Vaderschap complex en uniek verschijnsel 1/2

An English version may be found at: Father and motherhood

Een Engelse versie is te vinden op : Father and motherhood

In het vorige hoofdstuk hebben wij besproken hoe vandaag de dag er veel mensen zijn die niet geïnteresseerd zijn in het hebben van kinderen en neer kijken op degenen die de tijd nemen om een aantal kinderen te hebben en er zorg voor willen besteden. Vandaag willen wij nagaan hoe wij zorg kunnen dragen in zulk een kindvijandige wereld waar velen vergeten dat kinderen de toekomstige generatie vertegenwoordigen. Zonder kinderen is er geen voortzetting van het volk. Met te weinig kinderen die werken zullen er ook niet voldoende werkende mensen zijn om te zorgen voor de mensen die niet meer kunnen werken (langdurig zieken, gehandikapten, gepensioneerden). In zulk een maatschappij waar men neerkijkt op diegenen die het vaderschap ernstig nemen komt het er op aan sterk in de schoenen te staan.

Wij moeten er op toezien dat de rol van de vader doorheen de eeuwen danig verandert is en dat wij zeker niet terug mogen vallen in die periode waar de vader alleen maar goed leek te zijn om de straffen uit te delen of om de ‘harde hand ‘in huis te tonen, waar iedereen voor moest beven en zijn bevelen opvolgen, zowel vrouw als kinderen.

Respect, eer, en ondersteuning voor degenen die willen zorgen voor de volgende generatie is al lang voorbij, maar dat houdt niet in dat diegenen die voor ouderschap hebben gekozen niet zouden moeten zorgen dat zij, hun partner en hun kinderen geen respect en ondersteuning voor elkaar zouden moeten volbrengen.

Wij hebben besproken hoe de moderne wereld  wel gemengde berichten over het moederschap de wereld instuurt, maar dat de Bijbel bevestigt  dat kinderen een zegen van God zijn en een bron van geluk kunnen zijn voor de ouders.

Ziet! Zonen zijn een erfdeel van Jehovah;+ De vrucht van de buik is een beloning.+Als pijlen in de hand van een sterke man,*+ Zo zijn de zonen der jeugd.Gelukkig is de fysiek sterke man* die zijn pijlkoker ermee heeft gevuld.+ Zij zullen niet beschaamd worden,+ Want zij zullen met vijanden spreken in de poort. (Psalm 127:3-5 )

Ook hebben wij gezien dat doorheen de geschiedenis mannen en vrouwen hun eigen keuzes moesten maken en dat daar eigenlijk niets in is veranderd. Zoals de mens vroeger zijn eigen weg kon gaan, zal deze ook vandaag moeten beslissen welke weg zij op willen gaan, al of niet de Richtlijnen en Geboden van God volgend.

De  aan het begin van tijd door de Schepper gegeven taak aan de eerste mensen (Adam en Eva) om zichzelf te vermenigvuldigen is vandaag de dag nog even goed gangbaar. Diegenen die heden kinderen wensen, horen daar nu ook nog zeer goed over na te denken en horen zich bewust te zijn van de implicaties op het verdere leven. Want eens voor kinderen gekozen zal er geen weg terug zijn en zal men er ook de verantwoordelijkheid voor moeten dragen.

De keuze om met een kind of kinderen een gezin te vormen zal een onomkeerbare keuze zijn in het leven. Kiezen voor ouderschap en moederschap hebben een diepe en blijvende invloed op het leven en het karakter van zichzelf en van de kinderen. Deze beslissingen kunnen grote veranderingen in de ouders hun ‘ levensstijl‘  brengen, dus moet zulk een keuze goed overwogen zijn.

Vragen zullen niet enkel vooraf gesteld moeten worden, maar eens de kinderen er zullen zijn zullen zich nog verdere vragen blijven opstapelen, waarbij men omzichtig met de antwoorden zal moeten omgaan. Na het eerste kind zal men al snel kunnen merken hoe men al of niet makkelijk met kinderen zal kunnen omgaan en zal dit mee bepalend zijn voor het verder verloop voor de keuze en opbrengring van al of niet meerdere kinderen.

Dat alles altijd vlot zal verlopen willen wij u niet doen geloven. Rozen zonder doornen zal u niet zo makkelijk vinden. Elk huisje heeft zijn kruisje. Het komt er op aan om goed te leren omgaan met al de moeilijkheden die zich kunnen voordoen tijdens het ouderschap.

Als men de taken netjes eerlijk verdeeld zullen er het minst problemen voordoen. Maar nog steeds valt het op dat er veel mannen zich van bepaalde taken willen onttrekken, die nochtans ook bij het vaderschap horen.

Daarmee gaan wij in onderstaande en volgende post even een kijkje nemen op zulke verplichtingen waar een man zich bewust moet van zijn als hij voor kinderen kiest in het gezin.


Een luisterende vader die bereid is geen oordeel te stellen


Wat maakt iemand tot een goede vader?

„Gij vaders, tergt uw kinderen niet, zodat zij niet moedeloos worden.” — Kolossenzen 3:21.

Hoe kan een vader voorkomen dat zijn kinderen geïrriteerd of verbitterd raken? Hij moet in elk geval het belang van zijn rol als vader erkennen.

„Het vaderschap blijkt een complex en uniek verschijnsel te zijn met enorme gevolgen voor de emotionele en intellectuele ontwikkeling van een kind”,

zegt een tijdschrift over geestelijke gezondheid.

File:Father and Son Toronto May 2012.jpg

Vader en zoon – Bloorstreet, Toronto; Foto Marc Falardeau

Wat is de rol van een vader? In veel gezinnen wordt de vader vooral gezien als degene die straf uitdeelt. Heel wat moeders zeggen tegen een kind dat zich misdraagt: „Wacht maar tot je vader thuiskomt!” Natuurlijk zijn evenwichtige correctie en een mate van strengheid nodig willen kinderen tot goed aangepaste volwassenen opgroeien. Maar er komt meer bij kijken om een goede vader te zijn.

Helaas heeft niet elke vader zelf een goed voorbeeld gehad. Sommige mannen zijn zonder vader opgegroeid. Andere hebben een kille, afstandelijke vader gehad en zijn misschien geneigd hun kinderen net zo te behandelen. Hoe kunnen zulke personen dat patroon doorbreken en betere vaders worden?

Er bestaat een bron van praktisch en betrouwbaar advies over goed vaderschap: de Bijbel. In dat boek vinden we de beste raad op het gebied van het gezinsleven. Die raad is niet louter theorie en werkt nooit in ons nadeel. De raad uit de Bijbel weerspiegelt de wijsheid van de Auteur ervan, Jehovah God, die het gezin heeft ingesteld (Efeziërs 3:14, 15). Als u een vader bent, doet u er verstandig aan te kijken wat de Bijbel over de rol van ouders te zeggen heeft.* {1}

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‘s Avonds voorlezen aan de kinderen – Foto: Ldorfman: עברית: מקריא סיפור לפני השינה לבתי: חתול תעלול, מאת דוקטור סוס [Reading a bedtime story to my daughter: The Cat in the Hat (in the Hebrew translation “Chatul Taalul”), by Dr. Seuss]

Als u een goede vader bent, komt dat niet alleen het lichamelijke en emotionele welzijn van uw kinderen ten goede, maar ook hun geestelijke welzijn.{2} Een kind dat een heel liefdevolle, hechte band met zijn vader heeft, zal er waarschijnlijk minder moeite mee hebben een nauwe en intieme band met God te ontwikkelen. Per slot van rekening laat de Bijbel zien dat Jehovah, onze Schepper, in zekere zin een Vader voor ons is (Jesaja 64:8). Laten we eens zes dingen beschouwen die kinderen van hun vader nodig hebben. We zullen tegelijk nagaan hoe het toepassen van Bijbelse beginselen een vader kan helpen in elk van die zes behoeften te voorzien.

1 Kinderen hebben de liefde van hun vader nodig

Jehovah gaf als Vader het volmaakte voorbeeld. De Bijbel beschrijft de gevoelens van God voor zijn eerstgeboren Zoon, Jezus, als volgt:

„De Vader heeft de Zoon lief” (Johannes 3:35; Kolossenzen 1:15).

Bij meer dan één gelegenheid bracht Jehovah zijn goedkeuring en zijn liefde voor zijn Zoon tot uitdrukking. Toen Jezus gedoopt werd, zei Jehovah vanuit de hemel:

„Gij zijt mijn Zoon, de geliefde; ik heb u goedgekeurd” (Lukas 3:22).

