A multi-front war between Israel and her surrounding, nearby enemies

A multi-front war between Israel and her surrounding, nearby enemies

The Israeli military has established a new mountaineer unit tasked with carrying out operations across the country’s hostile borders with Lebanon and Syria amid worsening tensions over the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.

“We are in a multi-front war—Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria, and Gaza, and also farther away,”

IDF Chief of the General Staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi said during a visit to the Israel-occupied Benyamin region of the West Bank on Friday March 15.
The Bible says there will be a multi-front war between Israel and her surrounding, nearby enemies. Included in this inner ring war are Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinians in general, Jordan and Syria. Israel is preparing for conflict with all these people and nations. As the war on Hamas nears its end Israel will turn its attention to their other enemies..

Israel will not abide by the breakthrough United Nations security council ceasefire resolution to halt the fighting in Gaza for the holy month of Ramadan. Benny Gantz, an Israeli war cabinet member, said that the resolution had “no operational significance for Israel” as the military continued to operate in the Gaza Strip

“Israel has a moral obligation to continue fighting until the hostages are returned and the threat of Hamas is removed and that is what we will do. The security council’s decision has no operational significance for us,”

Gantz wrote on social media

Relations between President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel appear to have sunk to a new low, with both men pressed hard by domestic politics and looming elections. Israel is almost entirely isolated in the world now with all countries calling on Israel to halt its attacks on Hamas. Israel on the other hand is determined that Hamas must be destroyed. The media depict this as a war that Netanyahu is charging ahead with regardless of public opinion. But this is not true. The vast majority of those living in Israel support the national unity government. The Bible says that the nearby enemies of Israel will be destroyed. We may be witnessing the start of the inner ring war.

Hinting at Israel’s alleged overnight airstrike in Syria, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says the military will

“expand the campaign [against Hezbollah] and increase the rate of attacks in the north.”

“Israel is turning from defending to pursuing Hezbollah, we will reach wherever the organization operates, in Beirut, Damascus and in more distant places,”

Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Northern Command in Safed. In the past day, a top Hezbollah commander was killed in an IDF drone strike in southern Lebanon, and five other Hezbollah terrorists were among 38 dead in alleged Israeli airstrikes in Syria’s Aleppo. Sixty-eight percent of Israeli Jews want more aggressive military action against Hezbollah, with 42 percent advocating “broad military activity even at the cost of regional war,” according to the INSS polling. Sixty-seven percent say diplomacy alone will enable northerners to come home.

Hamas remains in the sights of Israel and they have vowed to destroy them. But it will not end there. The next target is Hezbollah based in Lebanon to the north of Israel. Hezbollah also call for the destruction of Israel and are 10 times more powerful than Hamas and a real threat to Israel.

Israel cannot afford another October 7th and therefore have decided they can no longer have this threat on their border.

Zechariah 12 speaks of the people “round about” or “nearby” or ”surrounding” being burned up by the governors (leaders) of Jerusalem while Jerusalem remains secure. This is the initial inner ring war that comes BEFORE Russia and Iran invade Israel. There is vacuum created when Israel “win” this war. Remember these enemies of Israel are allies of Russia so when they are removed Russia takes vengeance on them…

Syria at some point will also get drawn into the inner ring war. Israel is attacking Syria especially around Damascus on a weekly almost daily basis. Until recently Russia has turned a blind eye to this but in recent days has become far more hostile to Israel’s actions. The Bible says that Damascus will be removed from being city. Jeremiah says that all the men of war will be killed in one day in that city. Something terrible is coming to Syria that will see the nation fail as a state. Syria is a key ally of Russa who has a naval base and many military bases in the country. When Syria fails due to Israel’s overwhelming attack Russia will decide to enter the void that is left and invade Israel…

Bible quote

Damascus has grown feeble; She turns to flee, And fear has seized her. Anguish and sorrows have taken her like a woman in labor.  Why is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy? Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, And all the men of war shall be cut off in that day,” says the Lord of hosts.  “I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus,” (Jeremiah 49:24-27 NKJV)

The Lord, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares:  “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:1-2 NIV)

“On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place. (Zechariah 12:6)

This describes the inner ring war.

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton



Find also to read:

  1. Israel ready for war
  2. Putin says Russia’s mission is to create ‘new world’
  3. Russia ‘sends a message’ with first missile attack on Israeli jets in Syrian war, expert says
  4. War looms on border with Lebanon
  5. This is a dangerous moment in Israel-Hamas war
  6. US/UK send navy ships and planes to support Israel
  7. Rishi Sunak says Britain wants Israel ‘to win’
  8. New Iranian and Hizballah bases south of Damascus
  9. Israel strikes Hezbollah ‘military compound’ in Lebanon
  10. Israel: Gunmen from Gaza kill at least 22 in major attack
  11. Israeli Leaders Say ‘Now Is Time for War’ and Vow to Wipe Hamas ‘Off the Face of the Earth’
  12. Israel unveils plan for rule in Gaza after the war
  13. Saudi Arabia interested in Israel normalisation deal after war
  14. Russia-Iran axis is fomenting war in the Middle East
  15. Netanyahu defies Biden over Palestinian state
  16. Israel launches deepest airstrikes yet on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon
  17. What the intensifying US-Iran proxy war means for crisis-wracked Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen
  18. Some events to look at from a Christian point of view for January 2024
  19. Netanyahu rejects international pressure for Palestinian state

Iran: Ready to help Palestinians win by ‘force’

Iran: Ready to help Palestinians win by ‘force’

Newsweek, 2023 July 3


As deadly violence flared in the West Bank, Iran has asserted that Palestinians could achieve their goals in the decades-long territorial dispute with Israel only through the use of force, something Tehran would support if asked.

