Van Til’s An Introduction To Systematic Theology

The basis of Christianity should be found in the authority of Scripture. If we cannot identify what Scripture is, then we cannot properly distinguish any theological truth from error.

English: Dr. Cornelius Van Til (left) with Dr....

Dr. Cornelius Van Til (left) with Dr. Robert Knight Rudolph (right) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cornelius Van Til revises his syllabus on Systematic Theology in the volume, accounting for developments in theology from Karl Barth and the subsequent studies of G.C. Berkouwer. The Christian faith must not be taken in the form of “piecemeal apologetics” but instead “be set over against the non-Christian faith as a whole.” This work includes his studies on Epistemology, General Revelation, and the Attributes of God, among other studies in Christian theology.

For the Christadelphians which have their full library in the Logos System this book is one of the many other religious works we offer not only to the Logos Christadelphians but to all people who want to learn from the many religious works. This and other works may also be available at our other bible software product. (For Christadelphians for free, others for the market price except some modules we present also for free or for what they like to contribute to support our work, to interested followers).


Attributes of God

Only One God

God is One



  • NEW PDF: The Sovereignty of Grace by Cornelius Van Til (
    For your consideration, published in 1969 by P&R a relatively short (79 pages in Word) booklet by Cornelius Van Til entitled “The Sovereignty of Grace: An Appraisal of G. C. Berkhower’s View of Dordt”. The following quote is part of the conclusion:

    “Berkouwer was therefore leading us forward when, in his earlier works, he constantly pointed out that the Reformed doctrine of Scripture and the Reformed doctrine of salvation by grace alone as involved in one another stand alone in their final opposition to those who start from human subject as though it were autonomous.

  • Review: Bonhoeffer’s Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, & Protestant Theology ( Reblogged from For Christ and His Kingdom:
    A welcome volume on the development of Bonhoeffer’s theology and ethics with an eye toward the interrelations with Karl Barth. This will add to the glaring lacuna of Barth and Bonhoeffer’s dialectical relationship.
  • What is systematic theology? (
    “Systematic” refers to something being put into a system. Systematic theology  is, therefore, the division of theology into systems that explain its various  areas. For example, many books of the Bible give information about the angels.  No one book gives all the information about the angels. Systematic theology  takes all the information about angels from all the books of the Bible and  organizes it into a system called angelology. That is what systematic theology  is all about—organizing the teachings of the Bible into categorical  systems.
  • e-Book: Systematic Theology (WG) (
    The Christian church has a long tradition of systematic theology, that is, studying theology and doctrine organized around fairly standard categories such as the Word of God, redemption, and Jesus Christ. This introduction to systematic theology has several distinctive features
  • Van Til interacting with Bavinck and Calvin on Natural Theology (
    “According to Bavinck apologetics cannot precede systematics. A true apologetics, he says, presupposes dogma. 5 There is in Christian dogmatics no place for reason as an agency by which, independently of the truth of Christianity, a natural theology may be established. The Roman Catholics are mistaken when they seek to work out a natural theology independently of Scriptures. There was a time, says Bavinck, when Reformed theologians also fell into this mistake. So, for instance, S. Van Til divided his work on theology into two parts, one dealing with natural and one with revealed theology. 6 But all this, says Bavinck, was due to false philosophical influences upon theology.
  • Groody & Gutierrez (eds.), “The Preferential Option for the Poor beyond Theology” (
    Next month, University of Notre Dame Press will publish The Preferential Option for the Poor beyond Theology edited by Daniel Groody (University of Notre Dame) and Gustavo Gutierrez (University of Notre Dame).
    The central focus of the book revolves around the question: How can one live a Christian life in a world of destitution? The contributors address the theological concept of the option for the poor as well as the ways it can shape our social, economic, political, educational, and environmental approaches to poverty.
  • Lorenzo Snow Manual, Chapter 19 – Missionary Work – ‘To Reach Every Human Heart’, by Gary Carter (
  • Don’t Follow Someone Blindly Just Because They Have a Title (
    Just because they are a preacher doesn’t mean everything they say is right. if you think they are wrong stand up for it, make them prove their reasoning. to many of them preach their views without having scripture to back it up, this one in particular ignored the scripture we had to back up our rights to marriage. he said the scripture was wrong.
    So i’m not saying quit chruches or anything but if you disagree or you are unsure on what they are saying, have them back it up with scripture, then at least you have some way to interpret the scripture for yourself. there’s a reason why theres several types of bibles, because people don’t interpret the same line the same way. even from the bible.
    Reluctant Law Suit
    I dont know why church leaders can go behind someone, wrong him terribly and refuses to see the harm and hurt that has caused.
  • The United Miracle: A Mainline Seminary Turns from Liberalism to Orthodoxy (
    Not long ago, United Theological Seminary (UTS) in the Dayton, Ohio area was just another declining, has-been mainline seminary, facing ominous financial hardships, dominated by Scripture-demoting theological liberalism, and reflective of so much of what was wrong with its shrinking sponsoring denomination, the United Methodist Church. The former seminary of the Evangelical United Brethren (which merged with the Methodist Church to form the United Methodist Church in 1968) was founded by Bishop Milton Wright, father of the famed Wright brothers.

    Today, the school is a very different place than what many alumni experienced. It is now explicitly committed to a high view of biblical authority, “the historic Christian faith,” “the cultivation of holiness,” and “the renewal of the church.”

  • Why Evangelicals Need to Pay Attention to Bonhoeffer (
    Bonhoeffer shares with evangelicalism a deep concern for discipleship and personal commitment to the person of Jesus Christ. It is this concern that has garnered interest among many conservatives and evangelicals who have otherwise little in common with Bonhoeffer’s lutheranism or his liberal background. Christ is at the center in Bonhoeffer’s theology. In his thinking about the church, the life of the Christian, and the world, Christ is the Lord, His existential structure is to give himself away for that world.

With All I Am


The Bible, according to Reformed theologian and apologist Cornelius Van Til, is an absolute authoritative revelation source to which the whole interpretation of life ought to be based. Van Til’s An Introduction To Systematic Theology (1979) merged God-centered Reformed theology with presuppositional apologetic methodology.

In this work Van Til attempted to present what Scripture reveal about God in an organized and unified way.He aimed to explain that the ultimate source of truth and intrinsic value is not found in human beings but in God alone. Van Til combated all other philosophies that seeks to attain true self-knowledge and value in human beings.

Following John Calvin’s understanding that  “man never attains to a true self-knowledge until he has previously contemplated the face of God”(Calvin Inst. 1.1.2) Van Til argued that the knowledge of God as revealed in Scripture is the only standard by which all other conviction should…

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