Jezus twijfelde er nooit aan dat zijn Vader van hem hield. Wat kan een menselijke vader van Gods voorbeeld leren?

Schroom nooit uw kinderen te vertellen dat u van hen houdt.

Kelvin, vader van vijf kinderen, zegt:

„Ik heb altijd geprobeerd mijn kinderen te laten merken dat ik van ze hou, niet alleen door hun dat te zeggen, maar ook door persoonlijke belangstelling voor elk van hen te tonen. Ik heb meegeholpen hun luiers te verschonen en hen in bad te doen.”

Uw kinderen moeten ook weten dat u blij met hen bent. Wees dus niet te kritisch en corrigeer hen niet constant. Wees in plaats daarvan gul met complimenten.

Donizete, die twee dochters in de tienerleeftijd heeft, geeft de tip:

„Een vader moet bewust naar gelegenheden zoeken om zijn kinderen een compliment te geven.”

Als uw kinderen weten dat u tevreden over hen bent, draagt dat bij tot een gezond gevoel van eigenwaarde. Dat kan hen weer helpen een hechtere band met God op te bouwen.

2 Kinderen hebben een goed voorbeeld nodig

Jezus kan ’alleen doen wat hij de Vader ziet doen’, zegt Johannes 5:19. Merk op dat Jezus volgens deze tekst deed wat hij zijn Vader ’zag doen’. Datzelfde geldt vaak voor kinderen. Als een vader bijvoorbeeld zijn vrouw met respect en waardigheid behandelt, is de kans groot dat zijn zoon later ook vrouwen met waardigheid en respect zal behandelen. En niet alleen de houding van jongens wordt door het voorbeeld van hun vader beïnvloed, ook de kijk die meisjes op mannen hebben, kan door het voorbeeld van hun vader gevormd worden.

Een vader die zijn respect toont naar vrouw en kinderen en als voorbeeld fungeert voor zijn kinderen

Vinden uw kinderen het moeilijk hun excuses aan te bieden? Ook daar geldt dat uw voorbeeld belangrijk is.

Kelvin kan zich herinneren dat twee van zijn zoons een keer een dure camera hadden stukgemaakt. Hij was heel boos geworden en had zo hard met zijn vuist op een houten tafel geslagen dat die doormidden gebroken was. Kelvin had achteraf enorm veel spijt gehad en iedereen, ook zijn vrouw, zijn excuses aangeboden voor het feit dat hij zo boos was geworden. Hij is van mening dat dat een goede uitwerking heeft gehad op zijn kinderen, want ze hebben er geen enkele moeite mee sorry te zeggen.

3 Kinderen hebben een gelukkige omgeving nodig

Jehovah is een „gelukkige God” (1 Timotheüs 1:11). Het is dan ook niet vreemd dat zijn Zoon, Jezus, graag bij zijn Vader was. Spreuken 8:30 geeft meer inzicht in de verhouding tussen Jezus (als de gepersonifieerde wijsheid) en zijn Vader:

’Ik werd als een meesterwerker naast hem [de Vader], terwijl ik te allen tijde vrolijk was voor zijn aangezicht.’

Er bestond dus een heel warme band tussen Vader en Zoon!

Uw kinderen hebben een gelukkige omgeving nodig. De tijd nemen om samen met uw kinderen iets leuks te doen, kan ertoe bijdragen zo’n omgeving te creëren. Samen spelen versterkt de band tussen ouder en kind. Felix beaamt dat. Hij heeft een zoon in de tienerleeftijd en zegt: „Dat ik er de tijd voor neem samen met mijn zoon leuke dingen te doen, is heel belangrijk voor onze band. We doen samen spelletjes, we sporten, we gamen, komen met vrienden bij elkaar en bezoeken attracties of interessante plaatsen. Dat heeft ons saamhorigheidsgevoel als gezin versterkt.”


Voorgaande artikelen:
1. Hoewel de Bijbelse raad die in dit artikel wordt besproken, vooral op de rol van de vader is toegespitst, gelden veel van de beginselen ook voor moeders.

Het welbevinden van mensen in lichamelijk en geestelijk opzicht.
Welzijn is iets dat mensen individueel beleven. Welzijn staat los van welvaart. Ook zonder welvaart kunnen mensen zich lichamelijk en geestelijk goed voelen. Omgekeerd kunnen bepaalde gevolgen van welvaart een bedreiging zijn voor het welzijn. Welzijn wordt meer bepaald door sociale stabiliteit en culturele bloei dan door economische vooruitgang.


Vindt aansluitend:

  1. Droevig vooruitzicht voor jonge kinderen
  2. Lappendeken als uithangbord
  3. België en toenemende armoede in Europa
  4. Kwetsbare mens in Europa van morgen #2 Te veel mensen gaan kapot aan deze samenleving
  5. Losgeslagen communicatie in een Vaderschap in herziening
  6. Wij zijn zelf verantwoordelijk
  7. Bouwers van de toekomstige generatie
  8. Wie of welke generatie verantwoordelijk
  9. Godsgebeuren en Kerk in Europa
  10. Gezin in postmoderne samenleving meer in verdrukking
  11. Uit huis werkende moeders
  12. Opwekking begint in het gezin
  13. Kinderen mogen falen
  14. Hoe is jouw film van je leven?
  15. Geschapen om te leven in relatie met God
  16. Wees voorzichtig, de omgeving die je kiest zal je vormgeven
  17. Mensen die altijd toelagen voor zichzelf maken gaan snel failliet
  18. Je leven de som van al je keuzes
  19. Keuzes
  20. Steeds een keuze
  21. Dagelijkse keus betreffende de houding die wij voor die dag zullen maken
  22. Elke keuze die we maken veroorzaakt een rimpelig effect in ons leven
  23. Een persoon wordt alleen beperkt door de gedachten die hij kiest
  24. Onze keuzes maken ons
  25. Voor hen die andere keuzes maken
  26. Mensen moeten weten waar je voor staat
  27. Christelijk leven
  28. Vertrouwen, Geloof, Roepen en Toeschrijving aan Jehovah #3 Stem van God #5 Meditatie en transformatie
  29. Geest van aanneming waarbij wij roepen Abba, Vader
  30. Gedisciplineerd de Bijbel lezen
  31. Toewijding van ons
  32. Leiderschap gevonden in dienen van anderen
  33. Waarheid speelt nooit valse rollen van welke aard dan ook
  34. Geen mens is vrij die geen meester van zichzelf is
  35. Woede en vertrouwen
  36. Wat betreft Waar Elke mens recht op heeft


