Autumn traditions for 2014 – 4 Blasphemy and ridiculing faith in God

Last Autumn and the previous months we noticed that certain groups wanted to use the Christian religion to mock. Also Rana (that’s pronounced ‘Reh-na’) does not mind people to be a Satanist? But what bothers her and us is that they:

steal a consecrated Host from a Catholic Church

so they can desecrate our Saviour

(although I believe the stolen Host was returned to the Church). I don’t care if you hate Him. You wouldn’t be allowed to get a bunch of people to rally and use a stolen Koran as toilet paper. That would get shut down immediately. {United, We Stand}

A large crowd of fans wait outside of a Borders store in Delaware, waiting for the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

The Harry Potter hype may be gone. _ Crowd outside a book store for the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, on 16 July 2005,

Those people joining in the Halloween celebrations do not hesitate to say all bad things about believers in Christ and do not mind taking many symbols of the Catholic Church to make caricatures of Christian religion.
Around the Halloween festivities lot of attention is pulled to the Worship of Satan, or the devil and to all sorts of occult figures which may have a connection with him. Some years ago the Harry Potter series introduced again an interest in witchcraft and the occult. Though we must admit that interest is fading again and last year we saw already less attributes of Harry Potter and other witch television series characters in the shops. Not as the Biblical meaning of the word, namely the subservient to adversary and accuser of God. The participants of such satanic gatherings forget that they are the real satans, the Bible is speaking about. In these times coming closer to the end-times we may see the postbiblical traditions were Satan emerges as the tempter of humankind shifting to being the preferred master of the world.

The Sigil of Baphomet: emblem of the Church of...

The Sigil of Baphomet: emblem of the Church of Satan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


The cults associated with Satanism love to have demonic figures with the name Satan, Lucifer or Beelzebub as their central feature in their meetings and their black mass. The corrupted and inverted rendition of the Christian Eucharist may not only call a strong aversion by the Roman Catholics. All Christians should consider those practices which include animal sacrifice and deviant sexual activity as an abomination in the eyes of God but also something not done by decent people.

Their worship may be motivated by the belief that Satan is more powerful than the forces of good, and so is more capable of bringing about the results sought by his adherents, and that is why with Halloween people should bow down in front of him and his adherents, also bringing sacrifices or gifts to buy of his good heart, so that man can continue the next year without having to much trouble. (That is the spirit of the true Halloween.)

The Villain Authoress finds it a sick and twisted parody of religion designed to mock her god. Though mostly they ridicule Jesus Christ, who is the son of God and laugh with his dying on the ‘cross‘. Those crosses in our regions are often put on fire in the fields as a ‘light beacon’, and we wonder if they not give a special meaning on such a burning of a cross?

Just as abortion is a sick parody of the words Jesus spoke at the Last Supper when He said, “This is My Body,” satanists twist the Catholic Mass to spit in God’s face.

Image from The Onion's spoof article "Har...

Image from The Onion’s spoof article “Harry Potter Books Spark Rise of Satanism Among Children” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Rana writes, but those celebrators of a Black Mass spit mainly in Jesus his face and none of them dares to mention the name of God. Probably it frightens them too much to call onto the name of God (Jehovah/Yahweh) and therefore they only use the name of the son of God (Jeshua/Jesus) and the name of their gods. The Real Only One True God is the One about Whom they do not want to talk. If you dare to mention His Name they droop off. Luckily this Name of God still frightens most of them. But we may see a tendency of more people, wanting not to know anything from the God of gods, ridiculing faith in God, but liking to make fun in a world they love to create for a few nights, with all sorts of gods and ghosts.

Those people also like to shout about free speech and the right to have a free opinion and to do what they want to do.

For them we would like to quote the above author:

Free speech should be limited to only the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, and slander. {United, We Stand}

About the Satanic Masses she writes:

This would fall under obscenity and slander. I have no clue why the state would legally allow this to happen other than the fact that they don’t care and are part of a society that hates God. {United, We Stand}

When we look at those in control of the Western countries we only can see that often a lot of them are more interested in their own material well-being than in the social welfare of the whole community. Most of the people in charge of a country are not active religious persons and many of them do not like the Christians because they mainly have a restricted view of certain denominations in Christendom who in the past used their power too much to oppress the common people.

