Are we witnessing the opening salvos of World War 3?

Are we witnessing the opening salvos of World War 3?

The Independent, January 19, 2024


It is hard to escape the impression of a theatre of military conflict that is inexorably growing – to the east and the south, if not yet to the north and the west. And if you look backwards, rather than forwards, the Hamas massacres of Israelis on 7 October, and Israel’s all-out military response, can be seen as turning the tiny sliver of the Gaza Strip into the epicentre of a conflict that could embrace regions many hundreds of miles further afield.

The Hamas attacks of October were followed by dire warnings that this could be the spark that ignited a regional conflagration; that it was only a matter of time before Iran became directly involved – probably through its proxy, Hezbollah, in southern Lebanon – and that, before long, you could be standing on the threshold of the next world war.


David Cameron a previous prime minister of Britain is now the UK’s foreign secretary. He warned this week:

“It is hard to think of a time when there has been so much danger and insecurity and instability in the world. The lights are absolutely flashing red on the global dashboard and what we need at that time is strong leadership and a plan and that is what we have with the prime minister and the team in place.”

He is right – we are at time of danger, insecurity and instability in the world.
The lights are flashing red.
The world does need strong leadership. However, the leadership required is not that of worldly leaders and their armies. It is the leadership of Christ and the hosts (armies) of heaven. In fact we are told specifically that judgement will come on the “ships of Tarshish” (Britain). It comes at a time when Lebanon and southern Syria is also judged. These events herald the return of Jesus to the earth and the establishment of God’s kingdom.

Bible quote

For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan (south Syria).., And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures (should be translated “desirable ships!”). (Isaiah 2;12-13+16)

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton



  1. ‘Desperate’ Vladimir Putin may use tactical nuclear weapons, warns CIA chief
  2. Hezbollah praises Hamas, says attack is message to Arab countries normalizing ties with Israel
  3. Biden draws direct link between Putin and Hamas
  4. Britain and US launch airstrikes on Houthi targets


Additional reading

  1. Signs of the Times – On manoeuvres
  2. Signs of the Times – War and anti-Semitism
  3. Nations being Prepared for Christ’s Appearance
  4. Miscalculation as high as it was in August 1914 No one outside of Serbia expected war
  5. Looking at a “Man from the North” endangering the world
  6. Ukraine war is veering fast towards a big power conflict
  7. Putin threatens nuclear strikes if West intervenes
  8. The Developments for the second half of April
  9. Europe sucked into a war against Russia
  10. Ukraine War: Those who fail to call for negotiations, fail to understand the dangerous predicament that faces the planet!
  11. Ukrainian Who doenit
  12. What was it that so darkened our world?
  13. Putin puts Russia’s nuclear force on high alert
  14. Putin not able to spare the resources needed to defend Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iranian forces in Syria against a determined Israeli assault
  15. Israeli society a patchwork of different cultures and political views
  16. 50 Years after the Yom Kippur attack a new Hamas attack
  17. Hamas’ attack on Israel
  18. A look at Hamas attack on Israel’s Supernova festival
  19. With pain in the hart looking at what Israel is doing
  20. Attack on the weak civilians and abusing Judaism
  21. Israel willing to assassinate all the leaders of Hamas
  22. Nova Rave Massacre, Israeli defence establishment its negligence and reason for a genocide by Israel
  23. Israel strikes Gaza following surprise attack by Hamas
  24. Children ‘mercilessly’ killed by Hamas in Israel massacre – as Gaza is pummelled
  25. Horror for a cornered people
  26. Imprisonment and slaughter in the Gaza Strip
  27. A complete siege of the Gaza Strip
  28. Israeli Leaders Say ‘Now Is Time for War’ and Vow to Wipe Hamas ‘Off the Face of the Earth’
  29. Israel’s goal would be to destroy Hamas
  30. What is Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran’s Role in the Israel Conflict?
  31. The Roots and Consequences of Hamas’ Strategy
  32. New Iranian and Hizballah bases south of Damascus
  33. The first three weeks of October 2023 a beginning of a new war
  34. Iranian proxies established a resistance operations room to help Hamas
  35. Fear is everywhere in Israel as it stares down the barrel of a wider war
  36. Israel and Gaza trade rockets as conflict escalates
  37. Iran assembles allies for rocket attacks on Israel
  38. Israeli strikes Lebanon after anti-tank missile launch
  39. It is the stuff of horror movies, but the world must know the truth of Hamas’ atrocities
  40. A deadly war taking place in Gaza
  41. Palestinians facing bombardments in greater intensity than all of the previous wars combined
  42. Israel’s 9/11 versus US 9/11
  43. Is a new Nakba unfolding
  44. Eerie Jerusalem is still haunted by October 7
  45. Gaza War and Challenges to the Needed Solution
  46. Israel-Palestine drama needs more attention
  47. Inadmissible Israeli violence
  48. Dichotomy in approach to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  49. Hezbollah warns of all-out war if Israel escalates in Lebanon
  50. Will Israel defy Washington and target Hezbollah?
  51. ‘Nothing will stop us’ – Netanyahu says war against Hamas will continue despite global pressure
  52. Netanyahu rejects US calls to scale back Gaza offensive
  53. Yulia Tymoshenko: We are in World War Three already
  54. Could it be that we are living in the Last Days



