Points to remember of philosophy versus spirituality and religion

Philosophy does open your mind,
but not to an imaginary evil gremlin whose ultimate goal is to enslave humanity.
It simply opens the mind to new ideas and not being close minded.
Some may say I’m just another typical example of how the devil can take possession of people
through exposure to worldly things.
The truth is if you shelter your kids from ‘the real world’
they are going to wonder what you are keeping from them
and many will run at the first chance they get.
If philosophy, being the love of knowledge by definition, is so evil, then
what are you saying by telling people to stay away from it?
There is a word to describe the rejection of knowledge;
it is called ignorance.


From The Truth About Sheltering Your Kids: Jonathan Farris’ Story

Preceding articles:

Being Religious and Spiritual 1 Immateriality and Spiritual experience

Being Religious and Spiritual 2 Religiosity and spiritual life

Being Religious and Spiritual 3 Philosophers, Avicennism and the spiritual

Being Religious and Spiritual 4 Philosophical, religious and spiritual people

Being Religious and Spiritual 5 Gnostic influences

Being Religious and Spiritual 6 Romantici, utopists and transcendentalists

Being Religious and Spiritual 7 Transcendence to become one

Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious

Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality

How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice


Additional reading:

  1. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  2. Are religious and secular ethicists climbing the same mountain
  3. Caricaturing and disapproving sceptics, religious critics and figured out ethics
  4. Theology without spirituality sterile academic exercise


¡Spiritual, Spiritual!

¡Spiritual, Spiritual! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • Religious Gaslighting – Reclaim Your Spirituality (kyoung4.wordpress.com)
    Teaching the people to fear God is gaslighting on a massive scale. The major religions of the world have been gaslighting humanity for centuries in order to stunt humanity’s spiritual development. Our spiritual development is the key to our freedom from the control grid. It is imperative that we resist how the religious Psychopaths in Charge attempt to define the sacred for us. We must also be careful that when walking away from the madness of the religion of our childhoods that we do not leave our spiritual development behind too.
  • Major developments for philosophy of religion at Rutgers (leiterreports.typepad.com)
    Rutgers, with support from the Templeton Foundation, has created a new Center for Philosophy of Religion, which will be directed by Rutgers philosopher Dean Zimmerman, who is well-known for his work in both metaphysics and philosophy of religion.
  • A Very Human Enlightenment (anupturnedsoul.wordpress.com)
    Surely enlightenment, transcending the human condition, and finding yourself are worth whatever the price they are being sold for?
    We find what we need when we need it. Our greatest teacher is ourselves and our life. Learn from your experiences. Be gentle with yourself. Give yourself the time and respect you need. Trust yourself. And remember you are human… that is a precious gift.
  • Awareness is the magic key. (laurierohner.wordpress.com)
    Discovering the flaws and obstacles you have put up in front of you allows you to move and change direction.
    What I want or desire I was taught was not allowed. Hard work and a lot of it was necessary to succeed and if you did not succeed than there was something wrong with you. I fought daily with my inner demons only to find more demons to conquer. I was taught a fit all religion made to believe like the group and that religion was the ‘one’ that mattered and was right.
  • A Nation That Accentuates the Positive – Mitch Horowitz (payingattentiontothesky.com)
    For the past 150 years, since the dawn of clinical scientific study, virtually all fields of inquiry, from medicine to psychology to brain biology to quantum theories, have broadened our conceptions of the mind. While shallower expressions of motivational thought are easy to dismiss, the pioneers of positive thinking not only supplied America with its national creed, but also displayed a precocious instinct that our thoughts may accomplish more than we realize.
  • Greek Phil 211: Philosophy & Religion? (bulletforyourtrouble.wordpress.com)
    religious views often remind me of philosophical thought. For example, in my Asian Religions class, almost everything covered in the class has something to do with a philosophical way of thinking, believing, and living and touches on ideas that Greek philosophers have created theories on. I can’t name any off the top of my head at the moment, but it gets me every time how philosophical thought always pops up in discussion of religion and vice versa.
    So perhaps it’s plausible to think more along the lines of all religions are a type of philosophy, but not all philosophies are religious.
  • Spirituality Re-visited On A Snowy Sunday (ypsjadon.wordpress.com)
    However the idea, that the spirituality begins where religion ends is not new, but it is something, which I could never fathom fully, probably because I was too busy with my own concept of my existence. Why I exist, how I think, where do these ideas come from is something that I still cannot answer. I ‘am unable to answer such questions using all my faculties of the material world, be it knowledge, be it intellect or be it religion. I stopped trusting religion when my father fell sick. Answers sought never showed up. The harder I tried to get the answers the more confused I became.
    God and religion (or rather religious practices) are two things that mix as much as water and rock I believe that this is some part of the answer which I seek. A part that shows the path to the gateway. I have merely to follow this path to understand  the being which is me; something that is within each and everyone of us, just waiting to be discovered.
  • All is well, and you will never get it done. Have fun! (laurierohner.wordpress.com)
    No one is taking score of any kind, and if you will stop taking score so much, you will feel a whole lot better — and as you feel a whole lot better, more of the things that you want right now will flow to you.
  • TOWARDS an Equitable Society: balancing left- and right-brain activities (3dmetrics.me.uk)
    As a former software diagnostician in CERN, I am used to being in the 12% minority that Chi Onwurah MP highlighted in her keynote speech at Women Shift Digital.But after (male) doctors, instead of admitting they can’t help me, told me my pain is psychological, I learned more about psychology, philosophy, religion and consciousness than I ever wanted to know, having studied mathematics and computing.
  • Two quotes from David Bentley Hart (pretentiouslatintitle.wordpress.com)
    while I love the logical precision of analytic philosophy, I wonder whether its narrowing imaginative scope is less due to a misguided attempt to ape the sciences and more to the fact that a lot of professional philosophers have not had much intellectual exposure to anything other than analytic philosophy. I owe at least as much in the course of my education to reading books that weren’t on the syllabi.
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