For sure the last few years the governments have loosened the robes of decency too much. All those who have a faith in the Divine Creator should come to react against the many blasphemous things which happen around this time of year.

The organizer Adam Daniels of the Black Mass in Oklahoma City returned his pilfered Communion wafer to the Church, which they intended to desecrate, to Archbishop Coakley of Oklahoma City who is still concerned that they have not backed away from all the other blasphemies and sacrileges involved in this ritual worship of Satan.

As for the attendees, Monsignor Brankin, the official exorcist for his diocese for the last four years,  said

“I would think that there would be a real strong possibility, especially in the state of sin, that they would walk out possessed. They’re going into a situation where people are calling upon Satan to exercise dominion over everything in the state–dominion over people, places, our very land.

“They promise to do an exorcism of the Christians there, which, in their own foolish talk, involves puling out of the Holy Spirit. If someone went there out of curiosity, especially if there was a possibility that they were not in the state of grace, they could easily come out with a demonic attachment, whether it would be an oppression, obsession or a full possession.”

Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan us...

Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan used the phrase as part of public rituals (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 Another exorcist, speaking under the condition of anonymity to Aleteia, didn’t think that there is necessarily a rise in public black masses, but believes there are plenty of them going on behind closed doors. However, when they do take place in public, he argues for the strategy employed by the Catholic Church in Boston, when another group of satanists planned to hold a black mass in a pub on the Harvard campus in May. {Exorcists Warn of Danger from Oklahoma City Black Mass}

In a statement posted on the Archdiocese Website, he said:

“Even though our city leaders apparently do not take this threat seriously, I do. As a Catholic priest and bishop, I have witnessed in my ministry the battle between forces of good and evil, in both ordinary and extraordinary ways. It is not merely a struggle rooted in human weakness and ignorance, though these are certainly the source of much suffering and mayhem in our lives and in our world. Demonic activity and the chaotic forces of evil are very real. The madness of war, accompanied by increasingly brutal acts of terror, the violence in our schools and communities are all evidence that something is terribly wrong.

“The crucial battleground for the forces of good and evil is the human heart. As a Christian, I believe that Jesus Christ came to conquer the power of sin and to cast out demons. This was an essential part of His mission and ministry. It continues in His Church.”

It is true that a lot of remarks by Flemish people are grounded in a certain truth.
For several citizens Catholicism perverted “pure” religion, producing deviant sexual practices originating from “unnatural” vows of chastity violating “nature” — Catholic sexual repression engendered the veiled hypocrisy masking the orgiastic sexuality performed in unnatural monasteries and convents. The last ten years we had one scandal after the other unveiled, priests and nuns having sex with youngsters and often at first denying it, but when proof of it came onto the surface they had to admit it. The last few years also the variety of sexual, political anxieties, specifically anxieties about masculine women and feminine men go more attention and was extravagantly demonstrated in gay- and love parades and in the costumes for Halloween.

According to a poll in 2013 only one in five actually believe in the existence of the Prince of Darkness (Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer) and therefore, in the United Kingdom, from January 2014 evil is to go from some christening services after clerics were told to no longer ask parents and godparents to reject Satan during baptisms in the Church Of England faith. In true Christianity and Judaism there is no devil figure in the sense of a torturing or frightening figure. According to the bible satan means adversary, and could be any body who is against some one or something. Some religions have a trickster or tempter. For instance, Buddhists believe in Mara, who tempted Buddha with visions of beautiful women — but others believe the devil is merely a concept, symbolising man’s own base instincts and sinfulness, and this is also what real Christians should believe. They should not go into the stories which are told around this period, making children afraid that their grandparents and the dead people can hear their thoughts, see what they do and could come to punish them for what they have done wrong.

