Some one or something to fear #4 Families and Competition

Previously: Some one or something to fear #3 Cases, folks and outing

Fear to use a name of a ghost, person or group

8. Broken families

It is a pity we had to come to the conclusion that some families got broken up, but we must agree that Jesus also warns us for this fact that how closer we shall come to the End Times how more families shall be broken up by the choices the members of those families want to take. It is because certain people want to prefer to hold fast onto the world, while those who want to give hands to God, grow away from the popular things of the world. Though they do not have to alienate from it.

Andrei Rublev's Trinity, representing the Fath...

The Trinity idea was over presented in art. – Andrei Rublev’s Trinity, representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Good Christians also can enjoy a lot of good things of the world. We do not have to become strangers or hermits or anchorites. Instead of silent loners we better become whistle-blowers. By ringing the bell and calling the people to look for themselves we should try to open their eyes. And those sayings are probably to hurt some people. At first certain people are going to be hurt but it is up to the loving Christian to bring in the softening cream to heal the wounds made by the necessary changes. People may withdraw from situations where unpleasant effects of anxiety have been experienced in the past [1] and lots of sayings are spread into the world. Some real but also a lot cooked up. Concocted stories are send in the world to discredit those and other non-Trinitarian thinkers. Wrongful accusations are triggered to many believers who do not want to accept the Trinity. Unreasonable things are being said about them and erroneously they are all set in one box. It seems very difficult for people not to generalize. And that is what they mostly do about people who not think and handle as themselves.

9. Competition

The unjust ‘competition’ brings in a violating action. Undeserved reproaches are made to the non-Trinitarian communities and the adversaries use the biggest and most well known group to hit the others as well. This makes the fear of failure to grow by those smaller communities. Believers fear that they shall not be favourable for a good performance by the common world. The danger occurs that they lose sight of the most important things to hold on and lose sight of the main Person Who can give them the necessary things to succeed in this life on earth. They often forget Who it is who can make them better and more productive members of the society.

It would not be honourable to Him who provide to hide Him and to be afraid to mention His Name.



  • Matthew 10:16-42: Jesus warns about Persecution (
    Jesus claimed [to] his disciples:  he was the one sending them. He acknowledged openly  that he was sending them into a dangerous world. They would be defenseless as sheep among a pack of wolves. He advised them to be as wise as serpents; cautious as not to fall into traps and avoid trouble. They were to be harmless as doves: bringing no harm to anyone and wishing no harm upon anyone, that they remain blameless.

    Jesus prophesied of their suffering. He told them to be cautious of men– who can be evil and deceptive for the purpose of delivering them over to authorities. Disciples would face persecution from both the religious and political realms. They would beaten in synagogues and dragged before kings and governors. Their firm faith and testimony would serve as a witness– specifically, Jesus said, to the Gentiles.

  • Jesus Comforts His Disciples (
    Jesus is comforting his eleven (twelve minus Judas Iscariot) disciples who are there with him in that time and place, because he does not want them to despair after he has died (though not many of them seem to actually take this comfort to heart), but on another level, Jesus is comforting all his disciples, throughout time. That includes you and me.
    If we say we believe in Jesus, then why should we doubt anything that he says? Why would he say it, if it wasn’t true? Remember, I think that there are two ways to read this passage: circumstantial (i.e. in the time and place of speaking) and universal (applicable to all believers, regardless of time or place). I think that the universal meaning of this sentence is that Jesus died so that we may be able to come to the ‘Father’s house’. Without Jesus, there would be no place prepared for us.
  • Facing a fear that is real (real monsters under the bed) (
    Every day I hear of more wars or possible wars breaking out; I hear our country’s leaders willing to go against the rest of the world to go defend a country that would rather see us all die painful deaths! And I’m afraid! My fear isn’t so much about the war part as it is about the spiritual well-being of my family, friends – even people I don’t know. The Bible tells us that in the end times there will be “wars and rumors of wars” and that “as in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the end times”.
  • This is scary to confess (
    Whenever anyone of the opposite shows the slightest interest in me, I run. I freak out. I don’t know how to behave, and it’s all awkward, so I run. Often the person and I will be getting along great, and then as soon as they show any signs of interest, I’m gone. I feel bad about it because the poor person is probably left so confused and rejected. That was never my intention; I was just scared.

    I’m scared of intimacy. I’m scared of having another person really know me. Because I fear they will reject me. I worry that I’m unlovable. And don’t want to have it proved by a person who is supposed to love me, reject me.

    Fundamentally, I’m afraid of getting hurt.

  • Fear or Faith??? (
    Fear is an emotion or feeling that danger is close.  An emotion that is similar to feeling happy, or sad, or excited, or disappointed.  God is the creator of our emotions…He knew long before we ever “felt” a certain way that we would.     If I see a snake in front of me, there is no doubt, I will feel Fear.  I would probably scream, jump, run, and maybe ever overreact just a bit.  This is a natural reaction.  God’s word does not say, Do Not Feel Fear… He tells us not to be afraid.  Do not live a lifestyle of fear.  Let me say that again… Just to make sure that I hear it…. Do not live a lifestyle of fear!!!
    It is impossible to trust God and have faith in Him and yet life a life that is paralyzed by Fear.
  • Hope in the Midst of Afflictions (
    I hated myself and even hated God for a little while, but He is really Someone that I can never resist. After all that happened, He is the only One who remained constant,. Meditating on His Word day and night reminded me that He has bigger plans for me. Although I still have the chance to be back in Med School last June, I decided to take a break for a year. I thank the Lord for the lives of my parents who always support me in my decisions and told me to spend a few months visiting some new places.
    When Your Actions Don’t Match with What You Have Underestood
    Treasuring God’s Word
  • How To Set Rules for Your Life Without Becoming a Party Pooper (
    We really don’t need any more Christians out there telling everyone what they can and can’t do – we’ve got plenty of those. What the Kingdom of God needs are people who have chosen to live Gospel centered lives, who understand the depth of their sin, how far Jesus came to save them, how much it cost Him, and how loved they are – and who want to pass that love and grace on to others.

    Non-believers don’t need scared, religious folks shouting at them from a distance, afraid to come near them. They need people who understand the grace of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how He came into the world, broke down the barriers of sin and shame, exchanged His life for ours, died the death we should have lived. He dived into the mess and brought out all who would believe in Him.

  • Guard Your Heart (
    By drawing my own lines and telling God how my potential relationships ought to look, I foolishly denied God the prerogative which belongs to Him only but if we are simply seeking God, then we entrust Him with our fragile hearts.
  • 4 Tips for Replacing Anxiety with Hope (
    From angelic messengers calming witnesses to Jesus’ admonitions against anxiety, Scripture encourages us not to fear.

    The Christian message to the world is one of invitation and reconciliation and not dread and unease, but sometimes our message inspires more fear than faith.

  • The Trinity: A Fundamental of the Faith or a Fable? (
    As a child I was always taught and believed in the doctrine of the “Trinity”, i.e. that there is one God who has revealed Himself as “three persons” and that these three are “members” of the Godhead. However this teaching, which was developed by men and formulated in various creeds long after the Bible was completed, is foreign to scripture! The doctrine of the “Trinity”, although considered by most Christians to be a fundamental of orthodoxy, is never stated in the Bible but is rather contradicted by the inspired writings! It is for such reasons that I have had to reject it to embrace scripturally stated doctrine concerning the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.