Holocaust Seminar – What made me want to go to Poland.

The world should keep in remembrance, not forgetting what could not be allowed any more in the future.
It should be part of the curriculum that youngsters go to visit one of the camps or a holocaust-museum.


In the article:

  1. The Holocaust seminar really an important experience
  2. To see it in a completely different light than ever before
  3. An intense experience  and preparing mentally and emotionally for what was to come
  4. Holocaust survivor by the name of Marta Weiss (born October 8, 1934) gave testimony
  5. Casual conversations about planned attacks on Jewish ghettos and warning people of these attacks.
  6. Saved by a bunch of planes flying over the camp, and Nazis didn’t want the planes to see the smoke
  7. Marta and Eva kept in Mengele’s medical experiments block with twins and dwarfs
  8. Misleading the Red Cross
  9. Marta and Eva miraculously survived through the liberation
  10. photo_old(Marta is the 7th child from the left)
  11. photo_new (Marta is third adult from the left)
  12. Replica of a train car that took people to the concentration camps.
  13. DSC02634The tree that Schindler had planted at Yad Vashem.



Please do find also to read:

  1. Yad Vashem: Remembering the Past, Shaping the Future
  2. Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ in Europe
  3. Governments need to be more proactive to ensure racism is kept in check
  4. Holocaust remembrance statue not desired
  5. Zionism comments and the place of Jerusalem in the world
  6. Palestine, Israel, God’s people and democracy
  7. Uncovering the Foundations of Faith
  8. Two State Solution
  9. Presentation: Crisis in the Middle East – Bible Expectations
  10. Patriarch Abraham, Muslims, Christians and the son of God
  11. Are the Jews really God’s Chosen People
  12. Apple of Gods eye
  13. The Church, Body of Christ and remnant Israel synonymous
  14. A Holy week in remembrance of the Blood of life
  15. High Holidays not only for Israel
  16. Hanukkahgiving or Thanksgivvukah
  17. Stand Up
  18. American atheists most religiously literate Americans
  19. Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews


You may also find the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem:

Yad Vashem World Centre for Holocaust Remembrance


  • Holocaust Museum Event On Historic Anti-Semitism (everything-pr.com)
    The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum will explore antisemitism in the context of Holocaust history and its troubling resurgence today. An evening roundtable will explore contemporary antisemitism, from recent events in Europe, to statements from leaders in the Islamic world, to the controversy surrounding an upcoming Hollywood film, and why these developments are of great concern. The afternoon panel presentation will explore the role of antisemitism in Germany’s churches and how it contributed to the Holocaust.
  • Holocaust Session (hecoll.wordpress.com)
    What I took away from this session was the more students understand the Holocaust, the more they will connect with the subject matter. I do not believe in ignoring the past to protect students. They need to understand that things like the Holocaust can happen and that they can stop these things from happening again if they can realize and recognize the signs.
  • Well…uh…what? (The Pilgrimage, The Holocaust, and Me) (dlmlap.wordpress.com)
    In combo with the pilgrimage reflection and this documentary, it hit me: I’m going to Auschwitz. For those of you who don’t know, I’ve enjoyed studying and learning about the Holocaust since I was about 10. I remember one year in elementary school during Christmas break, I went through this old set of encyclopaedias my mom had and read everything they had to say about world war two and more specifically about the holocaust, taking notes, and watching any vhs documentary I could find (if that doesn’t date my age I’m not sure what can haha, proud to be a child of the 90s).
    It has incredibly deep roots in who I am, is already a naturally powerful place, and I’ve always dreamed of seeing this morbid and terrible hell for so many millions of people (1.7 million from Auschwitz specifically, to be exact). I feel like most people go to religious sites, like the via dolorosa or hindu temples in mountains or to original paintings, and here I am, seeing the same thing with a holocaust concentration camp.
  • ‎Remembering the Holocaust: Ruth Lichtenstein and Project Witness ‎ (algemeiner.com)
    Six million Jews were killed – virtually all of the Jewish communities in Germany and Eastern Europe were not only wiped out, but their cultures decimated and their survivors scattered throughout the world. Of those who survived, their job was not only remembering, but rebuilding the Jewish people and the cultures in which they lived and practiced their religion. Since the war ended, Jews have made a point of remembering the Holocaust. For both, the human need to mourn, and the religious need to remember what the enemies of the Jews had done (Deuteronomy 25:17-19), the Jewish community has always remembered. For the generations that followed the war, it was stories of the survivors, told by the men and women themselves, that were often the strongest educational means for conveying to children just what had occurred and by whom.
  • Archive of Spielberg’s Schindler’s List consisting of 52,000 interviews about Holocaust transferred from U.S. to Poland (warhistoryonline.com)
    Online edition of Israel’s oldest news paper, Haaretz reported that the Spielberg’s Schindler’s list archives in Dozens of boxes filled with 52,000 filmed testimonies of holocaust survivors in 57 countries were transferred from California, U.S. to the History Museum of Polish Jews in Warsaw, Poland on 20th October, 2013.Most of the testimonies were collected from the United States. The testimonies tell about the life and death situation of the holocaust and also the lives of the Jews, ethnic Roma or Romani people, the homosexuals and Hitler’s political opponents during the WWII.
  • Schindler’s List (belladonnagray.wordpress.com)
    There is nothing, absolutely nothing uglier than human beings. Yet, there is absolutely nothing more heartening, to see a human being a human to others. When I saw how Schindler hated himself for not being able to save more with the riches he had, it really made me question exactly how much is one life. I was reminded of my classes in Practical Ethics class.
  • Shalom’s Holocaust Museum Tour (shalomministry.com)