  • Unified Communications Allows Stay-At-Home Parents To Be Employed, Engaged (
    It is no secret that parenthood is rough. Traditionally, the birth of a baby has forced parents to take extended absences from their jobs – or even quit altogether. For some, this can be an incredibly heartbreaking decision, especially if an employee is considered valuable to the success of a company. No one should have to choose between work that they are passionate about and something as life-changing and defining as motherhood or fatherhood.But, like any other historic obstacles for business, modern technology has alleviated some of the pressures that come with having to choose between one or the other. The consumerization of IT and the embrace of its tools by the Millennial generation has brought about a new definition of the workplace. With so many people expecting this kind of functionality from their employers, it only makes sense to seek it out while also exploring new ways in which it can be leveraged.
  • Symptoms of depression surge in young men during early fatherhood years (
    Depressive symptoms increased on average by 68 percent over the first five years of fatherhood for these young men, who were around 25 years old when they became fathers and whom lived in the same home as their children. The results of the study were published April 14 in the journal Pediatrics.This study is the first to identify when young fathers are at increased risk of developing depressive symptoms. Craig Garfield, M.D., lead author of the paper, said the results of this longitudinal study are significant and could lead to more effective interventions and treatment for young men early in the fatherhood years.
  • Fatherhood (
    Fatherhood is about yielding to our Creator for guidance for our families to position our children to succeed. We cannot choose for our children, we cannot hide them from negative experiences or the pain that is in this age. We ensure that while that like our Father, we are committed to instruct them, guide them and protect them.
  • Day 309: Fatherhood Poem: My Earthly Dad (
    While on bended knee
    Is always my earthly dad. He is the image
    Of the Father divine
    Reflecting the nature of God,
  • Fatherhood ~ What Are You Passing? (
    Fatherhood is a calling, not just a job.  It is a calling because he said I have chosen Abraham so that he will command his children.  It is a calling the comes from the highest of all employers.  It has been established by God to achieve His divine purposes.  This calling is called in the scripture a covenant.
    Fatherhood is about the generational transfer of the mandates (requirement, stipulations, duties) of God. In a covenant, things are long-lasting, generational and enduring. So in fatherhood, your decision not to be a father is not just a decision related to your children. It is something that passes on down through the generations. When you decide that the kids are driving you crazy, there is a chance that your kids will think the same about their kids and their kids will think the same thing about their kids. And when we look down through our timeline, we wonder what happened? It is happening with us, dad, we are generational abandoning the covenant!
  • Viewfinder | A Photographer’s Tender Exploration of Fatherhood (
    The photographer Jesse Burke’s work often centers on the good ol’ American rituals of masculinity — like shotgunning beers, hunting and chopping wood. So his recently completed “Wild and Precious” series, a selection of which is shown here for the first time and documents three years’ worth of road trips Burke took with his young daughter Clover, at first appears to be a tender departure from his earlier, broish work.
  • Fatherhood (
    … the goal of receiving a record deal. I thought the record deal would be the most important news And wonderful feeling ever.
  • Fatherhood Initiatives and Nanny Government (
    In the age when big government has displaced and replaced fathers, making traditional families obsolete by giving financial incentives in various forms of welfare to millions of out-of-wedlock mothers in head of household families, the idea of fatherhood programs and initiatives seems commendable.
  • Diamonds and T-shirts: Fatherhood and the Challenges of our Culture (
    I saw a great t-shirt the other day which said, “Fatherhood: not for the weak”.  This got me thinking, since why would someone even have to make such a bold statement?  What is it about fatherhood that seems so unattractive to our culture?Fatherhood is nothing short of a miracle.  This gift, given to every man, is a treasure which many neglect to find.  Are all men fathers?  Yes, all…since every man is created to be a father—spiritual and/or physical.  We acknowledge this fact when, we call priests “Father”, for instance.  Fatherhood is miraculous, but miracles take the eyes of faith to see.  Like a freshly-hewn diamond, it is hard to see the true beauty of it, unless you are willing to work on it for days, months, and years.  Really, it is a lifetime commitment.  Fatherhood, just like motherhood, is a life-giving vocation.
  • A Very Brief History of Fatherhood (
    Fatherhood in America has changed considerably over the past two centuries, as has the very definition of manhood. It was in the early 19th century that “a new ‘domestic’ family type that altered the cultural meaning of being a father” emerged, Shawn Johansen wrote in his “Family Men: Middle-Class Fatherhood in Industrializing America” (Routledge, 2001), the beginnings of what has been commonly viewed as the decline of the American patriarch. This shift in power in middle-class families continued through the Victorian era, according to Johansen, with fathers of the late 19th century significantly more involved with their children than popularly believed.Through much of the 20th century, much pressure was put on fathers to commit to the responsibilities of parenting, something not the case with mothers. It was assumed women would naturally take to their role as mothers, in other words, simply part of their nurturing instincts. Dads were consistently urged to spend time and get to know their children (particularly their sons), with parenting presented as a rewarding complement to careers and personal time. Fathers were thus faced with a tricky balancing act, real or imaginary, in which they were expected to devote considerable amounts of time and energy to child raising without abandoning their principal role as family breadwinner. The tensions associated with walking this fine line could be detected in various ways, as men struggled with the different hats they were being counted on to wear. American dads are now in a good place in this respect, I believe (when they are present, of course), embracing both the joys and demands of fatherhood on their own terms.
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Lord and owner

The Greek and Hebrew words rendered “lord” (or such related terms as “sir,” “owner,” “master”) are used with reference to Jehovah God (Ezekiel 3:11), Jesus Christ (Mattew 7:21), one of the elders seen by John in vision (Revelation 7:13, 14), angels (Genesis 19:1, 2; Daniel 12:8), men (1Samuel 25:24; Acts of the apostles 16:16, 19, 30), and false deities (1Corinthians 8:5). Often the designation “lord” denotes one who has ownership or authority and power over persons or things. (Genesis 24:9; 42:30; 45:8, 9; 1Kings 16:24; Luke 19:33; Acts 25:26; Ephesians 6:5) This title was applied by Sarah to her husband (Genesis 18:12), by children to their fathers (Genesis 31:35; Matthew 21:28, 29), and by a younger brother to his older brother (Genesis 32:5, 6). It appears as a title of respect addressed to prominent persons, public officials, prophets, and kings. (Genesis 23:6; 42:10; Numery 11:28; 2Samuel 1:10; 2Kings 8:10-12; Matthew 27:63) When used in addressing strangers, “lord,” or “sir,” served as a title of courtesy.—John 12:21; 20:15; Acts 16:30.

11 Go in among the exiles of your people*+ and speak to them. Tell them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says,’ whether they listen or refuse to listen.”+ (Ezekiel 3:11)

21 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.+ (Mattew 7:21)

In People Seeking for God 6 Strategy and in People Seeking for God 7 The Lord and lords it is made clear that in recent times several publishers and church communities did everything to wipe out the name of God. One way was to erase the Name of the Most High in the Book of books.

Jehovah God may be known as the “Lord of heaven and earth,” being the Universal Sovereign by reason of his Creatorship. (Matthew 11:25; Revelation of the apostle John 4:11)

25 At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.+ (Matthew 11:25)

Jesus knew very clearly his higher in rank, his Father who was also the Master of heaven and earth. Jesus recognised he could not do anything without his father Who “Is the One Who Is and Shall Be” and Who will again do wonderful things with this people, for Jehovah will rise up, with wonder upon wonder; whilst the nations had to pay attention, stare in amazement and be astounded; and the wisdom of their wise men will perish, and the understanding of their discreet men will be hidden. (Isaiah 28:21Isaiah 29:14Habakkuk 1:5; Luke 10:21)

But God chose the foolish things of the world to put the wise men to shame and many so called theologians got so confused they could not see the trees any more in the forest. Many who thought they could cover up the tracks of the churches who did not want to know of non-trinitarians, they themselves fell into the trap and got the biblical figures mixed up with each other.

They could read that in heaven heavenly creatures will speak of the Most High as well of His son as “Lord,” as reported at Revelation 11:15, which says:

“Loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: ‘The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord [Jehovah] and of his Christ.’”

Because they were not so much interested to serve the Most High Lord of Lord of lords they got blinded by the fog they created themselves.

Faithful servants of God on earth addressed this Eternal Spirit him as “Sovereign Lord,” and this title appears over 300 times in the inspired Scriptures.

As for the four living creatures, each one of them had six wings; they were full of eyes all around and underneath.+ And continuously, day and night, they say: “Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah*+ God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is coming.”+

Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanksgiving to the One seated on the throne, the One who lives forever and ever,+ 10 the 24 elders+ fall down before the One seated on the throne and worship the One who lives forever and ever, and they cast their crowns before the throne, saying: 11 “You are worthy, Jehovah* our God, to receive the glory+ and the honor+ and the power,+ because you created all things,+ and because of your will they came into existence and were created.” (Revelation of the apostle John 4:8-11)

32 This one will be great+ and will be called Son of the Most High,+ and Jehovah* God will give him the throne of David his father,+ 33 and he will rule as King over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end to his Kingdom.”+ (Luke 1:32, 33)

A′bram replied: “Sovereign Lord Jehovah, what will you give me, seeing that I continue childless and the one who will inherit my house is a man of Damascus, E·li·e′zer?”(Genesis 15:2)

10 They shouted with a loud voice, saying: “Until when, Sovereign Lord, holy and true,+ are you refraining from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Revelation 6:10)

When in Scriptures there is been spoken of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ this can be taken in two ways; speaking of just one lord or speaking of two lords; speaking of the Most High Elohim Father of Jesus Christ and taking this son as being the Saviour given unto us, and the one who shall grant us entrance to the everlasting Kingdom of God. (2 Peter 1:11)

The world may have lots of stubborn people who do not want to see the message of the son of God and who do not want to take the words of the prophets and men of God for having become a reality in the birth of Jesus Christ. They talk about the Lord but do not know the True Lord, Jehovah of armies, the Powerful One of Israel, Whose utterance shall wound all over the world. He is also appropriately described as “the true Lord.”

24 Therefore the true Lord, Jehovah of armies, The Powerful One of Israel, declares:“Ah! I will rid myself of my  adversaries, And I will take revenge on my enemies.+ (Isaiah 1:24)

Jesus knew he was only a worker of God, bringing the Message of God to the world. Jesus Christ referred to himself as “Lord of the sabbath.”

