Wherever we are, whatever we do we should give a good example and be worthy to be called Christian or Follower of Christ. Before we act or react, we always better should question in ourselves what our action would trigger by the other person(s). It is not bad also to wonder what Jesus would do in such an instance we are ourselves. When we consider what Jesus would do we also should learn from that reaction Jesus would make, and take on the right attitude, showing to others that we are really a follower of Christ Jesus and a worthy child of Jehovah God.



We do have to make many decisions each day. While some decisions may look easy for us while others would give us more worries, it does not mean that the easy decisions are necessary the right decisions.

The writer in this article about “What Would Jesus Do” takes his Lord Jesus Christ as his Father in heaven. But Jesus is in heaven to be the mediator between man and God, and he as we does have only One “Father in heaven”, the Only One God. It is the Elohim Hashem Jehovah who loves us and wants us to follow His son. It is that only begotten son of God who as man showed us the way to his Father.


Though the writer of the article does know he should check first with God before he is going to make decisions. We may never take them in haste so that we could regret our decisions afterwards. Always we should think first before we act.


If we focus on the son of God, Christ Jesus (Jeshua), we can be assured of his guidance and also on the guidance of the more important Being, the Divine Creator: Jehovah God.


Additional reading:

  1. A Living Faith #1 Substance of things hoped for
  2. No man is capable of self-improvement on his own
  3. Follower of Jesus part of a cult or a Christian
  4. One mediator
  5. God of gods
  6. Only One God
  7. God is One
  8. Praise the most High Jehovah God above all
  9. Reasons that Jesus was not God
  10. “Only begotten Son” or “only begotten God”? (John 1:18)
  11. Jehovah יהוה YHWH JHVH God Elohim Yahweh Jahweh


  • WWJD with These Memories (momslupusmagic.com)
    My first reaction was anger but what would Jesus do?                                                          Father forgive her he would say.                                                                                              How do I teach my child a  positive response from this?   Pray, he would say….. So we did  Does he understand?  I don’t know but now, thankfully……. it is in God’s hands.
  • WWJD? Weetbix, blankets, hugs and a fishing rod (s0cialjustice.wordpress.com)
    Christine Rankin: “Weetbix goes a long way.” Wow! What a debate! Well at least we know THE solutions to child poverty don’t we? So, what would Jesus do again Bob, Christine and Hannah? Give the 270,000 kiwi kids in poverty a grilling for not utilizing their weetbix economically?
  • Wwjd (stuffmypastorsays.wordpress.com)
    “If Jesus were sitting here,” she tells them, “He would say: ‘Let My Brother Have The First Pancake. I Can Wait.’ Do you understand what I’m telling you, Henry?”
  • W.W.J.D. – (What would Jesus do?) (trustingjc.wordpress.com)
    We all know that when anxiety sets in, that means we have been entertain thoughts from our number one enemy and no, it’s not your sister, that mean classmate or that envious colleague.
    When Jesus was on earth as man and He was being tempted in the wilderness, His weapon was the scriptures.  He used the scriptures to extinguished the fiery darts of Satan.   Remembering this comforted me because I was reminded that Jesus Christ understands what I am going through and He has left examples of how I should handle these situation and struggles.  Use the scriptures and spend a lot of time communicating, listening and being obedient to God.
  • WWJD and What Would Thomas Merton Say Watching Me Today? (pinkhammissions.wordpress.com)
    Jesus wanted to do “only what he saw His Father do.” (John 5:19)  Oh how I wish (we)  would grab onto this principle.  How it would break off our orphaned and works-oriented approach to the Father.  Seun Feucht, The Culture of Revival Vol. 1 Perseverance with Joy, Pg. 139.
  • Wwjd (divine273.wordpress.com)
    Many times we are faced with trials and tough decisions. We can’t figure out what went wrong or if its right or not. I know i have had many times were i had to make a decision and sometimes it wasn’t a good one and sometimes it was. In those times we should stop and think WWJD… What would Jesus do?
  • Alert (linesbylinda.wordpress.com)
    Alert, one nation under God, work together, keep our country standing tall!
    Humble yourselves and ask, “What would Jesus do?
  • Wwjd (theacousticstrings.wordpress.com)
    How many of us know the meaning behind the acronym? Probably quite a few. For me, it doesn’t mean “Who Wants Jelly Doughnuts” even though that sounds pretty good.
    Put on something with WWJD and you are now challenged more than ever on the inside and out. You are saying you are a follower of Jesus and look to Him to guide your choices throughout your life and to show others how we are taught to behave.
  • W.w.j.d. (yourfaceispolitics.wordpress.com)
    I have no problem with religion. I’m kind of religious myself. I’m not the first one through the doors on Sunday morning or anything, but I have a relationship with my God that I’m comfortable with.I do, however, have a problem when it comes to mixing politics and religion. They’re like oil and water – they just don’t go together, and one of them will always float to the top.
    Everyone deservers the chance to be healthy without having to bankrupt themselves.

