and once they died the message would be gone. A better alternative would be a written message. Something that could be copied multiple times and sent to different parts of the world, and something that would outlive any one individual. It could contain enough information to form the basis of a relationship but would not be intimating or imposing; it would only be influential over those who accepted it. In the ancient world (when there was no radio, television or internet) a written text is the only form of mass communication.

From the 1933 edition of the Bible in the Sout...

From the 1933 edition of the Bible in the Southern Min language (specifically in a Taiwanese dialect influenced by the Amoy (Xiamen) dialect of the time), written in the Latin script. The text itself is in the public domain. This photo is of a recent reprinted edition and is released into the public domain by A-giâu 09:19, 13 Feb 2005 (UTC). The pages shown are of the Book of Proverbs. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are limitations to any piece of writing. In a world of many languages, any book would need to be translated and interpreted to make it accessible throughout the world. Any book, if it was to be accessible to its initial readers, would be written with the cultural assumptions of that society. As societies change over time, newer generations might find the cultural assumptions made the book to be unfamiliar or even peculiar. But none of these limitations would be insurmountable as long as readers we focused on the purpose of the book: to build a relationship with God.

The book I have been describing is, of course, the Bible. The point is that it is not unexpected that God should use a book like the Bible to reveal himself. The reasonable next question is whether there is any evidence that the Bible is a revelation from God.


Preceding articles:

Why think that (1) … Jesus existed?

Wy think that (2) … Jesus claimed to be something special

Why think that (3) … Jesus rose from the dead


Related articles:

  1. Science and God’s existence
  2. Did the Inspirator exist
  3. Does He exists?
  4. Morality, values and Developing right choices
  5. It is a free will choice
  6. Christianity is a love affair
  7. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  8. Being Religious and Spiritual 4 Philosophical, religious and spiritual people
  9. Nuturing a close relationship with God
  10. Our relationship with God, Jesus and eachother
  11. A time for everything
  12. Life is too precious
  13. God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies
  14. Around pre-existence of Christ
  15. Preexistence in the Divine purpose and Trinity
  16. Jesus begotten Son of God #9 Two millennia ago conceived or begotten
  17. How is it that Christ pleased God so perfectly?
  18. The Song of The Lamb #2 Sevens
  19. Christ having glory
  20. Marriage of Jesus 10 Old and New Covenant
  21. Kingdom Visions of a Man, Throne and Great crowd
  22. He may found a kingdom and empire which shall be literally ‘universal’
  23. In the death of Christ, the son of God, is glorification
  24. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  25. Miracles of revelation and of providence 1 Golden Thread and Revelation
  26. Miracles of revelation and of providence 2 Providence
  27. Being Religious and Spiritual 4 Philosophical, religious and spiritual people
  28. Dignified role for the woman
  29. Many Books, yet One
  30. Fragments from the Book of Job #7 Epilogue
  31. Isaiah’s Book of the Messenger of Glad Tidings
  32. Bad things no punishment from God
  33. A Plan spoken of in long past times
  34. You God hold the future
  35. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #9 Prayer #7 Reason to pray
  36. Festival of Freedom and persecutions
  37. Zionism comments and the place of Jerusalem in the world
  38. Bible Book of books
  39. The Word of God


  • Your Purpose For Your Life Vs. GOD’s Purpose of Your Life (foodforthespiritualsoul.wordpress.com)
    If there is anything that I have learned about my own life is that whatever I may have thought was the path for my life, was not necessarily the path that God has meant for my life. In other’s words, God has been constantly teaching me about My Will vs. God’s Will. And this is a constant struggle of the flesh, in every way to understand. Not to mention, a true test of your surrendering to the Will of God, the Father of Creation. It requires for one to take paths, that are illogical to the human mind. It requires you to uphold God’s Words, to the point of where there will be moments where you may be “alone” in this world. I put “alone” in quotes because you see, when we truly have come to understand the Unconditional Love that Jesus Christ demonstrated on the Cross, at Calvary, we will truly feel within the deepest parts of our inner selves, the presence of the Omnipresent God.
  • The Theory of Gods Creation in His Own Image (lajbut.wordpress.com)
    God deliberately created mankind to rule the earth and to accomplish this purpose, He created mankind as His own image- He made man His co-regent/representative rules. The image of God therefore refers to our unique status as human beings rulers in Gods stead, according to His will. We are created as his image to function as He would , were he administrating his own affairs directly.
  • The Purpose of Life (thelifeofastrangercalledme.wordpress.com)
  • Reluctant Progressions. (aldavina.wordpress.com)
    Those that talk about our treatment of other people, the holiness of God and how we are to hold that to the highest reverence, but most importantly, the law in which all laws are firmly rooted upon- the law of love.
    To trusting that God has our best interests in mind when He gave His final word. To the beauty of progression.
  • The Bible & You (924jeremiah.wordpress.com)
    The Holy Spirit is God Almighty—He’s not some collection of verses. The Holy Spirit wants to say plenty of original thoughts to you that you aren’t going to find spelled out verbatim in the Book.
    We greatly value having access to the collection of historical documents which Christians call “the Living Word.” But we are not going to pretend that the Book is perfect, because that’s just deception. We are not going to teach you to put your faith in a Book because this is idolatry. God is extremely jealous for our devotion. He commands us to love Him with all that we are, to worship Him alone, and to put nothing else above Him. Many Christians are living in total violation of all these things. They are far more devoted to their own interpretations of the Bible than they are to the teachings of the Holy Spirit. They worship pastors, theologians, and other teachers who claim to be experts on Scripture. They shamelessly exalt the Bible above God by promoting it as some binding contract which He is incapable of breaking. All of these are things which you need to stay far away from if you are going to honor God with your life.
  • Today’s Sabbath Message / “The Holy Bible Versus The Holy Spirit” – Has the Bible Become Our god? (owprince.wordpress.com)
    The Apostles of Christ would refer to The Holy Scriptures (The Torah / Pentateuch) at times to confirm, affirm and proclaim the fulfillment of the promises of God in Christ Jesus our LORD and Savior.  Christ himself often proclaimed that the Holy Scriptures were fulfilled in Him and that The Holy Spirit would reveal all divinely hidden Knowledge and Truth.
  • What About Free Will? (Part 3) (mscottc.wordpress.com)
    According to libertarians, only if we are free to accept or reject God can we have a meaningful relationship with Him.  If our love for God is determined it must mean it is either mechanistically programmed or coerced against our will.  If either notion is true then love would be stripped of its value.  Greg Boyd says, “If love is the goal” of God’s creation of us then love “must be freely chosen. It cannot be coerced. Agents must possess the capacity and opportunity to reject love if they are to possess the genuine capacity and ability to engage in love.”
  • Praying the open view: partnering with God (anopenorthodoxy.wordpress.com)
    most Christians believe that whether God directly intervenes in our world depends at times on whether we petition God to do so. “We have not because we ask not” in the sense that “certain states of affairs that God can and wishes to bring about do not occur because we have chosen not to request that he intervene.” (italics mine) For open theists, how we understand this “because” is what sets an open worldview and its approach to prayer apart from other views. Sanders will emphasize the important of this “because” as well.
  • You are a unique Gospel that God wants to write: Life or lie message? (onedaringjew.wordpress.com)
    Obviously, being a Christian involves having a personal relationship with Jesus but there is content to that relationship. When you lose the Gospel you lose Christ.
  • Which is the True Religion of God? (wifeezat.wordpress.com)
    Each person is born in a circumstance which is not of his own choosing. The religion of his family or the ideology of the state is thrust upon him from the very beginning of his existence in this world. By the time he reaches his teens, he is usually fully brain-washed into believing that the beliefs of his particular society are the correct beliefs that everyone should have. However, when some people mature and are exposed to other belief-systems, they begin to question the validity of their own beliefs.