  1. All-out WAR with Russia is looming
  2. Houthis say WW3 superpowers Russia & China can send ships through Red Sea but US & UK vessels are in the crosshairs
  3. British defense chief suggested the world is in a ‘pre-war’ state
  4. Terrifying POV video shows the sights and sounds of WW III
  5. Ordinary Brits face call-up if UK goes to war with Russia
  6. Doomsday Clock has become absurd… world is more dangerous than last year – but not close to 1962 during the Cold War
  7. WWIII Book Review: World War 1990: The Final Storm
  8. World War 3 Edges Closer
  9. World War 3: The world is bankrupt
  10. The Squishy Problem Facing World War III Writers-Part I
  11. The Squishy Problem Facing World War III Writers-Part II
  12. Israel-Gaza Warfare.
  13. Gaza War 30 Jan
  14. Why Iran has its sights on Jordan
  15. Blinken: Middle East situation most dangerous ‘since at least 1973’
  16. Hamas studying Gaza truce plan as Israeli hardliners warn PM
  17. Trump slams Biden, warns ‘we are on the brink of World War 3’
  18. Donald Trump says ‘we are on brink of World War 3

The Pastor Theologian

The first disciples of Jeshua, the Christ, were, except Luke, no scholars. It was only after Jeshua had died and was risen that an other scholar joined the disciples and became known as the great apostle Paul.

The early members of the ecclesiae of the followers of Jesus were a mix of all sorts of professions, where everybody became a partaker of the group, taking up different roles. They did not go to universities to have their degree in theology and did not have a training in the synagogues to become a priest in the ecclesia.

They were people united in the body of Christ, humbling themselves to be a worker for Christ and for God, not aiming to be the Leader, because they knew very well who had to be the leader, namely Jesus Christ should be the cornerstone of the community.

It is very nice to hear that

“At the end of the day theology is not about having more head knowledge or even about pursuing more academic degrees. It’s about getting to know the God of the Scriptures who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. And when he is made much of – that is, when he is encountered and known, the real work of ministry is done in our hearts, our communities, and the world!”

Though it is a pity that so many theologians have become blinded by human doctrines that they do not see the biblical truth any more.


To remember

  • pastor = CEO or “leader” dominating conference scene
  • two of the Church’s finest leaders – Andy Stanley + Craig Groeschel = god-like on stage + every ear attune to their words of wisdom
  • wondering if we’ve pushed focus on leadership too far to the neglect of the study of theology
  • Gerald Hiestand + Todd Wilson in their book, The Pastor Theologian: Resurrecting an Ancient Vision, think this may be the case.
  • great chasm between study of theology and the Church
  • office of pastor + theologian not always separate
  • birth of university => divide => best + brightest minds pursued work in the academy+ those gifted with people skills became pastors in the local Church
  • Church could use some more theology while the academy could use some more pastoral wisdom.
  • all ministry leaders should prioritize study of God
  • to keep a close watch over own life and doctrine (teaching)(1 Timothy 4:16)
  • guard against false doctrine if unable to identify it
  • health of the Church + the making of disciples = both reliant on sound teaching.


