A royal wedding due to take place

Next month Belgium may face a royal wedding in Italy. There is another royal wedding due to take place, but it will not be in Belgium, Italy or the UK, and nobody yet knows the date, although the invitations have been issued.

We like to have a look on a writing from our brother Tecwyn Morgan in This is your Bible

Royal Marriage

Cover of "Royal Wedding"

Cover of Royal Wedding

The Return of the Lord Jesus from heaven will be the start of the transformation of the earth, so that it becomes a place fit for God’s people to inhabit. For Jesus is going to reign on earth as God’s appointed King, over the Kingdom of God. The Old Testament speaks of that Coming as a restoration of the ancient Kingdom of Israel (see Ezekiel 21:25-27) and the New Testament describes it as a Wedding Party, when Jesus calls to him all those who are to be working with him while he transforms the earth.

“Let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’” (Revelation 19:7–9).

Your Invitation

The invitations have already been issued because the Bible contains the offer to everyone to be part of the collective bride of Christ. Jesus wants us to be there, but we have got to want it too.

The British royal family on Buckingham Palace ...

The British royal family on Buckingham Palace balcony after Prince William and Kate Middleton were married. Kate wears a wedding gown by Sarah Burton. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Before Prince William and Catherine Middleton wed, people were camping out on certain streets in London so they could just catch a glimpse of the happy couple as their carriage drove by. They so wanted to be part of the day and to share in the couple’s happiness! If you want to be there – at the real Royal Wedding – then make regular Bible reading part of your daily routine and thus find out just what God offers and how we can be prepared for the great things that are about to happen.

– Tecwyn Morgan

Find in this series:

 Marriage of Jesus 1 Mary, John, Judas, Thomas and Brown

 Marriage of Jesus 2 Standard writings about Jesus

 Marriage of Jesus 3 Listening women

 Marriage of Jesus 4 Place of the woman

 Marriage of Jesus 5 Papyrus fragment  in Egyptian Coptic

 Marriage of Jesus 6 Jesus said to them “My wife”

 Marriage of Jesus 7 Impaled

 Marriage of Jesus 8 Wife of Yahweh

Marriage of Jesus 9 Reason for a new marriage

Marriage of Jesus 10 Old and New Covenant

The Bride New Jerusalem

Continued with: Reply to questions: The Bride of Christ


To access the current issue of the Glad Tidings magazine and to order your free copy click here.

Additional reading:

  1. Kingdom of God what will it be like
  2. Married among the tombstones
  3. Pump, circumstance, Royalism and paganism
  4. Royals, mini busses and environment
  5. Marriage supper of the Lamb


  • Cowardly Christian Entertainers (standupforthetruth.com)
    During an interview with The Independent last year, country western star Carrie Underwood, a professing Christian, got the media’s full attention when she decided to come out in support of gay “marriage.”  “As a married person myself,” she chirped, “I don’t know what it’s like to be told I can’t marry somebody I love, and want to marry.  I can’t imagine how that must feel. I definitely think we should all have the right to love, and love publicly, the people that we want to love.”  Underwood also noted that she attends a gay-friendly church.
  • The revelation of Jesus that John saw and heard (correctunderstandingofshinchonji.wordpress.com)
    The prophecies record the events of betrayal, destruction, and salvation (2Thes 2:1-3). The fulfillment of Revelation includes battles and the handling down of judgment (Rv 13; Rv 12). Revelation describes the war between God and the devil, and the battle between God’s promised pastor and the pastors of the devil (Rv 12).
    Both the betrayers (the seven stars) and the destroyers (the beast with seven heads) are judged (Rv 16-18). After the judgment, the spirits of the martyrs and the guests of the wedding banquet-the good grain harvested from the north, south, east, and west-gather in the house of the Lamb’s wedding banquet (Mt 8:11; Lk 13:28-29; Rv 19). It is in this place that the first resurrection-the marriage between spirits and flesh-takes place. As the holy city descents upon this place, the millennial city is established (Rv 20-21). In Revelation, the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel are created through those who are sealed with word and live in the millennial kingdom (Rv 7; Rv 14). This millennial kingdom becomes paradise and heaven where the spiritual and physical worlds unite as one. This is the conclusion and completion of the prophecies in the New Testament (Rv 21).
  • The Royal Wedding (sabbathsermons.com)
    It is our custom that we invite many to the wedding but only a special select few to the reception. Here we have an invitation to the feast, the reception. I like how the Bible says, Write. This is not something that is just said, this is of such magnitude and so important that it needs to be written down. This is like a written invitation: the King of the universe has ordered this to be written. Do you think we should read it?
    From the outset we need to understand firstly there is a wife to the lamb. We all know who the lamb is, Jesus Christ and there is the bride. Then there are those called to the supper. We have two classes of individuals and we want to set the record straight of what’s what. The Bible tells us who the lamb’s wife is. Who is it or what is it? It tells us later in the chapter it is a city, the New Jerusalem, the lamb’s wife. That is very strange for a lamb. Lambs don’t get normally married and even if one did, it wouldn’t marry a city. We’re dealing with a similitude here and we’re overlapping two different similitudes.
  • Believers should seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness (Mt 6:33) (correctunderstandingofshinchonji.wordpress.com)God wants his kingdom and his righteousness to come and be done on earth as they are done in heaven (Mt 6:10). The holy city New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven from God (Jn 14:3; Rv 4:8; Rv 21:1-3; Rv 3:12), and God will be with it forever. God’s kingdom and righteousness, therefore, are the establishment of this holy city and nation on earth.
  • New Jerusalem is the Consummation of Everything Positive in the Bible (3) (newjerusalem12.wordpress.com)
    New Jerusalem is the eternal conclusion of everything positive in the Bible. This conclusion includes God, man, eternal life, redemption, the Spirit, light, love, holiness, glory, and more:
  • Are all people called to marriage? // How is a Church wedding celebrated? (travismikhailblog.wordpress.com)
    Not everyone is called to marriage. Even people who live alone can have fulfillment in life. To many of them Jesus shows a special way; he invites them to remain unmarried “for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 19:12). Many people who live alone suffer from loneliness, which they perceive only as a lack and a disadvantage.
  • Broken and Beautiful (jamespaulgaard.wordpress.com)
    Just as precious gold, silver or platinum is ground up for the kintsukuroi process to make a broken pot beautiful, so also the beautiful Jesus became broken to make our brokenness beautiful. There has been only one perfect human being who walked upon this earth. The perfect Son of God set aside all of his divine beauty and glory to become an ordinary humble human being who experienced all of the hurts and pains that we do in life. And yet, even though he lived in the midst of this world’s brokenness, this God-human named Jesus did not sin.

4 thoughts on “A royal wedding due to take place

  1. Pingback: Reply to questions concerning The Bride of Christ | Stepping Toes

  2. Pingback: Vindt meerdere teksten van ons ook op andere websites | Broeders in Christus

  3. Pingback: Magnificent bride for royal wedding | Stepping Toes

  4. Pingback: Jerusalem and a son’s kingdom | Stepping Toes

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