Are we witnessing the opening salvos of World War 3?

Are we witnessing the opening salvos of World War 3?

The Independent, January 19, 2024


It is hard to escape the impression of a theatre of military conflict that is inexorably growing – to the east and the south, if not yet to the north and the west. And if you look backwards, rather than forwards, the Hamas massacres of Israelis on 7 October, and Israel’s all-out military response, can be seen as turning the tiny sliver of the Gaza Strip into the epicentre of a conflict that could embrace regions many hundreds of miles further afield.

The Hamas attacks of October were followed by dire warnings that this could be the spark that ignited a regional conflagration; that it was only a matter of time before Iran became directly involved – probably through its proxy, Hezbollah, in southern Lebanon – and that, before long, you could be standing on the threshold of the next world war.


David Cameron a previous prime minister of Britain is now the UK’s foreign secretary. He warned this week:

“It is hard to think of a time when there has been so much danger and insecurity and instability in the world. The lights are absolutely flashing red on the global dashboard and what we need at that time is strong leadership and a plan and that is what we have with the prime minister and the team in place.”

He is right – we are at time of danger, insecurity and instability in the world.
The lights are flashing red.
The world does need strong leadership. However, the leadership required is not that of worldly leaders and their armies. It is the leadership of Christ and the hosts (armies) of heaven. In fact we are told specifically that judgement will come on the “ships of Tarshish” (Britain). It comes at a time when Lebanon and southern Syria is also judged. These events herald the return of Jesus to the earth and the establishment of God’s kingdom.

Bible quote

For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan (south Syria).., And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures (should be translated “desirable ships!”). (Isaiah 2;12-13+16)

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton



  1. ‘Desperate’ Vladimir Putin may use tactical nuclear weapons, warns CIA chief
  2. Hezbollah praises Hamas, says attack is message to Arab countries normalizing ties with Israel
  3. Biden draws direct link between Putin and Hamas
  4. Britain and US launch airstrikes on Houthi targets


Additional reading

  1. Signs of the Times – On manoeuvres
  2. Signs of the Times – War and anti-Semitism
  3. Nations being Prepared for Christ’s Appearance
  4. Miscalculation as high as it was in August 1914 No one outside of Serbia expected war
  5. Looking at a “Man from the North” endangering the world
  6. Ukraine war is veering fast towards a big power conflict
  7. Putin threatens nuclear strikes if West intervenes
  8. The Developments for the second half of April
  9. Europe sucked into a war against Russia
  10. Ukraine War: Those who fail to call for negotiations, fail to understand the dangerous predicament that faces the planet!
  11. Ukrainian Who doenit
  12. What was it that so darkened our world?
  13. Putin puts Russia’s nuclear force on high alert
  14. Putin not able to spare the resources needed to defend Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iranian forces in Syria against a determined Israeli assault
  15. Israeli society a patchwork of different cultures and political views
  16. 50 Years after the Yom Kippur attack a new Hamas attack
  17. Hamas’ attack on Israel
  18. A look at Hamas attack on Israel’s Supernova festival
  19. With pain in the hart looking at what Israel is doing
  20. Attack on the weak civilians and abusing Judaism
  21. Israel willing to assassinate all the leaders of Hamas
  22. Nova Rave Massacre, Israeli defence establishment its negligence and reason for a genocide by Israel
  23. Israel strikes Gaza following surprise attack by Hamas
  24. Children ‘mercilessly’ killed by Hamas in Israel massacre – as Gaza is pummelled
  25. Horror for a cornered people
  26. Imprisonment and slaughter in the Gaza Strip
  27. A complete siege of the Gaza Strip
  28. Israeli Leaders Say ‘Now Is Time for War’ and Vow to Wipe Hamas ‘Off the Face of the Earth’
  29. Israel’s goal would be to destroy Hamas
  30. What is Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran’s Role in the Israel Conflict?
  31. The Roots and Consequences of Hamas’ Strategy
  32. New Iranian and Hizballah bases south of Damascus
  33. The first three weeks of October 2023 a beginning of a new war
  34. Iranian proxies established a resistance operations room to help Hamas
  35. Fear is everywhere in Israel as it stares down the barrel of a wider war
  36. Israel and Gaza trade rockets as conflict escalates
  37. Iran assembles allies for rocket attacks on Israel
  38. Israeli strikes Lebanon after anti-tank missile launch
  39. It is the stuff of horror movies, but the world must know the truth of Hamas’ atrocities
  40. A deadly war taking place in Gaza
  41. Palestinians facing bombardments in greater intensity than all of the previous wars combined
  42. Israel’s 9/11 versus US 9/11
  43. Is a new Nakba unfolding
  44. Eerie Jerusalem is still haunted by October 7
  45. Gaza War and Challenges to the Needed Solution
  46. Israel-Palestine drama needs more attention
  47. Inadmissible Israeli violence
  48. Dichotomy in approach to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  49. Hezbollah warns of all-out war if Israel escalates in Lebanon
  50. Will Israel defy Washington and target Hezbollah?
  51. ‘Nothing will stop us’ – Netanyahu says war against Hamas will continue despite global pressure
  52. Netanyahu rejects US calls to scale back Gaza offensive
  53. Yulia Tymoshenko: We are in World War Three already
  54. Could it be that we are living in the Last Days



  1. All-out WAR with Russia is looming
  2. Houthis say WW3 superpowers Russia & China can send ships through Red Sea but US & UK vessels are in the crosshairs
  3. British defense chief suggested the world is in a ‘pre-war’ state
  4. Terrifying POV video shows the sights and sounds of WW III
  5. Ordinary Brits face call-up if UK goes to war with Russia
  6. Doomsday Clock has become absurd… world is more dangerous than last year – but not close to 1962 during the Cold War
  7. WWIII Book Review: World War 1990: The Final Storm
  8. World War 3 Edges Closer
  9. World War 3: The world is bankrupt
  10. The Squishy Problem Facing World War III Writers-Part I
  11. The Squishy Problem Facing World War III Writers-Part II
  12. Israel-Gaza Warfare.
  13. Gaza War 30 Jan
  14. Why Iran has its sights on Jordan
  15. Blinken: Middle East situation most dangerous ‘since at least 1973’
  16. Hamas studying Gaza truce plan as Israeli hardliners warn PM
  17. Trump slams Biden, warns ‘we are on the brink of World War 3’
  18. Donald Trump says ‘we are on brink of World War 3