He said to them: “Have you not read what David did when he and the men with him were hungry?+How he entered into the house of God and they ate the loaves of presentation,*+ something that it was not lawful for him or those with him to eat, but for the priests only?+Or have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbaths the priests in the temple violate the Sabbath and continue guiltless?+But I tell you that something greater than the temple is here.+However, if you had understood what this means, ‘I want mercy+ and not sacrifice,’+ you would not have condemned the guiltless ones. For the Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath.”+ (Matthew 12:8)

Appropriately Jesus (Jeshua) used the Sabbath for doing the work commanded by his heavenly Father. It is at His direction that people are gathered, or harvested, for life. So petitions for more workers to assist in the harvest must be made to him as the “Master [Lord] of the harvest.”

35 And Jesus set out on a tour of all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news of the Kingdom and curing every sort of disease and every sort of infirmity.+36 On seeing the crowds, he felt pity for them,+ because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.+37 Then he said to his disciples: “Yes, the harvest is great, but the workers are few.+38 Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”+ (Matthew 9:37, 38)

While Jesus Christ was on earth, persons besides his disciples called him “Lord,” or “Sir.”

8 After he came down from the mountain, large crowds followed him. And look! a leper came up and did obeisance* to him, saying: “Lord, if you just want to, you can make me clean.”+ (Matthew 8:2)

11 She said to him: “Sir, you do not even have a bucket for drawing water, and the well is deep. From what source, then, do you have this living water? 12 You are not greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us the well and who together with his sons and his cattle drank out of it, are you?” (John 4:11)

This addressing with ‘sir’ or ‘lord’ is not at all an indication that Jesus is ‘The Lord’  Adonai Hashem Jehovah. In these cases the designation was primarily a title of respect or courtesy, like we will address a man. However, to his apostles Jesus showed that calling him “Lord” involved more than this. Said he: “You address me, ‘Teacher,’ and, ‘Lord,’ and you speak rightly, for I am such.” (John 13:13) As his disciples, these apostles were his learners, or pupils. Thus he was their Lord, or Master Teacher.

But Jesus himself knew very well that he also had a Master. He even did not want to do his own will but wanted to do everything to do the Will of his Father.

41 And he withdrew from them about a stone’s throw away, and he bent his knees and began to pray, 42 saying: “Father, if you want to, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, let, not my will, but yours take place.”+  (Luke 22:41-42)

Jesus his Master or Lord was the Righteous Owner Jehovah God. The Sovereign Owner of the Universe has given certain rights to His son, like him being the mediator between God and man and having the right to decide what would have to happen to certain people. Jesus is ordained to judge the living and the dead.

Especially after Jesus’ death and resurrection did his title Lord take on great significance. By means of his sacrificial death, he purchased his followers, this making him their Owner.It is Jesus who chooses his followers.

13 No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life* in behalf of his friends.+14 You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you.+15 I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master does. But I have called you friends, because I have made known to you all the things I have heard from my Father. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you, and I appointed you to go and keep bearing fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that no matter what you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.+(John 15:13, 14-16)

20 In whatever state each one was called, let him remain in it.+21 Were you called when a slave? Do not let it concern you;+ but if you can become free, then seize the opportunity. 22 For anyone who was called in the Lord when a slave is the Lord’s freedman;+ likewise anyone who was called when a freeman is a slave of Christ. 23 You were bought with a price;+ stop becoming slaves of men. 24 In whatever state each one was called, brothers, let him remain in it before God. (1Corinthians 7:20-23-24)

2 However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you.+ These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them,+ bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. (2Peter 2:1)

My reason is that certain men have slipped in among you who were long ago appointed to this judgment by the Scriptures; they are ungodly men who turn the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for brazen conduct*+ and who prove false to our only owner*{Or “master”} and Lord, Jesus Christ.+ (Jude 4)

And I saw standing in the midst* of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders+ a lamb+ that seemed to have been slaughtered,+ having seven horns and seven eyes, and the eyes mean the seven spirits of God+ that have been sent out into the whole earth. At once he came forward and took it out of the right hand of the One seated on the throne.+When he took the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 elders+ fell down before the Lamb, and each one had a harp and golden bowls that were full of incense. (The incense means the prayers of the holy ones.)+And they sing a new song,+ saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God+ out of every tribe and tongue* and people and nation,+10 and you made them to be a kingdom+ and priests to our God,+ and they are to rule as kings+ over the earth.” (Revelation 5:6-9, 10)

He was also their King and Bridegroom to whom they were subject as their Lord.

and Ja′son has received them as his guests. All these men act in opposition to the decrees of Caesar, saying there is another king, Jesus.”+ (Acts 17:7)

23 So the multitude got up, one and all, and led him to Pilate.+ Then they began to accuse him,+ saying: “We found this man subverting our nation, forbidding the paying of taxes to Caesar,+ and saying he himself is Christ a king.”+ (Luke 23:1, 2)

12 For this reason Pilate kept trying to find a way to release him, but the Jews shouted: “If you release this man, you are not a friend of Caesar. Everyone who makes himself a king speaks against* Caesar.”+ (John 19:12)

21 Be in subjection to one another+ in fear of Christ. 22 Let wives be in subjection to their husbands+ as to the Lord, 23 because a husband is head of his wife+ just as the Christ is head of the congregation,+ he being a savior of this body. 24 In fact, as the congregation is in subjection to the Christ, wives should also be to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, continue loving your wives,+ just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it,+ 26 in order that he might sanctify it, cleansing it with the bath of water by means of the word,+ 27 so that he might present the congregation to himself in its splendor, without a spot or a wrinkle or any of such things,+ but holy and without blemish.+ (Ephesians 5:21-22-27)


28 You yourselves bear me witness that I said, ‘I am not the Christ,+ but I have been sent ahead of that one.’+29 Whoever has the bride is the bridegroom.+ But the friend of the bridegroom, when he stands and hears him, has a great deal of joy on account of the voice of the bridegroom. So my joy has been made complete. (John 3:28, 29)

For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy,* for I personally promised you in marriage to one husband that I might present you as a chaste* virgin to the Christ.+ (2Corinthians 11:2)

One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls that were full of the seven last plagues+ came and said to me: “Come, and I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.”+10 So he carried me away in the power of the spirit to a great and lofty mountain, and he showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God+11 and having the glory of God.+ Its radiance was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone shining crystal clear.+12 It had a great and lofty wall and had 12 gates with 12 angels at the gates, and on the gates were inscribed the names of the 12 tribes of the sons of Israel. 13 On the east were three gates, and on the north three gates, and on the south three gates, and on the west three gates.+14 The wall of the city also had 12 foundation stones, and on them were the 12 names of the 12 apostles+ of the Lamb. (Revelation 21:9-14.)

When Jehovah rewarded his Son for faithfulness to the point of dying a shameful death on a stake, He “exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name, so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground, and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11) Acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as Lord means more than simply calling him “Lord.” It requires that an individual recognize Jesus’ position and follow a course of obedience. (Compare John 14:21.) As Jesus himself said:

“Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.” (Matthew 7:21).

The fact that Christians have only the “one Lord” Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:5) does not rule out their applying “lord” (or, “sir”) to others as a title of respect, courtesy, or authority. The apostle Peter even cited Sarah as a good example for Christian wives because of her obedience to Abraham, “calling him ‘lord.’” (1Peter 3:1-6) This was no mere formality on Sarah’s part. It was a sincere reflection of her submissiveness, for she spoke of him as such “inside herself.”

12 So Sarah began to laugh to herself, saying: “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I really have this pleasure?”+ (Genesis 18:12)

On the other hand, since all Christians are brothers, it would be wrong for them to call one of their number “Leader” or “Lord,” viewing that one as a spiritual leader.

But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher,+ and all of you are brothers. Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father,+ the heavenly One. 10 Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ. (Matthew 23:8-10)

As such we may have Christ Jesus (Jeshua) as our Lord, but should know the difference between this Lord and the Sovereign Lord, The Only One True God, Jehovah.