That punishment from the dead is what the worshippers of All Hallows’ Eve or Halloween hope to accomplish by bribing the dead, the ghosts and the spirits on the 31st of October and by putting flowers, candles and food on the graves of their beloved on the 1st and 2nd of November, in the hope they can satisfy those in the graves. The sacrifices made on October the 31st and November 1 & 2 shall not bring liberation for those who gave candy or money or flowers. The saints or souls people do think to talk to on those days shall not be able to help them out in whatever difficult situation. Though many feel guilty when on All Saints or All Souls not go to the graves of their death family members. They are even a little bit frightened when they would not honour those dead they could have more problems in the coming year. It is that superstition where God is against.

God makes it clear to all people, that they should not think them being much more than the other elements of creation. They should respect the full creation which is given to them to use it properly, whilst they are alive. Because when they die it will be too late to change anything. They shall not be able to take anything with them in their grave to use it in a sort of other world. For we as living beings should be aware that time on this earth is limited. We can not buy some more time or pay for postponing our death. All of us will have the same end, all die and shall either be put in a grave or be incinerated or be burned. For such an action many are afraid, but they forget that the dead not feel such a thing, because they know not anything and like animals they return to the ground. We all return to dust.

“All the prosperous of the earth will eat and worship, All those who go down to the dust will bow before Him, Even he who cannot keep his soul alive.” (Psalms 22:29 NAS)

“19 For the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same. As one dies so dies the other; indeed, they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for man over beast, for all is vanity. 20 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust.” (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 NAS)

“For the living know they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a reward, for their memory is forgotten.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5 NAS)

“Whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do [it] with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NAS)

“His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; In that very day his thoughts perish.” (Psalms 146:4 NAS)


Autumn traditions for 2014 – 3 Black Mass, Horror spectacles and pure puritans


Find also to read:

  1. Lord in place of the divine name
  2. Some one or something to fear #7 Not afraid for Gods Name
  3. Glorification of Name of God
  4. Heavenly creatures do they exist
  5. Satan or the devil
  6. Satan the evil within
  7. Christendom Astray The Devil Not A Personal Super-Natural Being
  8. The Existence of Evil
  9. Fragments from the Book of Job #5: chapters 32-37
  10. Fragments from the Book of Job #6: chapters 38-42
  11. The Soul not a ghost
  12. The Soul confronted with Death
  13. Death,dead and after
  14. Grave, tomb, sepulchre – graf, begraafplaats, rustplaats, sepulcrum
  15. How are the dead?
  16. Self inflicted misery #2 Weakness of human race
  17. Bad things no punishment from God
  18. Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality
  19. Being Religious and Spiritual 5 Gnostic influences
  20. Phoenicians sacrificed infants
  21. How is it that Christ pleased God so perfectly?
  22. Wishing to do the will of God
  23. A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice
  24. A Living Faith #5 Perseverance
  25. Living in faith
  26. Songs in the night Worship God only

Find in Dutch:

  1. Duivel, Satan, Lucifer, Demon, Goed en Kwaad en God
  2. Satan het kwaad in ons
  3. Bestaat er iets als engelen en kunnen die zondigen
  4. Gevallen engelen en hun verblijf
  5. Hoe de Satan vandaag rond toert
  6. Media geen werk van Satan, een duivelse engel
  7. Hedendaagse wonderen geen werk van Satan
  8. Laatste dagen omroepers


Further reading:

  1. Catholic Officials File Lawsuit to Stop ‘Black Mass’ Ceremony
  2. Stuck with a Satanist?
  3. Matthew Lewis’s Black Mass: Sexual, Religious Inversion in ‘The Monk.’
  4. Lucky Devil; Exclusive Royal Navy Satanist Promoted to Top Desk Job at HQ in Whitehall
  5. Satanists Seek Spot for Statue on Okla. Statehouse Steps
  6. Satanists Seek Spot on Statehouse Steps
  7. Probe into How a Satanist Was Free to Kill Young Diego
  8. Christian Is Stabbed to Death by
  9. Sandra’s Advice: Black Deeds; Satanists Inspired by Scholar His Satanist Pal
  10. The Devil’s in the Detail for City Band; Banned after Being Wrongly Called…
  11. Satanist sex abuser back behind bars; Neighbours Battled to Have Him Removed
  12. Satanist Sex Offender Jailed
  13. Lucifer
  14. Jesus and Beelzebub – Reflections Today
  15. Lucifer Ascending: The Occult in Folklore and Popular Culture
  16. Neil Gaiman’s Lucifer; Reconsidering Milton’s Satan
  17. Devilishly Delightful; Lucifer – and Scores of Other Crocosmia – Add a Blaze…
  18. Lucifer to Have Devil of Chance
  19. Casting out the Devil; A Hellish History of Satan, Beelzebub and El Diablo
  20. A Ruthless Operator Who Takes Pride in Being ‘To the Right of Atilla the Hun; Yesterday’s High Court Ruling Is Just the Latest Chapter in the Colourful Life of Nicholas Van Hoogstraten. Alun Thorne Examines the Man Once Described as “An Emissary of Beelzebub