Cohabitating Seniors and the Meaning of Marriage

Today older persons seem to question their position with each other and wonder if they have made the right choice some years ago or if they should not choose to bring some change in their relationship.

Some may have to face the natural loss of their partner, but others willingly looked to break their bonds and go other ways. Though loneliness is not always easy to cope with.

In many countries the fiscal situation for people who are not married is in the advantage of having more money over in the own pocket. But sometimes this does not make it so easy for the one who lives the longest and for the children of such not officially married partners. In many countries, like Belgium, the state offered a ‘Co-habiting contract’ for such people who do not want to go for marriage vows but want to secure their finances with each other.

In the picture today, may also be that several men or women once their partner of the other sex died or is gone away, they prefer to go to live together, either to share the bed or not with somebody of the same sex.

Everybody should know where they would like to go to in their life and which decisions they want to take, this to accordance with their own believes. For lovers of God it is clear that they best follow the instructions available in the Holy Scriptures. There they do not have to consider only their own relationship but also their relationship with God.

  • Divorce law overhaul: Is there really any point to marriage anymore? (telegraph.co.uk)
    The only problem with a no-nup is that it till doesn’t provide the same sort of divorce rights, or rights around children, that marriage would, meaning marriage still wins out. So when Sir James Munby, president of the High Court Family Division and the most senior family judge in England and Wales, recently spoke about wanting to give unmarried couples similar legal protections to married ones, I was pretty thrilled.
    It makes me wonder if there’s really any point to getting married anymore. If I meet The One, we can live happily (and financially safely enough) without having to publicly declare our love for each other in an overly expensive ceremony. Right?

    According to family lawyer Marilyn Stowe, of Stowe Family Law, it’s not that simple. She says: “The legislation for cohabitation, if it ever happened, wouldn’t equate the remits of divorce with cohabitation. In other words, you wouldn’t be able to get a divorce-style settlement which meets needs. The best would be some sort of redress for economic imbalance.”

    ‘Redress for economic imbalance’ doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as ‘half the assets please’, but Stowe – who was part of the advisory panel that actually suggested the idea to Sir James – does add that new laws could still be incredibly beneficial.

  • Reasons not to Cohabit with your boyfriend (mojiakubudel.com)
    In the early 1970s when I moved in with my boyfriend, there were only 520,000 cohabiting couples in the U.S. Today there are almost 4.75 million. Today, more than half of all couples cohabit prior to marriage, making cohabitation the most common way couples in America begin life together.
    The dramatic increase in cohabitation means that women today face even more pressure to move in with their boyfriend than I did. Yet research shows that living together does not help people prepare for marriage nor does it help them avoid divorce. Cohabitation has come under the intense scrutiny of social scientists in the last three decades because the shift from scandalous thirty years ago to widely accepted today occurred so rapidly.
  • Cohabitation Agreements Taking Place of Prenups for Unwed (blogs.lawyers.com)
    Living together before tying the knot is not the scandalous prospect it was considered to be in more conservative times, and adults in the U.S. are now putting off marriage at unprecedented rates. With the stigma of “shacking up” diminished, more couples are finding reasons to move in together before marriage, prompting some to lay down a few ground rules with cohabitation agreements.Similar to prenuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements are premarital contracts that are used to specify ownership of assets, define living arrangements and establish a variety of other legally-binding terms. For two unmarried partners who split up after several years of living together and making major joint purchases, a cohabitation agreement can make it fairer, cheaper and less complicated for them to separate their lives.
  • Best predictor of divorce? Age when couples cohabit, study says. (debatepolitics.com)
    “Up until now, we’ve had this mysterious finding that cohabitation causes divorce,” she says. “Nobody’s been able to explain it. And now we have – it was that people were measuring it the wrong way.”
    Couples who begin living together without being married tend to be younger than those who move in after the wedding ceremony – that’s why cohabitation seemed to predict divorce, Professor Kuperburg explains. But once researchers control for that age variable, it turns out that premarital cohabitation by itself has little impact on a relationship’s longevity. Those who began living together, unmarried or married, before the age of 23 were the most likely to later split.
    “Part of it is maturity, part of it is picking the right partner, part of it is that you’re really not set up in the world yet,” she says. “And age has to do with economics.”
  • Does cohabitation lead to more divorces? (psychologytoday.com)
    Premarital cohabitation has increased significantly, and more than 70% of US couples now cohabit before marriage. The major reason supporting premarital cohabitation is that it enables the couple to get know each better and to see whether they get along well enough to embark on marriage. However, counter-intuitively, many studies have found that premarital cohabitation is associated with increased risk of divorce, a lower quality of marriage, poorer marital communication, and higher levels of domestic violence. But there are also studies (although less in number) that refute the negative correlation between premarital cohabitation and divorces.
  • Roommate Romance: Why You Should Have a Cohabitation Agreement (herstontennesseefamilylaw.com)
    Couples who cohabitate face many of the same big decisions that confront married couples, like whose couch they should keep, what color to paint the kitchen, or who pays what bills. While people fondly refer to cohabitation as “playing house” with couples often comporting themselves like their married counterparts, non-married cohabitants do not enjoy the same legal protections afforded married couples. Since cohabitants essentially merge their lives, money, assets, and property, it can be difficult to figure out who gets what if the couple calls it quits. The lack of any legal protection or guidance on the distribution of property after cohabitants break up is why you should have a cohabitation agreement.
  • Britain’s vanishing stepfamilies (telegraph.co.uk)

    From Cinderella to Snow White the figure of the stepmother or stepfather is as old as the family itself.