Preceding articles

Mental Enslavement and Sins Syndrome (MESS)

Luther on Being a Theologian: Oratio, Meditatio and Tentatio


Additional reading

  1. The importance of Reading the Scriptures
  2. No other god besides Jehovah who gives all explanation
  3. God’s forgotten Word 3 Lost Lawbook 2 Modern scepticism
  4. Theologians and a promised Spirit to enlighten us
  5. Necessity of a revelation of creation 9 Searching the Scriptures




We live in an age where the pastor as CEO or the pastor as “leader” dominates the conference scene. I remember attending a Catalyst One Day Conference in Chicago several years ago. One day packed full of vision casting, leadership tips, and inspirational quotes from two of the Church’s finest leaders – Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel. I was mesmerized. They were god-like on stage and every ear was attune to their words of wisdom. I took copious notes and made it a priority to implement as much as I could into the college ministry I was leading at the time. It goes without saying that much of what leadership literature and media have to offer is valuable and necessary.

I’m just wondering if we’ve pushed the focus on leadership too far to the neglect of the study of theology. Gerald Hiestand and Todd Wilson in their book, The Pastor…

View original post 516 more words


Created in the image of the Originator each human being has the same value and the same rights for God. Only Jesus, who was lower than the angels has been placed higher to become a mediator between man and God. All other creations are under Jesus Christ and should become part of the Body of Christ, fully respecting each other and giving each other equal chances.


Find also related articles:

  1. Image of God
  2. We all are changed into the same image from glory to glory
  3. Cosmos creator and human destiny
  4. Human Nature: What does the Bible teach?
  5. The Conditionality of Citizenship
  6. Jesus and his God
  7. Parts of the body of Christ
  8. What part of the Body am I?



  • Equal Partnership Between Men & Women (
    Equality doesn’t mean that we are all the same robotic like humans. We each have different personalities, divine natures, but we are equal in nature. No one gender is better than the other. Our Heavenly Father has the same amount of love for all people.
    faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost are requirements for all of God’s children, regardless of gender. The same is true of temple covenants and blessings. Our Father’s work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children (see Moses 1:39). He loves us all equally, and His greatest gift, the gift of eternal life, is available to all.
    In our marriages and relationships, having an equal partnership is essential. Both members of the couple will bring together their strengths and weaknesses. It is in an equal partnership that will make this relationship work!
  • Thomas Boston on the Law and the Christian (
    To be delivered from the law as it is the covenant of works, is no more but to be delivered from the covenant of works.  And the asserting, that believers are delivered from the law as it is a covenant of works, doth necessarily import, that they are under the law, in some other respects thereto contradistinguished.
  • Mormon Church Back in Marriage Equality Fight in Hawaii – (
    Mormon Church Back in Marriage Equality Fight in Hawaii After backing away from fighting marriage equality for a while, the Mormon Church is once again active on this issue, coming out in opposition to the equal marriage bill pending…
  • IL Bishop: Praying for Marriage Equality Is Blasphemy (
    Thomas Paprocki, the infamously homophobic Catholic bishop of Springfield, Illinois, got his cassock in a bunch earlier this week when he heard that a group of pro-LGBT Catholics planned to pray the rosary for marriage equality inside the city’s cathedral after rallying at the state capitol.As soon as Paprocki got wind of plans by members of the Rainbow Sash Movement to pray for marriage equality before the 5:15 p.m. mass on Tuesday, he issued a statement calling such prayers “blasphemous” and warning that anyone who attempted to enter the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception while wearing a rainbow sash or otherwise identified themselves as a pro-equality Catholic would be blocked from entering and turned away. Anyone who prayed for same-sex marriage inside the cathedral would be asked to leave.
  • With celebrations, NJ has 1st gay marriages (
    Gov. Chris Christie dropped his fight against gay marriage in New Jersey on Monday, framing the decision in a pragmatic way: No point in fighting a losing battle.Just hours after gay couples began exchanging vows with the blessing of New Jersey’s Supreme Court, Christie announced he was withdrawing his appeal to the high court.
  • Monday Moments- Thank You (
    I was reminded of the true freedom that comes from the Lord, and the many ways we have become accustomed with living in bondage rather than true freedom.  Bondage is anything that hinders us from living up to the potential that God has invested in us.
  • Stand Up (
    Discrimination has been prevalent throughout the world since the genesis of society. In fact, discrimination is a deterrent; that is, people are unable to confidently be themselves due to the prejudiced opinions of others. Jews cowered in claustrophobic confinements because of the genocide that had catalyzed from Hitler and the Nazi Party’s disgust of the Jews. Concentration camps were built where the unluckiest of the Jewish victims were detained, forced to provide manual labor and await their execution. Discrimination brought about fear, suffering, bitterness, and the death of approximately six million Jews.                 Racism was one of the biggest, most long-lasting types of discrimination in America. African Americans were treated as inferiors, with the majority of society against the idea of African Americans exercising their rights. The Jim Crow laws included an unjust set of rules that enforced racial segregation. The colored were considered, “separate, but equal,” (Plessy V. Fergeuson) but what’s equal about that?


