Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #5 Mortality of man and mortality of the spirit

Mortality of man and mortality of the spirit

Though we are mortal, we have a choice of spiritual birth and spiritual life, providing us with the possibility to face a better life which shall not have an end (immortality). When the New Testament speaks about a new birth and a new life it does not speak about some reincarnation, but about our transformation of our psyche, our spirit which gets a total new attitude and lets us live in a different way than before.

We have to get away from our old attitudes; we have to cut down our old trunk or put our old ‘me’ to death, giving the new ‘me’ the opportunity to spring up from fertile ground. By coming to the true faith we shall blossom again, and our renewed psyche or spirit shall be like the branches of a tree and shall not fail. The power of a plant to spring forth lies within itself (Genesis 3:22), but man needs “outside help.” A man that has died is utterly gone, and when a mortal has fallen, he is no more, but when we are alive we have a choice to bring forth good branches or wild branches bringing forth no fruit. Though those who fear God may have to work hard and have to endure difficulties like others in the world, they may count on the Most High, when they produce fruits worthy of repentance.

Frans Floris - The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, ...

Frans Floris – The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Gathering and Protecting Mankind – WGA7949 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The New Testament speaks about new life, which is the life of the Christian attitude to the Old Law and to the world which does not fear God. For those who accept Jesus, the Old Law is no longer the first ruling principle in their life. It is not that they really died, but they put away their old life figuratively. We, when we changed our position in life, and choose to follow Jesus try to obtain union with him. It is also not us who directly will be raised from the dead. The significance of being “raised from the dead” lies in the fact that it was Christ’s death that made the fatal blow to the power of the “old man” – the seed of the serpent, or lust. It is only through the power of Christ’s resurrection that the efficacy of his victory can pass to us by our identification with his death in baptism, for we must be raised to “a new life”. But that new life in Christ can only bear fruit of Christ because he has been raised from the dead.

First there is the spiritual or figuratively coming to a new life in this world system and only later there will be for each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then only those who belong to Christ at His coming. Not earlier. Only at the return of Christ they will be taken out of the dead to be judged by Christ Jesus. Only at the end times the world will see the dead coming back to life or to see the psyches called to come in front of the judgement seat of Jesus.

The followers of Christ, who know they are formed of dust and have to return to dust, shall find themselves liberated from death by Jesus, the unique Son of God, the ‘only begotten.’ By the right free choices they made they shall be allowed to look at that eternal life, having age-abiding life, not to be lost or to be wasted to undergo a second death and to perish forever.




Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #4 Psyche, According to the Holy Scriptures

Continued with: Mortal Soul and Mortal Psyche #6 Summary


Understanding God’s Wrath

In the garden of Eden man has made the choice to do without God. It was man who abandoned the Divine Creator and not the other way, like so many want to present it.

There does not exist a God Who gives to His creation an eternal punishment, except when you would call death that eternal punishment. When after the return of Christ Jeshua shall have judged the people, they either shall enter the Kingdom of God or will receive their second death, meaning it shall be totally finished with them. When death, there is no feeling at all, it is just the end of the being. The dead shall not be tortured for ever like some denominations in Christendom and in a few other religions want people to believe.

God is a god of love and He shall provide those who love Him with the blessings He wants to give them. The anger of God has come already a few times over the world, but His anger is not kept all the time. It is not wrath of envy like by human beings. It can be a short rage, like we have seen some examples in the past.

Each person has the free choice to go in a nice or in no relationship with the Creator. The consequence of denying the Divine Creator shall only be that people who do not need God shall not have to blame Him for not finding life.

To remember:

  • We reap what we sow


Find also to read:

  1. How are the dead?
  2. It is a free will choice
  3. Does God stands behind all evil on earth


  • Day 297 ~ I Declare (
    Consent for everything must be always asked for, the reason and situation explained to me completely, and terms negotiated which are fully current and up to date, before any consent can be assumed or presumed.
  • We are at sea without a compass (
    If we have in the Word of God no infallible standard of truth, we are at sea without a compass, and no danger from rough weather without can be equal to this loss within.
  • Striving for the Good in the Face of Uncertainy: The Paradox of Faith and Politics in Kierkegaard and Niebuhr (
    The paradox of politics for Rousseau was the question of, “Which comes first, good people or good laws?”  In other words, how can a democracy be legitimate when the legitimacy comes from the democracy itself which is to be founded? There is always the problem of delimiting the people and deciding who speaks for them. It is never a fixed entity, and certain groups are always excluded. According to Bonnie Honig in her book Emergency Politics: Paradox, Law and Democracy, “…even established regimes are hardly rendered immune by their longevity to the paradoxical difficulty that Rousseau names… the paradox of politics is replayed rather than overcome in time” (EP, 14).


sowing seed by IRRI Photos

Today’s reading is Galatians 6.

I don’t want to take away from seeing eternal punishment as God’s wrath poured out on sin, but Paul presents another facet of looking at this in Galatians 6. We reap what we sow. If we sow to the Spirit, we will reap the natural consequences of that–connection to God through the Spirit and eternal fellowship with Him. On the other hand, if we sow to the flesh, we will reap the natural consequences of that–corruption, sin and eternal separation from God. We must not see God’s wrath as if it is some fickle thing administered on people because they happened to get on His bad side. God’s wrath is the natural consequence on those who have told God through their lives that they don’t really want to be in relationship with Him. Eventually, as much as it pains Him, God will say to…

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