    But new official figures show a dramatic decline in the number of British households in which people are bringing up children from their partner’s previous relationships in the last 10 years.

    According to the Office for National Statistics the number of stepfamilies – a category which includes both married and unmarried parents – plunged by14 per cent in the decade up to the 2011 census.

    The number of such families in England and Wales dropped from 631,000 in 2001 to just 544,000 in 2011.

    Over the same period – which saw a soaring birth rate – the total number of families with dependent children rose by 150,000 to 4.3 million.

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Ezerwoman's Blog

older couple on beach What is marriage?

When do we stop mentoring the truth about marriage?

I submit for your consideration a strange phenomenon.  An increasing number of older men and women are moving in together.  But, it appears to me that their rationale is fear-based.  Perhaps their spouse has died.  They don’t want to be alone.  Financially, it seems practical not to marry and, instead, live together.  Perhaps it seems less complicated to keep their business affairs separate for the sake of their children and grandchildren.  Perhaps insurance coverage or a life-savings will be better protected if they just cohabitate.  After all, it isn’t so much about sex as it is companionship and being a couple in a “couple’s world.”

So, what is a cohabitating senior, especially a cohabitating Christian senior, saying about marriage?

Is marriage all about the joys of pro-creational sex?  Or is it more?

Marriage, from a Biblical worldview, is…

View original post 359 more words

Loving and having respect for the woman

33 Nevertheless, each one of you must love his wife+ as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband.+

33 Nevertheless, also, let each one of YOU individually so love his wife+ as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect+ for her husband. (Ref.B)

each one of you must love his wife:

(Collosians 3:19): 19 You husbands, keep on loving your wives+ and do not be bitterly angry* with them.+

(Ephesians 5:25): 25 Husbands, continue loving your wives,+ just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it,+

(1 Peter 3:7): 7 You husbands, in the same way, continue dwelling with them according to knowledge.* Assign them honor+ as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one, since they are also heirs with you+ of the undeserved favor of life, in order for your prayers not to be hindered.


(Ephesians 5:25): 25 Husbands, continue loving your wives,+ just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it,+

have deep respect for her husband:

(1 Peter 3:5,6): 5 For this is how the holy women of the past who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, subjecting themselves to their husbands, 6 just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.+ And you have become her children, provided you continue doing good and do not give in to


Let each one of you individually so love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband. — Eph. 5:33.

I Think I Love My Wife

I Think I Love My Wife (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Husband and wife

Husband and wife (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Bible compares Christ’s relationship with the congregation to that of a husband with his wife. This should at once impress on us the direction a husband should give and the love and care he needs to exercise — as well as the subjection the wife should manifest — within the marital union. (Ephesians 5:22-32) When Paul wrote:

“In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies,” about which “way” was he speaking? (Ephesians 5:28)

His preceding words drew attention to the way in which

“Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it, . . . cleansing it with the bath of water by means of the word.”

Indeed, to work in harmony with Jehovah’s purpose for gathering all things together again in the Christ, a husband must be alert to feed his family spiritually. w12 7/15 4:15

A wife who is guided by Jehovah’s Word and his holy spirit can do much to make her home a place of tranquillity and happiness. It is natural for a God-fearing husband to love his wife and protect her physically and spiritually. She yearns for his love, and that requires that she be lovable.

“The truly wise woman has built up her house,”

says (Proverbs 14:1),

“but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.”

A wise and loving wife contributes greatly to the success and happiness of her family. She also shows that she really appreciates God’s gift of marriage. Husbands and wives who base their union on Jesus’ example in dealing with his congregation show gratitude for God’s gift of marriage. (Ephesians 5:22-25) What blessings spouses enjoy when they truly love each other and never let pride, the childish silent treatment, or other unchristian traits mar their marriage! w12 5/15 1:12, 14, 15

21 Be in subjection to one another+ in fear of Christ. 22 Let wives be in subjection to their husbands+ as to the Lord, 23 because a husband is head of his wife+ just as the Christ is head of the congregation,+ he being a savior of this body. 24 In fact, as the congregation is in subjection to the Christ, wives should also be to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, continue loving your wives,+ just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it,+ 26 in order that he might sanctify it, cleansing it with the bath of water by means of the word,+ 27 so that he might present the congregation to himself in its splendor, without a spot or a wrinkle or any of such things,+ but holy and without blemish.+

28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself, 29 for no man ever hated his own body,* but he feeds and cherishes it, just as the Christ does the congregation, 30 because we are members of his body.+ 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to* his wife, and the two will be one flesh.”+ 32 This sacred secret+ is great. Now I am speaking about Christ and the congregation.+ 33 Nevertheless, each one of you must love his wife+ as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband.+ (Ephesians 5:21-33)



 Father and motherhood

Father counterpart of the mother

Dignified role for the woman

Gender roles and Multitasking parents

Dutch version: Nederlandse versie: Beminnen en pespecteren van man en vrouw

I Love My Wife

I Love My Wife (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Additional reading:

  1. Our relationship with God, Jesus and eachother
  2. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  3. Companionship
  4. Let not sin reign in your mortal body
  5. Having children interferes with work
  6. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness
  7. Better loaves when the heart is joyous
  8. Do not forget the important sign of belief
  9. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love
  10. The task given to us to love each other
  11. Do the appropriate for a friend
  12. Lying in the senses in matters of love
  13. Love turns one person into two; and two into one
  14. Being one in Jesus, Jesus in us and God in Jesus
  15. To be chained by love for another one
  16. Love and win
  17. Work with joy and pray with love
  18. Gathering or meeting of believers
  19. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word