This is a big, controversial issue, which really isn’t all that hard to sort out, but it seems to be a breaking point way too often in the modern church.

Are men and women a) equal in the full definition of the word, or b) are they equal with different roles, or c) are they not equal?  (okay, it’s definitely not c.) If you think it is, you really need to re-read the Bible.)

The simple answer is a).

We are all created equal, in God’s image, no one person is greater than another (Genesis 1 & 2).  When Eve is created from Adam’s rib in Genesis 2:18-25, she is called his helper.  In Hebrew, this word is ezer, which is a far more complex word than our modern English concept of helper- rather than being a sidekick or servant, when it is used, ezer usually refers to God…

View original post 1,074 more words

Importance of parents 2

In our ever changing world coming closer to the End of Times, much more things would go wrong and disturb many people. the world evolving to go to the wrong end makes the position of the parents, the guides of the next generations more important.


Parents (Photo credit: leef_smith)

The parents would not be able to escape from the consequences things which happen in the world. It is possible their family would also be tested be what is going on. How can you keep these problems from arising in your family? Clearly, every member of every family needs to learn and to value some principles that rule out abusive and wrong conduct. The best place to find that kind of guidance is in God’s Word, the Bible.

The parents are the once who should take care in the first instance of the children they brought on to this earth and should raise. True Christians realize that the Creator God has provided a manual for the world. It is available for all those who like to know how the world is, what the world can do and how the world is to evolve. The Originator, Creator of all things gave His Guide to the world, with all His principles. Those full instructions are recorded in the Book of books, the Bible. God his Word has not changed, though the world has changed a lot and tried everything to destroy that Word.

God sees every deed we carry out, even those that are hidden to most humans. The Bible says:

“All things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.” (Hebrews 4:13)

“Love,” the Bible tells us, “is a perfect bond of union.” (Colossians 3:14)

As described in the Bible, love is not simply a feeling. It is defined by the way it motivates — by the conduct it prompts and the deeds it forbids. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) By love man and wife should come together and unite to be with child. Making children out of love, they shall have to receive the full love parents can give. In the family, showing love means treating each member with dignity, respect, and kindness. It means living in harmony with God’s view of each family member. God gives each one an honourable and important role.

The parents do have to rip the cover off those frauds in this world and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ. they have to wake up from their sleep they perhaps had previously in this world full of many traditions not according to the Will of God. Uniting man and woman as wife and husband they should try to find the light Christ will show them. They have to watch their steps and use their head. They shall become confronted with many opportunities and will have to make the most of every chance they get.

These are desperate times! Therefore we must be observant and not live carelessly, unthinkingly. Parents have to make sure they understand what the Master wants. The apostle Paul gives advice like not to drink too much wine, which cheapens the parents their life. They better drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of Him.