Dual godhead Janus called LordTo be continued: Lord in place of the divine name


Find also to read:

  1. A God between many gods
  2. God of gods
  3. Attributes to God
  4. Only One God
  5. God is one
  6. Jehovah Yahweh Gods Name
  7. I am that I am Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh אהיה אשר אהיה
  8. God about His name “יהוה“
  9. יהוה , YHWH and Love: Four-letter words
  10. People Seeking for God 1 Looking for answers
  11. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life
  12. People Seeking for God 6 Strategy
  13. People Seeking for God 7 The Lord and lords
  14. Song of Praise for the Elohim Set-Apart
  15. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #2 Calling upon the Name of God
  16. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #1 Creator and His Prophets
  17. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #2 Instructions and Laws
  18. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #3 A voice to be taken Seriously
  19. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #6 Words to feed and communicate
  20. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #5 Prayer #1 Listening Sovereign Maker
  21. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #5 Prayer #3 Callers upon God
  22. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #10 Prayer #8 Condition
  23. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #13 Prayer #11 Name to be set apart
  24. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #14 Prayer #12 The other name
  25. Creator and Blogger God 4 Expounding voice
  26. I Will Cause Your Name To Be Remembered
  27. Pluralis Majestatis in the Holy Scriptures
  28. In the death of Christ, the son of God, is glorification
  29. A fact of History or just a fancy Story
  30. Another way looking at a language #5 Aramic, Hebrew and Greek
  31. Hebrew, Aramaic and Bibletranslation
  32. Creator and Blogger God 7 A Blog of a Book 1 Believing the Blogger
  33. In the death of Christ, the son of God, is glorification
  34. Listening and Praying to the Father
  35. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God
  36. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits
  37. For Jehovah is greatly to be praised
  38. Praise be to God
  39. Praise the God with His Name
  40. Make a joyful noise unto Yahweh, rejoice, and sing praise unto Jehovah
  41. Song of Praise for the Elohim Set-Apart
  42. Praise the most High Jehovah God above all
  43. History of the acceptance of a three-in-one God
  44. Jehovah in the BASF
  45. Jehovah is good unto them that wait for Him


  • Christ in Every Book by Pastor James Hayes South Peoria Baptist Church, Peoria, AZ (
    Christ is the theme of the entire revelation of God. He is promised in Genesis, revealed in the law, prefigured in its history, praised in its poetry, proclaimed in its prophecy provided in its Gospels, proved in its Acts, preeminent in its Epistles and prevailing in Revelation.
    In Revelation the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Lamb of God, the Bright and Morning Star, the King of Kings
    and Lord of Lords.
  • Simple Basics about God and the Bible (
    “Thus says the Lord” occurs 418 times in the NASB, 413 in the KJV; and “God said” occurs 46 times in both the NASB and the KJV. (From )
    > furher in the article you can see what can happen when people always use ‘Lord’ and get mixed up with the different lords. Therefore it would be better to use their proper names every time when we speak about certain people or about the Eternal Spirit.
  • Also in Genesis 11:5 – The Lord Came Down to See the Tower of Men ( the writer wants to bring two lords as being one and the same.
    when he writes “Here is a foreshadowing of the Lord coming down from heaven to earth.” He does not only want us to believe that Jesus is the shadow of God, which he may be, but he tries to bring in the heads that Jesus would also be that God, and that is unscriptual.
    Him saying “There is a true church in the world, but its only pastor is the Lord.” he even wants to bring the pastor on aqual lines with the Lord Christ. Him saying “Do you go to Him with your spiritual concerns?  Do you listen to His sermons?  Are you part of His congregation?  Do you belong to His church?”” can give more the call to belong to a chuchr of a man, the pastor or minister of the worldly church, instead of the Nazarene man Jesus Christ who should be the cornerstone of the Church of God.
  • Does Your Life Reflect What You Say Your Believe? (
    We are saved by God’s grace when we believe in Jesus and put our faith in him, but biblical belief is more than something we confess with our mouths; it’s something we confess with our lives and live day in day out there are no brakes, and no “Fence Sitting” you have both feet in and don’t have time to play games.  What do you do when you are watching a movie and it is not appropriate? What do you do when everyone wants to party and you know what God expects you to do… do you stay?  What about if it cost you a friendship or family member do you give in to what they want even if it is against God’s will or do you stand up for what you know he has said in his word to do?  Are you playing Church?
    There can’t be grey in a marriage and just like that God doesn’t want grey in his relationship with him.  Jesus has defined the relationship he wants with us we are to be his bride.  He is not interested in just being admired by someone who does everything in moderation with one foot in the game he wants completely committed followers with both feet in no fence sitters or grey areas.
  • Conquer with Christ (
    A few months ago during one of our prayer meetings, one of my sisters in Christ brought forth a powerful Word from the Lord about us adopting a Jericho mentality, which is one of seeing God as our Jehovah Nissi: The Lord our Banner.
    Father, thank You for showing Yourself strong to us as Jehovah Nissi (The Lord our Banner), and Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of hosts, the Lord over the battle). Help us, Holy Father, to put on the mind of Christ, and to walk in a Jericho mentality. By Your Holy Spirit, do that necessary shifting on our spirits to receive and prepare this mantle which you desire to drape upon us. In Jesus Name, we thank You that we walk in Your complete victory that You have secured for us; because the battle belongs to You. Amen and Amen!
  • Prayer – What About? (
    It has been called the most widely repeated of all Christian prayers. Whether that is true or not, Jesus’ model prayer—sometimes called the Lord’s Prayer or the Our Father—is certainly among the most misunderstood. Millions of people utter its words by rote every day, perhaps often during the day. But Jesus never intended for the prayer to be used in that way. How do we know?
    From the beginning of human history, God’s sacred name has been smeared with lies. God’s adversary, Satan, has called Jehovah a lying, selfish Ruler who has no real right to govern His creations. (Genesis 3:1-6) Many have sided with Satan, teaching that God is cold, cruel, and vindictive or denying that He is the Creator at all. Others have even attacked his name itself, removing the name Jehovah from Bible translations and forbidding the use of it.
  • Pursue God’s knowledge (
    When Hagar, the Egyptian maidservant, was fleeing from her situation and her predicament, she had an encounter with the Lord. So profound, monumental, and life-transforming was her encounter, she cried out “‘You are the God Who sees me,’ for she [Hagar] said, ‘I have now seen the One Who sees me’” (Genesis 16:13). The Hebrew word for “see” used here is raah (pr. raw-aw), and also means “to discern.” Once this precious soul came to know the knowledge of the Lord, once she saw the One who saw her, she was able to go back, with her new-found knowledge, and return to her situation and obtain the victory! Do you seek to see the One Who sees you, my brother? Or do you seek to know the world, my sister?
  • Come Back to Me (
    Imagine if Jesus came up to you today, embraced you, and said, “You are my greatest treasure!” Wouldn’t you be shocked and speechless? Well, during this Lenten season, you will have numerous opportunities for this to happen. Day after day, in prayer and in the Scriptures, you will have the chance to let Jesus show you your true dignity and identity as his beloved brother or sister.
    In today’s Gospel, we read how Satan tried to get Jesus to question his identity. He prefaced his temptations by saying, “If you are the Son of God …” He knew that if Jesus became unsure of his Father’s love and wisdom, it was much more likely that he would walk away from the plan God had laid out for him. But Satan’s plan didn’t work. Jesus knew who he was, and he clung to the word of God so that he could stay focused on his Father.
  • Giving Thanks and Praise to the Lord (
    I’m of the Opinion that thanking God and being appreciative of our Lord Jesus Christ shouldn’t be something that’s forced or seen as a task that has to be done. Its should come naturally, in fact being a Christian, accepting that Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior, the son of God who died for us, for the forgiveness of sin, on the Cross of Calvary, should come form the heart. It shouldn’t be seen as tedious, neither is it profitable to call oneself a christian, to keep appearances or because its the norm or because one wants to belong to the community.
  • An Ever-Present Help in Trouble (
    No matter what our circumstances are (smashed fingers included), God is with us when we most need Him.
    I have truly realized that without the presence of God, nothing will be accomplished that is of any worth and that in Christ, we can look past our circumstances and look toward God as our abundantly available help in trouble.

Modesty: The Reason Why

We are all created in the image of God and we all have to make our own choice, willing to belong or not to belong to the One Who created everything.

All those who accept the offering of Jeshua, Jesus Christ the Messiah, should be willing to meet with each other and consider each other as brethren and sisters in Christ.