  • Husbands and wives summarized (deepstrength.wordpress.com)
    Predictably, wives whodesire andachieve equality are unhappy and unfulfilled. Husbands who lord over their wives show no love andare unfulfilled.However, those that follow that which the Scriptures affirm represent Him as One in marriage.
  • Establishing Healthy Husband-Wife Relationships (morselsofbread.net)
    In my personal life, I always felt that it was a continual power struggle to see which of us could be the most domineering in the relationship. After some time, I soon discovered that I had missed the mark completely.
  • 3 Things Men Want (Part 1): Respect (kingkurtissmith.wordpress.com)
    We just completed the 7 part series titled “7 Things Women Want”. These include: Acknowledgment, Affirmation, Attention, Affection, Security, Communication and Care (click to read).
    In that series, we ascertained that men are totally different from women in terms of attitude, reactions, thought pattern and behavior. Men are logical beings while women are emotional beings. Men are very easy to understand but the problem women have is that they act and think like women when relating with men. To successfully relate with a man, you have to act like a woman and think like a man. I’ll repeat, men are very easy to understand, most women are just too lazy to make that effort in understanding men. To buttress this point, you can see that men only want 3 things while women want 7 things. 7 compared to 3. Comon!..lol. Get this and you will never have problems with the men all your life again.
  • If You’re Not a Good Husband, Can You Be a Good Pastor? (katashdiakoniadotcom.wordpress.com)
    Marriage for every Christian man is a call to die for the salvation and sanctification of our wives.
    You too may have a wife that has an occasional “wicked face” (to use Wesley’s words), but never pretend that her wicked face somehow changes your responsibility to God and her. Just as Christ died to cleanse His wicked bride, you do the same. Point her to Christ through your own self-sacrificial death. May Christ be the source of your love for your bride.
  • Wives: Love Your Husbands and He Will Move the World for You (menofredemption.wordpress.com)
    There is nothing like a husband who is committed and secured in his relationship with his wife for the cause of Christ. He is sold out for doing everything he can to make sure that his wife, family and purpose in life is fulfilled when he is following the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s rewarding, and it brings so much joy and completeness to his marriage relationship. Knowing that if he totally concentrates on serving God and his wife, God will make provision and a way where it seems impossible. That’s called allowing God to order and establish our steps in life. But sometimes it can become difficult if both the husband and wife aren’t in agreement with the covenant perspective, and then direction is misunderstood. There has to be understanding and agreement between the husband and the wife so that the spiritual leader of the home, the husband, can flourish in the guidance of the marriage and the wife supporting her husband with prayer and encouragement.
  • Love, Honor,Respect and Submission Are Gifts (peacefulwife.com)
    The way a husband treats his wife is an indicator of the depth of his love, respect and reverence for God. A husband’s love for his wifeis gift to her that springs from his love, obedience and reverence for Christ. A wife cannot force her husband to obey God and to love her as Christ loves her.  It is a gift he gives willingly because He loves and honors Jesus, so he loves and honors his wife.A wife’s respect and biblical submission towards her husband are gifts that a wife gives freely to her husband out of her love, obedience and reverence for Christ, as well.   There is no qualifier that a husband must do something first before the wife obeys God or that the husband must earn his wife’s respect.  A husband cannot force his wife to respect him and submit to him. 
  • Do It When You’re Old (howtodategod.wordpress.com)
    There is something to be said about Confidence in your spouse-Why? When you have confidence in your partner then there isn’t room for you to think about anything else negative. Your partner doesn’t need to “complete you”, you need to be complete in who you re before you ever think about getting married or being in any opposite sex relationship for that matter!  Be Confident.
  • Matrimony-dom At The Met: Hubby Hov “Puts A Ring” On BeyBey Again!!! (bossip.com)
    We’ve loved watching this couple grow together over the years, but hubby Hov may have topped himself this time! The rapper showed his romantic side after wife Beyoncé accidentally dropped the ring she was sporting on her right hand. Jay Z retrieved the ring, and staged a mock proposal all in front of the cameras as his wife smiled and playfully accepted his offering. Cute right? The whole world really is their stage.
  • 25th Wedding Anniversary / 25 Aniversario de Bodas (johaophotography.wordpress.com)

    As teenagers it comes to mind thoughts and desires of wanting to win the heart of someone and it is in that moment where begins our journey in search of love.

    The journey is not always easy, on occasion we have our high and other our low. Is as if we walk in search of a hidden treasure, but when we discovered we feel great satisfaction and joy that we want to shout it from the rooftops and share our happiness with the rest of the world.