  • Devil Worshiper Hell-Bent on Controversy (
    In a small, darkened room, Adam Daniels, the self-proclaimed head of his own satanic church, spat and stomped on the symbolic body of Christ in a ritual devoted to Satan.The smells of incense and smoky dry ice vapors wafted over his small band of followers, who watched him and others perform the so-called “black mass” and destroy bread that was meant to symbolize the Eucharistic, which Catholics say is supposed to symbolize the body of Christ.

    Only about 40 or so people attended Daniels’ demonic service, which was held in the basement of an Oklahoma City civic center in September, but it was enough to draw nearly 2,000 Christians from all over the region, some of which drove in from out of state, for a massive protest against it.

  • Satanic Group Wants To Put Holiday Display In Florida’s Capitol Rotunda (
    If the state is to stay religion-neutral and still permit religions to put displays on public property, they can’t deny those who worship Satan.
  • Wesleyan/Anglican: Halloween: What’s a Christian to Do? (
    You know, when I was a kid, our church used to have Halloween parties every year. We used to hold it out in the woods at the Optimist Club building. It was a great time. I remember going, and our family arrived early one year. It was the year that I was dressed up like the Incredible Hulk. I had a rubber Hulk mask and inflatable muscles. Anyway, because we arrived early, we split up and hid. I think I hid behind a tree in the surrounding woods. Then we would each one “arrive” at different times, so as to help disguise who we really were. One year I was Scooby Doo. (That was before I could do the Scooby Doo voice.) We had a really great time.However, as time went by, I encountered Christians at other churches (even within the same denomination) who would never do such a thing. From their perspective, Halloween was an evil, even Satanic celebration. It was to be avoided completely.

    Some suggested Christian alternatives, sometimes called Hallelujah Parties, instead of Halloween Parties. These ranged from events where you could dress up, so long as there were no monsters, or evil costumes, to events where you could only dress as Bible characters, to no costumes allowed whatsoever. – And I learned never to assume anything about people’s position with regard to Halloween.

  • Kirk Cameron Proves Pagans Tried To Steal Halloween From Baby Jesus (

    Onetime teevee actor Kirk Cameron, getting into the spirit of the pre-Christmas movie release season, gave a very exciting interview to the Christian Post, in which he revealed that Halloween is a 100 percent Christian festival of 100 percent Christian origins.

    OK, sure, by pure coincidence, it also occurs at the same time and has many of the same trappings of much older pagan harvest festivals, but it is utterly unrelated to those, really. Cameron’s interview was part of the prerelease publicity for his terrible upcoming movie, “Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas,” which makes the completely reasonable claim that there is also no connection whatsoever between the historically verified date of Jesus’s birth and some pagan solstice festivals that just happened to occur at the same time, and which may have some similar traditions.

  • Apostate American Church: Waiting for the Man Of Sin (
    America is a Christian nation™” is not a statement of fact.It is a brand name–like Velveeta™ or Burger King™. It is a lie which has been marketed to deceive Americans into believing they are righteous–regardless of their actions and lack of obedience.

    Some facts and figures put into perspective exactly how many real Christians live in America, a country which has been relentlessly marketed as a “Christian nation.”