  • Loving Reactions to Modesty: Asking Not Telling (
    Modesty at the root is not a control mechanism for the control of women, or is it a coup out for dudes not being responsible for their active response to the Gospel.  Let’s dive into this argument on a biblical level and see if we can’t find the root of the Modesty Conundrum.
     Jesus’ substitutionary death was the perfect sacrifice for our sins, legally fulfilling God’s requirement for the wages of sin, because he loved.  It’s the Gospel to love our neighbors and dressing modestly shows a level of commitment you have to the family.  Truly loving your brothers should drive you to wanting them to succeed in growing and maturing as a Christian.
  • The Case for Modesty: Getting to the Root (
    out of a modest heart we come to the realization that we must dress in a modest fashion. That doesn’t mean we wake up one day and feel convicted and start wearing of Christ. But before we can expect people to desire that, we must have an expectation of a heart that is burning for the Father.
  • Modesty Matters (
    Paul wrote to this church with a far better solution than rules. He went straight to the gospel to show them that if they wanted to put sin to death, if they wanted to live holy lives, they would need to do it by and through the gospel of Jesus Christ. This tells us that before we even think about limits and rules, we need to think about the gospel and all the freedom it brings. The gospel frees us from thinking that obeying rules will save us. It frees us from thinking rules will actually stop behavior God hates or motivate behavior God loves. It frees us put aside and to deny our freedoms and desires out of love for others.
  • When Modesty Transcends Clothes (
    I am here to tell you that modesty isn’t truly about what your dress looks like. Modesty is about what your heart looks like.
    Our sin is the reason for our separation from God and the reason that we are blurred reflections of our perfect creator. Jesus was born into this world to reconcile us to God, and when we place our trust in Him as our lord and savior His blood is seen as the perfect sacrifice for our sin. Through His death and resurrection, the divide that sin created has been closed. God is with us, and lives inside of us, and others are able to see God’s image through the declaration of our faith.
  • Modesty, Femininity, and Expressing Christ in an Adverse World (
    I feel it is every believers’ duty to spread the Word of Truth; be that through sharing or praying…..
    But one big draw-back we have as Christians when we chose to dress modestly is the effect it will have on our relationships, or on how people look at us in general.

    When you chose to dress modestly – as a woman or a man, but especially as a woman – you are choosing to look distinctly different than everyone else around you.
    To be rejected from ones’ own family, by ones’ friends – even by whole churches – is not easy, it does not come without pain, and it is not the joyous part of the narrow way. But if, within, you feel you are doing what the Lord Jesus would have you to do in all honesty and sincerity, then it is better to obey God than man.

  • Of Modesty and Grace: {A Six Part Series} Part 4 – What Does Our Immodesty Say About Us? (

    Challies and Glenn, in their book Modest: Men and Women Clothed in the Gospel have an excellent definition for this sometimes elusive word.  They define modesty as, “that virtue which is respectful of a culture’s rules for appropriate and inappropriate dress, speech, and behavior in a given situation.”  This definition is excellent, as it allows room for context and grace and also takes the focus off of our clothing and puts it onto our hearts, where it belongs.  As they say in their fourth chapter, “Without question, the foremost intersection of the gospel and modesty is your heart.  If your heart is not fundamentally gripped by the grace of God as revealed in the gospel, then all your efforts at modesty will be for naught.”

    And so, if modesty is more than our attire, if it is a heart issue, where do we display our immodesty?  I believe we display it in exercising license without love and in entertaining legalism through pride.

  • Mormon Women Bravely Pose Naked to Challenge Church Views on Modesty (
    Women around the world deal with objectification, body shame, and the burden of the male gaze. Mormon women have an added layer of complexity and heavy expectations: while being warned against becoming “walking pornography,” we also face immense pressure to be attractive and fit. We must both attract and protect against male desire. Even though Mormonism teaches us our destiny is to become like our embodied Heavenly Parents, the hyper-focus on modesty leaves many of us feeling disconnected and ambivalent about our bodies.
  • Modesty in Dress (
    Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins.  Sloth is defined as laziness or carelessness to do right and to practice virtue because of the trouble attached to it.  Christian modesty is a virtue, but it has been forgotten even among Catholics today.  We need modesty in order to protect chastity.  We cannot restore chastity to the individual, the family or the society as long as modesty is either ignored or violated on such a large scale as it is today!
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Dignified role for the woman

The dignity of the office of housewife is today by many forgotten. Many men are not conscious what a work it demands to keep the household running properly. there are men who wanted their wives to work outside the house, but who are not willing to take on themselves the jobs in the house. Instead many married men do expect to have the woman working to bring in extra money plus doing all the household tasks.

If we want to see gender equality we do have to find the household jobs being done by men and women, both sharing in equal tasks.

English: Equality (film), a short film produce...

Equality (film), a short film produced and directed by Al Sutton, MD in 2010, that documents the largest gender equality strike in U.S. History, The Women’s Strike for Equality of 1970. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When we look at creation, the first woman, Eve, was provided as Adam’s complement, or counterpart, by the Creator. She was not created as a minor to the first man Adam. the divine Maker of all things, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah God assigned to the mannin or first woman an honourable role in the family arrangement. She was to be a part of God’s purpose for them to produce children and care for them as well as to take care of the earth and its animals. She would provide the intellectual stimulus and support of a true companion.

26 And God* went on to say: “Let us+ make* man* in our image,*+ according to our likeness,+ and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”+ 27 And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him;+ male and female he created them.+ 28 Further, God blessed+ them and God said to them: “Be fruitful+ and become many and fill the earth and subdue+ it, and have in subjection+ the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving* upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:26-28)

23 Then the man said: “This is at last bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh.+ This one will be called Woman,* Because from man* this one was taken.”+ (Genesis 2:23.)

Today we have become a society where mothers are commonly made to feel that being a homemaker and caring for children is a second-class occupation. Women are made feeling guilty when they would prefer to look for the children. The world does not mind to see the children dropped at the crèche or childcare early in the morning, and to get them at the end of the day just to put them back into bed. Though they do not want that the childminders interfere with upbringing or that the educators at school give an education in ethical behaviour. Because of that we do have already three generations where we can find no guided social behaviour, creating several problems in social behaviour and finding ways to live together with others. Resulting in anti-social behaviour.

Some men and women feel that a woman needs a career outside the home in order to realize her full potential.

Through history we can see that the Divine Creator established guidelines for what women could do and as to how they were to be treated. For example, Israelite mothers were to be shown honor and not to be treated with contempt. If a son ‘called down evil upon his father and his mother,’ he would be subject to the death penalty. Christian youths were urged to be “obedient to [their] parents.”

3 “‘YOU should fear each one his mother and his father,*+ and my sabbaths YOU should keep.+ I am Jehovah YOUR God. (Leviticus 19:3)

9 “‘In case there should be any man who calls down evil upon his father and his mother,+ he should be put to death without fail.+ It is his father and his mother upon whom he has called down evil. His own blood* is upon him.+ (Leviticus; 20:9)

Children in the early times learned to be obedient to their parents and to those who got guidance over them, like their teachers. This does not seem to be appropriate any more today, and that iw why so much is going wrong in our society.

6 Children, be obedient* to YOUR parents+ in union+ with [the] Lord,* for this is righteous:+ (Ephesians 6:1)

16 “‘Honor your father and your mother,+ just as Jehovah your God has commanded you; in order that your days may prove long and it may go well with you+ on the ground that Jehovah your God is giving you. (Deuteronomy 5:16)

16 “‘Cursed is the one who treats his father or his mother with contempt.’+ (And all the people must say, ‘Amen!’) (Deuteronomy 27:16)

17 The eye that holds a father in derision and that despises obedience to a mother+—the ravens of the torrent valley will pick it out and the sons of the eagle will eat it up. (Proverbs 30:17.)

People sitting on mats on the floor, reading b...

Men and women sitting on mats on the floor, reading books to edify themselves. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Father an mother were placed on the same level, and children did not have to honour their father more than their mother. Under the husband’s direction, the mother was to be the educator of both daughters and sons. A son was commanded ‘not to forsake the law of his mother.’

20 Observe, O my son, the commandment of your father,+ and do not forsake the law of your mother.+ (Proverbs 6:20)

Also, Proverbs chapter 31 provides “the weighty message that [King Lemuel’s] mother gave to him in correction.” She wisely directed her son to avoid improper use of alcoholic beverages, saying: “It is not for kings to drink wine or for high officials to say: ‘Where is intoxicating liquor?’ that one may not drink and forget what is decreed and pervert the cause of any of the sons of affliction.”(Proverbs 31:1, 4, 5.)

The apostle Paul let his brethren know he also listened to his mother and grandmother and demanded that they also did that. (2 Timothy 1:5) It is from childhood that the basics of faith and the way of life should be given, to the babe, the teen, the adolescent, so that the young adult can remember how his or her parents and teachers brought wisdom to them. From infancy the children should have to learn about the way they do have to continue in their life. From infancy they have to known the Holy Scriptures, that are able to make them wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

15 and that from infancy+ you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation+ through the faith in connection with Christ Jesus.+ (2 Timothy 3:15)

In our society of men and women some may think it does not matter any more if men or going to live together with other men or women with other women. In the provision for manhood is foreseen that young man would find young woman and would contemplate going to live together under a bond called marriage. Considering such a bond the young man would be wise to consider the description of “a capable wife” that was given by King Lemuel’s mother, who said: “Her value is far more than that of corals.” Then, after describing the important contribution that such a wife makes to a household, the king’s mother said: “Charm may be false, and prettiness may be vain; but the woman that fears Jehovah is the one that procures praise for herself.” (Proverbs 31:10-31) Clearly, our Creator made women to occupy a position of honour and responsibility in the family.