Jesus Christ has given the world his good example how to behave. Out of respect for Christ, they should be, like every person who calls himself or herself a Christian, courteously reverent to one another. Wives, should understand and support their husbands in ways that show their support for Christ. The husband who provides leadership to his wife, should do this in the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing. So just as the church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership, wives should likewise submit to their husbands. Husbands, should go all out in their love for their wives, exactly as Christ did for the church — a love marked by giving, not getting. As Christ’s love makes the church whole, his love makes also the family to one unit, blessed in his name. His words evoke not only the beauty of the church, the ecclesia or parish, but of every member of the household. Everything Christ did and said was designed to bring the best out of his followers. In the same way parents should, as part of the body of Christ, carry the unselfish love with them, dressing each other in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness.

As the family head, the father is to take the lead in showing love. He understands that a Christian father is not given license to be a tyrant, abusing his power over his wife or children. Rather, he looks to Christ as his example in headship.

21 Be in subjection to one another+ in fear of Christ. 22 Let wives be in subjection+ to their husbands as to the Lord, 23 because a husband is head of his wife+ as the Christ also is head of the congregation,+ he being a savior of [this] body. 24 In fact, as the congregation is in subjection to the Christ, so let wives also be to their husbands in everything.+ 25 Husbands, continue loving YOUR wives,+ just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it,+ 26 that he might sanctify it,+ cleansing it with the bath of water by means of the word,+ 27 that he might present the congregation to himself in its splendor,+ not having a spot or a wrinkle or any of such things, but that it should be holy and without blemish.+

28 In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, 29 for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it,+ as the Christ also does the congregation, 30 because we are members of his body.+  (Ephesians 5:21-23- 25-27)

Parents Cerebral Palsy - Children both NO C.P....

Parents Cerebral Palsy – Children both NO C.P. * Spring 1978 (Photo credit: Whiskeygonebad)

Though parents must be cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16) should in their wedding flee from the desires incidental to youth and should start pursuing righteousness, faith, love, peace, with the willingness to share everything with their partner and the offspring. (2 Timothy 2:22) They should do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egoistic intentions. In the household nothing may be done through strife or vainglory, but should be done in lowliness of mind letting each esteem the other better than himself. (Philippians 2:3)

So the man must be tender and loving with his wife and patient and gentle with his children. He loyally should protect them and give his all to prevent anything from happening that might rob them of their peace, their innocence, or their sense of trust and safety.

Likewise, the wife and mother has a role of vital importance and dignity. The Bible uses the protective instincts of mothers in the animal kingdom to illustrate how protective Jehovah and Jesus can be.

37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets+ and stoner+ of those sent forth to her,+—how often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings!+ But YOU people did not want it. (Matthew 23:37)

A human mother, bound by law to her husband while he is alive, (Romans 7:2) should likewise be staunchly protective of her children. Lovingly, she is quick to put their safety and well-being ahead of her own. The parents do not allow abuse of power, bullying, or intimidation to enter into their dealings with each other or with their children; nor do they allow their children to use such tactics on one another.

Parents should take the Word of God at heart and should also let their children know that infallible Word. In the Bible they can find the basic principles that can help. Many fathers have found that they and their families benefit when they follow the wisdom found in the Bible.

Surely there are many things parents can do for their children, including the sacrifices they shall have to make to feed them and provide them with an adequate home. Parents would not do such things if their children were not important to them. Yet, if they do not spend significant amounts of time with their children, they might conclude that the parents care more for other things, such as their job, their friends, or their hobbies, than they do for them.

Parents should be aware of those feelings of the children and should take care that the children always shall be able to feel that the parents are there for them. Marriage is a Divine institution and each person playing a role in the unity God wanted to see, from the beginning of the world, should make the best out of his role working for the other and being ready for the other, out of love. Today we can find couples of the same sex, but originally God provided the first act of marital union so that there may be a further population. The basic pattern by the creation given is simple – a man (male) will leave the confines of parental authority (again male and female) and cleave to his wife (female) and thus become one flesh.

This creation ordinance was also affirmed in the teaching of the Nazarene Jesus Christ. When questioned on the issue of the validity of divorce, he reminded his audience that the first couple were male and female and then quoted Genesis 2:24.

24 That is why a man will leave his father and his mother+ and he must stick to his wife* and they must become one flesh.+ (Genesis 2:24)

The master Jesus said:

5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother+ and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’?+ (Matthew 19:5).

