‘Desperate’ Vladimir Putin may use tactical nuclear weapons, warns CIA chief

‘Desperate’ Vladimir Putin may use tactical nuclear weapons, warns CIA chief

The Times, April 16

Russia’s setbacks could prompt President Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons, William Burns, the CIA director, has said. Moscow has a stockpile of about 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons, also known as low-yield or battlefield munitions, that can be deployed by air, sea or artillery. These are generally less potent than the bomb the US dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 and the more powerful strategic weapons would not be used on a contested battlefield.

“Given the potential desperation of President Putin and the Russian leadership, given the setbacks that they’ve faced so far, militarily, none of us can take lightly the threat posed by a potential resort to tactical nuclear weapons or low-yield nuclear weapons,”

Burns, 66, said during a speech at Georgia Tech university in Atlanta.

“I know President Biden is deeply concerned about avoiding a Third World War, about avoiding a threshold in which, you know, nuclear conflict becomes possible,”

said Burns, who was the ambassador to Moscow between 2005 and 2008.


Albert Einstein once said that he did not know what weapons would be used in World War 3, but World War 4 would be fought with sticks and stones. We don’t know what weapons will be used but there is a high possibility that nuclear weapons could be used.

When pushed into a corner and with nothing to lose a leader like Putin could push the button. Russian state TV said a few weeks ago

“Why do we need a world if Russia is not in it?”

They would countenance destroying the earth if Russia could not exist.

Jesus said “no flesh” (no creature) would survive if God did not intervene in sending Jesus…

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. (Matthew 24:21-22)

Andy Walton

Weekly World Watch


Additional reading

Pledges to send more military assistance to Ukraine and Russian warnings

The Rapture Wars

Too many people do not see that the Third and Last World War or Armageddon shall be the worst Tribulation.

We do not know why the writer of the article claims “The first three years of the Tribulation will be horrific!” we would say “the tribulation will be horrific”.

We all should be aware what it shall mean having so many people finding their death in the horrible ‘night mare’ which is predicted and against we should be armed with the right weapons (which are not the weapons of man. )

To around 50 of the 220 church members going to die in the fourth seal alone for some it may look as something not survivable to 1.75 billion people and not being comfortable. It is true it also may not be enjoyable. but mankind is been warned. For centuries people could hear the words of lovers of God, warning them about the coming end times.

God is patient and a loving God, but He has a Plan and He wants His Plan to come true. He is willing to give people enough chances, but they have to know that on all things comes an end. Also to the patience of God, because He takes in account all those people who have been waiting all their life for that Hope given by the Words of God. Those words shall have to come through at a certain point. And God has given man time to consider and to prepare.

Each individual has to make his or her own choice. It is all up to us. We have to prepare ourselves and can not call an other responsible.

We also have received the task from the master teacher, rabbi Jeshua, to go out in the world and to witness the Good News. We should also know that when the time comes there shall be witnessed world wide the end will come; So we ourselves have something in our hands as well. As sooner as there is a worldwide preaching in the Name of God the sooner the end will come.

English: Diagram of the major tribulation view...

Diagram of the major tribulation views in Christian theology (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Preceding article: Date setting


Date Setting

Nobody knows the time when the end would come. We all are given signs and we can look at those signs. We may guess when things seem to go to happen, but being sure is an other matter. We always have to be very careful by making predictions. We also have to be careful by following people or organisations who claim certain dates. We also do have to be aware that certain people said “it could” or “it can” and that others when to believe “it should” or “it will” or “it shall”, though those telling or prophesying of it did not consider a prophesy. Always keep an eye on what an organisation or some of its followers said or how by their enthusiasm certain people got carried away.

We all should be aware that we do have to live as if any moment could be the end of the present times. We always should be ready, so that in case the next minute,or the next hour Jesus would return to this earth we are ready to receive him as our master teacher, who is the Way to Go, ready there to judge the living and the dead.

Let us make sure we shall be ready and are ready Now.
