A Progressive Call to Arms

A Progressive Call to Arms

The United States of America having shaken Europe as well with an unexpected outcome, should waken up all those who have been dormant or did not speak up yet, to protect those around them who are in the minority, or who are poor, or who are sick or who have an other colour of skin, or who think differently ….


To remember

It could well be that we can see in states that one comes for those who are not in line, like

First they came for the Socialists,

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and for the Jews, and then for others until it was the turn to come for you

Martin Friedrich Gustav Emil Niemöller

and than it will be too late to remember the words of the German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller, founder of the Confessing Church (Bekennende Kirche) and a president of the World Council of Churches.

Not only coloured people expressed their fear. People who were born in a body they did not felt the right body and had gone on the trajectory difficult path to change their looks now felt pushed in a bizarre corner.

Some felt

“it will become open season on people like me.”


Indiana, a state which is anything but safe for people who are different > birthplace of the KKK.

In Europe we have seen the vitriol and hate spreading of Donald Trump and how he created division. as such we cna udnerstand people over there now are afraid of violence under a Trump presidency.

seen the rallies + heard the hate-speech.

Mike Pence as governor passed laws making it legal for businesses to discriminate against members of the LBGT- community +  passed laws discriminating against woman’s right to choose.

We worked tirelessly to get a Pathway to Citizenship referendum passed, but our representatives would hide in their offices and refuse to meet with us.

Donald Trump not limited his hate-speech to members of just one community >made hateful comments + threats to members of Hispanic community, Blacks, Jews, women, Muslims + differently-abled.


  • bigots of all varieties feel emboldened by his ignorance + subsequent rise to power.
  • school-yard bullies + cowards of all stripes feel that hate = acceptable + rewarded.


It is our job to speak out when and where we see discrimination.

> compassion + activism.

>  help cause of equality => make world better place



Preceding article

Islamophobia Must be Fought and Defeated

Stand Up

God Isn’t a Republican

American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder



Additional articles

  1. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  2. Walls,colours, multiculturalism, money to flow, Carson, Trump and consorts
  3. Scepticals of the Bible
  4. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  5. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  6. Looking at an American nightmare
  7. Fearmongering succeeded and got the bugaboo a victory
  8. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  9. Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office
  10. When so desperate to hold onto power
  11. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  12. A strong and wise fighter who keeps believing in America
  13. Brexit No. 2 Blow-up
  14. Voted against their system
  15. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’
  16. Stand Up


Further related

  1. Anti-Trump protesters march amid tear gas, flash grenades
  2. We Are Better Than This
  3. Left Wing Conspiracy
  4. Protesters Take Anti-Trump Message to His Doorstep, and Plan Next Move
  5. Left Wing Conspiracy
  6. Op-ed: The supposed ‘party of family values’ is overlooking major flaws in its candidate
  7. Death and Taxes: A Road Trip, A Funeral, and Election Results
  8. The Left and transgender: “work with trans people, not against them”?
  9. Donald Trump Walked Through Dressing Rooms of Underage Miss Teen USA Contestants — Dating, Fitness, Celeb Gossip & Everything College | CC
  10. Can A Boy Wear Skirts To School?
  11. Transgenderism is a ‘Superstitious Belief’ says Princeton Professor
  12. “Playing Russian Roulette With The History Of The Country…” *Open Thread*
  13. A WTF At The BBQ
  14. Reflections from the Wrong Side of History
  15. What’s the real danger?
  16. “Another Terri Schiavo Moment”: Are Republicans Falling Into A Democratic Trap On Transgender Bathrooms?
  17. Gender Neutral Bathrooms: not a safety concern
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  19. ICE to Open Special Transgender Housing Facility in Texas
  20. Transgenders rights? Just say no! Protect the rights of straight people to their privacy.
  21. New words for gender confusion. A Limerick.
  22. The Left’s Latest “War on Women” *Open Thread*
  23. Taboo Subjects vs Society?
  24. Transgenders
  25. School adopts gender-neutral homecoming court, so there might be no ‘king’ or ‘queen’ – The Washington Post
  26. Leave Gays and Trans People Alone
  27. Transgender Issues Reach Toy Store Shelves
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  30. Transgender Numbers
  31. Longing For Human Company 
  32. Dear Donald
  33. Judgment
  34. Trans Awareness : Importance
  35. The Re-Education of Their America
  36. Dear White Privileged
  37. How this affects me
  38. 10 tips for the media on how to be a better Trans ally
  39. Fleeing To Canada
  40. Caring for Yourself as You Parent After a Trump Election
  41. There is Light in the Dark: #TransLawHelp Connects Lawyers With Trans Individuals
  42. A Reference of Trump & Pence’s Statements on LGBTQ+ Issues
  43. The Ideology of the Anti-Gay Movement Is an Ideology of Inconsistency and Hypocrisy
  44. Donald Trump is President!!
  45. Today I learned that my fellow Americans hate me, my body, and my friends
  46. Make America a great Horror again!
  47. 2016 Post Election Prayer
  48. How the Gender Binary Affects So Much of Catholic Thinking
  49. Trumpland: white women, why, and where to now
  50. What the hell did we just do?
  51. Why America?
  52. Post Election: Daring to Hope?
  53. Is Trump bad for trans people?
  54. Day 1 of President of hate.
  55. Jordan Peterson: The right to be politically incorrect





First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

-Martin Niemoller


A friend of mine stopped by my house recently.

She was scared.

My friend was born male, but now identifies as female.

She said…

“I’ve only recently began to be able to walk down the street. I fear that if Donald Trump becomes president, then it will become open season on people like me.”

Our house is a safe haven in the middle of Indiana, a state which is anything but safe for people who are different.


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