Man and woman were to be united, joined to be one body, to “be one flesh”. (1 Corinthians 6:16)

Today we should still have the continuance of this Divine design of marital union where man and woman, becoming parent should not depart from each other until death comes in between.

31 “For this reason a man will leave [his] father and [his] mother and he will stick to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”+ (Ephesians 5:31)

4 Let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement,+ for God will judge fornicators and adulterers.*+ (Hebrews 13:4)

10 To the married people I give instructions, yet not I but the Lord,+ that a wife should not depart from her husband;+ (1 Corinthians 7:10)

We all should try to become good parents, fulfilling the Wish of God and His creation.


Preceding articles:

Importance of parents 1

Father and motherhood

Poverty and conservative role patterns

Connection between women and environmental sustainability


Find also:

  1. Time of the end
  2. A learning process for each of us
  3. Bible Guidelines for a happy marriage
  4. Companionship
  5. Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
  6. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #4 The Family pact
  7. Parenthood made more difficult
  8. Having children interferes with work
  9. Connection between women and environmental sustainability
  10. Women, conservative evangelicals and their counter-offensive
  11. Gender Roles, What?
  12. Dignified role for the woman
  13. Gender roles and Multitasking parents
  14. Surviving Motherhood: things to get excited about, right now
  15. Avoiding the big questions
  16. Bible a guide – Bijbel als gids
  17. Life and attitude of a Christian
  18. Commit your self to the trustworthy creator
  19. God helper and deliverer
  20. The Spirit of God brings love, hope and freedom
  21. The Spirit of God imparts love,inspires hope, and gives liberty
  22. Choices
  23. Wishing to do the will of God
  24. Each choice we make causes a ripple effect in our lives
  25. For those who make other choices
  26. Bible Guidelines for a happy marriage
  27. Joy: Foundation for a Positive Life
  28. Thirst for happiness and meaning


Also of interest:

  1. Men and Women: Equal yet Different
  2. What The Bible Says About The Role of Women
  3. Commentary on Staying Married Is Not About Staying in Love, Part 1 by John Piper
  4. A Right Understanding of Marriage