  • Importance matrimonial websites in India are quite famous and authenticate (merggercom.wordpress.com)
    There is many matrimonial website in the world, but matrimonial websites in India are quite famous and authenticated. There are many free matrimonial websites which offer interested couple to know each other through website and find the best life partner for them. Indian matrimonial websites are good advisor and advice you to choose the best matchmaker for your life. Normally match making is done in India by parents or close relatives and child get ready to get married to the person which they find for them. While searching a guy or girl takes the lot of time and research but now a day’s youngsters prefer to choose their life partner by their own choice. They prefer to take their own decision to choose soul mate.
  • Loving Ewtn.com – Amor Para Ewtn.com (elpadreluisrodriguez.com)
    I recorded a 13 part series on Marriage Prep early on and recorded various of their spots called Faith Matters for TV.
    Son muchas las respuestas que he dado en ambos idiomas de inglés y español.  Les grabé una serie de 13 partes sobre el tema de preparación pre-matrimonial y otros temas variados de la fe.  Pero mi gran alegría es el poder ayudarles en el forum de preguntas en español que provienen de Sur y Centroamérica, Méjico, Caribe y las partes sures de USA.  Los temas son muy variadas y diría yo que tienen que ver con todos los temas de la Iglesia.
  • Establishing Healthy Husband-Wife Relationships (morselsofbread.net)
    I used to not like the scripture found in Colossians 3:18 which reads,
    Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.Ephesians 5:22-23 also teaches, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
    Women who are in abusive marriages and relationships lack self-esteem and often feel void of the love and compassion that God offers them. As a result, many do not seek a Godly life, but rather, they turn to the things of the world to fill a chaotic void in their life. They live under the delusion that the man they are in a relationship with “loves” them, and so they often find themselves hopelessly trapped and unable to escape an explosive situation. Too often, many lose touch with reality, believing that they are worthless, and as a result, they never live their lives as the special daughters that God intended for them to be.
  • Husbands and wives summarized (deepstrength.wordpress.com)
    Husbands incorrectly believe that if they treat their wives “as themselves” that they will lose respect for him and run roughshod all over him. They fear their wives. Wives incorrectly believe that if they treat their husbands as their “head” or “lord” that the husband will abuse this authority or get an ego trip. They fear their husbands. They do not know God because God is love and perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:7-21).Thus, instead of believing what God says, they believe the lies told to them by themselves, society, and churchianity. Rather than turning to God and obeying His Scriptures they double down on the fact that the other spouse may or will treat them poorly. Rather than admit fault they continue in their own sin.
  • Wives: Love Your Husbands and He Will Move the World for You (menofredemption.wordpress.com)
    There is nothing like a husband who is committed and secured in his relationship with his wife for the cause of Christ. He is sold out for doing everything he can to make sure that his wife, family and purpose in life is fulfilled when he is following the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s rewarding, and it brings so much joy and completeness to his marriage relationship. Knowing that if he totally concentrates on serving God and his wife, God will make provision and a way where it seems impossible. That’s called allowing God to order and establish our steps in life. But sometimes it can become difficult if both the husband and wife aren’t in agreement with the covenant perspective, and then direction is misunderstood. There has to be understanding and agreement between the husband and the wife so that the spiritual leader of the home, the husband, can flourish in the guidance of the marriage and the wife supporting her husband with prayer and encouragement.
  • The Two Shall Be One Flesh (holdingforthhisword.wordpress.com)
    marriage is a huge commitment that takes a lot of love, work and forgiveness. 
    most marriages go through seasons where there is great unity and harmony, and then seasons where there is disharmony and discord.  That covenant before a Holy God helps us to keep the bonds of holy matrimony intact during times of difficulty.
    It is extremely sad that so many do not take seriously the covenant they have made before our Holy God with their spouse.  There are other passages in the Scriptures which give God’s truth about marriage and divorce.
  • Love, Honor,Respect and Submission Are Gifts (peacefulwife.com)
    God commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her.  He also commands husbands not to be harsh with their wives, but to be tender with them.  He commands husbands to honor their wives as the weaker vessel and co-heirs with them in Christ.  There is no qualifier that the wife must do something in order for her husband to obey God or that the wife must earn her husband’s love.The way a husband treats his wife is an indicator of the depth of his love, respect and reverence for God. A husband’s love for his wife is gift to her that springs from his love, obedience and reverence for Christ. A wife cannot force her husband to obey God and to love her as Christ loves her.  It is a gift he gives willingly because He loves and honors Jesus, so he loves and honors his wife.
  • A Respectable Man (dannyandsheri.wordpress.com)
    The subject of a wife respecting her husband immediately begs the question: whyWhy do I deserve her respect?  And it was this question that I was failing to ask, so it was this answer that I was failing to see:A wife should respect her husband, as the husbandshould be a respectable man.I began to realize that respect is a two-way street.  As much as you give respect, you give respect as respect is earned.  And often, the balance of this transaction can fluctuate, in the act of giving undue respect to people who don’t deserve it, or not receiving the respect that your actions and integrity do in fact qualify you for – and this is actually ok, especially in a marriage.  But the point is, there’s a great deal of humility in this transaction that I was, up to this point, missing.


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Who Would You Rather Listen To?

Next weekend we will be looking forward to the most important days of the year for Jews and Christians.
Those who believe the Nazarene Jew Jeshua is the promised Messiah, have that extra dimension to the celebrations. First there is the remembrance of this rabbi who took his disciples in the upper room to commemorate the great deliverance of God His people.
The exodus of the People of Israel is not only the story of their liberation of slavery, it is also our liberation from the slavery of death, by remembering the restored relationship with the Most High Elohim.

As Christians we shall come together on 14 Nisan to remember the instalment of the New Covenant, and the opening of the narrow gate to the Kingdom of God, to join God’s chosen People. Christians and Jews should learn the same lessons from their Holy Scriptures and go out into the world to show the Master Hand of the Most High to all around them.


Additional reading:

  1. Jeshua or Jesus the Christ or Messiah
  2. Are the Jews really God’s Chosen People
  3. The Evolution Of Passover–Past To Present
  4. Commemorating the escape from slavery
  5. Passover and Liberation Theology
  6. 1 -15 Nisan
  7. Day of remembrance coming near
  8. Another way looking at a language #4 Ancient times
  9. Self inflicted misery #5 A prophet without a hedge around him
  10. The Advent of the saviour to Roman oppression
  11. Seven days of Passover
  12. On the first day for matzah
  13. A Great Gift commemorated
  14. Jesus memorial
  15. Observance of a day to Remember
  16. A new exodus and offering of a Lamb
  17. In what way were sacrifices “shadows”?
  18. What does ‘atonement’ mean?
  19. Why did Jesus say he wouldn’t drink wine again until the kingdom when he ate and drank other things? (Mark 14:25)
  20. Children ate the OT passover so why not NT bread and wine?
  21. Deliverance and establishement of a theocracy
  22. 14 Nisan a day to remember #1 Inception
  23. 14 Nisan a day to remember #2 Time of Jesus
  24. 14 Nisan a day to remember #3 Before the Passover-feast
  25. 14 Nisan a day to remember #4 A Lamb slain
  26. 14 Nisan a day to remember #5 The Day to celebrate
  27. Around the feast of Unleavened Bread
  28. High Holidays not only for Israel
  29. Festival of Freedom and persecutions
  30. 14-15 Nisan and Easter
  31. The Song of The Lamb #7 Revelation 15
  32. Servant of his Father
  33. For the Will of Him who is greater than Jesus
  34. A Messiah to die
  35. Anointing of Christ as Prophetic Rehearsal of the Burial rites
  36. Death of Christ on the day of preparation
  37. How many souls did the death of Jesus pay for?
  38. Swedish theologian finds historical proof Jesus did not die on a cross
  39. Why 20 Nations Are Defending the Crucifix in Europe
  40. Impaled until death overtook him
  41. Misleading Pictures
  42. A time for everything
  43. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritualy
  44. Fixing our attention
  45. Control your destiny or somebody else will
  46. Allowed to heal
  47. A secret to be revealed
  48. Your Sins Are Forgiven
  49. Slave for people and God
  50. Liberation in Christ
  51. Not bounded by labels but liberated in Christ
  52. Holidays, holy days and traditions
  53. A Holy week in remembrance of the Blood of life
  54. Peter Cottontail and a Bunny laying Eastereggs
  55. Bread and Wine
  56. Around the feast of Unleavened Bread
  57. The son of David and the first day of the feast of unleavened bread
  58. Deliverance and establishment of a theocracy
  59. Focus on outward appearances
  60. Fraternal week-end at Easter in Paris


