A new Cuban missile crisis? Putin sends warships to Havana

A new Cuban missile crisis? Putin sends warships to Havana

The Times, June 12, 2024


The arrival of an unusual flotilla in Havana harbour was heralded by the thunderous sound of cannon fire, as 21 guns saluted a Russian “strike group” of warships, including a nuclear submarine. If the heads of locals were turned by the visitors to the colonial heart of the city, so too were those of the Americans who had been shadowing the vessels as they made their way to visit a former Cold War ally at a time of heightened tensions between Russia and the West. At the forefront of the flotilla was a 135-metre frigate, the Admiral Gorshkov, named after the head of the Soviet Union’s once formidable Red Fleet. It was not clear whether the grey-hulled ship had been equipped with Russia’s latest Zircon hypersonic missiles, capable of flying close to nine times the speed of sound, with a maximum range of 460 miles (740km). On its way to Cuba, the flotilla conducted drills in the Atlantic, simulating a missile strike on a group of enemy ships, according to Russia’s ministry of defence, which released video of the exercise.


In 1962 Soviet nuclear weapons placed in Cuba brought the world as close as it has ever come to nuclear war. It became known as the Cuban missile crisis. Some are comparing Russian warships coming with 30 miles of US shores as a comparable escalation.

John Kirby, the White House national security spokesman, has insisted the fleet does not represent an “imminent threat”. James Bosworth, a political risk analyst, wrote in the World Politics Review that Russia is demonstrating “power projection” using its warships.

The Bible says that Russia will come against the king of the south (US/UK) with “many ships.” As well as invading Israel with many ships Russia could also use its ships around the world. Russia is clearly preparing for conflict….

Bible Quote

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. (Daniel 11:40)

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton

Majority of US weapons promised to Ukraine in February delivered

Majority of US weapons promised to Ukraine in February delivered

March 4,2022

The United States has already delivered more than two thirds of the arms it promised in late February to Ukraine, whose forces are “effectively” using them to push back the Russians, a Pentagon official said Friday.
On February 26, Washington authorized $350 million of military equipment — the largest such package in US history — to bolster Kyiv against the Russian invasion, which began last week. An official with the US State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs told Congress this week that the package aimed to

“provide urgently needed ammunition, Javelin anti-tank missiles and the Stinger man portable air defense systems to Ukraine.”

Her testimony officially confirmed for the first time America’s delivery of the high-tech Stingers, which can be used to shoot down low-flying aircraft. The Pentagon official told reporters that out of the $350 million,

“we have already delivered to the Ukrainians $240 million-worth of that package, including some of the most needed capabilities like anti-armour capabilities.”

Having identified the king of Daniel 11 v 36-39 as Gog – the ruler of the Russian people – the king of the north – we can now see that the king of the south will “push” at him. The king of the south is US / UK predominately – as mentioned in Ezekiel 38 the parallel passage to Daniel 11:36 to the end. The push from the king of the south against Gog is a provocation – something painful. The word “push” is the Hebrew word to “gore” as in an animal with a horn attacking. A goat or bull goring you would be very painful although not life threatening in most cases. In this sense we are looking for a direct military provocation against Gog. Gog was originally a real and historical person and ruled the Magogites. These people lived in Southern Russia. Notice how the article says that US weapons are being used to “PUSH” back the Russians….

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: (Daniel 11:40)

KEY POINT – notice the colon at the end of “push at him:” The colon in the original text denotes a time gap. Russia doesn’t instantly come down into Israel. The inner ring war happens in this short gap of time

Andy Walton


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PM warns Vladimir Putin against ‘tragic mistake’ as tensions rise with Ukraine


Additional reading

  1. King of the North
  2. King of the South
  3. Russian involvement in US elections
  4. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Russian troop movements
  5. A watchman seeing the sword coming
  6. Putin puts Russia’s nuclear force on high alert
  7. Putin’s Moves Toward War in Ukraine Show How Dangerous He Has Become
  8. Gas supplies from the Gulf may come with a catch
  9. A Brief Look at NATO and Russia’s Push to Reform the Old Soviet Union