  • Equal? (
    Are men and women a) equal in the full definition of the word, or b) are they equal with different roles, or c) are they not equal?  (okay, it’s definitely not c.) If you think it is, you really need to re-read the Bible.)
  • A Comparison Of Rahab In Bible (
    Surely, a quality Christian education may be the most valuable gift any child can receive. Through the guidance of Christian parents and teachers, children will become mature Christians, devoted to a life of loving “the Lord thy God with all thy heart, together with all thy soul, and just about all the thy mind” (Matthew 22:37b), reflective of Christ’s love that dwells within them.
  • Why does God hate divorce? (
    Malachi 2:16 is the oft-quoted passage that tells how God feels about divorce. “‘I hate divorce,’ says the Lord God of Israel.” But this passage says much more than that. If we back up to verse 13, we read, “You cover the Lord’s altar with tears, with weeping and groaning because he no longer regards the offering or accepts it with favor from your hand. But you say, ‘Why does he not?’ Because the Lord was witness between you and the wife of your youth, to whom you have been faithless, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant. Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.”
    God clearly explains His reasons for esteeming marriage so highly. He says it was He who “made them one” (Malachi 2:15). Marriage was God’s idea. If He designed it, then He gets to define it. Any deviation from His design is abhorrent to Him. Marriage is not a contract; it is a covenant. Divorce destroys the whole concept of covenant that is so important to God.
  • Does the Bible Say that Women are Distinctly Under the Authority of Their Fathers? (
    As both experience in the world and the Bible testify, the instruments of interpretation (humans) are at our best bent, and at our worst self-servingly disingenuous to the facts in front of us. I think that true humility consists in an understanding of our own fallibility when it comes to matters of interpretation (that goes for all interpretation, and it gives rise to this blog’s title).
    Within the Christian context in which I was brought up, people believe (I would even call it an assumption) that the father of girls has a specific authority over that girl that is distinct from what he has over boys. There’s nothing “creepy” about it–the (well-meaning) idea is that the father is supposed to protect his daughter by keeping bad boys away from her (this mostly crops up during discussions of relationships). This comports with experience up to a point–most people think that young girls (like 13) do need to be protected to a degree (experience differs about whether this is distinct from the protection of, say, a 13 year-old boy, but that’s not the point of this post). But I have heard it (and seen it acted on) many times, that before a girl can date a guy (or “court” or whatever you prefer to call that), the guy has to get the approval of the girl’s father. This includes the father’s ability to say “no” when both the girl and the boy want to date. I have seen guys “date” their hopefully future girlfriend’s dad, where the dad hangs out with him, makes him read books, etc, to “vet” him. Note that there is no corresponding “vetting” of a girl from the boy’s parents, which is why I frame the question the way that I chose to (“Does the Bible say that women are distinctly under the authority of their fathers?” The “distinctly” is doing a lot of work in that sentence, as it does in practice).This leads to my question: Where does the Bible proscribe, or even describe, this practice? This practice does not pass my definition of compelling. There is no text, or stream of texts, or coherent theme throughout Scripture, that rules out a mutually exclusive conclusion (such a conclusion would be: the Bible has nothing to say about a distinct authority fathers have over their daughters, so it is up to the conscience of the individual family–I did not say “father” because that presumes that fathers have a distinct authority for such decisions–determine what that means). In other words, this idea that women are specially under their fathers’ authority (until marriage) is pretty far into the “interpretation-dominant” area of the compelling spectrum.
  • What’s “Biblical” About It? (
    Regarding male and female behavior I’ve come to the conclusion that masculinity and femininity are social contrivances or social regulators which help us navigate our relationships.  Again, the Bible does not tell men how to behave like a man or a woman how to behave like a woman.  The Bible does tell us in very simple general statements how we as men and women are to relate to the opposite sex and to each other.  The Bible also provides us with examples of what men find attractive in a woman (e.g., the Shulammite woman of The Song of Solomon & the industrious woman in Proverbs 31) and what women find attractive in men (the Ruth/Boaz story). Masculine or feminine qualities, if there are such things, are worked out between each man and woman in the give and take of relationship. They certainly are not the rubber stamping of contrived gender roles promoted by such “Let’s-Get-This-Nailed-Down” Conferences.
  • Godly Parenting & the Bible by J. C. Ryle (
    See that your children read the Bible reverently. Train them to look upon it, not as the word of men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, written by the Holy Spirit Himself—all true, all profitable, and able to make us wise for salvation through faith in Christ.
  • Sharing Jesus with Your Children (
    This is the mistake so many parents are making today. They spend their time telling their children “Don’t do this. Don’t do that. That’s wrong.” By such behavior, these parents are failing an entire generation. Many times, children are never shown the riches of Jesus Christ. In every 24-hour cycle, there are a multitude of teachable moments for sharing and modeling life in Christ.
  • Controlling Our Children? (
    The most recent idea I have run across is the thought that we cannot and should not control our children, but rather, only the Holy Spirit can do such. I believe that is completely unbiblical hogwash! Of course the Holy Spirit can guide and direct a saved child that is learning to be a spirit filled believer, however, the Bible also teaches not only that children are to obey their parents, but, that the parents are, in fact, to demand the obedience, and yes, to control their children.
  • A Terrible Parent…. (
    Here I am a Children’s Pastor, weekly sharing the importance of God’s word to kids and families… and I haven’t purchased by own kid the appropriate Bible. While this made me feel like a “Terrible Parent”, I was reminded of how we all are imperfect which is why there is a need for God…. As parents we all make mistakes.. WE have days we wish could be erased in our parenting… But how great it is to know  that God knows where we are and exactly what we need…. and even more HE knows what our kids need…. I pray daily that my failures in life will not be my kids failures… And when they see me fail…they also see me “get back up”…..
  • Version 40.4: The Bible: A Word For All Ages (
    Regardless of your age, become a “little child” for a minute. Come to Jesus as one would to a loving parent. No requests. No expectations. You don’t have to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Simply come and linger in His presence, experiencing His love for you. Why not take a moment to do this right now? Learning from the Bible is the best way to build a “rock-solid” spiritual foundation. From the Bible’s inspired pages you will learn who God is, how He wants you to live and how He will guide you.