In cultures where men received an education centred on the man, we can observe the mistreatment of and lack of respect for women. In places where it is accepted that the woman has to offer something very valuable to the community, people look at those women with respect.

We learn so much from mothers — habits that stand us in good stead throughout life, good manners so essential for good relationships, and in many cases a moral and spiritual upbringing that keeps youths on course.

Women should be proud and show their kids and husbands their reason for making our world a righteous place where every person can be treated equally respectful. The should find joy in loving their husbands, loving their children, and should be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonoured.  (Titus 2:4-5)


"Mother and Child" by Henriette Brow...

“Mother and Child” by Henriette Browne; Wollstonecraft envisioned motherhood as a liberating role for women. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • Francis Frangipane: A Special Word to the Women of God (
    When the Lord created humankind, He placed unique graces in man and separate but equally unique graces in woman. He told Adam to name the species of life on earth “and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name” (Genesis 2:19).
    Within the genetics of this original man, there also existed the powerful, but dormant, qualities of the woman. While Adam slept the Spirit took from the man a rib. Fashioning it into a woman, the Lord created for Adam a companion. Not only was she suitable for him, but she powerfully expanded man’s creative capacities. Indeed, the woman brought many new graces into Adam’s world that did not formerly exist – the foremost of which was the power to conceive and give birth.
    The term woman was a delineation used by Adam, identifying her as a unique variation in the species of man. My wife says, “Think of her as the upgrade.” In some ways, she is right, for the nature of the woman was twice refined. Adam was created of earth; the woman emerged not from the earth but from the man. She is both more complex and emotionally sophisticated.
    Eve enlivened Adam in ways no other creature on earth could. Adam could build a house; Eve made it a home. When Adam named Eve “Life,” he was not only speaking prophetically of the first mother, but he was speaking out of his own experience: Eve brought life into the structure of Adam’s world.
  • Polygenism is Problematic – A Catholic Caution on another Aspect of Evolutionary Theory (
    Polygenism is a theory of human origins positing that the human race descended from a pool of early human couples, indeterminate in number. Hence, this theory, Adam and Eve are merely symbols of Mankind. Rather than being an historical couple, they represent the human race as it emerges from the hominids that gave rise to them as they become homo sapiens, properly speaking.This is opposite to the idea of monogenism, which posits a single origin of humanity in Adam and Eve. In this understanding, Adam and Eve are historical figures who actually existed and from them alone the whole of the human race is descended.
  • Genesis 3:15 (
    More than 4,000 years after Jehovah’s original prophecy, the promised Seed appeared. It was Jesus. (Galatians 3:16) As a perfect man, Jesus kept his integrity to the death and thus proved that Satan’s accusations were lies. In addition, since Jesus was sinless, his death was a sacrifice of great value. By means of it, Jesus provided deliverance from sin and death for faithful descendants of Adam and Eve. Jesus’ death on the torture stake was the ‘bruising in the heel’ of the promised Seed.—Hebrews 9:11-14.
  • When Family Matters Most (
    He created a perpetual (until the return of the Savior) renewing of family. The family structure is important. It is a beautiful union of lives meant to love, care for and support one another. Without family suitable companionship cannot be found.
    If companionship were suitable outside of marriage and the extension family, then God would not have needed to create the woman to be with the man. But God knew that man needed to be joined together in a companionship which leads to family.
    The Home and Family
    We need to define our family as God’s word defines it.  We need to constantly be evaluating ourselves within a marriage to see if we are fulfilling our roles properly.  We need to be watchful for attacks against our home and family.  In fact, we need to be holding God’s word up to ourselves constantly as a father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, or whatever to see how we are measuring up and how we need to improve.
  • Roles of men and woman (
    Men and woman have equal but very different roles. Our culture has a skewed look on relationships and the gender roles within them. It has become common in our culture for the woman to be the leader or initiator. It is common for woman to try and manipulate situations to get a guy to like or pursue her. It is normal for woman to initiate contact with man first. It is common for men to get by with being lazy or coward. It is common for men to be aggressive and abusive. I so easily forget where I cam from, where mankind came from. In the Garden of Eden we see the roles of man and woman and the consequences of not fulfilling those roles.
  • We Are Equal. (
    nowhere in all the creation accounts – from Biblical accounts to Greek stories of human creation to Charles Darwin’s theory of human evolution – was woman said to be inferior to the man.
    By Biblical accounts, when God created Adam and Eve, he made them one. Not one then half, but one as a whole, signifying equality.
    To understand gender inequality and its inherent dangers, let’s take a look at the meaning of gender inequality.
    Gender inequality is the unequal treatment or discrimination of individuals based on their gender.
    The problems with gender inequality stem primarily from traditional gender role playing. Girls do house chores; boys do not cook; boys construct and build; girls internally decorate and beautify.
    Psychological and financial dependence on others are the bedrock upon which domestic violence thrive. The importance of a career or means of livelihood for the woman, single or married, cannot be overemphasized.
  • Women Othered in Genesis (
    though she was created to be “his partner” she is instructed that he is the superior human being, and that her “desire shall be for [her] husband, and he shall rule over [her]” (2:7-18; 3:16).
    Eve can be construed as wiser than Adam for eating from the tree but it is also important to note that the default human being is male and that God is referred to throughout Genesis with male or gender neutral pronouns and never female pronouns. Most of the passages detailing genealogy focus on or only mention male names and Adam and Eve as a couple are often defined by the male in the relationship, referred to as “the man and his wife” rather than “the man and the woman” or “the woman and her husband.”
  • “Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.” -George Carlin (
    UN Women’s new ad campaign came to my attention several days ago. It made me sick to my stomach, disappointed, sad, and angry. Let’s see how it makes you feel.
    Centuries of religious and societal standards have told us that women are less than men. Women are starting to show up in leadership positions, but they still feel the sting of patriarchy.
  • Urmila Home Manager – Dignifying Domestic Work (
    According to National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), In 2009-10, estimated total number of domestic worker in India is around 2.52 million out of this 2/3 reside in urban areas and 57% of them are women. So in the last 10 years there is almost 75% increase in domestic workers mostly accounted for by women. Domestic work has historically been viewed as the realm of the woman with crucial household chores continuing to be either being unpaid (if performed by a household’s women) or underpaid (if outsourced to a domestic worker). Though Gujarat as a State is booming economically, the informal sector and amongst these, domestic work is still a sector where there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Their situation remains the same as for many across India – no bargaining power, no leave, no legal access, sexual harassment, over worked, and underpaid. Moreover there is no platform through which these women can come together to demand their rights.


Texts, writers, accessibility and willingness

To get people interested in sharing their thoughts together on a mixed platform may not be so easy as I would think. All my life I may have been an optimist and somewhat an utopian, believing in the good of man. All my life I have tired to sell things which people were not interested in: ballet and the Word of God.

Today, noticing how egocentric and materialistic people have become, I want to revive perhaps my enthusiasm of 1968, going back on the barricades demanding respect for humanity and nature. Whatever people may believe or not believe, how you turn it, living next to each other, they have to find a way to live with each other and to find a space where they can live peacefully in good conditions.

American Christians

American Christians

Living on this planet we can not seclude ourselves from this system of life. It is to easy to withdraw from what is happening in the world saying it is far away or that would be worries for the next generation.
Certainly those who call themselves Christians should be respectful to the creation of the Divine Creator. They should be even more aware than an atheist how we should take care of the earth, because that was one of the tasks given to man in the Garden of Eden. Also knowing that everybody is created in the image of God, we should be respectful to those people who the Creator allows to live on this earth, be it people we do like or people we do not like. We can not like everybody the same. It is impossible to love everybody the same. But Christians should have brotherly love for those around them.

Out of love they should let others know what they might expect or what there could happen to the world. We should figuratively be awake all the time and always be prepared to be ready for what would come over us in time. To be fully prepared we therefore should also know what is going on in the world.

Today people may be limited in time, having to work with two (or more) to be able to pay the rent, gas and electricity, trying to manage the household with shopping cooking and cleaning. For relaxation television and social media may demand attention.