  • End Times Matrix News – Nisan Uprising (twclark66.wordpress.com)
    This edition of ETMN covers many breaking stories in the first hour including the discussion about the subconscious programming in movies and television about the end of America.  The second hour discusses the month of Nisan and April and the tragedies related to American history.
  • The Spiritual Journey from Purim Through Pesach by Rabbi Marcia Prager (kolaleph.org)
    If you have been watching the night sky, perhaps you saw the first sliver of the new moon last week. In the Jewish world, we’re moon-watchers, because each new month begins on the new “moon-th.” In early Spring, or sometimes even late winter, we celebrate the New Moon of the Hebrew month called Adar, the month whose motto is: “With the month of Adar, Joy increases!” Why ? – because winter is winding down, and the festival of Purim is coming!

    One month later we’ll see another new moon, which arrives in the night sky to really herald the coming of spring!. This new moon ushers in the month of Nisan, The Month of Spring: liberation from the tight cold of winter! Rebirth! Fifteen days later, on the full moon of Nisan, what happens? The festival of Pesach/Passover!

    During Pesach God blazingly reveals God’s Self to us as the ultimate liberating power, bringing us out of Mitzrayim, and then on to Sinai to covenant with us as a nation. With drama and a cast of thousands, God intervenes in history to liberate an oppressed people and bring us into freedom.

    We escape from slavery, and trek into the wilderness of Sinai. At Sinai, God reveals God’s Self to us with lightning and claps of thunder.

    We receive Torah and learn to understand freedom in an entirely new way: freedom as commitment.

    We will serve no ruler but God.

    We hear God call to us: “Be holy, for I, the One Power that “Gods” you, am holy.” (Leviticus 19:2)

    We commit ourselves and all future generations to this striving: to be a holy people in a brit olam, an eternal covenant with the Creator of the Universe.

  • A Survey Of Ebionite Jewish-Christian Scriptures Regarding Gentile Conversion, Judaism, Kashrut, Circumcision, Shabbat, Tefilah and Mikveh Tevilah (paradoxparables.justparadox.com)
    “Should Gentile converts to faith in Jesus be required to be circumcised in order to be full members of God’s People? After all, they reasoned, circumcision was an eternal commandment from the days of Abraham on. At the time Gentiles who half-converted to Judaism were called “Godfearers” (Yireh Elohim). Those who moved beyond the Godfearers were called “Converts” (Gerim), and to be a convert one had to experience the covenant blade,” says Scot McKnight.
  • Christianity Has No Saving Power Only In HaDerech Is Elohims Salvation (spyghana.com)
    Christians believe the faith they profess in any brand of Christianity renders them worthy and eligible for Heaven! It is sad to say, however, that all Christians will be utterly disappointed in this because none of them belonging to the countless and diverse denominations of Christianity, qualify for Heaven!
  • Judaism (whatshotn.wordpress.com)
    For one thing much of our culture has been influenced by Judaism. In seminary I studied the Hebrew Bible, what we call the Old Testament, and had to learn to read and write Hebrew and translate specific Biblical texts. I have had several Jewish friends. So I am entering into a religion that I am more familiar and comfortable with.

    Judaism is the oldest of the world’s four great monotheistic religions. It’s also the smallest, with only about 12 million followers around the world.

  • This Week’s Torah Portion – VAYIKRA (And He Called)(terri0729.wordpress.com)
    God made Nisan the first month of the year because it was the month in which
    the Jewish people were freed from slavery in Egypt.
    So too, may we remember our freedom from the slavery of sin and death through
    Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.
  • The High Holy Days for Atonement – 2012 A.D. (moshebarabraham2013.wordpress.com)
    As we prepare for The High Holy Days of Midian, Israel, and Ishmael, we seek Atonement through Fasting and Prayer as handed down to us from our Ancestors under The Covenant of Abraham (COA), Ibrahiym.
  • Resources for Passover (christinachronicles.com)
    Here are some of the resources I have come across that can be useful as we prepare for teaching and observing this set-apart season to YeHoVaH.
  • “Passover Seder Meal” by Tina Teehankee (santuariodesanantonio.wordpress.com)
    We invite families and friends to attend a Christian ritual that allow us to return to the sources of our past that is the very ground of our being. Such a ritual is the Passover Seder Meal.
    The holiday commemorates two events: (1) the deliverance from Egyptian bondage as the beginning of national history and (2) the time of the barley season, a remembrance of the relationship of Israel with the land. Passover is celebrated at the Synagogue and at home. The celebration at home is a re-enactment of the Exodus from Egypt; God’s redemptive liberation of Israel from slavery and spiritual misery. The purpose of the Seder Meal and the directed conversation at table is to draw relationships between the Passover and important New Testament truths. It is vital to our understanding of these relationships that we recognize that Jesus was a faithful Jew who observed Judaic laws. It was within Judaism that Christianity was born and wherein it found essential elements of its faith and cult.
  • Good Friday or Passover? (biblethingsinbibleways.wordpress.com)
    As some celebrate Passover, millions of people are preparing to celebrate Good Friday. What is Passover and what is Good Friday? Is Passover for the Jews and Good Friday for the Christians? Where does these days originate from? Did Yeshua(Hebrew name of Jesus) die on Good Friday? or did He die on Passover? are both these days the same? Does it even matter which day we celebrate it on, as long as we remember it? We will delve in to the subject of Yeshua’s death today, and try to answer some of these questions. Keep an open mind, and let God’s Word show you the truth as some of the things you read here might probably shock you.
    Yeshua rose after the Sabbath According to Mt 28:1-6, Mar 16:2-4, Luke 24:1-3, Joh 20:1,2
    The women came to the tomb on the day after the Sabbath, to see it empty.