  • Conspiracies & Catholicism: Halloween (
    Like pretty much every other big Catholic thing, it’s supposedly Pagan to have a party during the vigil before All Saint’s day. There is a long history of having a sort of harvest festival in pretty much any culture that can produce more than they can store (frequently it’s when you harvest fruits or slaughter the animals before winter) and there was one called Samhain in Ireland. There’s another one coming up in the US, called Thanksgiving. Since becoming Catholic didn’t suddenly make it so they had modern means of storing food that spoils quickly the parties would have kept happening, and when centuries after the pagan practices were gone the feast of All Saints was instituted there was nothing there to “steal.”
    Many American Halloween customs are most likely taken from Guy Fawkes’ day, November 5th– it’s entirely possible that they shifted over from the prior All Hallow’s Eve celebrations of the English, just as the harvest feast got hooked to the Feast and its vigil. People are very good at finding a reason to have a party and have fun, and fire is fun, food is fun, candy and costumes are fun.
  • The Pagan Roots Of Halloween (
    Even though approximately 70 percent of Americans will participate in Halloween festivities once again this year, the vast majority of them are clueless about the fact that this is a holiday that is thousands of years old and that has deeply pagan roots.
    An existing Catholic festival known as All Saints Day (or All Hallows Day) was moved to the same time as Samhain.  Eventually, All Hallows Eve became known as “Halloween”, but many of the ancient Celtic traditions never disappeared.
    You may say that “it doesn’t mean that to me”, but even today there are large numbers of people that take this stuff deadly seriously.On page 96 of the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey wrote the following…

    “After one’s own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (May 1st) and Halloween.”

    Most people will never see it, but in dark corners and out of the way places some incredibly sinister things will take place in America on Halloween night.

    Just like for the ancient Celts, there are people out there that truly believe that it is a night to commune with the spirits.

    If you are a pagan, you probably already know all of this stuff.

    If you are not a pagan, you might want to think twice before you do things that could potentially open up doorways to the spirit realm.

  • Re: Satanism Sold To Kids (
    Satanists have announced that they will be joining a national atheist group in handing out controversial literature to public school students in Orange County, Florida.Among the materials reportedly planned for this school year are a Satanic-themed coloring book, “pamphlets related to the Temple’s tenets, philosophy and practice of Satanism, as well as information about the legal right to practice Satanism in school,” according to a press release from The Satanic Temple.
  • The Miscreants behind the Pulput… (
    The Clergy regardless of persuasion have a somber responsibility to guide and direct God’s Children to the truth and conviction of God’s Word without regard to political correctness or threat from worldly persecution. Finding the fiber of early American Spiritual Leaders in today’Council of Gods Clergy is difficult if not downright impossible. Instead we find those bent on building great edifices and notoriety of their great popularity bolstered by spewing out book after book, packaged teaching materials, and radio and television appearances all of which makes them the super-stars of religion. To address their congregations to the elements of truth as it pertains to societal issues to include the political realm is taboo to them because of fear and a lack of conviction on their own part as to the call of God, his statues and principles as put forth by scripture and seemingly forgetting that a day of accountability to the Lord is scheduled.
    The clergy of Organized Christianity are hirelings. They are directors of a multi-billion dollar syndicate. They establish fiscal goals and financial targets. Just like any other modern business, they hope to buy and sell and get gain. To this end, they offer holy oil, crosses, pendants, trinkets, travel, prayer, lobbyists, videos, and amusement, in exchange for dollars and adoration. Many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you.
  • The Internet knows you love the devil (
    There are few ideas that grab hold of our imaginations quite like Satan. Over the last year, the Prince of Darkness has been trending big online. In fact, you could say 2014 was the year the Internet saved Satanism. Why would it do that? Because the Internet knows Satan sells.For weeks now, the Internet has been abuzz about a Black Mass that’s scheduled to take place in the American heartland. Oklahoma City is set to be ground zero for a spiritual showdown of biblical proportions: God vs. Satan, battling for the soul of America. Or, at least, that’s how the Catholic Church is selling it. Rev. Don Wolf of St. Eugene Catholic church told The Oklahoman that “to engage in this is to open the window up to the presence of the forces that are not to be trifled with.” (He means the Devil.)