    I don’t claim to speak for Jesus, but I’m pretty sure He would agree with me on this one.

  • Imitation Christianity (jacksaunsea.wordpress.com)
    I had previously written a short thought several days ago about Fake Christians, which at this time I would like to look at more deeply.
    Jesus Christ was a Jewish fellow who traveled his country with his companions spreading a message of “good news” (gospel). He healed the sick, raised the dead, and performed other miraculous signs and wonders. He was a teacher who spoke with tremendous insight and truth about God and the kingdom of heaven. He spent a great deal of his time with those whom were considered the lowly despised members of society, defended prostitutes, and broke religious laws of his time and culture.
    With his response, Jesus shows us who we are. He shows us that he himself is a son of God, and so are all of you. Have you ever heard a Christian evangelist or missionary use that as their pitch? I haven’t.

Sharing the Light Blog

Philippians 2:5…Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.  (NIV)

When I googled “decisions we make each day” I got numerous answers from numerous websites.  The lowest number I seen at a glance was 672 and it went way up to the hundred thousand’s.  I’ll just sum it up as we make many decisions each day.

Some decisions are easy while others we worry about as we ponder them.  While one may fret over what to wear to work the next day for hours, someone else may take seconds to make that same decision.  What is hard for one, may be easy for another.  I want to talk about the hard ones; the ones that keep us awake at night, the ones that tie our stomach into knots or give us a migraine, the ones that may change our life forever.  Those are the ones that everyone…

View original post 268 more words

Preparedness to change

When we are looking for the reasons why we are here and what we have to do why, we should try to get an open mind and to look at all sorts of things, wondering what others think and why.

Today many of us are not pleased with what is going on in the world and would look to see some change. But before we can see some change we ourselves do have to be willing to change as well.

English: Matthieu Ricard in Tibet Français : M...

Matthieu Ricard in Tibet (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Matthieu Ricard, scientist turned Buddhist monk and a best selling author, translator, and photographer, who has lived and studied in the Himalayas for more than 35 years. says:

if we want to change, obviously we need to need to first act on the emotions, and this will help change our moods, which will eventually stabilize as a modified temperament. In other words, we must start by working with the instantaneous events that take place in our minds. As we say, if we take care of the minutes, the hours will take care of themselves.

To be able to act on the emotions first of all we do need to recognise these emotions and secondly should make ourselves able to distance from them to examine them properly. Mostly we are inner-bound with our own actions and reactions, guided by our way of thinking and our traditions. How we are brought up as a child is going to be the basic foundation for our analysing and feeling.

So one of the key points has to do with the way the chaining of thoughts occurs, the way one thought leads to another.

That what happened in the past, the things we encountered in previous days and years, the things we heard from our parents and beloved ones, will give us ideas of what had happened, what decisions where taken, what the consequences where.

Ricard says:

‘You can look at your experience like a fire that burns. If you are aware of anger you are not angry you are aware. Being aware of anxiety is not being anxious it is being aware.’ By being aware of these emotions you are no longer adding fuel to their fire and they will burn down.