    So According to these verses, we see that Yeshua had risen when the women went to the Tomb on Sunday. So accordingly, we celebrate His “Rising from Death” on Sunday.

    He said He would be in the tomb for 3 Days & 3 Nights according to Mat 12:40
    If He died on a Friday around 3pm, and was buried before Sundown, before the Sabbath started, and He rose before Sunday Morning, Where are the 3 Days? Friday eve to Sunday Morning is only 1½ Days. Even if we took the whole day of Sunday, it would still be 2 Days. According to a Friday Evening Death and a Resurrection before Sunday Morning, Yeshua seems to have not accomplished what He said He would. And I believe, that He never said anything contrary to what He did. Some say that it doesn’t matter. If it matters to you that you know the Truth, read on. And you will see why it is important to understands the Feasts/Appointments God gave to Israel. (We will do a separate study on the Feasts of God in the near future, where I will cover all of the feasts mentioned in Lev 23, including Passover.)

  • From Jewish Passover to Christian Eucharist: The Story of the Todah (lionessblog.com)
    Scholars have often wondered how the practice of Christian Eucharist could have arisen from the Lord’s Supper, which occurred in the context of the Jewish Passover. Since Passover occurs only once a year, how is it that the Christians got the notion that they could celebrate Jesus’ sacrificial meal weekly, if not daily?The answer is found in the ancient Israelite sacrifice called the todah.
    While most people have heard of Old Testament sacrifices such as the holocaust offering or burnt offering, those who have heard of the todah sacrifice are as rare as lotto winners. Today’s ignorance concerning the todah, however, should not imply that it was unimportant to the Jews. Far from it. The todah was one of the most significant sacrifices of the Jews.

    Indeed, an old Rabbinic teaching says: “In the coming Messianic age all sacrifices will cease, but the thank offering [todah] will never cease.”(1) What is it about this sacrifice that makes it stand alone in such a way that it would outlast all other sacrifices after the redemption of the Messiah?

