A more than Great God to look for



God is so great, that it is well worth looking for him the whole life.

– Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), Spanish mystic during the Catholic Reformation of 16th and 17th century Spain.


Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Een meer dan Grote God om naar op zoek te gaan


  • Where God Is (simulblog.com)
    God is in the slums, in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house.
    God is in the debris of wasted opportunity and lives, and God is with us if we are with them.
  • Questioning God (discoveringandsharinggrace.com)
    Some of my best early morning coffee conversations with God are those with questions. When I ask God a question, there are a variety of answers
  • God Sees Hope #InstarationDevo (armansheffey.com)
    God knows that with every misstep there is an opportunity for us to learn and grow. God knows our end from the beginning and knows that our “failings” will be our greatest teachers.
  • Don’t Try to Buy God (sanjeetv.wordpress.com)
    For war don’t try GOD
    Almighty is not asking you to kill
    Keep your humanity alive
    With religion don’t try to buy GOD
  • Broken: Part 1 “God the Comforter” (getreal.typepad.com)
    We are a broken people and the difficulties of life are universal. God is called the “God of all comfort” and his character reveals this to be true. God comforts His children during their affliction in ways that supersede human-focused platitudes and religious cliches.
  • God will be your Strength (heartfixxer.wordpress.com)
    There is only one place where we can dip into an everlasting quantity of strength, and that is through God. When our own strength is fleeting and we’re feeling defeated, God will give us the strength.
  • God will answer you (yoursuccessinspirer.com)
    If somebody gave you a secret to enable you get all that God has planned for you, how would you feel? Overjoyed, I guess. There is, indeed, such a secret. You can get all that God has planned for you if you know any use this secret.
  • God’s Got My Back (brianwilliamsen.wordpress.com)
    God loves people, and when we understand that God loves people it empowers them to go and live this life full of joy, full of peace, full of confidence in who you are, knowing that no matter what happens, God’s with me. God’s got my back.
  • What is the image of God? (verityparadox.com)
    We exist in flesh due to God’s miracle of creation. But we also exist in spirit. Like God, there is a part of us that is not bound by the constraints of the physical world, and instead is ordered by the bounds of a different dimension — a different creation, also of God.
  • God Will (darealztalk.com)
    God will take care of you no matter what you’re going through. No matter the struggle, no matter the pain.