    We need to wake up. We need to stand with Israel every chance we can. We need to speak out again anti-Semitism. And we need to proclaim and shout the Good News to our Jewish friends… We need to give to them what rightfully belongs to them, which is their Messiah…

    The new holocaust is not standing with Israel, withholding the Good News from them and not being available to the God of Israel.

    …We owe Jewish people a debt. When are we going to repay it. We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

  • Schindler’s List, the movie, is Fiction! (furtherglory.wordpress.com)
    Steven Spielberg’s 1993 movie Schindler’s List looks like a documentary; it appears to be a true story that includes real Holocaust footage, but it is actually fiction, LOOSELY based on a true story.  The movie is based on a NOVEL entitled Schindler’s Ark, written by Thomas Keneally, an Australian author of several novels, who knew nothing about the Holocaust until he met a Holocaust survivor and began research for this book.

    It has been several years since I purchased Keneally’s book in the FICTION section of a Barnes and Noble store, but as I recall, there was an introduction in which Keneally explained that he went to a luggage store in southern California in 1980 where he met the owner, a man named Poldek Pfefferberg, who was one of the Jews saved by Oscar Schindler.
    In the movie scene, where Gotfried is shot by Amon Goeth, Spielberg deviated from the real life story in order to make a point that is essential to the theme of the movie: Oskar Schindler was an exception. For the most part, the Nazis were depraved degenerates who were incapable of changing their ways. In a key scene in Schindler’s List, Oskar Schindler attempts to teach Goeth that he would have “real power” if he would choose to pardon prisoners for minor infractions instead of summarily executing them. Goeth tries this suggestion, and even practices his pardon demeanor in a mirror, but he cannot overcome his intrinsic evilness. He pardons his 14-year-old groom when his work performance does not meet his standards, but then shoots him in the back with his high-powered rifle.

  • Schindler’s List (h16m.wordpress.com)
    Schindler moved to Argentina to try and raise chickens but this didn’t work out well for him, resulting in he and his wife moving back to Germany where he suffered a heart attack. Schindler died in 1974 and was buried in Jerusalem on Mount Zion, a very high honor. He was considered Righteous Among the Nations for the courage that it took to defy a party he was dedicated to and to save thousands of lives, even though he always felt like he didn’t do enough. Although the novel is considered fiction, the people in it are real. The movie adaptation is based on entirely factual events and the actors are playing people, or characters based on multiple people.
  • Family of first Arab Righteous Among the Nations rejects Israeli recognition (haaretz.com)
    The Egyptian doctor Mohamed Helmy was honored posthumously last month by Israel’s Holocaust memorial for hiding Jews in Berlin during the Nazis‘ genocide, but a family member tracked down by The Associated Press this week in Cairo said her relatives wouldn’t accept the award, one of Israel’s most prestigious.

    “If any other country offered to honor Helmy, we would have been happy with it,” Mervat Hassan, the wife of Helmy’s great-nephew, told The Associated Press during an interview at her home in Cairo this week.


The Holocaust seminar was really an important experience for me. I know about the Holocaust and I’ve been to Yad Vashem before, but this time it was different. Maybe it was the fact that I’m living in Israel that made it more meaningful. Perhaps it was the fact that I am 18 now, and I’m much more mature and can understand it better than before. Was it because two full days were devoted to focusing on the bigger picture instead of learning about it for a few hours and then moving on with my day? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I am seeing it in a completely different light than ever before.  In fact, it was the events that took place over the course of these two days that brought me to making a very meaningful decision – Signing up on the Year Course trip…

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