High on Words

High on Words
Montage of languages. Prototype header for the...

Montage of languages. Prototype header for the language portal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In life we try to express ourselves with words and look for ways to communicate with each other. Talking with the body is one way but does not allow our ideas or opinions to go along worldly paths except by film or video and is not so handy. Therefore it is much easier to have words crossing over the worldwide web, trying to reach people. Languages may create borders, but they can be overcome by using an international business language, like Mandarin, Spanish or English. In our regions English is the easiest to adopt.

With the 26 letters of the english alphabet we can try to be creative and make use of it, though we should not be afraid to create new words and to explore other’s their new words and thoughts.

Only danger today with internet and all those blogs is that they are faster gone than any book or printed material. One day they appear worldwide, the next day they can be gone. Often they disappear even faster than the wind which brought them.


To remember

“Language = ability to acquire + use complex systems of communication, particularly human ability to do so, + a language = any specific example of such a system.” – Wikipedia

systematic communication by vocal symbols = universal characteristic of human species + language first learned = native language or mother tongue = figurative in that knowledge of particular languages is not inherited but learned behavior.Encyclopedia Free dictionary

body language = Any gesture, posture, or movement of the body or face to nonverbally communicate emotions, information, or emphasis. http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/language

faculty which men possess of communicating their perceptions + ideas to one another by means of articulate sounds = definition of spoken language; but ideas + perceptions may be communicated without sound by writing, + this is called written language. – http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/language

use of a meaningful pattern of vocal sounds (or corresponding written symbols) to convey thoughts + feelings, or a system of such patterns that is understood by a group of people
any of various other systems of communication that use sets of discrete symbolshttp://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/language

Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols + system of signs, symbols, gestures, or rules used in communicatinghttp://www.thefreedictionary.com/language

language = means of communication > different components in the framework of language – letters, words, phrases, sentences, paragraph etc.

Sorcery of words => spell of awareness, creativity, emotion, idea, imagination and inspiration

Words can change the world, they can touch the soul.


Pattern$ oF R@nD0mNEsS

Disclaimer – Use of dictionary while reading this post is prohibited.

“Language is the ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so, and a language is any specific example of such a system.” – Wikipedia.

(Even I wanna find this guy who updated the Wikipedia page for “Language”)

For me, language is a means of communication. There are different components in the framework of language – letters, words, phrases, sentences, paragraph etc.

You know we have 26 letters in English alphabet, just 26; and do you know how many words we have? 1,025,109.8 (don’t ask me how I arrived at this number – I Googled it; and I have no clue what is 0.8th of a word). And what do we get out of a fraction of 1,025,109 – MAGIC. Yeah, words can create magic.

Sorcery of words can cast a spell of awareness, creativity, emotion, idea…

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