Date Setting

Nobody knows the time when the end would come. We all are given signs and we can look at those signs. We may guess when things seem to go to happen, but being sure is an other matter. We always have to be very careful by making predictions. We also have to be careful by following people or organisations who claim certain dates. We also do have to be aware that certain people said “it could” or “it can” and that others when to believe “it should” or “it will” or “it shall”, though those telling or prophesying of it did not consider a prophesy. Always keep an eye on what an organisation or some of its followers said or how by their enthusiasm certain people got carried away.

We all should be aware that we do have to live as if any moment could be the end of the present times. We always should be ready, so that in case the next minute,or the next hour Jesus would return to this earth we are ready to receive him as our master teacher, who is the Way to Go, ready there to judge the living and the dead.

Let us make sure we shall be ready and are ready Now.