Would it therefore not be bad to look in the past with other eyes? When we have found the Word of God and got into the readings of the Bible, would this not give an other insight? When we then would look back we should have, with our ‘other eyes’ an other viewpoint. It would not be so much a ‘staring back’ but better a ‘‘reviewing back’  and a  ‘retraining back’ .

When we instead of staring are overlooking everything ‘from outside’, with a neuter attitude, we will be able to take distance in person from the facts and the emotions. Sometimes it is better to put away the emotions to come to a better view and better understanding. Our personal feelings often blind us. By taking personal distance we would be able to let its apparent solidity melt away and let personal bounded thought vanish without giving birth to a chain of other personal thoughts.

The point is not to try to block the arising of thoughts – this is not possible anyway – but not to let them invade our mind. We need to do this again and again because we are not used to dealing with thoughts in that way. We are like a sheet of paper that has been rolled for a long time. If we try to flatten it down on the table, it will roll again the moment we lift our hands. This is where the training takes place.

says Matthieu Ricard who thinks we do need to practice Buddhism, but overlooks that in Christianity we should have the same reflection as our Master Teacher Jeshua (Jesus Christ) who looked to this world from the viewpoint of his Father, the Creator God. We also should always wonder “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD) and “How Would Jesus React” (HWJR). How would Jesus meet with others, talk to sinners, help those in need?

What Ricard says abnout Buddhism is also true for us, who call ourselves Christian:

“We are talking about how to help society. If we aspire to contribute something to our society – to achieve a new vision of things – we need to begin with ourselves. We need to decide to transform ourselves, and that can come only through training, not through fleeting ideas.

To fulfil our life goal we do have the infallible Word of God, which can give us insight and guidance for future days. To benefit from it we only should have to open our eyes and put away our previous predisposed ideas of our own self in this world. All bias we should abandon and liberate our mind by letting the Word of God shape us in all integrity. Merging the ideas of several minds, looking into the Word of God and than using our own emotional Intelligence we can let the Holy Spirit work in us by allowing time for Him to be in us, bringing contemplative practices into our own world, the workplace and therefore into the world. To be able to become transformed by the Bible, we should be willing to take time to concentrate on the Word of God and to let it come into us personally.

Psalm 119:105 "Your Word is a Lamp to my ...

Psalm 119:105 “Your Word is a Lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Photo credit: UnlockingTheBible)


Please read:

  1. Wisdom from Matthieu Ricard > original Wisdom from Matthieu Ricard
  2. and: “Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama“, Daniel Goleman
  3. A living change
  4. Time for global change
  5. Only I can change my life
  6. We all are changed into the same image from glory to glory
  7. Character transformed by the influence of our fellowships


English: Emotions Q-sort

Emotions Q-sort (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • what is the happiest person in the world saying? (hunt4truth.wordpress.com)
    A friend wants to know if I’m still Christian. Yes, I am. Everything that I’m referring to from science and new age and Buddhist teachers is complimentary with Jesus’s teachings. I posted a couple of the most important Christian practices–in my opinion, 1 John (NIV) and the Our Father prayer are essential in Christian belief.
  • change from within (hunt4truth.wordpress.com)
    Happiness and joy may stimulate compassion and compassion may stimulate happiness and joy. This is ideal. This may then be noticed to be increasing positive energy, empathy, pro-social behavior, and the change within may serve as the kernel of an evolving moral-ethical framework.
    Starting off into a new day, there is something to learn and something to share — what that is comes to me at the end of my morning meditation — I don’t really even think about it until time comes after I remind myself, “This is my wonderful journey of self discovery. Love envelopes me and the gentle waves of peaceful waters and the light shine from my mind into the world around me.”
  • How to Argue for the Existence of God (omigassplus.wordpress.com)
    Anyone who feels God, can see and feel God inside them. They live inside God. God lives inside them. They see God as an energy that penetrates them and fills them up inside. They feel God as an energy around them and within them. They feel God touch them in their special places. They realize that God is a higher faith, a greater presence. They crave Him. They want to feel his love fill them up inside. Without God, they feel empty, unloved, lonely. Only with God inside them can they feel whole again.