My God

We should rejoice not because of our circumstances but because we can rejoice in the good things that happen and for us being able to learn from the bad things which happened to us but we did overcome.

We should shift our focus from our struggles to the many glorious things which came, come and still will come over us. We should not focus on our self-pity but thank God for the character He is willing to building in us.

Like in the work of an athlete, he will never reach the top if he does not work hard. He needs the training, the sweating, the breathing and the believing in it. We should believe in the Creator God and be willing to take Him as our trainer. By the time God is done working on you and me, our strength and endurance will rival that of the elite of the commercial world.


In this writing:

  1. Blessed be His name
  2. Our Father, in heaven, provides and unravels
  3. God never leaves His children thirsting
  4. Time after time we prove to be wrong
  5. God shatters every preconceived notion we have and shatters our heart to rebuild it larger and more heated
  6. God gives us possibility for more love, more endurance, more understanding
  7. God is unfailing. Unchanging. Beautiful
  8. Jehovah, the Only One God should be our God Who is One
  9. We should be willing to walk together, continuing to cry for those who thirst, our soul screaming His praise.


Preceding article: Give Thanks To God


Additional reading:

  1. The manager and Word of God
  2. What are the attributes of God?
  3. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  4. Choosing your attitudes
  5. How us to behave
  6. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  7. Work with joy and pray with love
  8. Raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair
  9. If you want to go far in life
  10. Remember that who you’re being is just as important as what you’re doing
  11. Unconditional love
  12. Life and attitude of a Christian
  13. Our relationship with God, Jesus and each other
  14. Ask Grace to go forward
  15. Determine the drive
  16. God should be your hope
  17. Praise the most High Jehovah God above all
  18. Praise be to God
  19. Praise the God with His Name
  20. Make a joyful noise unto Yahweh, rejoice, and sing praise unto Jehovah
  21. A remaining name
  22. Singing gift from God




  • Why We Need God (
    Mental-health experts tell us that people need spiritual values in order to be truly happy. We see this in the fact that people want to belong to something or serve someone or some cause greater than themselves. To satisfy this need, some devote their leisure time to nature, art, music, and so on. Yet, most find no deep or lasting fulfillment in such pursuits.
  • Serenity In The Midst of Anguish (
    I lift up all who are worried and concerned over the pain a loved one must endure and suffer. Help them to trust YOU with their care. Give them wisdom on how best to help their precious one, and guide their steps. Meet their needs as they try to support the one who is enduring such hardships.
  • God Only Knows (
    If Jesus was God, so are we.  Jesus had beliefs and attitudes rooted in the culture and religion of his time.  Jesus was a human being.  He is called the “son of man” 88 times in the bible, yet we insist on thinking of him as the son of God; as if Jesus is the son of God and the rest of us are not.  The message of Jesus is to examine your own humanity if you want to find God.  Don’t bother looking up at the heavens.  God is not removed from man.  The two are inseparable.
  • Invite God (
    The almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, is waiting for the opportunity to reveal Himself to you in a personal way. But He will only do so when invited. When you sincerely seek Him with all your heart, He will reward you with His presence.
  • Is God even working in my life? (
    It is so hard for us to imagine that God; Creator, Healer, Guide, Father, Provider, Comforter, Savior… would care enough, or have time enough, to work in our lives let alone through us.
  • Our Great God (
    The gift of free thought given to us, the ability to be more than just our biological coding shows the forethought our Father had in the challenges we’d face. Each trial in our lives brings new understanding and opens our eyes to the precision used to create this world. The sheer equation to balance all aspects of life so that the single cell organisms all the way to the complexities of mankind could live harmoniously together demonstrate our Creator’s abilities beyond any scale we can conceive.
  • What God Has for You (
    You must be and remain open and receptive to the Good that is yours. Never allow thoughts or words to contradict your acceptance of Blessings. Trust that it is yours. Watch God show out in your life. The Blessings will begin to flood your life in every area.

    Pray constantly with Thanksgiving. Thank God for every detail of your present situation. Thank God for Mercy and Grace. Thank God for life. Let Thanksgiving be your constant prayer.

  • Praise (
    Praise is to originate from the heart, and not become a mere outward show (Matthew 15:8).
    Praise as if you have nothing else to do, or rely on…
  • God, The Creator 1 (
    God is merciful, and He will bring about what He promised after repentance.  It is here that He reminds them that God created man on the earth.   “You may want to turn away, to follow your own idols, but if you look back, back to the beginning of time when God created man on earth, you’ll be reminded of the context in which you exist!”
    Look back and see what He has done.  In your life, and in the lives of those around you.  Consider in your heart that The Lord is God.  This is His Creation.  He is The Creator.  Have you been obeying Him? How have you seen God working in the past?
  • God-Poems-on-God-Creator (
    Poems depicting the ‘Omnipotent’ glory of the Creator in an infinite forms that the poet could ever conceive. Natural and uninhibited outpourings of the heart these poems transport the reader into a world of spirituality and magnificence of Godhead. Every poetic piece shows Parekh’s unparalleled love for the Almighty and immortalizes the Omnipresent aura of the Lord in a boundless ways and shapes.

Pursuing The Passion

“Blessed be His name,  for our Father provides.

He unravels inch by inch every mystery or wonder of my heart.

For my Lord never leaves His children thirsting.

No, my Lord, our Father in heaven, He provides.

At times that provision seems bare, it seems unreal, made up.

“Where are you God” My broken & dry soul cries.

“You can’t do it, can you?”

But time after time I am proved wrong.

Constantly being stored up, until I am weaker than ever before, it is unleashed upon me like wildfire.

The blessings I mean.

For my God provides.

Shattering every preconceived notion I had.

Shattering my heart and rebuilding it larger and more heated.

Giving more love, more endurance, more understanding.

He provides.

He is unfailing. Unchanging. Beautiful.

He is my God.

Until my heart beats its final song, until my hands loose grip on this world, He and…

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