“Based on Iran‘s assessment, Palestinians cannot regain their seized rights from the Israeli regime through negotiation, as the Israeli regime only responds to force,”

the Iranian Mission to the United Nations told Newsweek.

“Therefore, Iran supports any request for assistance from the Palestinian resistance.”

Clashes erupted overnight Sunday as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducted a rare, large-scale operation using ground and air assets to target suspected armed Palestinian factions in the occupied city of Jenin, home to a sprawling refugee camp at the heart of more than a year of heightened Israeli-Palestinian tensions.


This week Israeli Defence Force spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said

“Iran is playing a role of negative influence and is directly supplying”

Palestinian fighters. Islamic Jihad has received

“100 percent Iranian support”

and that

“also some of the force buildup of Hamas is based on Iranian money.”

“Iran has a huge motivation that there will be terror activities in the West Bank,”

Hagari said.

“It’s in the benefit of Iran.
Iran tries to bring money and arms inside the West Bank.”

Tehran funds and commands almost all of Israel’s immediate and nearby enemies. It openly states it wants Israel’s total destruction. It openly arms terrorist groups who also have this sole aim. There is little doubt that the Iran is being referenced in Psalm 83 as the nation that supports 10 tribes (all nearby enemies of Israel) – Assur refers to Syria, Iraq and Iran…

Bible Quote

For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.  (Psalm 83:5-8)


Andy Walton

Weekly World Watch

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Israel featured twice on list of potential 2022 conflicts

Iran nuclear talks on brink of collapse, diplomats warn

Iran taunts Israel by testing missile named after medieval Jewish defeat


Additional reading

  1. The Jordan Times: Real journalism asks tough questions
  2. Putin affirms ‘unwavering support for the Palestinians’
  3. Palestinian political violence
  4. intifada (Palestinian-Israeli history)
  5. Palestine Liberation Organization (Palestinian political organization)
  6. Palestinian Islamic Jihad (militant group)

Israel featured twice on list of potential 2022 conflicts

Israel featured twice on list of potential 2022 conflicts

A think tank and research institute on global crises released a list of ten international conflicts to anticipate in 2022, with potential wars involving Israel featured twice. The compilation, released by the  International Crisis Group, said the world could witness possible conflicts between Israel and the Palestinian territories this year, as well as a war involving Israel, the United States, and Iran.

If nuclear negotiations in Vienna with Iran fail, “which now seems probable,” then either Israel or the US may attempt to demolish Iran’s nuclear program by striking facilities across the country – prompting a war – the International Crisis Group predicted. The think tank also forecasted an additional conflict between Israel and the Palestinian territories, noting that Palestinians within Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and east Jerusalem presented a more unified front during the 2021 outbreak of Israeli-Palestinian violence than in previous wars.

The annual report by the “International Crisis Group” looks at potential conflicts for the coming year. In its opening statement it says

“it is easy to see a world careering off the tracks.”

It quotes the triumph of the Taliban as the US withdrew coupled with a

“dwindling US ambition on the global stage.”

It also sees the “power showdown over Ukraine and Taiwan” as causes for conflict.

All this analysis fits into Bible prophecy. But the other one they mention is Israel. They see Israel potential being drawn into conflict with Iran and with their surrounding neighbours in 2022. This is exactly what we have been saying the WWW for 20 years. There is great trouble and conflict coming with Iran – Isaiah 21 tells us that. We know Iran will be behind the activation of its proxy armies around Israel when the inner ring war starts. Eg Hamas, Hezbollah and even Syria. For the first time all these conflicts look like they could happen at anytime…..in 2022….

Andy Walton

Come to read the Weekly World Watch



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  2. Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, meets Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh
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  5. Daily Sabah: Israel or the US? Who decides in the end?
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  14. Syria to Hold Presidential Election
  15. Israel and Palestine: A route forward
  16. Apartheid South Africa and Israel’s Treatment of the Palestinians – Modern Parallels
  17. Collision Course: China and the Taliban
  18. Taliban Seizes Control of Afghanistan
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  20. Haitian Migrant Crisis
  21. Protests in Sudan
  22. Unrest in the Solomon Islands
  23. Putin Visits India
  24. Global Affairs Weekly Stories (Week of December 19, 2021)
  25. New Lines Magazine: Assad Tests the Patience of Its Ally Russia
  26. Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, meets Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh
  27. US abandons plans for EastMed pipeline due to ‘destabilising’ regional tensions
  28. Israel arrests four women for providing intelligence to Iran