A man from the North wanting to have control in Belgium

A man from the North wanting to have control in Belgium

The association of Belgian Biblestudents can not resist also to tell how ill-disposed it is towards the attitude of the Man from the North. To our great dissatisfaction we also received censorship by that man and his organisation and resists such unsuitable attitude of some who call themselves Christian but undermine the unity on the community of Christians.




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Belgian Biblestudents - Belgische Bijbelstudenten

Figures in history

Photograph of Charles Taze Russell. Photograph of Charles Taze Russell. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Throughout history lots of religions had troubles with certain figures wanting to have control over everything and wanting to be the main leader.

The Biblestudent movement is no different than any other Christian denomination. In its coarse of history there have been strong leaders creating schisms or denying there where divisions having come out of their group.

One of the pupils of Dr. John Thomas never wanted to have a following of a singular person. Charles Taze Russell managed to create a big amount of followers who were genuinely interested to make the best out of Biblestudy. Their leader had arranged that they could have additional literature which could be of help to their study, but it was never intended to replace the Bible.

Centralized authority

Russell did not believe in any centralized authority except

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