I do believe we in the multiple amount of information we do need a a point of assembly or a depot where all information can be amalgamated and sieved. We have to get through so much information that it can be useful and profitable to have the news-gathering sifted. I believe we should, even when the time would perhaps not be ripe, take efforts to present the public a news platform where several writers of different opinions can come together and have their text next to the other, so that people can form their own opinion, and strain that what they do want to select.

The world keeps changing, but the thirst for news is always there. Today what happens in one place may have severe percussions in an other place. Many might think it is not possible to have different opinions next to each other, and people should stick with their own group of people not mixing with others. but we may not forget that we do have to live with others. We can not stop becoming more mixed cultural entities. More and more people are crossing borders and looking for other places to live and work. In their new surroundings they shall have to integrate and find ways to live in unity with the community.
CP Scott wrote in  ‘A Hundred Years’ for the Guardian, in 1921:
In all living things there must be a certain unity, a principle of vitality and growth. It is so with a newspaper, and the more complete and clear this unity the more vigorous and fruitful the growth. I ask myself what the paper stood for when first I knew it, what it has stood for since and stands for now. A newspaper has two sides to it. It is a business, like any other, and has to pay in the material sense in order to live. But it is much more than a business; it is an institution; it reflects and it influences the life of a whole community; it may affect even wider destinies. It is, in its way, an instrument of government. It plays on the minds and consciences of men. It may educate, stimulate, assist, or it may do the opposite. It has, therefore, a moral as well as a material existence, and its character and influence are in the main determined by the balance of these two forces. It may make profit or power its first object, or it may conceive itself as fulfilling a higher and more exacting function.
Our first aim is not to make gain or to get into power. Our aim is to inform people and to make them aware how the world is turning around. We should know what is happening outside our door of the family house or the community. I do believe in the power of information. People can get more knowledge when they receive the opportunity to get more information about all sorts of matters.
In the writings we would like to present on “Stepping Toes” we would like to give a reflection of this outside world. I am convinced journalists can have a contribute role in our society. They may reflect and give others material to think about. They may make us more conscious of what is going on and what can be done. Their writing and our writing may reflect and influence the life of a whole community; it may affect even wider destinies. We do not want to be an instrument of one typical organisation or one government, but would like to have a part in playing on the minds and consciences of men.
With “Stepping Toes” we not only would lay things bare, which others would prefer that they stayed unseen. I do agree we would love to consider the material from a civil worldly (non-religious) point of view and at the same time present other articles discussing a few things from our Christian point of view.  As such we would like to leave the people free to choose from the different writers who they would like to read, but hope they shall all get the reasonable attention. By presenting the different views people shall be able to make up their mind themselves. We should not, all the time, do that for them. as such giving that liberty of interpretation we do hope that It may educate, stimulate, or assist.
I expect from the writers on “Stepping toeshonesty, cleanness, courage, fairness, a sense of duty to the reader and the community. The subjects I would like to see covered are those of Human Interest, environmental news, and the Way of life, call it Lifestyle, the Being and feeling.cp scott
Comment is free, but facts are sacred. “Propaganda”, so called, by this means is hateful. The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard. Comment also is justly subject to a self-imposed restraint. It is well to be frank; it is even better to be fair. This is an ideal. Achievement in such matters is hardly given to man. We can but try, ask pardon for shortcomings, and there leave the matter. {CP Scott in The Guardian,  ‘A Hundred Years’ in 1921}
In the 1970s, The Independent and The Observer where with the Daily Telegraph my favourite newspapers and on Wednesday I did not wanted to miss the Guardian. In Dutch De Standaard was and is still my favourite newspaper.
Wanting to offer an overview of the happenings of the day I decided also to try the up-to-date links to interesting content of the Guardian in the web blog. I do hope this content may provide within our blog posts topical and interesting material which also can draw repeat traffic to our blog.
But we would love to see also some writers posting on “Stepping Toes” themselves, giving their impression of what happens in the world.
Anthony Sampson wrote in  Anatomy of Britain Today:
“In America journalism is apt to be regarded as an extension of history: in Britain, as an extension of conversation”
Arthur Miller wrote:
“A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself”
I would love to hear the nations of the world in conversation with one another. Having youngsters and older ones talking about how they see the world and look at its history.
I am convinced in the latest generation, born in the 1990s it should be possible to find also some persons who have the same energy as the second war and just after second war generation had.
I do believe it should have to be possible to find writers who are passionate about spreading the truth and seeing people walk in
liberty. I look forward to meeting such inspirational people who also would like to give their life meaning and to dedicate it to helping others with providing information, working at the development of humanity.
There should be around enough thinkers and communicators interested in sharing useful information as regards the total well being of mankind, spiritual, financial, social,medical and intellectual. People who want to uncover those who are not telling the truth. Passionate about spreading the truth and seeing people walk in liberty should be the drive which keeps us going and has us spreading the news.
It is now that we can talk to future generations and should work together to inform them, knowing that they will be the leaders of
tomorrow. All together we should like to face the “Youth”.
Those who feel that we talk to them, and those who feel the calling for helping to inform the general public are welcome to join us, to try to build a platform where we show to have an eye for those in peril. It may be perhaps not such nice news, but here we would like to let others know where other people are treated unrighteous. We want to show the inequity, the racism, the poverty, but we also want to show that it can be different. It would be great if we could present a lot of good news, because to that the newspapers and the television journals do not spend time enough. And we are convinced there are also many great things happening in this world which should make us happy.
In case you have some good news, let us know. Share the good tidings with us.
the word of God

the word of God (Photo credit: jangkwee)

If you are a religious person you probably know what your religion teaches. did you ever wondered about those teachings and do you put them in the light of what is happening in this world? On this site we would like to ask you to have a look at what happens in the world and to question which attitude you want to take as a Christian. You shall be able to find neutral news, non religious news but also reviews of what denomination try to bring to their community. At this platform we shall not step back to question you to compare the things of the world with the things written in the Bible. We shall not mind daring to ask if the teaching of your religion lines up with what God says in His book. We shall dare to ask you if you are you sure. Do you study the Bible to make sure? If you do not, look at what Jesus says and consider the Words of his Father, Who is also our Father.

We want to offer ways to keep ourselves strong and united whilst being ourselves. This can be done by accepting that people may think differently and by allowing the Word of God to teach us, rebuke us and encourage us. God speaks to us all, and speaks to each one of us individually. We all can and should read the Bible and take it as our most important guide, so that we may be prepared for every good work.

Let us not wait but start the good work now and take up our pen to reach as many people as possible.


Please do find:

  1. About Stepping Toes
  2. Aim of Stepping toes site
  3. Our you taking a step back to think
  4. World Agenda for Sustainability
  5. Built on or Belonging to Jewish tradition #3 Of the earth or of God
  6. Just an Ordinary Day
  7. Frank risks taking
  8. The work I do, let it be done good
  9. Walking in love by faith not by sight
  10. No time for immorality
  11. Be Honest
  12. Honesty beginning of holiness
  13. Who are the honest ones?
  14. If you have integrity
  15. Peace Takes You
  16. Bloggers for Christ and Bloggers for Peace
  17. More-Letter-Words
  18. A Society pleading poverty
  19. Martin Luther King’s Dream Today
  20. The work I do, let it be done good


  • Heroes for human rights (
    Hollywood films, historical texts and countless other anecdotes and stories which have happened in the past, depict heroes in our world.  And while these are interesting and inspiring, I cannot help but shed light on the more important heroes of our contemporary times.
  • Place of the Presence (
    In the Garden of Eden, sin had broken the face-to-face relationship between God and humanity. Sin forfeited our first parents’ unhindered communion with God. However, the Creator still desired to draw us to Himself and to enjoy a deep covenant relationship with fallen humanity, and He began this process right there in Eden. Centuries later, in saving Israel out of Egypt and establishing the sanctuary and the sacrificial system, God again took the initiative in bringing humanity back into His presence.
  • God Grief (
    God created man in His own image and yet, Creator God, was grieved in His own heart, that He made us.  All the land, the water, the planets and every creature on the earth, were spoken into being, with the exception of man.  With His hands, He lovingly formed us, from the dust of the ground. Human beings rebelled against Him. He created us to have fellowship with Him; and yet, corruption began in earth’s most perfect place, the Garden of Eden.  From the beginning; God gave man a choice, to obey or disobey.  Man chose the latter.
  • Chi and DMT – Two Accesible Mysteries That Evade Scientific Validation (
    “Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” –Max Planck,  ‘Where Is Science Going?’There are some mysteries in life so common that nearly anyone can experience them, even though no one can fully explain them.