  • Christ our Passover Lamb (daysofdaniel.wordpress.com)
    In addition to the taking of communion, many Christians celebrate the Passover week in remembrance of Christ. This includes a time of introspection, repentance and making things right with God and man. But without Christ, the Passover is meaningless.
  • Passover Primer (boiseweekly.com)
    Passover, a Jewish holiday celebrated for seven or eight days (depending on the branch of Judaism) that starts on the full moon in April, is a great opportunity to sink your teeth into Jewish history and culinary traditions. Why? Because each item consumed during the Passover seder–a ritual feast that’s hosted on the first night of Passover, this year Monday, April 14–is filled with thousands of years of meaning.
    In addition to matzah, the Passover seder features six symbolic items displayed on a special seder plate. While some of these foods are eaten during the reading of the Haggadah–a guide outlining the order of the seder and explaining the significance of the meal–others are there for ceremonial purposes.
    “What better way to entice people to really think about something than food?” said Lifshitz. “Food is intergenerational dialogue, which is what the Passover seder is about; it’s about a discussion.”
  • Shabbat HaGadol (layacrust.wordpress.com)
    The Shabbat right before Pesach is called Shabbat HaGadol- The Great Sabbath. One interpretation is that “Moshiach”- the Messiah- will come on Passover, so this is the  Great Shabbat, the one before that great redemption.Another idea is that the days leading up to the Exodus from Egypt were days of unusual and overwhelming preparation for the Israelites. Those preparations  not only affected sacrifices and food but defined faith and self identification. That concept holds true today. Those who choose to prepare for Pesach and change their diet and behaviours for an entire week are declaring their faith in the God of Israel and defining themselves as Jews.
  • Slaves In Egypt? (brianrushwriter.wordpress.com)
    The religion of ancient Israel was not anything that properly deserved to be called Judaism. It was a tribal cult in which the Hebrew God, Adonai or JHVH, was one deity among many in the world, not a universal deity as the Jewish God is today. This God was easy for them to abandon, as the diatribes of the prophets in the Bible show that they frequently did. Moreover, this God was not something to be worshiped in spirit wherever one found oneself; rather, he had a location, and that location was Palestine, especially Jerusalem, more especially the Temple. How can we worship the God of our fathers in a foreign land? the captive Hebrews cried.
  • G-dfearers Participation In Shabbat, And Pesach According To Toby Janicki (paradoxparables.justparadox.com)
    Gentile believers have been brought near to the commonwealth of Israel. Although this does not make Gentile Christians into Jews, they share in the spiritual heritage of the nation of Israel.
  • Happy Passover! (jewishvoice.wordpress.com)
    History repeats itself . . .
    First there were the Israelites in Bible times, who were saved from sudden slaughter when they obeyed God by putting blood on the lintels and doorposts of their home. The Angel of Death passed over, and the Hebrew children lived to tell their great story of God’s faithfulness.
    Happy Passover! (jewishvoice.wordpress.com)
    we as people of faith can celebrate being saved from certain death when we apply the blood of Yeshua our Messiah to our lives and repent of those sins that kept us in our own personal bondage.To help you celebrate this wonderful occasion, we have put together some Passover resources so that you can be educated and inspired by the beauty of this holy feast.
  • The Unanticipated Passover Seder (ghostriverstudios.wordpress.com)
    If there are aspects of the Passover seder from which all people can learn, how much more so is this true for believers in Messiah? After all, our Master Yeshua chose the wine and the matzah of a Passover Seder to represent his body and blood.
    The Unanticipated Passover Seder
    I cannot be considered as one of the members of humanity who marched out of Egypt and left behind my slavery, and certainly I cannot project myself into the masses who stood at the foot of Mount Sinai and personally received the Torah from Hashem, as does every person who is Jewish.
  • The Unanticipated Passover Seder (mymorningmeditations.com)
    our Master Yeshua chose the wine and the matzah of a Passover Seder to represent his body and blood. More than just learning about and celebrating the concept of freedom from oppression and exile, for disciples of Messiah, the seder celebrates Yeshua’s atoning death and resurrection while remaining firmly grounded and centered on God’s deliverance of the Jewish people from Egypt.
  • Passover: A Time To Remember (jacksonandrew.com)
    I am thankful that today, we can celebrate this feast without the sacrifice of a life for our sins, as Christ, our Passover Lamb, has once and for all, become the substitute… and with Him, God is well pleased. Don’t forget to remember or you are doomed to return to what once enslaved you.
  • The Mystery of the Passover Wine Revealed: The Yayin HaMeshumar….Yeshua said, “I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the mind of man. (Gospel of Thomas 17) (guapotg.wordpress.com)
    The phrase “wine that has been kept” in the Hebrew is Yayin HaMeshumar “wine of keeping”. The tradition of the Yayin HaMeshumar runs deep in traditional Judaism. It is the wine that will be served at the Messianic Feast when the Messiah re-establishes the Kingdom of Israel on earth.
    Not only is the Yayin HaMeshumar the blood of the Messiah, but it is more. It is the “mystery” of which the blood of Messiah is only part:
    next time you partake of the cup of redemption in the Passover sader, realize that this cup is symbolic of the Yayin HeMeshumar, the wine that has been kept from the six days in the beginning, the blood of the lamb slain from the foundation which has been hidden and separated and prepared for those who love him.
  • Passover and the Feast of Unleaven Bread (ourcommunityatfbcdc.wordpress.com)
    The Passover meal is eaten on the first day. God commanded that Israel keep this feast perpetually.
    God offers us redemption through the atoning action of Jesus Christ, God’s son who came to the earth, and suffered and died for the sins of the world. He became the Paschal lamb. Under this judgment of sin and ultimate eternal death, God freely offers to all who will believe and accept His provision for us, forgiveness of our sins and life eternal.
  • The Passover Type and Its Anti-type (compasschurchamman.wordpress.com)
    The Old Testament (Exodus 34:18, 25) distinguishes the festivals by using the terms “Feast of Unleavened Bread” and “Passover Feast”. The New Testament (Matthew 26:17; Mark 14:1; Luke 22:1) refers to both of these as “the Passover” and the “Feast of the Unleavened Bread. These festivals were held in immediate sequence. Passover was celebrated at twilight of the 14th day of the month (Exodus 12:6) and the Feast of Unleavened Bread for the seven days following, namely, the 15th to the 21st (Exodus 12:15; Leviticus 23:5f.; Numbers 28:16ff; 2 Chronicles 35:1, 17).
    The timing of Jesus’ death in the Passover season and the conviction that his death was the atoning death of “blood poured out for many” (Mark 14:24) assisted linking his atoning death to the Passover sacrifice. As the Israelite was delivered from the bondage of Egypt through the blood of the Passover lamb, so the Christian is saved from sin through the sacrifice of Christ; but Paul further adds that continual victory over the sins of the world means a continual observing of the Feast of Redemption.
  • Echoing Passover in This Worship (tbolto.wordpress.com)
    The word “Seder” simply means “Order.” Everything is done in a careful order in keeping with God’s instructions in the Old Testament or Torah, as it is known by Jewish people, and with traditions that have been added to keep alive the memory of the original Passover people.
  • The Crossing of the Red Sea- A Picture of the Process of Salvation…..Just as the Egyptians followed the Hebrews into the Red Sea but the Hebrews alone emerged alive, when we enter into the death burial and resurrection of Messiah as symbolized by water im (guapotg.wordpress.com)
    When someone asks “are you saved”? the natural question is “saved from what?” “Saved” is a verb that begs for a direct object. Yet many who ask you “are you saved” cannot actually tell you what they mean.
  • Pesach
    I imagine that the death of Jesus was still sad in heaven even though they knew the whole plan. Suffering is sorrowful. I don’t really know what was happening while Jesus was dead so I won’t try to guess here.
  • “Christ Is Our Passover Lamb” / The Message of the High Sabbath beginning the eve of March 25, 2013 (owprince.wordpress.com)
    Remarkably, the celebration of Easter, one of the most holy of Christian holidays, cannot be found anywhere in the Bible. In 1949 the Encyclopedia Britannica in its article on Easter stated the following regarding this day: “There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament, or in the writings of the apostolic fathers.”
  • Jesus Christ, Our Passover (fredswolfe.wordpress.com)
    Jesus was dead in the grave with no consciousness for 3 full days and 3 full nights = 72 hours. There is no way in Hell to fit 3 full days and 3 full nights between Sunset Friday and Sunrise Sunday. Therefore, there is no such thing as Good Friday! Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb,was sacrificed for us and was buried on a Wednesday around sunset beginning the 1st night (Thursday). At dawn Thursday began the first day. At sunset Thurs. began the 2nd night of Friday, then Friday day; thenFri at sunset began the 3rd night, Saturday; then Saturday at sunset completed the 3 days and 3 nights. Sunset Sat. began Sunday night:Jn 20:1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.KJV
    If you find the word Easter in your Bible, it’s actually a mistranslation that is noted in your Bible’s margin. Most recent translations of the Bible make the correction. The correct translations use the word Passoverinstead of Easter.
  • The LORD Jesus Christ- Our Passover (zionsgate.wordpress.com)
    Pesach (PAY-sahk) means to ‘pass over’.  The Passover meal, seder (SAY der), celebrates this historic event.
    The LORD’s supper is a remembrance of his sacrifice as the perfect Passover Lamb and the fulfillment of the new covenant between GOD and man (Luke 22:20; 1st Corinthians 5:7; Ephesians 2:11-13).  Prophecy of this sacrifice is found in Psalm 22.  The Hebrew prophet Isaiah also spoke of the sufferings and sacrifice of the Messiah, and how that sacrifice would be the ultimate atonement for the sins of GOD’s people (Isaiah 53).
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The Spinning Rabbi - Heart & Soul

Next week  the Jewish people will celebrate Passover.  Passover commemorates their Exodus from 210 years of slavery in Egypt.  Jews are commanded to constantly remember their slavery, to remember it as though they were there.  There are several very valuable lessons in doing this.  One of those valuable lessons of this remembering, is this – G-d freed the Jews so that they were no longer physical slaves, yet they were still slaves.  Now they were their own Pharaoh and the slavery was of the self-imposed spiritual and emotional variety.  Once physically free, it was up to them to free themselves spiritually and emotionally.

This lesson applies to all people who are blessed to live in freedom today.  This means that the only one who can free you now, is you.  It’s up to you to free yourself from your personal Egypt.

We all (some more, some less) hold ourselves back…

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